"Daivobet", ointment: instructions for use, composition and reviews

"Daivobet", ointment: instructions for use, composition and reviews
"Daivobet", ointment: instructions for use, composition and reviews

Recently, a significant part of the population suffers from a chronic skin disease - psoriasis. Each person who has been affected by this problem would like to choose an effective method of treatment for himself. Help in such a situation can be provided by Daivobet ointment. The article will discuss why this tool is recommended by many medical professionals.

What is psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic dermatosis that manifests itself in the form of dry plaque redness on the skin. It not only affects the appearance of a person, but also causes quite unpleasant sensations. Unfortunately, the causes of this disease have not yet been identified. It is assumed that the occurrence of psoriasis occurs on the basis of nerves.

The plaques in particular affect the elbows, knees and buttocks. Sometimes psoriatic formations cover areas of the head, face, genitals, hands and feet. The spots ooze, the skin on them looks cracked. The inflammatory process is accompanied by unbearable itching and pain.

Cellsepithelium in the area of the affected areas die off within 5 days, while with the normal functioning of the skin processes occurring in the layers of the epidermis, they live for 30 days.

Psoriasis is mainly diagnosed during clinical examinations. Additional results are also shown by laboratory tests. When the plaque is scraped off, blood drops appear on the surface, which is a distinguishing feature of psoriasis from other forms of dermatitis disease.

Daivobet ointment
Daivobet ointment

In what case can "Daivobet" be appointed

Psoriasis is classified by the nature of the rash, the degree of damage and the severity of the condition. The most common form is vulgar. The surface of the skin with this disease is covered with scaly plaques. They are off-white in color and vary in size. It is with this form of psoriasis that the Daivobet remedy is prescribed. The ointment is considered one of the best among other medicinal preparations from this series.


Produced in Ireland. Packed in an aluminum tube with different dosages: 15, 30 and 60 g. Ointment of uniform consistency has a white or slightly yellowish tint. Very easy to apply and economical to use. The tool is designed for external use and is practiced in the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris.

Daivobet ointment price
Daivobet ointment price


The action of Daivobet ointment is determined by the content of two main active substances in it: calcipotriol and betamethasone.

Excipients:liquid paraffin, α-tocopherol, polyoxypropylene-15-stearyl ether and white soft paraffin.

The action of active substances

Psoriasis occurs as a result of disorders in the epithelium. Abnormal cell growth is observed, leading to proliferation of keratipocytes. Calcipotriol reduces the activity of this process. The substance is a synthetic analogue of vitamin D.

The intense effect of betamethasone eliminates itching and significantly reduces inflammation. This formula has an antidepressant effect, and also strengthens the protective functions of the epidermis.

In order to enhance the effect of the drug, occlusive dressings are used. This facilitates the penetration of the ointment into the deeper layers of the skin.

Calcipotril and betamethosone actively enter into metabolism and are excreted from the body by the intestines and kidneys.

Daivobet ointment reviews
Daivobet ointment reviews

How to use

Instructions for ointment "Daivobet" contains the following instructions:

Application. The ointment should be applied only to the affected areas and in a very thin layer. Do not forget that the antipsoriasis agent has a high degree of concentration. The allowable dose is 15 g per day. Medical procedures are carried out 2 times a day.

Doctors note that the ointment is strictly contraindicated to be applied to the skin, more than 30% of the total area of the entire skin.

Children can use "Daivobet" strictly on the advice of a doctor. The weekly dose for a child after 12 years is 75 g, for babies from 6 years old - 50 g. For younger children, doctors prescribe the useointment 1 time per day.

It is important to know that the safety of using Daivobet ointment for children has not been clinically proven.

Contraindications: kidney failure, metabolic disorders involving calcium, herpes, viral diseases, chicken pox and liver disease. In other forms of psoriasis, Daivobet is not used. These include: pustular, guttate, exfoliative, and psoriatic erythroderma.

Do not use in the following skin conditions: skin atrophy, ichthyosis, ulcers, rosacea, perioral dermatitis, acne vulgaris, fragility of skin vessels, genital and perianal itching, tuberculosis and rosacea.

