Drugs 2024, October

Pressure pills - an ambulance for symptoms. Overview of drugs, instructions for use, effectiveness, reviews

Pressure pills - an ambulance for symptoms. Overview of drugs, instructions for use, effectiveness, reviews

First, you need to figure out which indicators deviate from normal values. Pressure can be measured with a tonometer. Such a device shows two digits. In this case, the first indicates systolic pressure, that is, the strength of heart contractions, and the second reflects diastolic (vascular tone when the heart muscle relaxes)

Diuretic pills: a list of the most effective drugs. Diuretics (diuretics): prices and reviews

Diuretic pills: a list of the most effective drugs. Diuretics (diuretics): prices and reviews

Diuretics (tablets, solutions) are quite firmly established in our lives. They are used to correct the acid-base balance in the body. After all, they perfectly remove excess acid and alkali from it. Diuretic pills, the list of which is quite impressive, are used in the treatment of poisoning, some injuries (especially when it comes to head injuries), to combat hypertension

"Melatonin": reviews, instructions for use, price and analogues. Learn how to take Melatonin the right way

"Melatonin": reviews, instructions for use, price and analogues. Learn how to take Melatonin the right way

If you often have to move from one time zone to another, if you have sleep disturbances, and your immune system is noticeably weakened, then Melatonin will come to your aid. It will help you adjust to the new time zone and avoid the side effects that conventional sleeping pills usually produce, such as lethargy and daytime sleepiness

The drug "Achromin": reviews, instructions for use

The drug "Achromin": reviews, instructions for use

Cosmetic cream "Achromin" reviews from consumers deserved very good. This tool not only removes freckles and age spots well, but also moisturizes the skin. Use the cream "Achromin" should be in accordance with its instructions for use

"Pharingosept" during lactation: instructions and rules for use

"Pharingosept" during lactation: instructions and rules for use

During lactation, a woman's concern for her he alth extends to her baby. It happens that during the feeding period, the mother has a sore throat. After all, lactation can weaken her immunity, and this affects the body's susceptibility to infections. In this regard, it is necessary to take drugs with caution, taking into account the characteristics of a particular drug. Many women are interested in whether Faringosept can be used during lactation

"Eutiroks" or "L-thyroxine" - which is better? The difference between "Eutiroks" and "L-thyroxine"

"Eutiroks" or "L-thyroxine" - which is better? The difference between "Eutiroks" and "L-thyroxine"

Modern medicine has several million medicines. At the same time, more and more various analogues and generics have been produced recently. Often patients ask their doctor: "Eutiroks" or "L-thyroxine" - which is better? The answer to this question cannot be given immediately. After all, both medications contain the same active ingredient - levothyroxine sodium. However, there is still a difference between medications. That is what you will learn from the article

"Actovegin" is The composition of the drug, use, contraindications, reviews

"Actovegin" is The composition of the drug, use, contraindications, reviews

"Actovegin" is a drug that accelerates the processes of regeneration and metabolism, improves cell nutrition. Against the background of therapy, blood supply improves, proper supply of glucose and oxygen to tissues that have been damaged is ensured. In the article, we will consider the instructions for the use of "Actovegin", reviews and analogues

"Dolobene", gel: indications, instructions for use, analogues, composition, contraindications

"Dolobene", gel: indications, instructions for use, analogues, composition, contraindications

In the event that the joints hurt, it is better to use an ointment or some kind of gel that will produce an analgesic effect exclusively on the affected area. And this means that the result of treatment will come instantly. Dolobene gel is very good for these purposes. It will be discussed in our article

The best analogue of "Kordaron" in Russia

The best analogue of "Kordaron" in Russia

"Kordaron" - the most effective drug for the treatment of arrhythmias. Compared to others, it has a very broad spectrum of action and significantly reduces the mortality of patients

"Deprenorm MV 35": instructions, reviews, analogues

"Deprenorm MV 35": instructions, reviews, analogues

Diseases of the cardiovascular system are among the most common in the world, and their mortality rate is quite high. A large number of cardiac ailments are accompanied by discomfort and pain. This forces modern pharmacology to develop drugs that can improve the quality of life of patients, prevent the development of the problem and normalize the work of the heart

Psoriasis pills effective and cheap

Psoriasis pills effective and cheap

Psoriasis is an unpleasant and ugly disease that cannot be cured. But you can get rid of its external manifestations and physical discomfort that occurs during the development of the pathological process. The best pills for psoriasis, ointments and preventive measures will not allow the disease to progress, transfer it to the remission stage and prevent relapses

"Metformin" (tablets): instructions for use, reviews, composition, benefits and harms to the body

"Metformin" (tablets): instructions for use, reviews, composition, benefits and harms to the body

Metformin tablets are not only one of the best drugs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, but also a tool that is excellent for weight loss. Due to the principle of its action, it helps the body get rid of excess fat and prevents the formation of new ones. The main thing is not to forget about physical activity and diet so that weight loss happens faster

