Drugs 2024, October

Ointment "Redecyl": instructions, reviews, analogues

Ointment "Redecyl": instructions, reviews, analogues

Skin diseases are a big problem nowadays. Modern scientists help people overcome them with special ointments and pills. "Redecyl" is such an assistant

Candles "Dicloberl": instructions for use

Candles "Dicloberl": instructions for use

"Dycloberl" is a derivative of phenylacetic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Diclofenac sodium is the active substance present in this preparation

"Erase": reviews of the drug and instructions for use

"Erase": reviews of the drug and instructions for use

"Erase" is a drug that effectively fights acne. It reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, reduces the appearance and inflammation of comedones

"Diaflex": instructions for use. Analogue of "Diaflex"

"Diaflex": instructions for use. Analogue of "Diaflex"

"Diaflex" is the most popular drug in the fight against osteoarthritis. Affordable price, high efficiency, 100% quality and treatment results

Anti-gangrenous polyvalent horse serum purified concentrated liquid: description of the drug, indications, instructions for use

Anti-gangrenous polyvalent horse serum purified concentrated liquid: description of the drug, indications, instructions for use

With a prophylactic purpose, gangrenous antitoxin is administered intramuscularly as soon as possible immediately after the injury. For therapeutic purposes, serum is used intravenously, extremely slowly, by drip, usually mixed with a solution of sodium chloride for injection heated to thirty-six degrees. Serum is injected first at a rate of 1 milliliter every five minutes. And then pour 1 milliliter per minute

Can I take an antibiotic and an antiviral at the same time? Drug Compatibility

Can I take an antibiotic and an antiviral at the same time? Drug Compatibility

In the modern world, there are practically no such diseases that could not be cured. What to say about the common cold? Viral infections of varying degrees are treated with antibiotics or antiviral drugs. The question arises: is it possible to take an antibiotic and an antiviral at the same time? In order to understand this, you need to understand what they are

Prostamol drug: cheap analogues and reviews about them

Prostamol drug: cheap analogues and reviews about them

In the treatment of functional disorders of urination, the drug "Prostamol" shows excellent results. But if it was not possible to find it, the specialist will be able to recommend a high-quality analogue

Nicotine tablets: instructions for use, indications and contraindications, reviews

Nicotine tablets: instructions for use, indications and contraindications, reviews

Nicotine pills are products containing nicotinic acid. There is a drug on sale, which is called “Nicotinic acid”, it is produced in the form of tablets. In addition to this medication, on pharmacy shelves you can find other medicines containing this element. "Nicotinic acid" is a vitamin remedy, referred to as vitamin PP

The drug "Liposome forte": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

The drug "Liposome forte": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Liposome forte" - a drug that helps restore the brain. It is a solution for injection. However, there are analogues on the market in the form of capsules, tablets, syrups

Zelenka: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Zelenka: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

A lot of antiseptic products are sold in pharmacies, differing in the specifics of use and cost. Many of them have long been used to disinfect skin wounds. That is what the green is. The instructions for using this medicine are quite simple. The nuances of using the tool are presented in the article

Ointment "Tebrofen": instruction. Drug analogues

Ointment "Tebrofen": instruction. Drug analogues

Now you can find a wide variety of medicines on the shelves of pharmacy chains. Some help to cope with allergies, others save from fever. Widespread use of antibacterial and antiviral compounds. They are used in pediatrics, surgery, dentistry, urology, gynecology and other fields. Today's article will introduce you to a drug called "Tebrofen ointment"

Medicine "Foroza": instructions for use, price, analogues and reviews

Medicine "Foroza": instructions for use, price, analogues and reviews

Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by a deterioration in bone structure and a decrease in bone mass, resulting in an increased risk of fractures. The problem of osteoporosis is quite acute all over the world, in 90% of cases severe fractures spontaneously occur in old age. In addition, 50% of injured patients cannot continue to do without outside help

Ointment "Chlorhexidine": composition, instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Ointment "Chlorhexidine": composition, instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Today, pharmacies do not find Chlorhexidine ointment, but there are multicomponent medicinal formulations containing this antiseptic. The substance has long established itself as a reliable remedy for topical use. Under the name "Chlorhexidine" suppositories and solutions are produced. Consider the features of this antiseptic substance, then turn to the trade names of creams and ointments containing it

"Korega" - tablet for cleaning dentures

"Korega" - tablet for cleaning dentures

Dental prosthetics is a branch of dentistry. He is engaged in the replacement of teeth (lost), restoration of their tissues, as well as the structure and operation of the chewing apparatus

"Goldline Plus": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Goldline Plus": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

The article will tell you how to take Goldline Plus according to the instructions, how this medication works and what are the reviews about it

How to use saline nasal rinse at home

How to use saline nasal rinse at home

What is a saline nasal rinse? How to prepare a saline nasal rinse? How to rinse your nose with saline?

