"Ambrobene" for children: dosage, instructions for use, composition and reviews

"Ambrobene" for children: dosage, instructions for use, composition and reviews
"Ambrobene" for children: dosage, instructions for use, composition and reviews

In the article, consider the dosage of "Ambrobene" for children. A fast-acting mucolytic drug treats and eliminates such a symptom of respiratory pathologies in children as a cough. As we are informed by the instructions for its use, within an hour after administration, the therapeutic effect begins. "Ambrobene" is rapidly absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, and the active substances that make up its composition enter the bloodstream, which explains such a good result. After taking the drug, the effect lasts about six hours.


"Ambrobene" for children - mucolytic and expectorant drug.

ambrobene for children dosage
ambrobene for children dosage

Its main substance is Ambroxol, which is a benzylamine, a metabolite of bromhexine, but differs by a hydroxyl group in the para-trans position of the cyclohexyl ring and the absence of a methyl group. Himsecretolytic, secretomotor and expectorant properties.

Clinical trials have shown that Ambroxol stimulates serous cells in the glands of the mucous membranes of the bronchi, activates the cells of the ciliated epithelium, reduces the viscosity of sputum, improves mucociliary transport.

In addition, this substance activates the formation of surfactant and has a direct effect on alveolar pneumocytes of the second type, as well as Clara cells located in the small airways.

Ambroxol promotes the formation of a special substance (surfactant), which is active on the surface of the alveoli and bronchi. In addition, the substance has an antioxidant effect.

If the drug is used together with antibiotics ("Cefuroxime", "Amoxicillin", "Erythromycin", "Doxycycline"), this medication will increase their concentration in sputum and bronchial secretions.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

"Ambrobene" for children when ingested is almost completely absorbed from the stomach and intestines. The full bioavailability of the active ingredient will decrease by about three times. The resulting metabolites are excreted by the kidneys.

ambrobene solution for inhalation dosage for children
ambrobene solution for inhalation dosage for children

There is a high binding to plasma proteins and a slow redistribution in the blood from tissues, so the substance is not excreted during forced diuresis or dialysis.

In severe liver pathologies, ambroxol clearance will be reduced by 30-40%, and in case of serious renal ailments, the action of metabolitesof this active substance is increased.

How does this medicine work?

Ambroxol has the following effects on the child's body:

  • Splits phlegm, reduces its density.
  • Activates the natural excretion of phlegm.
  • Improves immune defenses.
  • Works as an antioxidant.
  • Reduces inflammation.

When indicated for children?

In accordance with the instructions, the solution of "Ambrobene" inside the children is prescribed by doctors from an early age. It will be effective when:

  1. Asthma.
  2. Bronchitis.
  3. Pathological processes occurring in the lungs.
  4. Pneumonia.
  5. Needs to clear sputum.
  6. Distress syndromes in premature babies.

The drug "Ambrobene" for children treats diseases, the symptom of which is precisely dry cough. The main active substance eliminates such manifestations of ailments, which contributes to a significant relief of the child's condition, normalization of respiratory processes.

What is the dosage of "Ambrobene" for children, we will tell below.

ambrobene solution dosage for children
ambrobene solution dosage for children

Instructions and dosages

There are several forms of release for this medicine, however, for the treatment of cough in children, the drug is used in:

  1. Pills from the age of five.
  2. Syrup from 1 month old.
  3. Capsules aged 12+.
  4. Inhalation solutions - suitable for children over 6 months.
  5. Drips - you can from birth.

"Ambrobene"in the form of syrup and tablets

The most suitable and popular dosage form of this drug for dry cough in children is syrup. It has a very pleasant taste and smell, so even children who do not like to drink medicine take it. Release the drug in glass vials. Each pack includes a measuring cup for convenience.

Ambrobene dosages for children are as follows:

  1. Under two years of age, half teaspoon once daily.
  2. From two to five years - half a teaspoon, but 3 times a day. The dosage of Ambrobene syrup for children must be strictly observed.
  3. Five to twelve years - 1 teaspoon three times a day.
  4. From 12 years old - 2 teaspoons of the remedy, three times a day in the first days of therapy, in the future - no more than twice a day.

The dosage of "Ambrobene" for children is determined by the doctor. The specialist will describe in detail the scheme and mode of taking the medication. These recommendations must be followed strictly.

The average course of treatment lasts five days. The appointment may be canceled earlier if the baby's condition has improved.

In tablet form, the drug is also used in children. In this case, the pill can be crushed or dissolved in water. The scheme for taking the funds is also determined by the specialist.

Also often prescribed in the form of inhalation to a child at 2 years old "Ambrobene". We will talk about dosages later.

ambrobene syrup dosage for children
ambrobene syrup dosage for children

Using inhalation solution

The most effective form of medicine issolution for inhalation. This requires a special device - a nebulizer. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. You will also need saline, with which the medicine is mixed in certain proportions.

This is confirmed by the instructions for "Ambrobene" for inhalation for children. The dosage is described in detail in the instructions.

Saline fluids should be at room temperature.

The procedure lasts a total of 5-7 minutes and takes place in four stages:

  1. Use a special glass to measure the required amount of medicine.
  2. The dosage of the solution for inhalation for children "Ambrobene" depends on the age of the child and his body weight.
  3. The resulting mixture is heated to the required temperature and poured into the machine.
  4. Start the inhalation procedure.

