Gutta-percha pins in dentistry: photo, description

Gutta-percha pins in dentistry: photo, description
Gutta-percha pins in dentistry: photo, description

Problems with teeth can be of a different nature, and there are many ways to solve them. So, gutta-percha pins can help to save a tooth that is prone to decay, strengthen the root and thus make it possible to refuse extraction.

What are pins?

Teeth are destroyed for various reasons: caries, poor hygiene, metabolic disorders, poor nutrition, mechanical injuries and chips. A damaged tooth does not have to be extracted, it can be restored. Even if only the root remains there, there is a way to restore it - dental pins. This construction, which is a rod, is fixed in the root canals and serves as a support for the restored tooth. There are times when installing a pin is the only possible solution. Indications for use:

  • crown part of the tooth is destroyed by 50% or more,
  • the tooth is completely destroyed, but the root remains intact,
  • pin as a support for a crown or other type of removable and non-removable prostheses.

The pin resembles an implant in shape and purpose. That's just the implants are installed in the gum and jawbone, and the pin -into the root canals. For the manufacture of pins, various materials are used: metal, ceramics, fiberglass, carbon fiber. For a century now, gutta-percha pins have been used, which still have not lost their relevance.

gutta-percha pins
gutta-percha pins

Gutta-percha as material for pins

Gutta-percha is obtained by processing latex. This material is hard, but plastic, excellent for sealing dental canals. At high temperature, the mass becomes soft and viscous, it fills not only the main channel, but also its branches, completely closing the passages. Treatment is fast and with minimal risk of complications. The existing forms of gutta-percha are alpha and beta. Gutta-percha pins are made mainly from the beta form: it has a more suitable consistency.

Advantages and disadvantages of gutta-percha pins

In addition to its pliable, plastic form, which easily allows you to completely fill the canals of the tooth, gutta-percha has several other advantages.

  • It is highly biologically compatible with tooth tissues.
  • High strength and elasticity at the same time.
  • The material is non-toxic and hypoallergenic.
  • When solidified, it takes the desired shape.
  • Won't fade, absorb or break down when worn for a long time.
  • It is possible to extract the material from the root canals if it becomes necessary.
  • Affordable price.
  • On the x-ray, you can fully see the gutta-percha pin, the photo shows all the branches of the canals, whichallows the dentist to evaluate the result of the treatment and, if necessary, correct the shortcomings.
gutta-percha pins in dentistry
gutta-percha pins in dentistry

Gutta-percha pins are not without flaws:

  • Gutta-percha has no adhesion to the hard tissue of the tooth.
  • Does not have bactericidal properties.
  • Difficult to install due to high ductility. The doctor's professionalism plays a huge role in obtaining a high-quality result.

Features of gutta-percha pins

Gutta-percha pins in dentistry vary in size, there are large and small. They have a special number that indicates the thickness. Based on the condition of the tooth and canal, the dentist determines what size and thickness of post to use in a particular case.

They are also divided into standard and non-standard. Some are made to ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standards, while others differ in shape - they are thicker and shorter, with a tapered tip.

gutta-percha pins description
gutta-percha pins description

Gutta-percha pins are 20% beta-gutta-percha. Most, about 75%, is the base of the pin, made of zinc oxide. The remaining 5% are auxiliary components: dyes, plasticizers, as well as a substance due to which the pin is clearly visible on the x-ray.

Sealing methods. Cold gutta-percha

Gutta-percha pins are used to fill root canals using two types of technologies - work is done with hot or cold material. When hotWhen filling, the material is first heated and then placed into the canal. When cold gutta-percha is heated after it is laid in the root.

gutta-percha pin photo
gutta-percha pin photo

Filling with cold gutta-percha, in turn, can be done in four ways:

  • With one pin. It is used in conjunction with a special paste, which many dentists prefer to fill canals. At the same time, a paste is applied to the walls of the channel and a pin of the appropriate size is inserted, after which the excess part of it is cut off with a hot tool. Since gutta-percha is applied cold, it is hard, and it penetrates into the canals of the tooth, the paste is used to fill the latter.
  • Side condensation method. The pins are placed in the channels until they completely occupy the free space. One cannot do without the great skill and experience of a dentist, since a root fracture can occur if the pins are not placed correctly.
  • Thermomechanical condensation. The technique is used quite rarely, has many disadvantages. To fill the channel with pins, a rotating mechanism is used, which does not guarantee a high-quality result, therefore, the risk of damage to the channels is high.
  • Filling with gutta-percha softened by chemicals. Previously, this method was used in dentistry, but now they forgot about it, as it has a lot of disadvantages.

Hot gutta-percha

What are "hot" gutta-percha pins? This method is described in detail below. Note that the options for such treatmentfour:

gutta-percha pins are used
gutta-percha pins are used
  • Injection method. The material is heated to 200 degrees, which leads to its liquid state, and injected into the channel. This method allows you to completely fill all the moves and branches. The technique is widely used in dentistry.
  • System "Thermofil". The modern method allows you to quickly and with the slightest effort to close all the branches of the channel, even the smallest ones. Gutta-percha in liquid form is fed under pressure through a special plastic rod. This method is also called bulk.
  • Vertical condensation. Gives complete tightness of the channels, but this process is complex and laborious, takes a lot of time.
  • Feeding material with a syringe. The method is simple and fast, but does not guarantee complete filling, moreover, the gutta-percha may not even reach the end of the canal, which will subsequently cause complications.
