Suspension "Sumamed Forte": composition, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Suspension "Sumamed Forte": composition, instructions for use, indications and contraindications
Suspension "Sumamed Forte": composition, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

The use of antibiotics is considered a last resort in the treatment of children in the circle of pediatricians. Children's doctors usually try their best to avoid prescribing these medications. But, unfortunately, situations where it is simply impossible to do without antibiotics happen quite often. After all, pathogenic bacteria literally surround every person from all sides. But adults have a fairly strong, formed immunity, thanks to which most pathogenic microorganisms are not afraid of him. But the growing children's body is extremely vulnerable to the attacks of insidious pathogenic bacteria.

Even in the last century, pneumonia could easily provoke the development of serious complications and even bring the patient to the grave. Today, it is through the use of potent antibiotics that doctors have learned to deal with even such dangerous diseases. Suspension "Sumamed forte" is one of the best examplessuccessful use of antibiotics in pediatrics.

Fever, enlarged lymph nodes, cough, runny nose, sore throat - all these are common signs of various infections in the body of an adult and a child. "Sumamed forte" belongs to the category of effective drugs that help get rid of such unpleasant symptoms and destroy the pathogenic microflora that provoked their appearance.

It is possible to use antibiotics for the treatment of young children, but only if they are prescribed by a specialist. Moreover, parents should know and understand what they are dealing with. If your child has been prescribed Sumamed Forte, be sure to read its features and instructions for use. This is the only way to avoid serious mistakes and dangerous consequences.

About antibiotics

Antibacterial drugs in pediatrics are considered a necessary measure for the treatment of infections caused by bacteria. Now such medicines are used quite often. True, parents give them to their kids with fears, because it's no secret to anyone that antibiotics negatively affect the state of the digestive tract. But if the choice is between effective treatment and the life of the child, then you don’t have to choose for a long time.

There are a number of drugs most commonly prescribed by pediatricians. These include the suspension "Sumamed forte". The form of the product is very convenient for children, and its properties allow you to effectively deal with various pathogens.

Antibiotics are substances that are produced by some organisms toinhibition of the vital activity of other, pathogenic bacteria. One of the first was penicillin, which consists of mold spores. A little later, after many studies, synthetic and semi-synthetic antibiotics were developed.

The main function of these drugs is to fight infectious agents and various inflammations. And cytostatic substances are used in oncology therapy. Every year the number of new medicines increases. Today there is already a classification of antibiotics, because they all differ in the spectrum of their influence. According to the type of effect on pathogenic bacteria, drugs are divided into bactericidal and bacteriostatic. The latter slow down and stop the development of pathogens, while others completely destroy it. In addition, medicines are divided according to the spectrum of their influence: locally, only on one type of bacteria; or a broad spectrum covering several groups of microorganisms.

But with all the useful properties of antibiotics, there are also serious drawbacks: pathogenic microflora quickly adapts to these substances. That is why taking drugs is always limited to a short period of time. And for the same reason, scientists are constantly looking for new, improved tools.

In addition, along with pathogenic bacteria, antibiotics often suppress the intestinal microflora, destroying beneficial microorganisms necessary for the body. It is the intestines that are most often negatively affected, resulting in dysbacteriosis.

Initially antibioticswere used in the form of injections, then tablets were created, and last but not least, pleasant-tasting and aromatic suspensions like "Sumamed forte" appeared.


"Sumamed forte" is a remedy that today is quite often prescribed by pediatricians for the treatment of young children. However, the drug is also used for the treatment of adults, due to various forms of release and dosage.

Belongs to the category of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Azithromycin is the main active ingredient and, at a high concentration in the focus of pathology, has a bactericidal effect. It is noteworthy that "Sumamed forte" is considered an improved drug with proven effectiveness. It is indeed a popular broad-spectrum antibiotic that treats various bacterial infections in the body. It is thanks to this that he has become very popular in the treatment of various pathologies in young patients.

Thanks to the form of suspension "Sumamed forte" for children, it is very easy and convenient to use. After all, a pleasant, unobtrusive strawberry aroma and taste is usually very popular with kids.

Among other things, the drug has an immunomodulatory effect and is considered safe. It does not affect the microflora of the digestive tract and does not cause allergic reactions.

Composition and release form

"Sumamed forte" is a powder from which a suspension is prepared - a mixture with small particles. Initially, the drug may be snow-white or cream, but aftercooking always produces a white liquid. In pharmacies you can buy a suspension of "Sumamed forte" with raspberry, strawberry and banana flavors.

