Ointment "Methyluracil" with Miramistin: instructions, indications for use, composition, side effects, manufacturer, reviews

Ointment "Methyluracil" with Miramistin: instructions, indications for use, composition, side effects, manufacturer, reviews
Ointment "Methyluracil" with Miramistin: instructions, indications for use, composition, side effects, manufacturer, reviews

Methyluracil ointment with miramistin (according to the instructions) is a medicine that has a restorative, as well as anabolic and anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect.

The drug is used to accelerate recovery processes in sluggish epithelialization of wound surfaces and burns, bone fractures and other lesions of the skin and soft tissues.


Ointment "Methyluracil" with miramistin contains a component of the same name that activates metabolic processes, and miramistin is a cationic antiseptic substance. The drug accelerates the processes of regeneration, as well as the healing of wound surfaces.

methyluracil ointment with miramistin side effects
methyluracil ointment with miramistin side effects

Miramistin has an antimicrobial effect on many bacteria:

  1. Staphylococci.
  2. Streptococci.
  3. Aspergillus.
  4. Asporogenic yeast.
  5. Candida Glabratha.
  6. Candida albicans.
  7. Trichophyton.
  8. Athlete.
  9. Microsporia.
  10. Malassesia fungus.

The drug reduces the resistance of bacteria and fungi to antibacterial agents. With the help of an extensive spectrum of antimicrobial effects, Miramistin effectively prevents infection of wounds and burns, stimulating recovery processes.

The drug has a mild osmotic effect, which helps to cleanse and dry the wound surface.

methyluracil ointment with miramistin for burns
methyluracil ointment with miramistin for burns

The active components of the "Methyluracil" ointment with Miramistin are not absorbed into the general circulation and, as a rule, do not provoke systemic action. The drug is a derivative of pyrimidine. In terms of therapeutic activity, "methyluracil" refers to activators of tissue regeneration. It contains components that can renew dead tissue and organs.

The drug has pronounced anabolic and anti-catabolic effects. Under its influence, biological protein synthesis occurs and the excretion of potassium, sulfur and phosphorus decreases.

"Methyluracil" activates cell regeneration, accelerates wound healing and improves immunity. The medicine in the form of an ointment belongs to the over-the-counter group of medicines and is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.


Producing country of the ointment "Methyluracil" with Miramistin - Ukraine,company: "FF Darnitsa". Product contains:

  • methyluracil;
  • miramistin;
  • propylene glycol;
  • macrogol 400;
  • poloxamer;
  • cetyl alcohol;
  • stearyl alcohol;
  • water.
trophic ulcers on the legs and their treatment
trophic ulcers on the legs and their treatment

Indications for the use of ointment "Methyluracil" with Miramistin

The drug is recommended for use in the following problems:

  1. Deep wound surfaces.
  2. Decubituses (death of soft tissues that occur as a result of malnutrition and prolonged pressure on a certain area of the body).
  3. Bone fractures. Diaper rash (inflammatory lesion by bacteria, as well as fungi or viruses of the folds of the skin, which appears after irritating and prolonged moisturizing exposure to skin secretion products).
  4. Cracks.
  5. Burn lesions of the skin.
  6. Dermatitis (an inflammatory skin lesion that appears as a result of exposure to factors of a chemical, physical or biological nature).
  7. Photodermatosis (an inflammatory process on the skin as a result of increased sensitivity to both direct and reflected sunlight).
  8. Radioepitheliitis (a disease that develops after exposure to ionizing radiation).
  9. Vaginal diseases.
ointment methyluracil with miramistin indications for use
ointment methyluracil with miramistin indications for use

Restrictions and adverse reactions

Includedointment "Methyluracil" with miramistin contains substances that cause allergic manifestations. Therefore, in order to avoid other side effects, you need to know the restrictions for use:

  1. Hypergranulation of the wound (an inflammatory reaction that replaces edema melts dead tissue and cleans the wound, and as it is completed, granulations begin to develop, gradually filling the resulting defect).
  2. Acute leukemia (an oncological disease that occurs as a result of abnormal reproduction of immature blood cells).
  3. Chronic forms of leukemia.
  4. Lymphogranulomatosis (malignant hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue, a characteristic feature of which is the formation of granulomas with Berezovsky-Sternberg cells).
  5. Malignant diseases of the bone marrow.
ointment methyluracil with miramistin instructions
ointment methyluracil with miramistin instructions

From the instructions for the "Methyluracil" ointment with Miramistin, it is known that it is recommended to use the drug with extreme caution in patients with tumors who are undergoing radiation and chemotherapy.

The effectiveness of the drug is enhanced if it is applied directly to the wound, previously washed with a solution. The presence of purulent and necrotic masses requires additional consumption of liniment.