Vitiligo lotion "Melagenin Plus": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

Vitiligo lotion "Melagenin Plus": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

50 million people around the world suffer from this scourge, and every year the number of patients with vitiligo is growing. What is this disease, where does it come from, and how to deal with it - first things first

Hepatitis C drug "Sofosbuvir": reviews, instructions for use

Hepatitis C drug "Sofosbuvir": reviews, instructions for use

The drug "Sofosbuvir" with the trade name "Sovaldi" allows you to completely cure hepatitis C, while a positive result is achieved quite quickly, as confirmed by clinical studies

Fiber in a pharmacy: properties, application

Fiber in a pharmacy: properties, application

Fiber is a plant fiber that is resistant to enzymes found in the digestive system. In the human body, it is not digested, but is excreted by the gastrointestinal tract almost unchanged. In the stomach, fiber swells and absorbs slags, toxins, excess ammonia and cholesterol on its fibers, then removes them from the body

"Elkar" (solution or drops 20%): instructions for use, reviews. Analog "Elkar"

"Elkar" (solution or drops 20%): instructions for use, reviews. Analog "Elkar"

The drug "Elkar" is used to improve metabolism and processes involved in metabolism. According to the clinical and pharmacological group, it belongs to drugs that improve the energy supply of tissues

Aminocaproic acid in the nose of a child: application

Aminocaproic acid in the nose of a child: application

Almost any illness, such as the flu or the most common chicken pox, can be accompanied by a runny nose. Even a visit to the kindergarten by absolutely he althy children does not exclude the occurrence of a runny nose. Aminocaproic acid in the nose of a child will help to effectively get rid of the symptoms of rhinitis and rhinopharyngitis

"Cefuroxime axetil": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Cefuroxime axetil": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

One of the most common antibiotics for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract is "Cefuroxime axetil". It is a second generation cephalosporin drug

Belvedere nail polish: pros and cons, instructions and indications for use, reviews

Belvedere nail polish: pros and cons, instructions and indications for use, reviews

Beautiful well-groomed nails are an indicator of not only external, but also internal beauty. Belvedere nail polish can help keep your hands looking their best

Cheap fungus ointments: a list of drugs, instructions for use

Cheap fungus ointments: a list of drugs, instructions for use

Fungal diseases are very common among people of any gender and age. Itching, burning, white plaque and scab - all these symptoms are characteristic of this disease. This article provides a list of cheap fungus ointments that will effectively remove all manifestations of the disease

"Panadol® Extra" (Panadol extra): indications, instructions for use, composition, side effects

"Panadol® Extra" (Panadol extra): indications, instructions for use, composition, side effects

Cold diseases today are familiar to almost everyone. Probably, everyone has a “favorite” remedy in their home medicine cabinet for quickly lowering body temperature, eliminating pain and fever. One of the popular and effective drugs in this case is Panadol Extra. It is often used to relieve pain in various localizations, reduce fever and eliminate fever after vaccination

Analogues of "Ephedrine": a list of drugs, indications and instructions for use

Analogues of "Ephedrine": a list of drugs, indications and instructions for use

"Ephedrine" has psychostimulating, vasoconstrictive, bronchodilator, hypertensive and hyperglycemic properties. But this tool has a long list of side effects. Despite the fact that it is prohibited in some states, in Russia this drug is actively used to treat adult patients

"Mydocalm": what helps, description of the drug, contraindications

"Mydocalm": what helps, description of the drug, contraindications

What is the drug "Mydocalm"? What does this remedy help with? We will present the indications and features of the medication in question below

Papaverine ointment: composition, indications, instructions for use, reviews

Papaverine ointment: composition, indications, instructions for use, reviews

Hemorrhoids is a common ailment among both men and women of different ages. This problem is considered quite intimate, so not every person visits a medical specialist when a disease occurs. To eliminate pain, creams and ointments with analgesic action should be used. One of the most effective and safe is "Papaverine"