The drug package contains a glass vial with powder, a special syringe and a measuring spoon. There is a suspension "Sumamed forte" 200 mg / 5 ml and 100 mg / 5 ml. Depending on the dosage, the packages respectively contain bottles in which 29.295 g or 16.74 g of powder are measured.

It is noteworthy that the drug with the prefix "forte" is produced in only one form - suspension. This remedy is intended for the treatment of young children. However, there are other forms of a similar drug "Sumamed". It can be used in the therapy of both adults and children of preschool or school age. The drug is available in the form of tablets, capsules and injections. So do not confuse drugs. Each of them has its own indications, features of use and contraindications. Only in some cases, small children are prescribed Sumamed tablets with a dosage of 125 mg. But there must be good reasons for this.

sumamed forte powder for suspension
sumamed forte powder for suspension

The composition of the drug includes an antibiotic belonging to the category of macrolides. The main active ingredient of the suspension "Sumamed forte" is azithromycin dihydrate. This substance was developed by pharmacists 35 years ago. Since then, it has been sold in domestic pharmacies under the name "Sumamed". In other countries it is also available, but under a differentname - "Zitromax".

Each gram of powder for suspension "Sumamed forte" (200 mg and 100 mg) contains about 50 mg of the main ingredient. This substance inhibits the protein synthesis of pathogenic bacteria, preventing their growth and spread.

According to the instructions for use, the suspension "Sumamed forte" has a wide spectrum of action. Children's medicine perfectly copes with mycoplasmosis and chlamydia.

The drug itself and its analogues from the same group are well absorbed and quickly spread throughout the body. With the help of phagocytes, azithromycin is transported to the zone of inflammation. The drug is excreted through the kidneys and intestines.

Suspension "Sumamed forte", as you may have guessed, is focused, for the most part, on young children of preschool age who find it difficult to swallow capsules and tablets. To prepare a potion, the powder should be diluted with purified water.

In addition, the composition of the drug includes auxiliary ingredients:

  • sucrose;
  • xanthan gum;
  • flavors;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • sodium phosphate.

But you should not be afraid of such contents of the powder. Despite such suspicious names, these components are absolutely safe.

So, sodium dioxide is just a food additive that makes the potion uniform. It is often added, for example, to processed cheese to obtain a stable consistency. Titanium dioxide is a common dye used inFood Industry. Xanthan gum is a natural chemical compound, a natural saccharide.

Mechanism of action

Azithromycin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. This means that it equally effectively affects not only one specific pathogen, but is also used to combat many different bacteria.

When in contact with a pathogenic microorganism, the component inhibits protein production in bacterial cells. As a result, the pathogenic microflora cannot multiply. It is thanks to this action that azithromycin is able to fight various pathogens, for example, mycoplasmosis, staphylococci, streptococci, chlamydia and many others. It is noteworthy that intracellular microorganisms and even those bacteria that are resistant to penicillin are affected by this substance.

Due to the high concentration of azithromycin, the drug has a bactericidal effect even in severe infections. When taken orally, the drug is absorbed by the intestines and quickly spreads throughout the body. The active ingredient penetrates into the focus of pathology, its concentration gradually increases.

sumamed forte suspension instruction
sumamed forte suspension instruction

After three-day use of the drug, the required amount of antibiotic in the body is reached, and pathogenic microflora is suppressed. The drug is excreted from the tissues rather slowly, approximately within 76 hours.

Use area

"Sumamed forte" is a modern antibacterial agent with a wide range of applications. Azithromycin -a relatively new substance to which pathogens have not yet developed resistance, unlike most other antibiotics ("Ampicillin", "Penicillin", "Tetracycline", etc.). It is because of the resistance of bacteria that these drugs are often ineffective in therapy. For this reason, "Sumamed forte" is often used as a strong reserve drug if other antibiotics do not work. This is what made the drug so popular in Europe and the US.

The list of indications for the use of the drug is quite extensive. According to the instructions, it is advisable to use the Sumamed Forte suspension for children in a variety of infectious pathologies associated with inflammatory processes:

  • sinusitis;
  • otitis media;
  • bronchitis;
  • angina;
  • pneumonia;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis.

As you know, young children are especially prone to such pathologies. They develop most often due to the appearance of a virus in the body. If it was not properly cured at the initial stage, a weakened children's body is easily attacked by bacteria. And at this stage, all the described complications begin to develop rapidly.

