Blackheads, blackheads, pimples, skin rashes - small problems that turn into a big nuisance for us. After all, no one will be happy to appear with skin rashes in public. Today, there are many ways to deal with this problem - folk and medical, innovative and "grandmother's", expensive and having a symbolic price. The article presents a proven economical method - acne talker. What is it, how effective is the remedy, how do those who have tried it respond, how to cook it yourself?
What is this?
Acne Chatterbox is a decades-old way to get rid of annoying rashes, restore he althy skin color, smooth structure (besides, accessible to everyone). The effectiveness of the talker is explained by the fact that the composition of the product is developed by a dermatologist individually for each patient. The drug is made at the pharmacy according to the doctor's prescription.
Where does such a strange name - acne talker come from? It is based on the method of applying the solution. Remedy beforeWhen using, be sure to shake, as its contents in a static state gradually delaminate into a liquid (or oil) base and powder.
And now let's analyze the composition of the acne talker. The active ingredients here can be different - it all depends on the patient's skin type, the nature of the rash, and the individual characteristics of the body. Most often it is the following:
- levomycetin;
- herbal decoction, tincture;
- aspirin;
- sulfur;
- zinc;
- dimexide;
- alcohol;
- vegetable oils;
- Vaseline;
- glycerin.
Although the composition of the drug can be completely different, the proportions are always the same:
- 30% - powder components;
- 70% - water or oil base.
Once again, your dermatologist makes the recipe for acne mash! Only a specialist will be able to choose the composition of the product, the ratio of ingredients, which will help solve your particular problem.

The main advantages of the drug
All recipes for acne talkers are aimed at the following:
- deep cleansing of the pores of the skin;
- eliminate acne, blackheads, redness, etc.;
- bactericidal and antiseptic effect on damaged skin;
- strengthening, toning of blood vessels;
- prevention of acne recurrence;
- leveling the structure, improving skin color.
Indications for use of the remedy
Dermatologist's prescription forpimple talker is directly indicated for the following problems:
- acne;
- comedones;
- violation of the activity of the sebaceous glands - increased or decreased activity;
- narrowed or, conversely, enlarged skin pores;
- pigmentation;
- acne marks.

Contraindications for use
Before considering some recipes for acne talkers from dermatologists, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of contraindications to the use of these solutions:
- Individual intolerance to even one of the components indicated in the recipe.
- Injuries to the skin - wounds, cuts, burns.
- Pregnancy period - not all formulations will be equally harmless to the baby. The choice of components must be approached with extreme caution.
How effective is the chatterbox?
First of all, it should be noted that skin rashes are only a consequence of some kind of dysfunction in your body. Acne talker with chloramphenicol and salicylic acid cannot fight its cause. It only eliminates the visible traces of the problem, helps to cope with its external manifestations. Until you eliminate the internal cause, acne will return again and again.
Therefore, it is important to treat the problem only under the guidance of a qualified dermatologist. The main causes of skin rashes are hormonal "malfunctions", an improperly selected diet.
In any case, to permanently get rid of unpleasant acne, youyou need to exclude or minimize the amount of sweet, spicy, fried, s alty foods in your menu. Refer to fractional nutrition (eating in small portions, but 5-7 times a day) - it will help to normalize metabolic processes in the body more quickly.
Reviews of the acne talker also indicate that this is an effective remedy for single rashes, minor skin lesions. But this is not a panacea. If the problem is chronic, neglected, with pronounced skin dysfunctions, then this solution alone cannot be dispensed with. Comprehensive treatment is needed, the scheme of which will be drawn up by a specialist.

How to use the product correctly?
Before you, for example, a chatterbox with chloramphenicol. How to apply the tool correctly in order to quickly achieve the desired effect? Here are a few simple tips to keep in mind:
- Use once a day. The best time to do this is late at night before bed.
- Before applying, thoroughly clean your face of makeup.
- Before using the mash, steam the skin with a hot compress about once a week.
- Remember to shake the solution well before use.
- The liquid is applied to a cotton pad, after which all problem areas are wiped with it. Follow the massage lines.
- Make sure that the solution does not get on the delicate skin under the eyes, on the eyelids and lips.
- After 10-15 minutes after using the talker, be sure to apply a moisturizer. It is important that it be chosenyour skin type.
- Before going outside, it is better not to use the product. The fact is that its active ingredients make the skin more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation - the sun's rays. And this can provoke age spots.
- The maximum duration of treatment with mash is 1 month.