Dosage for children of Ambrobene solution for inhalation

For children from two to six years old, the mixture is prepared as follows: dilute 2 ml of the drug in 1 ml of saline. For adults and children over 6 years old, the following recommendation is suitable: dilute 2-3 ml in 2-3 ml of saline.

When should the drug not be used?

The mucolytic drug "Ambrobene" for children has certain contraindications. So, the remedy is not prescribed for:

  1. Intolerance to the substances that make up the drug.
  2. Epilepsy.
  3. For diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  4. In the presence of insufficient bronchial motility. «Ambrobene»

Possible adverse reactions of the body

If the dosage is correctsolution for inhalation "Ambrobene" for children, then negative manifestations occur very rarely. But sometimes a child can suffer:

  1. Dryness of the oral mucosa.
  2. Allergic forms of rhinitis.
  3. Impaired urination.
  4. Stool disorder in the form of diarrhea or constipation.
  5. Skin rashes.
  6. Dyspeptic syndrome (nausea, abdominal pain).
  7. General weakness.
  8. Cephalgia.

If such signs are found, it is not always necessary to cancel the mucolytic drug, so it is better to consult a specialist. It is not worth using the medicine with other medicines that prevent the excretion of sputum. Do not recommend concomitant therapy with drugs that reduce the intensity of coughing, which can lead to the formation of congestion in the bronchi.

Usually this drug is very well tolerated if the dosage of Ambrobene is observed. It should be taken internally by children with great care.

Signs of an overdose

This also happens in very rare cases and can manifest itself:

  • deterioration of the child's well-being;
  • attacks of nausea with vomiting;
  • pronounced violation of the stool in the form of diarrhea;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • excessive salivation.

The use of the drug should be stopped immediately and a doctor should be called immediately. If the dosage of the oral solution "Ambrobene" for children has been exceeded, the consequences are usually treated inhospital.

ambrobene child 3 years old dosage
ambrobene child 3 years old dosage

How to replace this drug if necessary?

The active substance that is part of the drug has a very high efficiency and a rapid therapeutic effect. It is for this reason that the pharmacological market is overflowing with analogues of the drug Ambrobene. For children, only a doctor should select a replacement. Experts usually recommend choosing:

  • Abrole.
  • "Ambroxole forte";
  • "Ambroxol hydrochloride";
  • Bronchovale;
  • "Mukoangina";
  • Ambroxole;
  • "Ambrosane";
  • "Ambroxole extra";
  • Medox;
  • "Ambrotarde";
  • Milistane;
  • Flavamede;
  • "Ambroxole retard";
  • "Ambrohexale";
  • Mukolvane;
  • "Flavamede forte";
  • "Neo-Bronchole".

These products also have different dosage forms for use in childhood, however, not everyone can be used in the treatment of cough in newborns and infants.

Which drug is the most effective and cheapest of analogues? For children, Ambroxol is most often prescribed, its composition is absolutely identical to Ambrobene, and its price is much cheaper. Both drugs are used to treat the same diseases in babies.

A very common analogue of "Ambrobene" for children is "Lazolvan", this particular syrup is often prescribed by specialists. The composition of these drugs is also the same, and the therapeutic properties, contraindications and side effects are also similar.the effects are the same, and the difference lies only in the manufacturer.

ambrobene for inhalation for children instructions dosage
ambrobene for inhalation for children instructions dosage

Interaction with other drugs

This mucolytic drug "Ambrobene" in a dosage for a child of 3 years old has poor compatibility with drugs that exhibit antitussive activity. The sputum in these cases departs worse, as the cough is suppressed.

Against the background of the use of the drug, antibiotics penetrate better into the respiratory tract and lung tissues. For this reason, it is often prescribed to enhance the therapeutic effect simultaneously with antibacterial drugs (Erythromycin, Azithromycin, etc. are popular)

Storage conditions and dispensing from pharmacies

The drug in all dosage forms, except syrup, is stored at temperatures up to 25 degrees. For syrup, the optimum temperature will be from 8 to 25 degrees. Ideal for "Ambrobene" is a dry, closed place inaccessible to children. You do not need a prescription to buy the drug.

Find out what parents think about Ambrobene inhalation solution for children and dosage. The syrup is less popular.

Reviews about the drug

You can find a large number of reviews about this drug. Mostly they are left by parents who used the medication for dry cough in their babies.

The drug has been known on the pharmacological market for a long time, it is used both for the treatment of adults and children. Experts recommend it to their patients, because it has a highefficiency.

Positive reviews confirm that recovery against the background of taking comes very quickly. Moreover, the drug relieves cough of various etiologies.

Especially parents like inhalations, when the drug is injected directly into the child's bronchi. There is sputum liquefaction and expectoration in the first days of using this remedy. The syrup, judging by the reviews, acts somewhat more slowly. The effect occurs approximately on the third day.

ambrobene inside children dosage
ambrobene inside children dosage

Specialists most often prescribe it for dry coughs. After all, the drug is most effective, especially in acute infections. It works best with antibiotics.

There are fewer negative reviews, but they also exist. When using it, the child observes an increase in the cough reflex, especially in the evening. After all, the bronchi work actively, and sputum is intensively formed.

Some children have noticed side effects of the medication. Rarely, rash, itching, muscle weakness, headache, dyspeptic symptoms, nausea have occurred.