As the instructions indicate, the Sumamed Forte suspension for children is much less commonly used in the treatment of infections of the genitourinary system, as well as skin inflammations. So, the drug successfully fights Lyme disease, which is the initial stage of barreliosis. This pathology occursdue to a tick bite and often progresses asymptomatically.

sumamed forte 200 suspension for children instructions
sumamed forte 200 suspension for children instructions

But contrary to the erroneous opinion of parents, the suspension "Sumamed forte" is ineffective in the fight against viral infections. The drug should be used only for diseases caused by bacteria. That is why self-medication in such a situation is unacceptable, it is necessary to visit a pediatrician to determine the exact diagnosis.

From what age is it used?

According to the instructions, the suspension "Sumamed forte" can be given to children from six months. But it is impossible to use the remedy on your own, without medical supervision.

Under certain circumstances, the drug can be prescribed to babies up to 6 months. Only in this case, the doctor carefully evaluates the clinical picture of the disease and compares the benefits of using the medicine with the likely consequences.

How to prepare the suspension "Sumamed forte"?

If the baby is undergoing therapy in a hospital, then the nurse will be involved in the manufacture of the medicine. But most often, parents have to prepare the Sumamed Forte suspension on their own. So this knowledge will surely come in handy for many adults.

In general, this drug is fully adapted for children and equipped with all the necessary devices. So there should not be any difficulties in the process of use and preparation.

So, how to dilute the suspension "Sumamed forte"? Measure and pour 12 ml of pure water into a bottle of powder. Eventually you will get23 ml sweet syrup. In a diluted form, the mixture can be stored in the cold for up to 5 days. Usually, this is enough for the entire course of treatment.

Shake the bottle before use. A special syringe from the package helps to dial the desired dosage. After each procedure, it should be washed well. After taking the medicine, give your child some water or tea so that the medicine does not remain in the mouth.

Terms of Use

Syringe can be used for easy dose determination. According to the instructions for the suspension "Sumamed forte 200", for children from six months to three years, the recommended dosage is only 1 ml. If a drug labeled "100 mg" is used, the amount can be increased to 2 ml. For the correct use of the mixture, you can also use a measuring spoon for 5 or 2.5 ml.

sumamed forte suspension for children reviews
sumamed forte suspension for children reviews

In Lyme disease, the dosage of the drug is calculated according to the following formula: for 1 kg of the child's weight, 1 ml of the suspension "Sumamed forte 200" should be taken. According to the instructions, for children, a single use per day is enough. From the second to the fifth day, the dosage should be halved. Parents should be extremely careful when calculating the dose. Indeed, due to its excess, the child may develop side effects.

As indicated in the instructions, the suspension "Sumamed forte" (200 mg) for pharyngitis and tonsillitis should be given to the baby at 20 mg per kilogram of weight. The course of therapy is 3 days, the child should take the drug once a day. Maximumthe permissible daily dosage of the suspension "Sumamed forte 200", according to the instructions, should not exceed 500 mg. If you give your baby a medicine with 100 mg of the active substance, its amount can be increased by 2 times.

In infectious pathologies of the respiratory tract, ENT organs, soft tissues and skin, the drug should be taken at 10 mg per kilogram of weight. The course of therapy can reach 3 days.

For children, the suspension "Sumamed forte 200" should be used with strict observance of the instructions. Properly selected dosage is the main condition for successful treatment without undesirable consequences. An antibiotic is always prescribed for a child based on their weight:

  • 5kg - 2.5ml;
  • 6 kg - 3 ml;
  • 7 kg - 3.5 ml potion;
  • 8 kg - 4 ml;
  • 9kg - 4.5ml medicine;
  • 10 kg - 5 ml.


According to the instructions, the suspension "Sumamed forte" should not be prescribed, regardless of age, to children who have been diagnosed with such problems:

  • failures in the activity of the kidneys and liver;
  • hypersensitivity to drug components;
  • under six months of age.

In all other cases, the mixture is usually transferred without any problems.

Side effects

The instructions for the drug scare with an impressive list of possible negative reactions of the body to the antibiotic. But reviews of the suspension "Sumamed forte" suggest that the drug in fact rarely provokes the development of side effects. However, despite this, to take the drugshould be treated with extreme caution. Parents should carefully monitor the condition of the child and respond to even the slightest changes in his behavior.

Potion can cause these conditions:

  • convulsive syndrome;
  • migraines, dizziness;
  • hepatitis;
  • joint pain;
  • problems in the activity of the hematopoietic system;
  • drowsiness or excitability;
  • arrhythmia;
  • deviations in the work of the digestive tract;
  • changes in smell and taste;
  • candidiasis;
  • hearing difficulties.
  • sumamed forte suspension for children instruction
    sumamed forte suspension for children instruction

Among other things, the development of allergic reactions, such as hives, itching, rashes, is possible.