Arthritis Cure Anti Artrit Nano: reviews, description

Arthritis Cure Anti Artrit Nano: reviews, description

Perhaps the best way to cope with diseases of the joints is Anti Artrit Nano Spray Cream. This is a unique product with a natural composition. A positive result can be seen already after one course of treatment, which lasts no more than a month, if Anti Artrit Nano spray is used daily. Reviews of doctors confirm the high effectiveness of the remedy

"Tranquezipam": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Tranquezipam": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Constant tension, stress at work and at home, and other negative factors often lead to more serious problems in the psycho-emotional sphere. An important role in the treatment of such diseases is played by tranquilizers - sedatives and stress relievers. The doctor selects the medication depending on the patient's condition. One of the highly effective tranquilizers can be called a relatively new drug "Tranquezipam"

Homeopathy. "Ignatia": indications for use, instructions

Homeopathy. "Ignatia": indications for use, instructions

The homeopathic remedy "Ignatia" successfully fights depression. Homeopathy uses this medication very widely: it treats many diseases, but it most actively affects the nervous system

Painkillers for prostatitis: list, choice of remedy, purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Painkillers for prostatitis: list, choice of remedy, purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Undoubtedly, the main treatment of pathology should be the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics that can suppress the development and growth of pathogenic agents. However, an equally important aspect is the elimination of such unpleasant symptoms as discomfort and pain in the prostate

Antibiotics for urethritis: a list of effective drugs, principles of choice

Antibiotics for urethritis: a list of effective drugs, principles of choice

To combat infectious diseases of the urinary tract, antimicrobials are currently actively used - narrow-profile and wide-spectrum of effectiveness. Of course, it will not work for a woman or a man to choose antibiotics for himself with urethritis - the probability of making a mistake and choosing an ineffective remedy is too high. The course of treatment should be prescribed by a specialist, having previously taken tests and taking into account the nuances of the pathological microflora characteristic of a particular case

Eye drops to improve vision: how to choose the right one?

Eye drops to improve vision: how to choose the right one?

Most patients who see an ophthalmologist complain of blurred vision. Moreover, the problem occurs in many people, regardless of age and gender. Eye drops to improve vision are currently the most common method of dealing with ophthalmic diseases. A specialist will help you choose such a drug, having previously established an accurate diagnosis and the cause of the development of the disease

Analogue of "Levomycetin" from diarrhea (tablets). "Levomitsetin" (eye drops): analogues

Analogue of "Levomycetin" from diarrhea (tablets). "Levomitsetin" (eye drops): analogues

Many of us are familiar with the properties of the drug "Levomycetin", with which you can cope with various ailments. It is effective in infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including those accompanied by diarrhea, and is widely used in ophthalmic practice for diseases of bacterial etiology. However, the use of this medication is not always justified, so the doctor may prescribe an analogue of Levomycetin. But what kind of means can be recommended, let's try to figure it out

Complex protein - the basis of sports nutrition

Complex protein - the basis of sports nutrition

It is human nature to always strive for the ideal and self-improvement in order to become (or appear to others) even more beautiful and even stronger. The ideal means for this is considered to be sport, which involves the application of considerable effort to achieve noticeable results. In the process of sports activities and, as a result, heavy loads, the restructuring of the body begins, it needs a special, balanced diet. The best solution in this situation are special dietary supplements

Sulfur-tar ointment - description, application, price

Sulfur-tar ointment - description, application, price

Cosmetology and pharmacy offer a wide range of drugs to combat skin diseases. And each of them affects in its own way. Sulfur-tar ointment is also included in this list, and among the consumer it is listed in the top ten most popular products. A logical question: "Why has it continued to hold such a high position for many decades?" Let's try to answer it

Cromolyn sodium: instructions for use, description, indications and reviews

Cromolyn sodium: instructions for use, description, indications and reviews

Asthma, unfortunately, is a fairly common disease. Attacks and exacerbations of this disease are not only unpleasant, but also extremely dangerous, as they can lead to suffocation. Naturally, patients are offered a lot of drugs that can stop asthmatic attacks. The list of such drugs includes cromolyn sodium

"Aconite" (homeopathy). Homeopathic preparations. "Aconite" (wrestler) - reviews

"Aconite" (homeopathy). Homeopathic preparations. "Aconite" (wrestler) - reviews

Several years ago, doctors had rather conservative views and prescribed exclusively medications for the treatment of any disease. Today, the situation has changed significantly - specialists, in combination with medicines, prescribe effective natural remedies, such as the drug "Aconite" (homeopathy). For what diseases and to whom it can be prescribed, let's try to figure it out

Is the drug "Trichopolum" effective for thrush?

Is the drug "Trichopolum" effective for thrush?

