Drugs 2024, October

Analogues of "Norkolut" with fewer side effects: a list of drugs, formulations and reviews

Analogues of "Norkolut" with fewer side effects: a list of drugs, formulations and reviews

The drug belongs to gestagen-containing drugs and is used in gynecology. "Norkolut" is produced in tablet form. The composition of the drug includes one active substance - norethisterone. The drug belongs to the gestagens. Under the influence of the active ingredient, the state of the uterine mucosa changes, and the production of gonadotropin by the pituitary gland is also blocked. In addition, the process of maturation of follicles and the onset of ovulation are inhibited

"Phenazepam" with a hangover: is it possible to take, dosage, doctors' opinion

"Phenazepam" with a hangover: is it possible to take, dosage, doctors' opinion

The drug "Phenazepam" refers to tranquilizers. The drug is produced in tablet form for oral administration at a dosage of 500 mcg, 1 and 2.5 mg. In total in packing on 10 and 25 pieces. The structure of the drug includes an active ingredient - romdihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine. "Phenazepam" is also produced in the form of a solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections

"Menovazin": composition and properties, indications for use, reviews

"Menovazin": composition and properties, indications for use, reviews

"Menovazin" is an external agent with analgesic, locally irritating and distracting effect. The medicine is produced in the form of an alcohol solution, which is intended for topical use

Side effects of Amoxicillin: fever, dry mouth, hives. Tablets "Amoxicillin 500 mg" - instructions for use and contraindications

Side effects of Amoxicillin: fever, dry mouth, hives. Tablets "Amoxicillin 500 mg" - instructions for use and contraindications

In the article, we will consider the side effects of Amoxicillin, as well as instructions for it. It is a semi-synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic from the pharmacological category of penicillins. This tool is effective against gram-positive and gram-negative anaerobic microorganisms. In terms of its chemical properties, the main element is close to ampicillin, however, it has a higher bioavailability when taken orally

"Metrogil" and "Metronidazole": the difference, which is better, reviews

"Metrogil" and "Metronidazole": the difference, which is better, reviews

Consider drugs such as Metrogyl and Metronidazole. This is the same? Among single-celled organisms that cause various diseases, bacteria and protozoa stand out. Antibiotics are widely used against the former, which are ineffective against the latter. To combat the simplest, antiprotozoal medicines are needed, such as Metrogyl and Metronidazole, the difference of which you need to learn in more detail

"Prednisolone" intravenously: indications, instructions for use, dosage, side effects

"Prednisolone" intravenously: indications, instructions for use, dosage, side effects

The drug belongs to the therapeutic group of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For the use of a solution for parenteral administration, there is a wide range of medical indications. "Prednisolone" is produced in several dosage forms. The main active component of the drug is the substance of the same name, its concentration in 1 milliliter of solution is 30 mg

Which is better - "Bromhexine" or "Ambrobene"? Comparison of drugs, indications for use

Which is better - "Bromhexine" or "Ambrobene"? Comparison of drugs, indications for use

To eliminate a cough with thick sputum that is difficult to get out of the respiratory tract, mucolytic agents are often prescribed, presented in the pharmacy chain in a fairly wide range. In this case, the doctor can recommend the patient a choice of several medications at once

"Bergolac": analogues, indications for use, composition, side effects

"Bergolac": analogues, indications for use, composition, side effects

Drug "Bergolac" is an inhibitor of prolactin production, which is also a dopamine receptor agonist. The dosage form of this medication is tablets: white, biconvex oblong, with a risk. They are packaged in 8 or 2 pieces. in polymer bottles - 1 pc. in carton

Corvalol with a hangover: is it possible, how to take, dosage, reviews

Corvalol with a hangover: is it possible, how to take, dosage, reviews

This remedy has long, since Soviet times, established itself as a safe and mild sedative. People use corvalol with a hangover to achieve the following goals: sound sleep, reduction of headaches and anxiety, as well as removal of tremors in the limbs. However, after research, it turned out that this drug is not at all as safe as it seemed. Corvalol with a hangover may not be a cure, but, on the contrary, aggravate the patient's condition

"Smecta": at what age can a child be given? Indications, instructions for use, dosage

"Smecta": at what age can a child be given? Indications, instructions for use, dosage

"Smecta" refers to the pharmacological group of antidiarrheal agents with an adsorbing therapeutic effect. The drug is used for the appearance of diarrhea of various origins. "Smekta" is produced in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension, which is taken orally

"Ibuprofen": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

"Ibuprofen": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

Drugs that relieve pain and eliminate fever are used all over the world. These medicines can significantly improve a person's condition. They also avoid many serious complications. The most popular among such drugs is Ibuprofen

Children's cream "Zazhivayka": reviews, instructions

Children's cream "Zazhivayka": reviews, instructions

Children's skin is very sensitive to environmental influences and is prone to frequent microtrauma. This is due to the excessive mobility of many kids, their natural curiosity and carelessness. Children's skin is often injured during walks, when the child falls, gets abrasions and scratches, plays with animals or picks up dangerous objects. Unfortunately, such situations are not uncommon, and every caring mother wants to know how to help her child in this situation

Preparations for Giardia: a review of effective drugs, formulations, reviews

Preparations for Giardia: a review of effective drugs, formulations, reviews

Today, there are a large number of medicines on the shelves of pharmacies that have specific activity against parasites, including protozoa. Giardiasis therapy is carried out through the use of such drugs. What drugs for Giardia are the most effective and widely used?