Of course, some signs, especially in young children, can be very difficult to accurately identify. But if, after taking the medicine, you notice that the child is crying, worried, sleeping poorly, or he has skin irritation, you should immediately respond. In this case, the main thing is not to give the baby the drug anymore and call a doctor. If side effects are confirmed, the pediatrician will prescribe symptomatic therapy and select a suitable replacement.

Ignoring such symptoms is extremely dangerous. Even a seemingly simple allergy can lead to Quincke's edema.

Drug Interactions

The list of medications that you can take "Sumamed forte" at the same time is quite large. However, many of them are forbidden to children. So, with paralleluse of an antibiotic with antacids, the effectiveness of treatment is reduced by at least 30%. It is very important that at least two hours pass between doses of these drugs.

If your baby is already taking any medication, be sure to tell the doctor. It is possible that he will change the course of therapy.

It is also worth bearing in mind that "Sumamed forte" should not be given to children along with other antibiotics.


Initially, the powder for the preparation of the suspension "Sumamed forte" was produced in Croatia, but a few years ago its license to produce a medicine ended. Now analogues of the drug with the same active ingredient are produced in different countries.

These include:

  • "Sumametcin".
  • "Azicide".
  • "Sumamoks".
  • "Azitrox".
  • "Zintromax".
  • "Azitral".
  • "Zintrolide".
  • "Sumazid".
  • "Hemolycin".
  • Suspension analogues "Sumamed forte"
    Suspension analogues "Sumamed forte"

True, you need to remember that these drugs may differ in their composition, concentration of azithromycin and absorption time in the body. So do not neglect the advice of doctors.

As for the original suspension "Sumamed forte" (200 mg and 100 mg), today its cost ranges from 200-240 rubles, depending on the dosage. There is usually no problem finding the drug.

Suspension reviewsfor children "Sumamed forte"

Parents who leave feedback about the drug talk about several of its main advantages. First of all, they emphasize its effectiveness. According to the parents, the medication significantly alleviates the condition of the sick baby on the first day. The antibiotic successfully fights a runny nose, lingering cough and even bronchitis in just a few days.

The second advantage, often described in reviews of the Sumamed forte suspension for children, is a convenient package that contains everything you need. With the help of a syringe and a measuring spoon, parents manage to give the baby medicine very quickly and without any problems. Also, these devices help to avoid overdose.

sumamed forte suspension for children
sumamed forte suspension for children

Another advantage of the drug is its pleasant taste, which does not have to be masked by a variety of sweets or juices. Babies easily absorb the required amount of antibiotic. In addition, there are several flavors, and parents can choose the one that their child loves.

It is equally important that the remedy should be taken only once during the day - the optimal dose provides the result for the whole day. Parents who already know how difficult it is to give a child medicine, appreciated the quality of this antibiotic. This is especially important for those who have very young children (up to a year). The shape of the suspension is really familiar to the baby from an early age.

Surely for all parents it is very important that medicines are extremely safe. That is why the next advantage of the suspension "Sumamed forte" lies in the fact that it is produced by a large European company, which guarantees compliance with all quality standards and manufacturing technology.

Besides, despite the European quality, the cost of the drug on the domestic market remains quite affordable. In addition, "Sumamed forte" can be used to treat not only young children, but also adults. So in cases where the whole family is sick, this drug can come to the rescue.


Unjustified, uncontrolled use of potent antibiotics leads to the development of resistance of pathogenic bacteria to the effects of various drugs. Suspension "Sumamed forte" is an effective antibacterial drug of the latest generation, but it is quite dangerous in terms of the development of allergies, intestinal disorders and other disorders in the body. But parents should remember that it is often simply impossible to cure serious infectious pathologies without the use of antibiotics.

"Sumamed forte" is simple and easy to use, adapted even for the smallest patients, making the drug popular among pediatricians. Although, despite the many advantages, the medicine is prescribed to babies only in extreme cases.

Most often the drug is prescribed for young patients with bronchitis and other pathologies of the respiratory system. Much less often - with other diseases. Among the benefits of an antibiotic, it is worth highlighting:

  • get quick resultswith tonsillitis, bronchitis and other common diseases of the respiratory organs;
  • convenient form of release, availability of accessories in the package;
  • minimum number of side effects, their rare occurrence;
  • affordable price.

As for the shortcomings of the drug, these include occasionally occurring negative effects.

And do not forget that only a doctor can prescribe such a strong drug as "Sumamed forte" to a child. The specialist will determine the need for such therapy and the optimal dosage for the baby. If you use the drug correctly, in compliance with all instructions, then the risk of side effects will be minimal.
