In accordance with the instructions for use, spray "Iodinol" is a low-toxic iodine preparation belonging to the group of local anesthetics. It is widely used to treat ailments such as tonsillitis, purulent inflammation of the oral cavity, tonsillitis. Convenient dosage form allows you to apply it directly to the affected area. Due to the balanced composition, the complex preparation has a pronounced antimicrobial effect.
"Iodinol": description, composition
This is a dark blue liquid with a specific odor. The bottle is equipped with a spray nozzle. Yodinol (spray) contains the following ingredients:
- Molecular iodine - it is the main active substance and is endowed with an antiseptic effect. When applied to the surface of the dermis, it enhances the processes of catabolism, and also activates the metabolism, takes part in the production of thyroxine, is able tobreak down proteins. On gram-negative, gram-positive microorganisms, as well as yeast and pathogenic fungi, iodine has a bactericidal effect. In addition, it suppresses the staphylococcal flora, especially with prolonged use of the drug.
- Polyvinyl alcohol - is considered a high molecular weight compound. It helps to slow down the release of iodine, increases its interaction with cellular tissues, and also reduces the irritating effect on them.
- Potassium iodide - has a mucolytic, antimycotic, expectorant effect. Iodide causes reactive hyperemia of the mucosa, as a result, sputum liquefies and is better excreted.
- Purified water - used for the preparation of medicines, does not contain harmful substances and microorganisms.

The main advantage of "Iodinol", in contrast to conventional iodine, is the slow breakdown of molecular iodine due to the polyvinyl alcohol included in the preparation. As a result, the treated tissues have a longer therapeutic effect and the possibility of irritation is minimized. In addition, this composition of the drug has low toxicity.
Spray "Iodinol". Indications for use
This remedy is used exclusively locally. It is forbidden to take it inside, because when it enters the stomach, it damages the mucous membrane and causes a burn. Most often, doctors recommend this medicine for diseases of the ENT organs, microbial damage to the skin. This dosage form is convenient for irrigationinfected mucosal surfaces in pathological conditions such as:
- trophic wounds;
- angina;
- purulent inflammation in the throat;
- chemical or thermal burns;
- chronic tonsillitis;
- pharyngitis;
- stomatitis.

The antiseptic and antibacterial action of the drug helps to successfully cure infections caused by streptococci, staphylococci, as well as pathogenic and yeast fungi, provided it is used in complex therapy. The advantage of "Iodinol" in the form of an aerosol is that the medicine instantly penetrates into the affected area and immediately begins to have a therapeutic effect. This form makes it possible to use it for processing the surgical field during surgical procedures. In addition, pediatricians recommend taking it for the treatment of ENT diseases in children from the age of six.
Contraindications. Overdose
Molecular iodine, which is part of the drug, is able to penetrate into the systemic blood flow and affect the state of internal organs and tissues. Therefore, there are some contraindications to taking the medicine. It is forbidden to use "Iodinol" at:
- allergic reactions to iodine;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- thyrotoxicosis and other thyroid diseases;
- under the age of six;
- pulmonary tuberculosis.
According to the instructions for use, Iodinol spray should be usedbe careful, exceeding the permissible doses and frequency of administration can cause intoxication. It is manifested by the following clinic:
- pulmonary edema;
- acidosis;
- diarrhea;
- metal taste in mouth;
- increased salivation;
- kidney failure;
- skin rash in the form of an allergic reaction;
- spasms in the gastrointestinal tract.
In these cases, doctors recommend therapy aimed at eliminating the symptoms, and also cancel the use of Iodinol.
Side effects. Interactions with other drugs
When taking "Iodinol" sometimes there are undesirable reactions in the form of:
- nausea;
- lacrimation;
- sweating;
- vomit;
- sleep disorders;
- tachycardia;
- irritability;
- urticaria;
- diarrhea;
- burning sensation in the mouth or throat;
- Quincke's edema.
In addition, long-term use of this remedy can cause aseptic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract or salivary glands, in other words, the phenomenon of iodism.