Omnitus cough syrup: instructions for use

Omnitus cough syrup: instructions for use

Omnitus cough syrup is a medication used to eliminate dry cough of various origins (flu, acute respiratory diseases, whooping cough), as well as to suppress the cough reflex at the pre- and postoperative stage, during surgical intervention, in preparation for instrumental studies of the respiratory system

"Pulmicort": composition of the drug, dosage, how to dilute

"Pulmicort": composition of the drug, dosage, how to dilute

In the article, we will consider in detail the composition of Pulmicort and the instructions for it. This is a Swedish anti-inflammatory drug used for inhalation. The medicine is often used not only in accordance with direct medical indications, but also for coughs of various origins in adults and children from 6 months

Eye drops "Okomistin": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Eye drops "Okomistin": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Okomistin is a medicine that comes in the form of eye drops. The drug has contraindications, features of use. For this reason, before starting treatment, you should carefully study the instructions for Okomistin eye drops

Longidase: composition, form of release, indications for use, manufacturer, analogues

Longidase: composition, form of release, indications for use, manufacturer, analogues

"Longidase" is an enzyme preparation. The drug is produced in the form of a lyophilizate for the manufacture of a solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous injections. In addition, the medicine is available in the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories

"Ibuprofen Junior": indications, instructions for use, dosage, reviews

"Ibuprofen Junior": indications, instructions for use, dosage, reviews

Ibuklin Junior drug with ibuprofen is produced by the Indian pharmaceutical company Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, and is an antipyretic and analgesic drug with anti-inflammatory effects. The cost of this medicine in Russian pharmacies is about 100 rubles per pack

Calcium gluconate and alcohol: compatibility, possible consequences, reviews

Calcium gluconate and alcohol: compatibility, possible consequences, reviews

Calcium gluconate is a drug that is prescribed to patients to replenish calcium in the body. The drug is produced in the form of tablets and solution. The composition of the drug includes one active substance - calcium gluconate monohydrate. Many people are interested in the question of the compatibility of alcohol and calcium gluconate (injections, tablets)

Which is better - "Ibuklin" or "Ibuprofen": comparison of compositions, prescribing drugs

Which is better - "Ibuklin" or "Ibuprofen": comparison of compositions, prescribing drugs

Today in pharmacies you can find a lot of drugs that have the same therapeutic effect, but differ not only in composition, but have different names. This causes great confusion in patients. Which is better - "Ibuklin" or "Ibuprofen"?

"Citramon" from the temperature helps or not? Indications for the use of "Citramon"

"Citramon" from the temperature helps or not? Indications for the use of "Citramon"

"Citramon" is considered a combined remedy. The drug has an antipyretic and analgesic effect and is used to reduce the severity of these symptoms in various diseases. It is produced in tablet form for oral consumption. They have a rounded shape, as well as a flat-cylindrical surface and a light brown tint

Inhaler "Foster": analogues, instructions for use

Inhaler "Foster": analogues, instructions for use

The Foster inhaler is a remedy intended for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs, in particular bronchial asthma. According to the instructions, the drug fights both the underlying pathology and its individual symptoms, which allows you to get the most efficiency from its use. In addition to this, the special design of the aerosol allows inhalation to deliver the drug solution to the lungs with maximum benefit and convenience

Drug "Omez": composition, release forms, instructions for use, analogues

Drug "Omez": composition, release forms, instructions for use, analogues

"Omez" is a drug from the group of drugs that have a pronounced antiulcer effect. Against the background of taking the medication, the production of hydrochloric acid decreases and Helicobacter pylori is destroyed (the main cause of the development of stomach ulcers)

Gargling with furacilin for angina: how to prepare a solution, rules for use, reviews

Gargling with furacilin for angina: how to prepare a solution, rules for use, reviews

Gargling with furacilin for sore throat is considered an effective procedure. The drug has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect, so it is often used to treat wounds. How to use furatsilin for angina. Contraindications and side effects. Analogues

Sleep medications without prescriptions. Sleeping pills without prescription for sound sleep

Sleep medications without prescriptions. Sleeping pills without prescription for sound sleep

Sleep problems eloquently indicate the presence of problems with the nervous system. Also, insomnia is characteristic of some psychiatric diseases; people with addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction) often suffer from sleep problems. It also happens that the inability to fall asleep and sleep through the night develops due to excessive psychological stress during the day

The best cream for atopic dermatitis in children: rating, composition, application, reviews

The best cream for atopic dermatitis in children: rating, composition, application, reviews

