The drug "Momederm" is produced in the form of an ointment, packaged in aluminum tubes of 15 or 30 grams. The ointment is white in color, its consistency is opaque and dense. The medicine has no specific aromas. Ointment "Momederm" hormonal or not?
What is included in the medication
This is a hormonal remedy, so it is dispensed from pharmacies by doctor's prescription. The structure of the drug includes the active substance - mometasone furoate.
Additional components in the ointment "Momederm" are:
- propylene glycol;
- lanosterol;
- etal;
- glycerol monostearate;
- liquid paraffin;
- citric acid;
- paraffin.
Pharmacological properties
The trade name of mometasone is "Momederm INN". The ointment has anti-exudative, as well as antipruritic and vasoconstrictive effects. "Momederm" contributes to the elimination of dermatological diseases of various origins.
The active ingredient is considered a synthetic glucocorticosteroid. Exudative problems are greatly reduced by the vasoconstrictor effect.
When used locally, the bioavailability of mometasone ointment is low - not more than 0.7%. The absorption of the active substance increases when the drug is applied to large areas of the skin.
Excreted, as a rule, by the kidneys, only a small part of the substance is excreted in the bile. The elimination half-life is about five hours, but may vary depending on the characteristics of the organism or concomitant ailments.

Indications for use of Momederm ointment
According to the instructions for use, the drug is prescribed in the presence of the following conditions:
- Atopic dermatitis (a disease that occurs in people with a genetic predisposition to atopy has a recurring course).
- Psoriasis (a chronic disease, dermatosis that affects mainly the skin).
- Seborrheic dermatitis (a chronic disease that affects those parts of the epidermis of the head and trunk that have sebaceous glands, the source of dermatitis is yeast-like fungi of the Malassezia species).
- Severe itching.
Price (mometasone - active ingredient) "Momederma" - from 400 to 600 rubles.

In other situations, they try to use the least potent drugs that do not have a large number of adverse reactions and prohibitions.
How to apply the medicine
According to the instructions for the Momederm ointmentit is known that the drug is used both in the treatment of adults and children from two years of age. For young patients, there must be valid reasons for using the drug. In addition, "Momederm" can be used by other categories of patients, but if indicated.
For adults, the ointment is applied to the broken skin once a day. Before using the medicine, it is necessary to clean the epidermis of dirt and treat it with an antiseptic. To enhance the pharmacological effect, occlusive dressings can be used at night.

Treatment of children
In young patients, "Momederm" is used for no longer than five days using low concentrations. The drug was not used on babies under two years of age, therefore there is no information about the therapy of children of this age.
According to the instructions, Momederm ointment is used in pediatrics in the same way as in adult patients - the disturbed areas of the skin are washed well with soap. Next, the drug is applied to the skin.
For the treatment of children, occlusive dressings are not used, medicine is not used on the face or in anatomical folds, as well as in places where the dermis is damaged. Multiplicity of therapy - once a day and under the supervision of a doctor.
Is Momederm prescribed during pregnancy
According to the instructions for the Momederm ointment, it is known that the safety of using the drug during an "interesting position" has not been proven. At this time, the drug is prescribed only for medical reasons.indications, if the harm to the child is less than the benefit to the expectant mother.

In addition, it is important to consider that the use of the drug can significantly affect the development of the fetus in the womb, since the active substance has an increased permeability through the placenta.
Regarding the use of "Momederma" during breastfeeding, it is recommended to refuse lactation, since mometasone is excreted in milk and can adversely affect the he alth of the child. Discontinuing medication or stopping breastfeeding should be discussed with a he althcare professional.
Contraindications to Momederm ointment are the following pathological processes:
- Increased sensitivity.
- Perioral dermatitis (a chronic skin disease, the main manifestations of which are foci of inflammation and peeling of the skin around the mouth, in the area of the nasolabial triangle and chin).
- Fungal lesions of the skin.
- Skin tuberculosis
- Impetigo (a contagious infectious disease caused by staphylococci and streptococci).
- Common acne (an inflammatory lesion of the skin that provokes changes in the sebaceous glands and their excretory ducts involving hair follicles).
- Anal itching.
- Rosacea (chronic skin disease)cover of the face, which is characterized by hyperemia, as well as the expansion of small and superficial capillaries of the skin of the face, the formation of papules, pustules and edema).
- Herpes simplex (a viral disease with a characteristic rash of clustered blisters on the skin and mucous membranes).
- Diaper dermatitis (inflammation of sensitive baby skin that occurs under the influence of external irritants).
- Syphilis (a chronic systemic venereal infectious disease affecting the skin, mucous membranes, internal organs, bones).
- Viral lesions of the skin with chickenpox.
- Herpes zoster (a viral disease characterized by a rash with watery blisters in a localized area, accompanied by acute pain and itching of the skin).
In addition, it should be used with caution from the age of two years, during the "interesting position", as well as in acute diseases of the kidneys and liver.

