Metabolic therapy - what is it? Ways to detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system

Metabolic therapy - what is it? Ways to detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system
Metabolic therapy - what is it? Ways to detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system

The body of a he althy person is balanced and metabolic processes take place in it. Each of them involves certain substances.

Speaking of complex metabolic therapy, not everyone knows what it is. It treats many diseases at the cellular level with naturally occurring metabolites.

This approach allows you to restore the work of all organs and systems in the human body. The method stimulates reserve cells, which begin to perform all the functions of damaged or dead cells. Metabolic therapy is used in the treatment of sclerosis, uterine fibroids, mitochondrial and monogenic diseases, reduced spinal cord function.

metabolic therapy
metabolic therapy

The results of treatment are visible after 2-3 weeks, a course is carried out with the help of special preparations.

When using therapy, you need to be careful to avoid negative consequences. Most importantly, treatment can begin only according to the testimony of a specialist and is carried out in combination with other drugs. There were no side effects from therapy whilehow it itself allows you to strengthen the immune system and remove harmful toxins from the body.

Ways to detoxify the body

When asking the question, what is metabolic therapy, you need to remember that detoxification is the removal of harmful toxins and poisons accumulated by the body at the cellular level. Harmful substances interfere with the proper functioning of all organs and systems. Substances enter the body from food, the environment, during viral diseases.

A person is able to cope with toxins himself, they are excreted through the kidneys, liver and respiratory tract. But recently, even a he althy body finds it difficult to remove all the accumulated substances, as it is constantly exposed to the negative effects of the environment. Natural detoxification of the body is especially difficult for urban residents.


The human body gives signals that indicate poisoning of the body with toxins. There is a decrease in immunity, the patient becomes more susceptible to viral diseases.

Also appears chronic fatigue, malaise, fatigue. A person gets up in the morning already tired and unable to work. The nervous system reacts more painfully to mood changes, depression and stress can occur.

Signs of toxins in the body
Signs of toxins in the body

The hormonal background is also under stress and hormonal surges. This is manifested in the accumulation of excess weight, sweating. The appearance deteriorates, hair and nails split, the complexion acquires an unhe althy shade. Excess weight provokes gastrointestinal disorderspath.

All these symptoms may indicate a large amount of toxins, and the body is not able to remove them on its own.

The meaning of detox

When considering metabolic therapy, what it is, you need to know that detoxification should be comprehensive. It has its main points and principles:

  1. Reducing the harmful effects on the body. City dwellers need to be outdoors more often, drink clean water and give preference to natural products.
  2. Personal hygiene. Toxins from the air settle on the skin and are subsequently absorbed through the pores. Therefore, it is necessary to cleanse the skin in a timely manner and apply a specially selected cream to it, which will serve as a kind of protective film.
  3. Proper nutrition. A balanced diet rich in vitamins will help the body cope with the load. During detox, you need to forget about harmful fried, smoked and fatty foods.
  4. Removing poisons and strengthening the body. Poisons are removed in different ways, this will be discussed a little later. After that, you need to help the body strengthen the immune system and normalize the work of all organs and systems. Vitamin complexes and nutritional supplements will cope with this task.

Diet as a way to detox

Weight loss diets are different from cleansing diets. Diets for weight loss can cause the formation of new toxins through the breakdown of fats and changes in metabolism.

The cleansing diet includes a daily intake of at least 3 liters of fluid. It can be water, natural juices, fruit drinks,green tea and soups. The menu should be rich in fiber, it helps to bind toxins and remove them from the body. A similar substance is found in legumes, fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits.

Nutrition for cleansing the body
Nutrition for cleansing the body

S alt intake should be limited, as it retains water in the body, preventing it from being cleansed of poisons. The ban is imposed on flour products, you need to eat more cereals and white meat.

Physical activity is an effective way to detox

Strengthening immunity and cleansing the body of toxins at home is possible due to physical activity. A lot of toxins come out with sweat. Increased sweating occurs during physical exertion, sports and banal exercises in the morning.

Physical activity
Physical activity

It is not necessary to play sports professionally and reach heights. It is important to devote at least 30 minutes a day to physical activity. It can be morning exercises or jogging, brisk walking, swimming or yoga.

In addition to detoxifying, exercise helps to normalize metabolism, which is important in detoxification.

Cleansing the body with medicines

When considering metabolic therapy, what it is, you should know that medications can quickly and effectively cleanse the body of toxins. As a rule, purification occurs with preparations of the sorbent group. The formula of these drugs binds toxins and removes them naturally.

The most popular and budget tool is activatedcoal. The structure is porous, absorbs toxins like a sponge and removes them. The medicine has a small area of effect, which is why it is inferior to other means.

The preparation of Russian origin "Polysorb" based on silicon dioxide is a more modern and effective drug. It is produced in the form of a liquid suspension, which accelerates its action. The drug is used to alleviate the symptoms of poisoning, toxicosis in pregnant women, allergic reactions.

Polysorb preparation
Polysorb preparation

Another well-known sorbent is "Smecta" - a preparation produced in the form of a powder. It can be used by children and pregnant women.

Smecta drug
Smecta drug

It is possible to cleanse the body with the help of a herbal remedy. "Lignin" is available in the form of tablets or powder. The drug has a strong effect on toxins, is able to remove s alts of heavy metals from the body.

It is not recommended to take sorbents for people suffering from stomach diseases, also with individual intolerance to the components.


Physiotherapy is a sure way to improve the body and has a wide range of treatments to help get rid of toxins. First of all, this is a thermal effect, during which poisons come out with sweat. These include visiting the sauna and bath, at which time the skin pores are open, which contributes to the rapid disposal of accumulated harmful substances.

Bath as a method of detoxification
Bath as a method of detoxification

After visiting a bath or sauna, it is recommended to drink a largeamount of pure water or green tea to replenish the water balance.

In addition to heat, the body is affected by cold for no more than 3-4 minutes. It's called cryosauna. This procedure stimulates the immune system and normalizes the metabolism in the body. That is, you do not need to constantly rely on the help of medicines, but you must also adhere to the "help yourself" credo.

Extreme detoxification measures for complex poisoning of the body

These methods are possible only in emergency and complex cases according to the doctor's indications. These include gastric lavage and deep bowel cleansing with large amounts of water up to 30 liters in one procedure.

Plasmapheresis procedure may be prescribed by a doctor. This is the purification of blood from toxins with the help of special equipment. The procedure is shown for severe poisoning, allergic reactions, to cleanse the skin from rashes.

Help yourself: ways to protect the body from toxins and strengthen immunity

Protect the body from exposure to toxins is completely impossible, but you can reduce their amount through proper nutrition and exercise.

It is recommended not to use toxic household chemicals containing chlorine and phosphates in everyday life. You can replace it with baking soda, vinegar and lemon juice. If it is impossible to refuse cleaning and detergents, you need to use simple powders and gels with a minimum composition.

Natural cosmetics will help protect the body from a large number of toxins, since most products contain harmful chemicals. Beforepurchase, you need to carefully study the composition for the content of phosphates and sulfates. Face masks, hair masks and scrubs can be prepared at home using natural ingredients.

You can strengthen immunity with the help of vitamin complexes (since the diet cannot always provide the daily norm of useful microelements), hardening, daily walks in the fresh air.


Periodically, you need to cleanse the body of toxins using the above methods. A course of metabolic therapy will help to get rid of harmful substances in time, preventing unpleasant symptoms and complications.
