In pharmacies you can find many products with antibacterial action. Among them there is an affordable and effective drug - "Synthomycin ointment". The tool has a wide range of activities. According to reviews, it is easy to use and safe. The nuances of using the drug are described in the article.
Terms of Use
Before using Synthomycin Ointment, you should consult a specialist. The tool heals wounds and other damage to the skin, mucous membranes. The active ingredients, after contact with the lesion, have an analgesic and antimicrobial effect.

The instructions for use of "Synthomycin ointment" indicate the rules for its use. The drug is used in prevention and treatment. With prolonged use, it is required to take a break and replace with other medicines. Apply the emulsion to the damaged area (he althy areas should not be affected).
During treatment, you should not use additional funds to exclude allergies and otherside effects. Depending on the form of release, the drug is used to treat mucous membranes or wounds:
- Use 5-10% ointment for bacterial infections of the skin.
- The cream is used in the treatment of gynecological inflammation.
To perform a healing dressing you need:
- Treat the damaged area with the drug.
- Cover it up with a bandage.
- The bandage is changed after 2-5 days.
Judging by the reviews, "Synthomycin ointment" quickly restores the skin. Moreover, the treatment is painless and easy.
What is Synthomycin Ointment used for? The drug is used in the treatment of many diseases. Chloramphenicol present in the composition is able to destroy bacteria. The medicine is used for:
- carbuncles;
- furunculosis;
- ulcers;
- vulvite;
- blackheads;
- purulent skin lesions;
- purulent wounds.
What else is Synthomycin Ointment used for? It is effective in the treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases, trachoma, cracked nipples in parturient women, demodicosis, burns. The ointment helps against inflammation of the sweat glands, shingles, impetigo.
According to reviews, the drug treats many skin problems. The ointment is applied to the skin easily and simply. After just a few procedures, the restoring effect will be noticeable.
It should be borne in mind that Synthomycin Ointment, like any other medicine, must be used carefully. You must follow the instructions anddosages, do not apply the product to he althy areas of the skin.
Ointment should not be used when:
- eczema;
- composition intolerance;
- kidney failure;
- problems with hematopoiesis;
- psoriasis;
- anemia;
- acute porphyria;
- fungal diseases;
- leucopenia;
- thrombocytopenia.

Increasing the dose can lead to a deterioration in the human condition. You need to use the drug according to the instructions. With these contraindications, you should consult a doctor. The appropriate remedy will be selected based on the patient's condition and the type of problem.
Side effects
With an overdose, side effects are likely, which are expressed as:
- weaknesses;
- nausea;
- irritations;
- vomit;
- bruising;
- bleeding;
- headache;
- low body temperature;
- diarrhea;
- heat;
- bloating;
- hematopoietic disorders;
- itching;
- chill;
- development of the fungus.
As can be seen from the reviews, "Synthomycin Ointment" rarely leads to side effects. Usually, treatment, on the contrary, gives positive results if people follow the instructions. If side effects occur, it is preferable to consult a doctor.
According to the reviews of doctors, the ointment really has a positive effect. Properties are provided by the chloramphenicol component. Additional actionperformed using castor oil, due to which the remedy enters deep into the affected tissue.
The drug acts on the bacteria that caused the disease. Synthomycin disrupts the formation of protein in the microbial cell, so the microbes die. The use of "Synthomycin ointment" gives anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial action. The ointment is applied to the skin. Creamy agent is used in gynecology, proctology, cosmetology. Thanks to the drug, acne, boils, subcutaneous mites, eye damage, burns, purulent wounds are treated. The features of application in different cases are described below.
Effective "Synthomycin ointment" for acne. The drug in the form of a cream or emulsion really allows you to cope with the problem, and it is no worse than expensive analogues. An ointment is used for acne, post-acne, wen and other rashes. It penetrates deep into the skin, eliminating inflammation and the development of bacteria.

