Almost everyone knows about the beneficial properties of raspberries. Red sweet and sour berries help get rid of colds in the shortest possible time. Nevertheless, very often patients ask themselves: "Is it possible to have raspberries at a temperature?". Before answering this question, you should find out the composition and properties of this amazing plant.
Chemical composition of berries

This horticultural crop is extremely popular among gardeners. It is rare that a personal plot is complete without raspberries. It has a rather pleasant taste and delicate aroma. In addition, ripe berries contain the following nutrients:
- Several types of organic acids, among which the most valuable is salicylic acid, which helps to reduce body temperature during colds.
- Quite a high amount of fiber, thanks to which raspberries stimulate the digestion process and cleanse the intestines.
- Among vitamins, the largest amount belongs to vitamin A, which has regenerating and wound healing properties. BUTit also has quite a lot of B and C vitamins.
- In addition, raspberries contain vitamin PP, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and stops bleeding gums.
- Of the trace elements, copper, potassium and iron are in the first place. These trace elements play an important role in maintaining the he alth of the cardiovascular system. In addition, they are involved in the process of hematopoiesis, renewing and improving the composition of the blood.
- Quite a lot of calcium, magnesium and zinc in this berry.
Thanks to substances such as prothrombin, blood is discharged and capillaries are strengthened. And also in the composition of the fruit there are pectins and tannins.
Useful properties

Can raspberries be at temperature? This berry is valued among doctors and patients due to the presence of salicylic acid in it. Moreover, its quantity is so large that it is not recommended to use raspberries without special need at the same time as Aspirin. No wonder raspberry tea is considered the best remedy for colds. Due to the presence of acid, raspberries can relieve headaches. It can also be used as a sleep aid and a relaxing agent.
Raspberries help prolong youth and improve complexion. Due to the regular use of fresh berries, skin elasticity is noticeably increased and wrinkles are smoothed out. No wonder raspberry juice makes excellent face masks.
Contraindications and side effects
Is it possible to give raspberries at a temperature to an allergic or diabetic patient? Berries of thisshrubs can cause allergies in the form of a rash on the skin. Raspberries become especially dangerous during breastfeeding. If a person has problems with the kidneys or liver, then you should not abuse fresh or boiled raspberries.
Due to the sugar contained in the fruit, it is not recommended to consume raspberries in large quantities for people with diabetes. In addition, with gout, this berry can cause an exacerbation of the disease.
Raspberry at temperature

A lot of people are interested: is it possible to drink raspberries at a high temperature? Almost everyone knows that this berry is extremely useful for any cold. However, many doubt its effectiveness at temperature.
In fact, due to the presence of salicylic acid and a number of vitamins, raspberries have a pronounced antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. It stimulates perspiration and thus removes toxins. This berry works especially well in the form of a hot drink.
Iced Berry Tea
For the preparation of raspberry tea, you can take frozen, fresh or boiled berries. In addition, tea from the stems and leaves of the shrub has proven itself well. Frozen berries are recommended to be slightly thawed, then mashed with a fork and pour boiling water over. When the drink cools down a bit, add a teaspoon of natural honey to it and mix thoroughly. The patient should drink the resulting composition in small sips.
Can I drink raspberries at outside temperatures? Becauseafter the drink, sweat instantly appears, this tea is not recommended to be consumed before going out, at work or school. The patient, as a rule, uses it while lying in bed, after which he often falls asleep. Raspberry has a calming and relaxing effect and is therefore often used as a sleep aid.
Tea made from leaves or jam

Raspberry jam is added to green tea or simply to boiling water. All healing properties of raspberries are preserved even after boiling the berries. Vitamin C is partially destroyed, but all other vitamins practically remain intact. In addition, salicylic acid also does not lose its properties.
The leaves and stems of the shrub also contain a huge amount of useful substances. In addition, unlike other herbal teas, raspberry leaf tea has a rather pleasant taste, reminiscent of green tea. Brewing it is pretty easy. Dry or fresh leaves are poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 10. The stiffened stems are boiled in a water bath for thirty or forty minutes. Drink tea three to four times a day in an amount not exceeding one hundred and fifty grams.
How to give to a baby

Can I have raspberries at a child's temperature? Raspberry tea is one of the first medicines that parents usually give to young children. In society, the opinion about the safety of these berries is quite firmly established. If the child is not allergic to raspberries, he can safely be given berries from a very early age. In the event that there are concerns about allergies, it is recommended to brew the leaves of the shrub instead of fruits. If berries are used, then the drink should not be too concentrated. Enough two or three pieces for half a glass of boiling water. It is undesirable to breed raspberry jam for children because of the huge amount of sugar.
After the baby drinks a raspberry drink, it is advisable to immediately put him to bed and cover with a blanket. After the child sweats, parents should change his clothes and let him sleep.
How does it work at temperature

Raspberry tea affects the patient as follows:
- In case of a sufficiently high temperature of thirty-nine degrees, a drink from berries helps to remove accumulated toxins and thereby alleviate the patient's condition.
- Raspberry perfectly complements the main treatment, acting as a natural antiseptic and replacing "Aspirin" for young children.
- Not every adult can use "Aspirin" in tablets, so raspberry for them is an excellent alternative to the popular medicine. Many people ask, is it possible to drink raspberries at a temperature of 37 ° C? This is the most comfortable temperature for folk remedies.
- It has long been known the property of fruits to reduce the intensity of rhinitis and anesthetize the throat. Warm raspberry tea helps to cope with headaches caused by intoxication of the body during a cold.
- At high temperature, the patient's vessels suffer. Due to the presence of PP vitamins in the composition of raspberriesand C, vessels and capillaries are well protected.
And also an important fact is that the raspberry drink perfectly quenches thirst. In a word, the answer to the question: "Is it possible to have raspberries at a temperature" is definitely in the affirmative.
High temperature

There are some more features of eating berries. For example, if the temperature exceeds 39 degrees, then relying on one raspberry will be too reckless. In such cases, as a rule, use "Aspirin" or "Paracetamol". Is it possible to drink raspberries at a temperature of 38? Of course, as soon as the temperature drops to thirty-eight, you can use raspberries. At high temperatures, it is better not to risk it. This berry showed a particularly excellent effect at a low temperature.
Can I have raspberries at 39? Of course, this berry is also used at high temperatures. However, as already mentioned, you can not rely only on its action. The patient also requires additional medications. In addition, doctors recommend drinking raspberry tea up to six times a day at a temperature of 39 degrees, while at 37 you can drink the drink no more than three times.