According to the instructions, "Methyluracil" ointment with miramistin should be applied with special care for skin diseases that are accompanied by the formation of strong growths of the epidermis:

  1. Verrucous form of lichen planus (chronic inflammatory,common skin disease).
  2. Vegetative pemphigus (a chronic dermatological disease from the group of vesicular lesions, in which, after the elimination of the bubble, small growths form at the bottom of the erosive lesion).
  3. Verrucous epidermodysplasia (a hereditary disease that manifests itself as a warty rash prone to malignant transformation).

The drug should be used with extreme caution in acute inflammatory lesions of the skin and during exacerbation of chronic diseases.

According to the instructions, "Methyluracil" ointment with Miramistin causes the following side effects:

  • irritation;
  • hyperemia (overflow of blood vessels of the circulatory system of any organ or area of the body);
  • burning.

How to use

The ointment is used externally twice a day. A single concentration of the drug should not exceed 20 grams. The medication is applied in a thin layer on the wound surface.

According to the instructions for the drug, it is known that the duration of therapy depends on the degree and area of the lesion, and can be up to 30 days. With radioepithelitis and diseases of the uterus, "Methyluracil" is applied with loose swabs.

If there are trophic ulcers on the legs, their treatment is as follows: before applying the ointment, wash the affected surface with antiseptic agents and eliminate purulent and necrotic masses with a bandage.


Like any other medicine"Methyluracil" has its own nuances in use:

  1. Medicine should only be applied for strict indications.
  2. The drug enhances the anti-radiation effect of Cystamin.
  3. The active ingredient is combined with antibacterial, antiseptic agents, as well as with "Sulfanilamides".


"Methyluracil" in the form of an ointment is produced by many Russian companies. The trade name of the drug corresponds to the chemical name of the active ingredient. The concentration of the active substance is standardly 10%, the volume of the tube is 15 and 25 grams. Similar generics are:

  1. "Stizamet" is used in the chronic form of diseases, the duration of therapy can reach 2 months. Manufacturer: "Retinoids" (Russia).
  2. "Meturacol" contains 50 milligrams of methyluracil and up to 1 gram of fibrillar protein. The ointment is applied to the wound surface and fixed with a bandage. Produced by Belkozin (Russia).

Combined views:

  1. "Levomekol" is a combination of methyluracil and chloramphenicol. The latter is an antibacterial component that has a wide range of effects. When it is used, both bacteriostatic and antibacterial effects occur. The ointment is produced by NIZHFARM (Russia).
  2. ointment methyluracil with miramistin analogs
    ointment methyluracil with miramistin analogs
  3. "Hyposol". The structure of the drug includes methyluracil, as well assea buckthorn oil and sulfaetidol. It is produced in the form of a spray, which has found extensive use in the field of gynecology, surgery, dentistry, proctology. Producer: Altaivitaminy (Russia).
  4. "Fuzimet" is a complex medicine based on methyluracil and sodium fusidate. The drug has an increased efficiency against staphylococci, gonococci, Haemophilus influenzae and corynebacteria, less effective when affected by streptococci. It is used to eliminate folliculitis, burns and other infected skin lesions. Manufacturer: JSC "Biosintez".
  5. ointment methyluracil with miramistin composition
    ointment methyluracil with miramistin composition

How to properly store medicine

According to the instructions, "Methyluracil" ointment with Miramistin should be kept at temperatures up to 25 degrees in a dry place, away from children. Shelf life - 2 years. The cost of the drug varies from 40 to 200 rubles.


Ointment "Methyluracil" with Miramistin provides the formation of a dry scab, without visible signs of a weeping wound. At the same time, the drug preserves the granulation of he althy cells and improves tissue epithelialization.

In addition, the composition does not provoke irritation and allergies. With trophic ulcers on the legs, their treatment and scheme are prescribed by a medical specialist.

When applied topically, Miramistin is not absorbed into the mucous membranes and skin. When combined with methyluracil, it can be partially absorbed into the bloodstream, which activates its resorption abilities. When using the drug "Methyluracil" you can achieve the following result:

  1. Small wounds heal faster.
  2. The recovery process of deep damage is accelerated.
  3. Prevents the formation of purulent exudate.
  4. Postoperative sutures tighten faster.
  5. Decubitus prevention is provided.
  6. Bacteria and fungi are eliminated.


According to reviews, ointment "Methyluracil" with Miramistin effectively eliminates the problem with burns. In addition, the drug also effectively helps to eliminate new stretch marks and makes the old ones less noticeable. Therefore, after the birth of a child, most of the fair sex use it not only as a drug, but also as a cosmetic mixture to improve the condition of the skin on the abdomen, as well as the hips and buttocks.

In addition, people who suffer from acne and comedones like this remedy because it dries up pimples without leaving scars from wounds.

Metiluracil with Miramistin can also be used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It not only quickly heals bleeding cracks, but also relieves pain, prevents suppuration, and helps heal the skin without scars.