Ointment used:
- Pointwise.
- Like a healing cream. In the evening, apply a thin layer to the painful area.
- As a healing mask. This option is ideal for severe inflammation. The product is applied in a thick layer, and washed off after 30 minutes.
Judging by the reviews, "Synthomycin ointment" for acne is convenient to use. The first few procedures are enough to show positive results. The drug perfectly eliminates acne, and no worse than expensive products.
Due to its effectiveness, Synthomycin Ointment is in demand in gynecology. It is used to treat vaginal infections such as vaginitis. The drug is used for vulvitis in girls, it has a quick and safe effect.
Ointment is used in the complex therapy of inflammation of the cervix. Usually used medicinal tampons with this tool. "Synthomycin ointment" works just as well as expensive drugs.
From age spots
What helps "Synthomycin ointment" in cosmetology? She is treated with age spots. The agent is applied pointwise. It is necessary to wash with soap, removing dirt and cosmetics, and then the product is used in the treatment of pigmentation, which often appears after acne.

It should be borne in mind that the ointment is a medicine and is not suitable for even out skin tone. Ointment from age spots is used as a complex remedy for problem skin. The effect is provided after applying the composition on a clean epidermis in a thick layer. After 1-3 hours, the ointment is washed off with warm water.
For hemorrhoids
The drug is effective for hemorrhoids in the early stages. It is used with other means to enhance the effect and relieve pain. The medicine is used in the form of therapeutic dressings, which must be performed regularly. This method improves the general condition of a person. At advanced stages, it is better not to use the remedy.
For burns
What else does Synthomycin Ointment help with? Some doctors recommend usingdrug (10%) in anti-burn therapy. It helps with burns of 2 and 3 degrees. With local lesions, when only the germ layer of the skin is intact, complex treatment is needed so that scars do not appear.

Dressings with this cream are performed on different parts of the body, but not on the face (this requires an emulsion). During the treatment of burns, the ointment serves to protect the damaged area from the development of bacteria, infections, and the appearance of suppuration. With the composition, the risk of scarring on the body is reduced. For burns, gauze dressings with ointment are effective, which need to be changed every day.
For eyes
The antimicrobial drug is used not only for the treatment of wounds, but also in ophthalmology. For example, the drug is effective in the treatment of eye injuries, barley and other injuries. Thanks to the active substances, the development of microbes stops, the tumor and suppuration are eliminated. Usually such an ointment is used with other drugs. A doctor should prescribe therapy, but only when an allergic history is revealed in order to prevent side effects.
For herpes
The drug contains an antibiotic with a broad effect, so it is used for various ailments. Chloramphenicol perfectly relieves inflammation that appeared from microbes, so the ointment is used for colds on the lips. The ointment is applied to the focus of the disease up to 4 times every day until complete recovery.

When Pregnant
Before using the remedy during childbearing, it is necessaryconsult a doctor. The active substances of the ointment enter through the placenta, but there are no reliable facts about the effect on the child. The drug can be used only if indicated and under the supervision of a specialist. Breastfeeding women should apply the composition carefully and in rare cases.
For kids
"Synthomycin Ointment" is used for children, but it is not suitable for newborn babies. The emulsion for children 1 year old is considered dangerous due to the development of "gray syndrome". This term suggests the appearance of:
- dyspnea;
- nausea;
- flatulence;
- heart problems;
- hyperthermia;
- progressive cyanosis;
- skin color changes.
In pharmacies there are other similar products that differ in price, form of release. Similar in composition are drugs such as:
- D, L-Chloramphenicol.
- Vaginal suppositories with synthomycin.
- Synthomycin laniment.

In terms of pharmacological properties, the drug is similar to Levomekol, Intrasan, Levomycetin. All of these funds can be bought at pharmacies without a prescription. The price of "Synthomycin ointment" is 20-50 rubles.
Thus, the drug is an effective and affordable remedy for many ailments. You just need to use it according to the instructions, and then you will be able to get rid of diseases very soon.