During the treatment procedures, it is important to ensure that the ointment does not get on the face and other delicate areas of the skin. Wash hands thoroughly after use.

Apply the ointment to the affected areas in a place protected from light.

Daivobet is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects. Based on reviews of the Daivobet ointment, medical workers noted cases when the remedy caused an opposite effect in the treatment of psoriasis. But later it turned out that such symptoms gradually disappear. This is because the body has adapted to the complex chemical formula of the drug.

Sometimes, symptoms such as reddening of the skin, increased itching, irritation, rash, erythema, dermatitis, burning and pain were observed.

Significant risk of side effects exists with drug overdose. It leads tothe following consequences:

  1. Adrenal insufficiency develops.
  2. Increases the level of calcium in the blood.

If any negative reaction occurs, Daivobet is immediately canceled and the necessary medication is prescribed.

Daivobet ointment price reviews
Daivobet ointment price reviews

Why psoriasis should be treated

To treat a disease like psoriasis is a must. If you ignore the symptoms of this disease, it will aggravate an already rather difficult situation.

If the degree of the disease is mild, then topical treatments can save the situation. As a rule, ointments, lotions, solutions and creams are used. It is not necessary to wait until the disease takes a severe form. In order for the disease not to progress, ointments for psoriasis are prescribed. Daivobet showed its properties in practice. Also, in a number of medical studies, the effectiveness of ointments containing vitamin D3 has been proven. As mentioned in the article, Daivobet contains a synthetic analogue of this substance.

If you start psoriasis, then you will have to apply treatment methods, after which there will be more side effects than after using local remedies. Such drugs suppress the immune system and have a toxic effect on the body. Drug treatment is carried out in a hospital.

Daivobet ointment instruction
Daivobet ointment instruction

Where can I buy the ointment

Many are afraid of the price of Daivobet ointment. Reviews about this help determine whether it is worthbuy this drug. Many write that this drug helped to solve the problem with psoriasis. For some, the medicine helped only for a short time. Like any other remedy, the ointment is best purchased on the recommendation of a doctor.

There are other forms of release of this drug. But they are extremely rare for sale. It is worth noting that the ointment is much more convenient in its application than the solution and cream. To get started, you can purchase "Daivobet" with a dosage of 15 g, as a trial option.

It would be wise to find out how much Daivobet ointment costs in different regions, and then buy it where it is more profitable. The medicine is not in short supply, and it is available in many pharmacies in the cities of Ukraine and Russia. Or, it may be easier to order the ointment from online pharmacies.

The price of Daivobet ointment in Russia is 1350 rubles for 30 ml, 800 rubles for 15 ml; in Ukraine - 1600 hryvnia for 30 ml, 600 hryvnia for 15 ml.

In an online pharmacy, the cost of the drug is from 1049 to 1103 rubles.

Daivobet psoriasis ointment
Daivobet psoriasis ointment


There are many products that are similar in composition or method of application to Daivobet ointment. Some of them are listed here: Ammifurin, Silkis, Glenriaz and Beroxan.

If "Daivobet" was originally prescribed and there is a need to purchase another remedy, then you need to consult with your doctor. Perhaps there is a component in another medicine that is contraindicated for the patient. Also, a good specialist always takes into accountindividual characteristics of the organism.


What can be said based on the reviews of Daivobet (ointment)? With psoriasis, this remedy is very effective. People view the situation realistically, given that an unpleasant disease is not completely curable. And temporary relief is already something. Many people think that it is better to use a remedy with high medicinal properties, and for such people the price of Daivobet ointment does not matter. In some cases, the expected result after applying the ointment occurs after 7-8 days.

According to experts, Daivobet is the most suitable remedy for chronic psoriasis.

Daivobet ointment instructions for use
Daivobet ointment instructions for use


From the above it is clear that such a serious disease as psoriasis should not be left without proper treatment. This threatens that it will progress and its further treatment can lead to disastrous consequences. It is important to have the right approach to use, even the most effective means. People suffering from psoriasis should pay attention to the beneficial properties of Daivobet ointment. The instructions for use give clear instructions that must not be violated. Do not forget to consult with specialists.