Where to buy the remedy?
To begin with, your treating dermatologist writes out a prescription for the preparation of a remedy, say, for an acne talker with salicylic acid and chloramphenicol. With the prescription, you should go to the pharmacy, where the pharmacist will make an individual remedy according to it. As a rule, the cost of the drug will not exceed 100 rubles.
Also, ready-made talkers are sold in pharmacies and beauty salons. Of course, they are less effective, since the composition of the product is universal. Moreover, it may not be suitable for your specific skin, and using the solution will only make your acne worse.
Introducing the most popular finished products:
- "Propeller". Salicylic Acne Powder. Reviews of the drug indicate that it helps to quickly remove redness, dries the affected areas. The tool fights inflammation, normalizes the sebaceous glands. Prevents the return of rashes, which is why it is used not only for treatment, but also for prevention.
- "Tsindol". The basis of this suspension is zinc oxide. The range of application is quite wide - it includes not only the fight against acne, but also other skin problems. Particularly effective forgetting rid of scars and pigmentation, promotes rapid skin regeneration. It has not only antibacterial, but also analgesic effect.
If you know your skin type, are familiar with the root of the problem, then it is possible to prepare an effective talker yourself. Next, we will present you with a number of effective recipes for popular skin problems.

Anti-inflammatory with salicylic acid and chloramphenicol
Now let's go directly to cooking acne talkers at home. The most popular - with chloramphenicol. Actively fights inflammation, itching, redness. Eliminates acne and counteracts their return. Regular use normalizes sebum production.
Required components:
- boric acid - 100 ml;
- salicylic acid - 5 ml;
- levomycetin - 1 tab.
All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which the solution is poured into a dark glass vial.
Chatter is applied every evening. After it, it is recommended to use zinc ointment. The maximum duration of treatment is 2 weeks. Next, be sure to take a break, after which (if necessary) continue the application.
From ulcers (red pimples)
One of the effective recipes for a remedy that helps to cope with ulcers that affect large areas of the skin. Chatterbox has a beneficial effect on intracellular processes, which helps to smooth out the bumpy skin structure. Can also be used in complex therapy for skin mites.
The components are as follows:
- boric alcohol - 30 ml;
- salicylic acid - 70 ml;
- sulfur - 5 g;
- streptocide - 5 g.
First of all, sulfur powder is combined with streptocide powder in a clean dry container. The mass is carefully poured into a vial. Alcohol and acid are also added there.
Before use, the mass must be shaken vigorously. Suitable for treating only problem areas! Use a moisturizer after the mash to prevent dry skin.

From blackheads
This talker will not only help get rid of blackheads, but also improve the overall condition of the skin. It has bactericidal properties, cleanses the skin well, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It promotes the disappearance of acne and the return of a he althy, even complexion.
You need three components:
- activated carbon - 2 tab.;
- levomycetin - 2 tablets;
- distilled water - 100 ml.
Crush the tablets into powder, mix the charcoal with levomycetin. Dilute the mixture with water. Then it remains only to pour the solution into a vial and let it brew for two days.
Use the remedy as prescribed by the doctor. Well helps to deal with the problems of the T-zone.
From painful acne all over the body
This tool is universal - it effectively fights painful ulcers not only on the face, but also on the back, in the décolleté, and other areasbody. It has a drying, bactericidal effect, rapid removal of irritation and pain. The secret is that the mash contains an antibiotic.
Required components:
- calendula tincture - 50 ml;
- zinc oxide - 5g;
- metronidazole - 5 caps.
Combine the powders into one mass. Then pour them into a bottle with tincture, close the cork, cap, shake thoroughly.
Before using the product, pre-clean the problem areas using tar soap. If the rashes are plentiful, then it is recommended to pre-steam the skin - so the active ingredient will quickly penetrate into the center of inflammation.

From comedones and acne
A universal remedy that is equally effective against purulent painful formations and annoying black dots.
There are only three required components:
- distilled water - 70 ml;
- Dimexide - 10 ml;
- doxycycline - 20g
Water is first poured into the prepared vial, then dimexide solution, the last - doxycycline powder.
Applied three times a day. The course of treatment is 2 days.
From acne spots
The tool not only effectively fights real acne, but also cleanses the integument from traces of past acne. Additionally tightens pores and improves complexion.
You need the following:
- boric alcohol - 70 ml;
- zinc ointment - 20 g;
- aspirin - 10g
Crush an aspirincombine powder with ointment. Then the mass is shaken until smooth in a vial of alcohol.
Before using the product, clean the skin. Try to apply the talker along the massage lines.
Now you are familiar with one of the most effective remedies for skin rashes, proven for decades. You also know recipes for self-preparation of talkers. However, for the greatest effectiveness, we still recommend that the treatment be carried out only under the supervision of a qualified dermatologist.