"Trichopol" is a drug that has a fairly wide spectrum of action. Protozoan bacteria are sensitive to it, but pathogenic fungi, including Candida, which cause thrush, are insensitive to this drug

Means Platinus V: reviews of trichologists and customers

Means Platinus V: reviews of trichologists and customers

Today, the information space is literally flooded with advertisements for Platinus V hair products, where it is positioned as perhaps the most effective drug for strengthening hair. Does it really work as well as the rave reviews make it out to be? Is there an alternative to it? You will get answers to these questions by reading this article

"Sinaflan": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Sinaflan": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Sinaflan" is a glucocorticosteroid for external use. The drug is produced in the form of a 0.025% ointment in an aluminum tube with a volume of ten and fifteen grams. The content is a homogeneous mass of yellow tint

Silicone plaster that removes scars and scars: recommendations for use

Silicone plaster that removes scars and scars: recommendations for use

Means aimed at combating scars should be effective and convenient. As a result of research, it has been proven that scars are able to dissolve due to constant pressure on them. The most suitable material that is able to exert pressure on such pathological tissue is silicone. Therefore, more and more consumers prefer just such patches

"Dexamethasone" for allergies: dosage, reviews

"Dexamethasone" for allergies: dosage, reviews

Completely unexpectedly and abruptly, both drug and food allergies occur. Modern pharmacological companies offer you to purchase various means to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. One of these is Dexamethasone

Caffeine: formula, drugs, indications, properties

Caffeine: formula, drugs, indications, properties

In this article we will look at what caffeine is, all its properties and features. Therefore, if you have long wanted to learn more about it, then this article can help you

Ointment "Deep relief": instructions, price, analogues and reviews

Ointment "Deep relief": instructions, price, analogues and reviews

How should Deep ointment be used? Instructions, price and indications of this tool will be described below. We will also tell you about the properties of this local drug, whether it has contraindications and side effects, whether it has analogues and what patients say about it

Activated charcoal how to take with allergies right?

Activated charcoal how to take with allergies right?

Almost every person has to deal with allergies in their entire life. This reaction may be seasonal or permanent. Often patients complain about dust, blooms, pollen and animal hair. No less rarely, allergies are provoked by food and household items, medicines

"Mexidol" with VVD: instructions for use, reviews

"Mexidol" with VVD: instructions for use, reviews

Specialists do not stop studying the features of vegetative-vascular dystonia, and in addition, the options for the treatment used. Currently, the only correct method of therapy for this disease has not yet been determined. Scientists have developed several variations of treatment. The use of "Mexidol" in VVD is one of the methods of therapy

Antithrombotic drugs: list, classification, action and reviews

Antithrombotic drugs: list, classification, action and reviews

In the treatment of patients suffering from cardiac diseases, doctors focus on the use of antianginal, as well as antihypertensive and antiarrhythmic drugs. According to large multicenter studies, these drugs significantly affect the incidence of myocardial infarction, stroke, deep vein thrombosis, improve the quality and life expectancy of patients with cardiovascular diseases

"Cycloferon": contraindications and indications for use, instructions, release forms

"Cycloferon": contraindications and indications for use, instructions, release forms

The modern rhythm of life dictates certain rules. To always stay in shape, you need to be completely he althy. What to do if a cold makes you give up your usual activities? It is necessary to take an immunostimulating drug, which is "Cycloferon"

"Viferon" from papillomas: reviews, recommendations, composition of the drug and results

"Viferon" from papillomas: reviews, recommendations, composition of the drug and results

Human papillomavirus is a dangerous infectious disease that can cause the development of a malignant tumor. To combat this problem, the pharmaceutical industry produces a line of drugs called "Viferon". The article tells about these antiviral drugs

Valocordin and alcohol: compatibility, consequences

Valocordin and alcohol: compatibility, consequences

"Valocordin" is often used to relieve the symptoms of a hangover. The composition of this drug is identical to the famous "Corvalol". Even after a single dose, the heart rate evens out, there is a clear sedative, relaxing and calming effect. A person falls asleep quickly after taking Valocordin, and alcohol can enhance this effect. However, in a hangover, taking this drug is not recommended, especially often

Paracetamol as an anesthetic: indications, instructions for use

Paracetamol as an anesthetic: indications, instructions for use

Many medicines should always be at hand. For example, painkillers, because no one is safe from attacks of toothache, menstrual pain or headache. Paracetamol is one of these drugs, which deservedly enjoys wide popularity. The article is about him

Cheap analogues of "Vezikar": a list of drugs, instructions for use

Cheap analogues of "Vezikar": a list of drugs, instructions for use

"Vesikar" is a medicine that helps to reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of the urinary tract. The drug belongs to the group of antispasmodics. Used for the treatment of urological diseases. "Vesikar" is produced in tablet form, in dosages of 5 and 10 milligrams. The main ingredient is solifenacin succinate

"Neipilept": reviews of doctors and patients, instructions for use, release forms

"Neipilept": reviews of doctors and patients, instructions for use, release forms

Nootropic drugs are drugs that activate the metabolism in nerve cells and improve thought processes. The properties of nootropics make it possible to prescribe them for ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury, behavioral and cognitive disorders, as well as in the recovery period

The best calcium preparations for osteoporosis: list, formulations, recommendations for use

The best calcium preparations for osteoporosis: list, formulations, recommendations for use

Osteoporosis is a dangerous disease in which the bone tissue of the spine, as well as the pelvis and wrist, is disturbed. This ailment manifests itself in people at any age, but, as a rule, middle-aged women during menopause experience it in most situations, and calcium medications for osteoporosis help to cope with the disease