What side effects does the drug cause
According to the instructions, Momederm ointment is capable of provoking the following negative symptoms:
- Paresthesia (a type of sensory disorder characterized by spontaneous sensations of burning, tingling, crawling).
- Burning.
- Tingling.
- Sweating (skin irritation that develops due to increased sweating and slow evaporation of sweat).
- Itchy.
- Stretch (skin defect in the form of linearbands localized in places of greatest extensibility of the skin).
- Alopecia (abnormal hair loss resulting in partial or complete hair loss in certain areas of the head or torso).
- Hypertrichosis (excessive local or general growth of dark and long hair on any part of the body).
- Depigmentation or hyperpigmentation of the skin (diffuse or focal deposition of pigment in the skin, which leads to a darkening of the color of the entire surface of the body or individual areas of the skin).
- Contact dermatitis (generalized term for a group of acute and chronic pathologies resulting from direct skin contact with irritant substances).
- Post-steroid purpura (small capillary hemorrhages in the skin, under the skin or mucous membranes).
- Acne.
- Folliculitis (an infectious disease characterized by purulent inflammation that affects the hair follicles of the middle and deep sections).
- Atrophy of the subcutaneous tissue and skin (irreversible disorders in the anatomical structure of the skin, which are characterized by a decrease in its volume, as well as qualitative changes in the cellular and intercellular composition of the tissue).
- Perioral dermatitis (an inflammatory lesion of the skin around the mouth, which is accompanied by hyperemia, swelling and a rash in the form of papules).
- Telangiectasias (persistent expansion of small vessels of the skin of a non-inflammatory nature, manifested by spider veins or reticulum).
- Secondaryinfections.
- Puffiness of tissues.
- Hypertension (a disease characterized by high blood pressure).
- Hyperglycemia (a clinical symptom indicating an increase in serum glucose compared to normal).
- Glycosuria (a pathological condition in which the main symptom is the excretion of a large amount of glucose in the urine).
- Cushing's syndrome (diseases in which there is a prolonged chronic effect on the body of an increased amount of hormones of the adrenal cortex).
- Decreased resistance to infections.
- Suppression of adrenal function.
- Irregular menstruation.
- Stunting and development in children.
It must be taken into account that the ratio of weight and surface of the skin in children is greater than in adults, and therefore the likelihood of adverse reactions increases significantly.

"Momederm" has a number of substitute drugs, for example, ointments:
- "Mometasone" - price 250 rubles.
- "Gistan N" - 150 rubles.
- "Momat" - price from 180 to 600 rubles.
- "Nasonex" - price - from 700 to 800 rubles.
- "Elocom" - the cost ranges from 70 to 200 rubles.
- "Uniderm" - price from 130 to 180 rubles.
- "Avecort" - 210 rubles.
- "Betazon" - the cost varies from 100 to 170 rubles.
- "Flucinar" - the price ranges from 210 to 360 rubles.
- "Celestoderm" - price from 230 to 700 rubles.
- "Cutiveyt" - the price varies from 300 to 400 rubles.
- "Advantan" - from 500 to 1300 rubles.
- "Betamethasone" - from 100 to 160 rubles.
- "Beloderm" - the cost ranges from 200 to 500 rubles.

If the patient decides to change the drug for any reason, then he should consult a doctor to rule out contraindications.
With the development of negative signs, the drug should be gradually canceled. In parallel, symptomatic treatment is performed. "Momederm" is not applied to large areas of the skin to avoid overdose. The drug is not recommended for use:
- Children under two years of age.
- On the face of children.
- With occlusive dressings in children.
- When the epidermis is damaged at the treatment site.
- Long time.
- On skin folds in children.
In the treatment of small patients, the minimum dosage is used, which brings a pharmacological effect and eliminates unpleasant symptoms. Prolonged use of the drug can affect the development and growth of the child. "Momederm" is not applied under the diaper. There is no record of using the drug for more than six weeks.
The drug has no effect on the management of complex mechanisms and drivingcar. Abrupt cessation of therapy is possible only with the approval of the doctor. Otherwise, it is better to implement gradual withdrawal even after the end of treatment.
With a sharp cancellation, there is a possibility of a recoil syndrome, which is manifested by severe hyperemia of the skin, pain, as well as tingling and burning in the application area. The dosage of the drug should be gradually reduced, and the intervals between applications should be increased.
If an infection occurs, then you need to use antibacterial or antiviral drugs simultaneously with Momederm. The drug is not used in ophthalmology. It is not recommended to apply the ointment in the area of the eyes, wounds or mucous membranes.
When eliminating psoriasis, it is important to be very careful in the use of Momederma, since there is a possibility of drug resistance, and therefore the disease can recur. In addition, generalized pustular psoriasis and toxic effects may appear, which are provoked by a violation of the skin surface. Corticosteroids can change the course of a number of diseases, and therefore making a correct diagnosis can be difficult.
Interaction with other medicines
Compatibility with other drugs for topical use has not been established. But it must be taken into account that during therapy with mometasone cream it is not recommended to vaccinate.
In addition, the drug can increase the effect of drugs that suppress the immune response, and weaken the effect of immune-boosting drugs.
Reviews of Momederm ointment are usually positive. At the same time, most people who used the drug mention the occurrence of allergic manifestations in the form of burning, hyperemia, and rashes. In rare situations, the drug provoked the return of psoriasis.
The drug also received positive feedback from dermatologists, confirming its increased effectiveness in eliminating hormonal diseases that are difficult to treat. In addition, it is known that when patients stopped using Momederm abruptly on their own, negative side reactions immediately appeared, and in rare situations, unpleasant symptoms of the disease returned with even greater force.