Atopic dermatitis is often diagnosed in newborns, older toddlers, and even adults. But most often the disease occurs in children under one year old. However, signs of atopic dermatitis are often also recorded in preschool children

Tablets "Dicinon": use for uterine bleeding and feedback on the results

Tablets "Dicinon": use for uterine bleeding and feedback on the results

Everything you need to know about Dicinon tablets used for uterine bleeding: properties and features, indications and contraindications for use, side effects, analogues and reviews

"Postinor": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Postinor": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

This drug is classified as a hormonal contraceptive. It should be taken orally immediately after sexual contact. You can use "Postinor" for those women who do not suffer from menstrual irregularities. In our article, we will find out what analogues it has, find out why they are better, and also get acquainted with the opinions of women regarding the effectiveness of this remedy and its general effect on the body

"Acyclovir" with chickenpox: instructions for use, reviews

"Acyclovir" with chickenpox: instructions for use, reviews

Many have known from childhood such a disease as chicken pox. Most often, babies get sick with it, but since the disease is viral, antibiotics will not help here. Usually, Acyclovir is prescribed for treatment with chickenpox or other antiviral drugs. The article will consider its properties and application features

Tablets "De-Nol": instructions for use, indications, analogues, side effects, reviews

Tablets "De-Nol": instructions for use, indications, analogues, side effects, reviews

The drug with the trade name "De-Nol" is a gastroprotector. Doctors also prescribe this remedy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Tablets "De-Nol" have antiseptic, astringent, antiulcer and anti-inflammatory action

"Kagocel": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

"Kagocel": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

In the modern world, probably, every person has experienced what a viral disease is. There are just a huge number of antiviral drugs that can significantly speed up the healing process. In this article we will consider what is the medicine "Kagocel". Instructions for use, price, analogues, composition, as well as indications and contraindications, you can read in this article

"Grippferon": instructions, indications for use, release form, composition, analogues

"Grippferon": instructions, indications for use, release form, composition, analogues

"Grippferon" is an effective and safe drug used for the prevention and treatment of acute colds and viral infections, as well as influenza. Due to this, it is approved for the treatment of similar pathologies in infants and pregnant women

Tablets "Amoxicillin": instructions for use, analogues, release forms, reviews

Tablets "Amoxicillin": instructions for use, analogues, release forms, reviews

Immunity in some is so weak and suffers each time under the influence of pathogenic bacteria that the risk of contracting any infection increases millions of times, especially during the cold season, when almost everyone gets colds. Infections such as laryngitis with sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, and acute otitis media are very difficult to tolerate by the body. Anyone can go to bed with a fever. In this case, there will be fever, pain and aches in the bones and joints

"Sinupret": reviews and instructions for use

"Sinupret": reviews and instructions for use

In the article, we will consider the instructions and reviews for Sinupret. The medicinal product is a combined herbal medicine that has an antiviral, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effect

"Arbidol": instructions for use, release forms, reviews, analogues

"Arbidol": instructions for use, release forms, reviews, analogues

To stimulate the immune system and fight viruses, a drug has been developed that is exceptionally effective, according to reviews. "Arbidol" (it is important to follow the instructions for use so as not to harm yourself by taking it) is intended to prevent the disease and relieve its symptoms. An important aspect is the possibility of using for the treatment of children

"Zirtek": instructions for children, dosage, indications and reviews

"Zirtek": instructions for children, dosage, indications and reviews

The drug has long proven its effectiveness, as well as pills. As the instructions indicate, "Zirtek" for children successfully copes independently with various kinds of allergic effects, but a particularly noticeable result can be achieved only in complex treatment, in combination with other groups of medicines

Drug "Milgamma": instructions for use, release forms, analogues, reviews

Drug "Milgamma": instructions for use, release forms, analogues, reviews

For only 50 rubles you can buy the drug "Milgamma" in pharmacies. The tool is used as an element of complex treatment of various nervous syndromes, diseases. In the instructions for use "Milgamma" the manufacturer recommends for neuritis, paresis, neuralgia, neuro-, polyneuro-, plexopathy and ganglionitis, osteochondrosis and convulsions at night. The latter is especially true for elderly patients

Overdose of glycine: symptoms, first aid, consequences

Overdose of glycine: symptoms, first aid, consequences

Many consider this remedy to be a harmless drug. But it is not so. It has a number of contraindications and possible side effects. Even an overdose of glycine is possible. And that's what we're talking about right now

"Aspirin Cardio": indications, instructions for use, composition, analogues, side effects, reviews

"Aspirin Cardio": indications, instructions for use, composition, analogues, side effects, reviews

Aspirin Cardio was developed by a well-known pharmaceutical company called Bayer. This drug is an improved form of traditional aspirin, in which the dosage of acetylsalicylic acid is greatly reduced. Due to this feature, this medicine can have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, effectively preventing the formation of blood clots

"Glycine": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, side effects and contraindications

"Glycine": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, side effects and contraindications

"Glycine" is a tool that improves brain metabolism. Before purchasing this medicinal product, be sure to carefully study the instructions attached to it, which describe the required dosage along with methods of application and concomitant effects on the human body