This article will take a closer look at medications allowed during pregnancy.
Medications during the period of expectation of a child are a painful issue, since it is necessary to treat expectant mothers, but this is done under the strict supervision of a doctor using drugs that are allowed for a specific period.
Medical List
It's no secret that many expectant mothers who want to give birth to a he althy baby are negative about any pharmacological agents, including drugs that are allowed during pregnancy. But this point of view is also considered incorrect, since during the bearing of a child a woman can get a cold or thrush, and conditions that interfere with the normal course of pregnancy are not excluded.

Any medication during pregnancy should be prescribed by your doctor. True, sometimes situations arise in which women simply cannot physically get to a specialist for an appointment. In this case, you need to know which pills you can use. Here is a list of medicines allowed forpregnancy:
- Antipyretics and painkillers in the form of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen.
- Antiviral drugs in the form of Anaferon, Viferon, Arbidol.
- Phosphalugel with Almagel is suitable for the treatment of heartburn.
- Among antispasmodics, Drotaverin is preferred.
- Loratadine should be considered as an antiallergic agent, but with caution.
- The oral rehydration agent for dehydration is Regidron.
- Enterosorbents in case of poisoning in the form of "Enterosgel", "Smecta", "Neosmectide" and other drugs allowed during pregnancy.
True, at the first possible occasion, a woman should immediately contact her doctor in order for him to assess the situation. The fact is that some conditions, for example, bloody discharge from the genitals, along with severe abdominal pain, sudden swelling, a sharp increase in pressure, uncontrollable vomiting, diarrhea and high fever, require an immediate call to the doctor.

As part of the first visit to the doctor, you should ask him for a list of drugs allowed during pregnancy. Self-medication along with taking supplements and herbs is highly undesirable, as the results cannot be predicted in this case.
How to treat a pregnant cold?
Cold is always unpleasant, and when a lady is expecting a baby, it is problematic. In this case, the question always arises as to which tablets with syrups can, andwhich are prohibited. It’s good when ARVI goes without a high temperature, but what should you do if the thermometer suddenly displays a large mark? And how can you safely relieve the condition?
Allowed drugs during pregnancy in the 1st trimester will help you choose a doctor.
Of course, the main blow to a cold should be applied with the help of folk remedies, only with herbal preparations you should be careful, as some plants may be contraindicated, for example, juniper or strawberry. You should not get carried away with your favorite raspberry jam in tea either, however, in order to get serious harm, you will have to eat a lot of it.
Don't steam your feet or do an enema. Complications in the form of secondary infections of the throat or nasopharynx should not be allowed. The fact is that a runny nose can turn into sinusitis or sinusitis, and a cough itself can turn into pneumonia or bronchitis. Then a woman definitely cannot do without antibiotics, and this is the least necessary when carrying.
What drugs are allowed during pregnancy, it is important to find out in advance.
The therapist should choose drugs for fever, in extreme cases, it must be brought down with products containing paracetamol, which is a relatively safe remedy, unlike the same Aspirin.
The list of pregnancy medications allowed for colds is not too long.

Sprays for sore throats
It is allowed to use nasal sprays like "Euphorbium Composite", "Nazivin", "Pinosol",and Givalex along with Orasept or Ingalipt will serve as a suitable remedy for sore throat during pregnancy. In addition, agents such as Bromhexine, Bronchicum can be used (it should be used only in the first trimester), and later Stoptussin or Falimint will do. Do not take codeine syrups, which can lead to fetal respiratory depression.
Flu drugs
What is the list of drugs allowed during pregnancy is interesting to many.
During influenza therapy, it is important to discuss the use of immunomodulatory drugs with the doctor, since the issue of their use is still controversial. Paracetamol can be used to lower the temperature, and when the nose is stuffy, Pinosol drops are perfect. During this disease, a decoction of chamomile helps well along with a soda solution or Furacilin for gargling, as well as Faringosept pills. Marshmallow root is used as an expectorant.
Immunomodulators are one way to cure the flu during pregnancy, but you should consult your doctor before using them. Many expectant mothers use homeopathy in the form of Oscillococcinum and Heel's Flu to treat this disease. Both of these drugs are allowed during pregnancy.

Folk techniques and aromatherapy
In the role of a cure for influenza, being in position, you can use folk methods and herbal medicine. For example, antitussives are suitablefees along with inhalations with infusion of calendula, essential oils and so on. Lemon tea or rosehip tea will also help a woman recover much faster.
Let's look at medicines that are allowed during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester in the presence of a cough.
Allowed pills for pregnant women with dry cough
Cough, which is accompanied by a sore throat and passes without expectoration of sputum, is called dry. Such a reflex is a symptom of colds and infectious pathologies, and it is very dangerous for pregnant women.
It can provoke intrauterine pressure, inhibiting the normal supply of oxygen to the fetus. In the last months of gestation, a strong uterine contraction during coughing can provoke a rupture of the amniotic sac, causing premature delivery. At an early stage, such a symptom becomes the culprit of the threat of miscarriage. As part of the fight against it, you can use pills that inhibit the cough reflex.

