Should a lipoma be removed, how dangerous is it and why does this neoplasm occur - the most common questions asked by people who have found a nodular seal under their skin.

In order to answer these questions, you need to consider all aspects of the disease: etiology, symptoms, prevention, direct removal of lipomas, reviews of people who have already removed wen using various methods.
What is a lipoma?
Lipoma or wen is a benign formation under the skin. They can be relatively small (from half a centimeter) and reach the size of a chicken egg. Wen are painless, a person with lipomatosis does not experience any symptoms of the disease, with the exception of moderately dense formations under the skin.
Lipoma consists of adipose tissue, people of any age can face lipomatosis, but most often the pathology occurs at the age of 30-60 years.
Etiology of lipomatosis
The causes of lipomatosis are not yet reliably known. Scientists put forward at least two theories of the occurrence of lipomatosis, both of them are quiteviable.

- According to the first theory, a person mechanically injures acne on the skin, which provokes a strong inflammatory process. That is, the duct of the sebaceous gland is blocked, a boil is formed, which, in turn, develops into a wen. This theory perfectly explains the reasons for the formation of a single lipoma, but does not explain the etiology of lipomatosis - multiple lipomas.
- The second theory of the appearance of lipomas is a violation of the biochemical process of fat metabolism, as a result of which the amount of adipose tissue increases. And the reasons for the violation of the fat metabolism itself can be based on psychological and physiological stresses (infectious diseases, hypothermia, climate change, etc.) In this case, it is important to deal with the root cause of the disease, because even if the lipoma is effectively removed, the reviews warn about the risk of disease recurrence.
There is evidence that a significant role in the etiology of lipomatosis is assigned to the genetic factor, but this theory has no scientific evidence yet. Also, many scientists claim the relationship of lipomatosis and endocrine diseases, pathologies of the pancreas. There is evidence of a hypothetical relationship between the formation of wen and alcoholism.
Types of lipomas
Types of lipomas | |||||
Classic | Combined | ||||
- | Fibrolipoma | Myolipoma | Angiolipoma | Myelolipoma | Maxolipoma |
Adipose tissue | Connective tissue | Muscle fibers | Vessels | Hematopoietic cells | Mucus tissue |
The composition of a lipoma can be determined histologically, when part of the cells from the neoplasm is taken for examination under a microscope.

The tumor can have both clear boundaries and vague, when the wen smoothly passes into normal adipose tissue. For a dermatologist, the diagnosis of a wen, as a rule, does not present any problems.
Is a lipoma dangerous?
A lipoma is a benign formation, but it can be a cause of aesthetic discomfort, especially if the lipoma is large or the lipoma needs to be removed on the neck, reviews indicate that most people want to get rid of the tumor.
The location of the lipoma is also of great importance. If it is near the joint, it can affect the degree of its mobility. Proximity near the nerve ending may cause pain or numbness.
Patients are often concerned about a legitimate question: can a benign formation turn into a malignant one? Theoretically, this is possible, but in practice it is extremely rare. In addition, there is always a risk of misdiagnosis when malignancy is mistaken forbenign.
Therefore, it is worth removing a lipoma for reasons of physical and emotional comfort, as well as preventing the transformation of a tumor into a malignant one.
Removal by folk methods
Traditional medicine offers a large number of methods for home lipoma removal. Reviews may promise a quick effect, but there is no scientific evidence for effectiveness. Doctors warn that no ointments, compresses, diets and massages can help in the fight against lipomas.
Surgical removal of lipomas
The classic method of getting rid of lipomas is surgery. It is performed under local anesthesia, so the maximum discomfort that a patient will experience in the surgeon's office is the pain from an injection with an anesthetic.

The surgeon makes a small incision in the skin, gently squeezes out the wen and sews up the wound. If the lipoma was large, fluid may accumulate in the resulting cavity. In this case, it is advisable to install drainage. Surgical removal of a lipoma, reviews of which can be obtained from any doctor, has a significant drawback: the formation of scars. If the resection is performed on the back or scalp, this problem is not significant, but to get rid of wen in the face, it is better to choose another method.
Reviews of patients who have already gone through the procedure suggest that after surgery, swelling or swelling may occur at the removal site. Usually the recovery periodends in 7-10 days. A person can return to daily life immediately after the operation.
Laser method
Removal of lipoma-wen with a laser is the most effective, safe and painless. The benefits of the method include:
- lack of blood;
- minimal risk of infection;
- no pain;
- no scarring;
- treatment duration - 1 minute.
The laser beam contributes to the exfoliation of the wen from the surrounding tissues and at the same time "solders" the capillaries. If the lipoma was large, the surgeon will need to suture the wound.

The removed lipoma is sent for mandatory histological examination. But if the formation size is very small, the fat will be completely destroyed by the laser beam.
According to statistics, an increasing number of people use laser lipoma removal. Reviews indicate painlessness and the absence of a rehabilitation period.
Radio wave method
Removal of a wen with radio waves has the same advantages as laser: a person has the opportunity to get rid of a lipoma without pain, scars and bleeding. However, it is impossible to remove a formation larger than 3 cm using this method.
The principle of the method is the separation of the lipoma from the surrounding tissues with an invisible radio wave knife. At the same time, the impact of frequencies contributes to the rapid regeneration of tissues. The doctor takes out the entire fat capsule and sends it for histological examination. A small amount remains at the site of removal.scratch-like injury that heals completely in a few days.
It is important to know that the presence of a pacemaker makes radio wave removal of the lipoma impossible. Patient feedback testifies to the high speed of the procedure and the ability to return to daily life immediately after the procedure.
Cryodestruction is a method of removing a neoplasm using low temperatures (liquid nitrogen). This method has a significant difference from the others - during it, the doctor does not remove the lipoma, but leaves it in the tissues. The lipoma shrinks on its own and disappears after a while.

How to choose the way?
The variety of ways to remove lipomas creates a problem of choice for patients. Taking into account the symptoms of lipomatosis, each person understands the need for such a procedure as the removal of a lipoma. Reviews and recommendations indicate the positive and negative aspects of each method, so it is difficult to make a choice on your own.
The best and easiest way to make the right choice is to see a dermatologist. He will examine the formation, evaluate its location, size, concomitant diseases of the person and suggest a method of treatment that will be most suitable for his case.

However, choosing a doctor is an essential part of the event's success. In this case, you can and should rely on the recommendations of people. For example, if a lipoma needs to be removed inMoscow, reviews will be of great help when choosing.
Thus, lipomatosis is an unpleasant, but not a dangerous disease. Modern methods allow you to quickly and effectively deal with formations. A dermatologist will not only help get rid of a lipoma, but also establish the cause of the problem, which means he will tell you how to avoid the formation of wen in the future.