Surely everyone knows what glycine is. This is a popular remedy that relieves nervous stress and increases efficiency. It is especially popular among schoolchildren, students, impressionable people and athletes.
Many consider this remedy to be a harmless drug. But it is not so. It has a number of contraindications and possible side effects. Even an overdose of glycine is possible. And now we will talk about her just now.

Composition and purpose
This drug is an aliphatic amino acid used in medicine as a nootropic drug.
Glycine has a sedative, tranquilizing and antidepressant effect. Taking this drug reduces the feeling of fear and anxiety, psycho-emotional stress, and also reduces the severity of side effects of neuroleptics, antidepressants, anticonvulsants.
In addition to the above, glycine is able to normalize metabolism, reduce psycho-emotional stress, increase efficiency, positively affect associativeprocesses and memory.
In general, a number of properties are attributed to him. People drink the drug to improve their mood, eliminate conflict and aggressiveness, make it easier to fall asleep, etc.
However, you should not get carried away with this tool. An overdose of glycine is possible. And it occurs in many, because not everyone observes the measure, considering the drug harmless.

Before you talk about what threatens an overdose of glycine, it is worth identifying a measure that is acceptable. So the rules are:
- For children under 3 years, the maximum daily dose is limited to 0.15 g. This is one and a half tablets.
- Children over 3 years can take a maximum of 0.3 g. That is, three tablets.
- Everyone over adolescence is allowed to take 0.6 g per day. This is six tablets of the drug.
It is also worth remembering that this drug is prescribed as a course. And the maximum dosage for children and adults is 2, 6 and 18 grams, respectively. For one course, you can not take the drug in more quantities.
Can you die from an overdose of glycine? No, the amino acid does not cause death. But its use in excessively large quantities is fraught with many unpleasant consequences.

Overdose symptoms
Glycine in large quantities can cause significant harm to the body. An excess of a synthetic amino acid affects his condition much worse than herflaw. And here are some signs that are considered alarming:
- Allergic swelling and skin rashes.
- Disorders of movement coordination.
- Drowsiness, weakness.
- Vomiting and loose stools, other manifestations of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Inhibition of brain activity.
- Low blood pressure.
- Irregular heart rhythms.
There may be other symptoms of a glycine overdose. Because of the drying of the mouth, coughing fits occur, and redness and rashes are often accompanied by itching. Even anaphylactic shock is possible.
Also, a number of symptoms often resemble an asthma attack. This should especially alert a person if he has not previously suffered from such problems. In addition, if you do not immediately help him, one of the problems described below may arise.

Lactic acidosis
This is a very rare and life-threatening disease. One of the most serious consequences of an overdose of glycine.
Pathology develops very quickly, within a few hours. And this is what is observed:
- Muscle pain.
- Symptoms of heart failure.
- Dyspeptic phenomena.
- Discomfort behind the sternum.
- Apathy.
- Increased breathing.
- Insomnia or sudden sleepiness.
Also, many have abdominal pain, vomiting, spastic paresis, areflexia, noisy Kussmaul breathing. Against the background of all these manifestations developsintravascular coagulation syndrome, myocardial activity worsens.
Then the person simply loses consciousness, and a lactic acid coma sets in. The prognosis is unfavorable - even if qualified assistance is provided to the victim on time, the probability of mortality is 70%.
Protein poisoning
Another consequence of an overdose of glycine. Like lactic acidosis, it occurs in rare cases, but there is a possibility of its onset. Accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Prolonged feeling of nausea.
- Heat temperature.
- Severe headache.
- Diarrhea with blood.
- Dizziness and loss of consciousness.
- Intestinal pains that have a sharp, cramping character.
- Bloating and excessive gas.
- Black urine.
Even timely assistance is not a guarantee of the absence of complications in all cases.
After suffering protein poisoning, toxins begin to accumulate in the intestines and decay processes intensify. A person suffers from chronic fatigue and loss of strength. Chronic constipation, stone formation in the bladder and kidneys are possible, and calcium deficiency, which is a consequence of poisoning, the body replenishes at the expense of bone tissue.

Other side effects
As mentioned earlier, the two complications mentioned are rare. Most often, the consumption of glycine in excessive amounts entails the following consequences:
- Significant declineattention.
- Loss of ability to concentrate.
- Severe retardation. Associated with the suppression of adrenaline production.
- Reducing pressure. This is dangerous for hypotensive patients.
- Heavy stress on the kidneys.
- Difficulty breathing.
The most dangerous thing is an overdose for children. For them, this is fraught with complications in the kidneys. In such cases, you can not hesitate - you must immediately call an ambulance and hospitalize the child.
In stationary conditions, he will undergo a gastric lavage and prescribe medication. As a rule, children are prescribed "Smecta" - this is a remedy in the form of a suspension with a caramel flavor, which has an adsorbing effect. An alternative is the sweet paste "Enterosgel".
After returning home, the child must follow the drinking regimen, which will help to quickly remove the remnants of the drug from the body, as well as to rest longer.
It should also be noted that this drug is not recommended for drivers (it causes a relaxed state, and they need to be concentrated), as well as nursing mothers and people with individual intolerance. And despite the fact that glycine can be taken even from birth (so the instructions say), you should not give it to babies without good reasons and medical recommendations.
In case of pregnancy
Talking about what an overdose of glycine in adults is fraught with, it is necessary to discuss the question of whether this drug can be taken at all by women in position.
Yes, if that's the doctor's recommendation. We must not forget that inthe period of gestation, the woman's body becomes completely different. All systems are being rebuilt to a new mode of operation, the hormonal background is changing, to say nothing about the central nervous system.

Glycine during this period can help eliminate nervous tension, irrational fears, sleep problems and lack of appetite. But any doctor, before prescribing it, will advise a woman to establish a regimen, monitor nutrition and engage in moderate physical activity.
No need to once again load the body with taking any drugs. After all, if a woman accidentally takes too many pills, then an overdose of glycine during pregnancy will affect not only her he alth, but also the condition of the fetus.
First Aid
So, if there is an overdose of glycine, what should I do? Everything depends on the circumstances. If a person deliberately took a large dose of the drug, but a little time has passed since then, a quick gastric lavage should be done.
The procedure is performed in several steps: you need to drink 300-400 ml of water in one gulp and immediately induce vomiting. The undigested tablets will come out of the stomach along with the liquid. It is worth repeating this procedure 1-2 more times.
But if a sufficient amount of time has passed, and the symptoms of an overdose of glycine begin to manifest themselves, then the following actions are recommended:
- Taking an antihistamine. Necessary for anti-allergic effect.
- Increasing blood pressure with Eleutherococcus extract or caffeine.
Ifit does not get easier, you need to call an ambulance. It is not necessary to take sorbents (activated carbon, Enterosgel, etc.), since glycine is not a toxic agent, and therefore it is excreted quickly by the kidneys.

After an overdose of glycine, you can recover in 1-2 days. To do this, a person will need to follow these recommendations:
- Keep a plentiful drinking regimen. Consume at least 2 liters of fluid per day.
- Limit physical activity, get more rest.
- Do not eat foods containing natural glycine. These include eggs, brown rice, bananas, seeds, kiwi, nuts, aspic, jelly, jelly.
- Drink not only water, but also decoctions or infusions. It is best to make them based on St. John's wort, Tibetan collection, yarrow, chamomile, dandelion root, plantain, mint, rosehip.
And of course, you need to take a break from taking glycine. In general, it is better to go to a therapist or a neurologist - a specialist will tell you which drug is best to take in certain cases.