"Xymelin Eco": instructions for use, indications, release form, reviews

"Xymelin Eco": instructions for use, indications, release form, reviews

"Xymelin" is considered a vasoconstrictor medicine, which is intended for instillation into the nasal passages. When instilled into the nose, after a few minutes, breathing is relieved, the edema of the mucous cavity is eliminated, and redness is eliminated

Cream "Underground": description, instructions, reviews

Cream "Underground": description, instructions, reviews

Today, there are many products on the pharmacology market that are designed for daily nail care. One of them is the “Underground” cream, which contains a complex of useful substances that help strengthen nails, reduce their fragility, and stop the development of inflammatory processes in the area of the nail bed

Gentadex eye drops: instructions for use, composition, indications and contraindications

Gentadex eye drops: instructions for use, composition, indications and contraindications

Eye drops called "Gentadex" is an antiseptic intended for the therapeutic treatment of diseases associated with bacterial infections. The drug is no less effective for fungal eye infections. However, before using Gentadex, you must carefully study its instructions for use and make sure that there are no contraindications to the drug

Ointment "Indovazin": what helps, composition, instructions for use, reviews

Ointment "Indovazin": what helps, composition, instructions for use, reviews

"Indovazin" is a medicine for external use with a pronounced anti-inflammatory and angioprotective effect. The drug is produced in the form of an ointment and gel for external application in aluminum tubes with a volume of 45 grams. The medicine has a denser mass, unlike the gel, and is prescribed for people with dry skin

Is Levomekol an antibiotic or not? "Levomekol": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues and reviews

Is Levomekol an antibiotic or not? "Levomekol": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues and reviews

What does Levomekol ointment contain and in what cases can it be used? Everything you need to know about the drug: composition and form of release, useful properties, indications and contraindications for use, rules of use, features, analogues and reviews

"Sumamed forte 200": instructions for use, composition, how to breed

"Sumamed forte 200": instructions for use, composition, how to breed

Sumamed forte 200 is a strong antibiotic effective against a wide range of diseases. The product is available in powder form for suspension. The product is effective in infections of the respiratory system, skin, it is used in the initial phase of Lyme disease and in the case of an ulcer associated with colonies of Helicobacter pylori

Drops from adenoids for children: a list with names, compositions and reviews

Drops from adenoids for children: a list with names, compositions and reviews

Drops from adenoids for children should be selected only by a doctor after a comprehensive examination. They help reduce swelling, eliminate inflammation and normalize the condition of the mucosa. However, it is worth remembering that these remedies are effective only at the initial stage of the course of the disease, and also have certain indications and contraindications

Medicine "Meloxicam": instructions for use, composition and reviews

Medicine "Meloxicam": instructions for use, composition and reviews

Meloxicam is a remedy that doctors often include in the treatment regimen for certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system. According to reviews, the drug is highly effective and rarely causes side effects

Alcohol and "Phenotropil": consequences. "Phenotropil": composition of the drug, mechanism of action, indications for use

Alcohol and "Phenotropil": consequences. "Phenotropil": composition of the drug, mechanism of action, indications for use

"Phenotropil" - a drug in tablet form. He is very famous in our country. Many people have used this drug to eliminate lethargy, increase efficiency, and treat certain conditions. Today this drug is not produced, but there are hopes that its production will be resumed again

Asterisk from a headache: how to apply and where to smear

Asterisk from a headache: how to apply and where to smear

Does Asterisk help with headaches and how to use it correctly? Everything you need to know about Vietnamese balm: useful properties, features, contraindications, instructions for use, user reviews and benefits

Healing cream "Thyme" from "Vivasan": manufacturer, application features

Healing cream "Thyme" from "Vivasan": manufacturer, application features

Cream "Thyme" from "Vivasan" - a natural cosmetic product intended for application to the skin of the face and body. It can be used to treat various pathological processes, restore any body functions

Ointment "Panthenol-ratiopharm": instructions for use, contraindications

Ointment "Panthenol-ratiopharm": instructions for use, contraindications

"Panthenol-ratiopharm" is a medicine that is considered to be an activator of recovery processes. The active ingredient in the preparation is dexpanthenol, the amount of which is 5 grams. Dexpanthenol has a weak anti-inflammatory effect