Allowed drugs during pregnancy include:
- Doctor Theiss, which is absorbable antiseptic tablets produced in Germany. The tool has a detrimental effect on microbes, destroying them. This is a very effective remedy for sore throats and colds. It can be taken throughout pregnancy.
- The drug "Intussin" is a bronchodilator manufactured in Slovakia. It blocks the cough centers, removing excitability. The drug helps to translate the dry form of the cough into a wet one. Tablets can be used in the last two trimesters.
- Travisil is an Indian herbal preparation in the form of lozenges for resorption. It is allowed to use it at all stages of pregnancy. The composition includes only safe medicinal herbs, for example, basil along with ginger, fennel and turmeric. The tablets have a pleasant taste, but are only effective when this symptom is mild.
Allowed cough medicines during pregnancy should be taken with great care and strictly follow the instructions.
Allowed pills for wet cough
The task of the tablets, which are intended for the treatment of such symptoms in pregnant women, is to accelerate the formation and discharge of mucus. The best drugs are expectorants and mucolytics.

For pregnant women, plant-based pills have gained popularity, which help in the treatment of wet cough:
- Means "Muk altin" is made on the basis of marshmallow extract and has a Russian production. Due to the mild therapeutic effect, this medication is allowed to be used throughout pregnancy (possible risks appear only in the early stages due to the presence of marshmallow in the composition).
- The drug "Bronhikum" is produced in the form of absorbable lozenges. This is the result of joint efforts of German and Polish manufacturers. The main active ingredient in the tablets is thyme (thyme extract). The medicine maytaken by pregnant women throughout the term.
- Medication "Gerbion" also acts as a herbal remedy, which contains thyme, primrose extract, and honey. This effective medicine is being created in Slovenia. These tablets are allowed in the second and third periods of pregnancy, provided there are no contraindications. Honey, included in the pills, sometimes serves as the culprit of allergic manifestations.
Pregnancy headache medicines
In the initial trimester of gestation, doctors advise ladies to forget about pills altogether for headaches. Many women manage to cope with it by airing the room, lying without a pillow in silence. Often unfavorable he alth improves immediately after sleep. Self-massage of the temples along with applying cabbage leaves or ice to the forehead helps some patients.
Herbal infusions for headaches
Sometimes a scarf or a scarf, tightly tied around the head, serves as an assistant. Infusions of mint, lemon balm and chamomile have a mild analgesic effect. In the event that a woman has low blood pressure, then sweet black tea will help to increase it and thereby relieve a headache. In subsequent trimesters, paracetamol-based drugs will help stop such attacks. We are talking about Panadol and Efferalgan. These drugs are not addictive.
The medicine allowed during pregnancy for colds and flu, Panadol Extra, in addition to paracetamol, also includes caffeine, so it can be used with reduced pressure. But "Panadol" gynecologistsmay be used infrequently. It is necessary to follow the dose recommended in the instructions. "No-shpa" also sometimes serves as a lifesaver, reducing vasospasm, lowering blood pressure and relaxing muscles. As for Ibuprofen, it can be used as an anesthetic during pregnancy only occasionally and until the thirtieth week. Now let's find out which remedies are best taken for nasal congestion.

The following are medicines that are allowed during pregnancy for the common cold.
Remedies for the common cold
In order to prevent drying of the mucous membranes and to relieve sensations of dryness and irritation, nasal congestion and reduce swelling, oil drops are used. These include, for example, a tool called "Pinosol". Due to the content of mint, rapeseed, pine and fir oil in the composition, this medicine relieves swelling, softens and stimulates local immune defenses. The drug is prohibited for women with allergies to the components and in the case of the allergic nature of the common cold.
Using oxolinic ointment in the nose
To stimulate local immunity, oxolinic ointment is applied to the nasal passage. Grippferon and Derinat are also suitable for these purposes. They act on mucous membranes, stimulating the production of their own protective factor. Such drugs are used at any stage of pregnancy, strictly according to the instructions, the use of the duration is not limited.
Thus, in order to give birth to a he althybaby, you must not only have a desire, but also self-discipline. Expectant mothers should carefully monitor the products that they use, as well as be aware of which medicines are best to put in a first-aid kit for a particular case. In addition, it is extremely important that you only take your prescribed medications during pregnancy after you have been advised by your doctor.