According to the instructions for use, the spray "Iodinol" is prohibited for use in conjunction with drugs that contain essential oils, mercury, ammonia, alkalis, enzymes and various oxidizing agents. The drug is able to influence the effectiveness of therapeutic agents used to treat pathologies of the thyroid gland. Joint reception of "Iodinol" with antibiotics for complex treatment is alloweddiseases of the upper respiratory tract. The drug does not affect the perception of the outside world, as well as the individual's psychomotor.
How to use the spray
The drug in this dosage form is very convenient to use. In addition, its advantage lies in the fact that the required therapeutic dose of the drug is immediately administered, which is very important. It is used both for the treatment of the affected dermis, and for sore throats. Spray "Iodinol" is a good alternative to gargling. Before the injection procedure, the tonsils are cleaned with a soda solution or plain water by rinsing. Next, you need to do the following:
- Remove the cap from the bottle and install the spray nozzle.
- To draw the medicine into the nebulizer, press the nozzle twice.
- Insert it into the mouth about two centimeters, hold your breath and turn it slightly to the left. Make one injection, then turn to the right and also release the drug.
- After the procedure, remove the spray nozzle and rinse with warm water.
Adults are allowed to repeat spray up to four times a day, children two to three times.
What is a sore throat?
This is an infectious disease in which the inflammatory process affects the tonsils. It is caused by various pathogens, among which the most common culprit of the disease is:
- streptococcus;
- pneumococcus;
- staph;
- fungus;
- viruses.

Infectionit is possible both upon contact with a sick individual, i.e., by airborne droplets, and upon penetration of the pathogen into the tonsils in a different way, if a person has chronic foci of infection, for example, caries, turbinate hyperplasia. Frequent sore throats contribute to the development of chronic tonsillitis.
Using the drug for sore throat
Spraying "Iodinol" with sore throat has a good therapeutic effect. Spray helps with illness of any etiology. To enhance the action, immediately before the administration of the drug, it is desirable to prepare the tonsils. To do this, they are cleaned of pus, mucus and other contaminants by rinsing with warm water or with the addition of sodium bicarbonate and s alt. And then the therapeutic composition of the spray is sprayed onto clean tonsils. Within sixty minutes after using the medicine, it is not recommended to talk and eat. The multiplicity of reception is no more than three to four times a day.

The drug has a detrimental effect on pathogenic and yeast fungi, streptococcus, staphylococcus aureus. Despite the low toxicity, "Iodinol" has a somewhat aggressive effect on the mucous structures of the pharynx and oral cavity. Therefore, for the treatment of tonsillitis or tonsillitis, it is used only topically. Of course, the disease cannot be cured with Iodinol alone, the medication is used in conjunction with antibacterial agents.
Treatment of tonsillitis in adults
Tonsillitis is considered one of the most common infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It is characterized by damage to the palatine tonsils. The causative agent of thispathology is an infection, viral or bacterial nature. The course of the disease is acute or chronic. The acute form is called angina. The disease is dangerous due to the presence in the body of an individual of a constant focus of infection, which has a devastating effect on the coordinated work of organs and systems. Treatment of tonsillitis in adults is carried out at home. In addition to taking medications, they carry out washing of the tonsils, physiotherapy procedures. In some cases, surgery is indicated - tonsillectomy.
In recent years, more and more doctors recommend cryotherapy, during which the back wall of the pharynx, as well as the tonsils, are exposed to low temperatures. As a result, the surface layers of tissue affected by pathogenic microflora are destroyed, and pathogenic microorganisms die. After a short period of time, the mucosa is restored, and the functions of the tonsils do not change.

In addition, a good effect is observed when using drugs directly on the tonsils, both in the period of chronic and acute tonsillitis. Spray "Iodinol" with this ailment has proven itself only on the positive side. Its main effect is associated with a pronounced bactericidal action. Before spraying the drug, it is necessary to rinse the throat to clear the tonsils of mucus and pus. The medicine affects the pathogenic microflora, as well as the fungi that caused the development of pathology. It is used in combination with antibacterial agents.
Reviews and comments
Reviews about "Iodinol"(spray) that consumers leave, mostly only positive. Almost all comments speak of a pronounced anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antiseptic effect of the drug, which it exhibits when treating wound surfaces. And in the complex treatment of tonsillitis and tonsillitis, he has no equal. In addition, consumers note the following:
- Very convenient release form.
- The drug should always be in the first-aid kit.
- Affordable price.
- Quick therapeutic effect.
- It has the taste of childhood, when my mother treated her throat with a similar remedy containing iodine during her illness.
In some reviews, parents warn that:
- children don't like the taste of medicine;
- on the inflamed throat "Iodinol" has a strong irritating effect and initially increases pain.
Similar medicines
What are the analogues of "Iodinol"? The spray can be replaced with the following medicines:
- Geksoral;
- Yoks;
- "Lugol";
- Betadine;
- "Stopangin";
- Oralsept;
- Miramistin;
- "Hexaspray";
- "Chlorhexidine";
- Furacillin.

The article provided instructions for the use of "Iodinol". According to the pharmacological action, the spray of a domestic manufacturer belongs to the group of local antiseptics. Molecular iodine, which has pronounced antibacterial properties, isactive (active) substance of the drug. This tool is approved for use in children from the age of six. You can buy it at any pharmacy at an affordable price, no prescription is required.