Tablets "Amoxicillin": instructions for use, analogues, release forms, reviews

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Tablets "Amoxicillin": instructions for use, analogues, release forms, reviews
Tablets "Amoxicillin": instructions for use, analogues, release forms, reviews

Video: Tablets "Amoxicillin": instructions for use, analogues, release forms, reviews

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The article will be presented to "Amoxicillin" instructions for use and analogues.

Immunity in some is so weak and suffers each time under the influence of pathogenic bacteria that the risk of contracting any infection increases millions of times, especially during the cold season, when almost everyone gets colds. Infections such as laryngitis with sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, and acute otitis media are very difficult to tolerate by the body. Anyone can go to bed with a fever. In this case, there will be fever, pain and aches in the bones and joints.

Image "Amoxicillin" instructions for use
Image "Amoxicillin" instructions for use

In this state, any person especially needs help. In this case, the drug "Amoxicillin" comes to the rescue, instructions for using this medicationbelow.

Medicine description

The presented drug is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, it belongs to the category of semi-synthetic penicillins. This medication is by its nature an acid-resistant agent, it has a pronounced bactericidal, and at the same time also an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Annotation to the drug reports that this agent acts as a hydroxyl analogue of ampicillin. "Amoxicillin" is a high quality antibiotic. It has a detrimental effect on aerobic gram-positive cocci and gram-negative rods. This medication is also effective in the fight against streptococci, staphylococci and E. coli. This is indicated in the instructions for use for Amoxicillin 500 mg tablets.

But there is a catch: this tool absolutely cannot affect the microbacteria that produce penicillinase. The main purpose of using this drug is aimed at destroying the cell wall of pathogenic microorganisms. The following microorganisms show a certain hypersensitivity to this drug:

  • A parasite known as Helicobacter pylori.
  • Gram-negative organisms such as Neisseria, Haemophilus influenzae or Proteus mirabilis.
  • Gram-positive organisms.
  • Bacteria such as Salmonella along with Klebsiella and a strain of Shigella.

Pharmacological effects

This drug can be said to be fairly easily absorbed intothe intestinal wall, inhibiting transpeptidase, and as a result leads to a failure in the synthesis of peptidoglycan during the period of active division and development of harmful bacteria, thereby causing lysis of microorganisms. The effect of the use of this medicine can be felt already thirty minutes after using the medicine. Typically, the effect lasts at least eight hours and then wears off.

This confirms the instructions for use for Amoxicillin.

Image"Amoxicillin" instructions for use tablets
Image"Amoxicillin" instructions for use tablets

Composition of the drug and release form

  • The first, and at the same time the most common form is the tablet version. The tablets of the drug have a milky tint, they are made with a chamfer and a risk and have a flat-cylindrical shape. Depending on the degree of concentration of the active ingredient in one tablet, there may be 500 and 250 mg of amoxicillin. Instructions for use contain such information.
  • Capsules of the drug are also divided according to the quantitative content of the active substance, that is, 250 or 500 milligrams.
  • Soluble tablets of the drug have a pleasant pineapple taste. In this case, the concentration of the active ingredient in the preparation can be 250, 500 or 1000 milligrams.
  • A granular form of release is made for healing suspensions "Amoxicillin" for children. Instructions for use indicate that 125 milligrams of the active ingredient per 5 milliliters of a pharmacological preparation.
  • Powder for injection. At the same time, inone vial contains only a gram of the main active ingredient, which is amoxicillin.

Now let's figure out what indications Amoxicillin has according to the instructions for use.

Image "Amoxicillin" suspension instructions for use
Image "Amoxicillin" suspension instructions for use

What are the indications for the use of the drug?

It should be taken when the patient begins to experience a well-known condition, manifested in the form of heat throughout the body, as well as aching bones and so on. In the presence of inflammatory processes in the ears, "Amoxicillin" is also prescribed. But it is important to note that the independent use of this drug is prohibited. Only an experienced otolaryngologist has the right to prescribe this drug to a patient.

According to the instructions for use, "Amoxicillin" 250 and 500 mg serves as a quick help to the body. This drug is able to effectively relieve inflammation and alleviate the condition of patients two days after administration. So, let's consider in which cases it is advisable to use this drug:

  • The presence of chronic diseases of the otolaryngological organs, as well as the respiratory tract. For example, pneumonia, acute otitis media, pharyngitis with sinusitis, sinusitis and tonsillitis. It is also advisable to use this medicine in the presence of chronic bronchitis, follicular and lacunar tonsillitis.
  • Development of infectious processes that occur in the gastrointestinal tract. Examples include pathologies such as peritonitis, typhoid fever, cholecystitis,intestinal disorders of infectious origin along with salmonella, infectious dysentery and diarrhea, which is usually caused solely by bacterial problems.
  • The presence of diseases of the genitourinary system. For example, with diseases such as urethritis, pyelonephritis, cervicitis, endometritis, gonorrhea, pyelitis and other ailments.
  • Development of soft tissue and skin lesions, which occurs with secondarily infected leptospirosis dermatosis, and, in addition, with furunculosis and against the background of erysipelas.
  • Presence of Lyme disease and shigellosis.

Next, consider the instructions for use of this drug.

Image "Amoxicillin" instructions for use suspension for children
Image "Amoxicillin" instructions for use suspension for children

How should I take my medicine?

According to the instructions for use, "Amoxicillin" can be taken before meals, as well as immediately after a meal. In any case, it should be taken orally at a dosage that should be clearly established by a specialist, taking into account the overall clinical picture of the course of the disease, as well as according to the individual characteristics of the patient. The tablet/capsule of this medicine should be taken by mouth with a glass of water.

Amoxicillin suspension according to the instructions for use must first be prepared.

Chronic sore throats are quite successfully treated with this antibiotic. Against the background of the treatment of angina, this medicine is taken immediately after meals. The therapeutic effect on the tonsils in this case will last much longer, and recovery will occur much faster. So, now we will consider in more detail the instructions for the use of this pharmacological drug. It gives the following instructions:

  • According to the instructions for use, "Amoxicillin" for children who are over twelve years old, whose body weight is more than forty-five kilograms, as well as adults, is prescribed 500 milligrams of medication three times a day. In the event that it happened that the disease acquired an acute or chronic form, then it is recommended to double the dose.
  • For children in the age group of six to twelve years, doctors prescribe one tablet of Amoxicillin, which contains 500 milligrams of the active substance. For children, the frequency of use according to the standard therapy regimen is twice a day.

The drug is widely used in the treatment of children of all ages, including newborns and premature babies. In this case, for children under 5 years of age, a suspension is used.

Doses for children are:

  1. Children under 2 years old - 20 mg/kg of body weight per day. This dose is divided into 3 doses.
  2. Children 2-5 years - 125 mg (i.e. 1/2 scoop of suspension) 3 times a day.
  3. Children 5-10 years - 250 mg (1 scoop suspension) 3 times a day.

It is important to note that, according to the instructions for use for Amoxicillin, it is undesirable for adults and children to continue the course of treatment for more than twelve days. Otherwise, problems and unwanted reactions from the body may appear. You should try to make sure that the total time interval between doses of this drugdid not exceed six hours.

Image "Amoxicillin" 500 instructions for use
Image "Amoxicillin" 500 instructions for use

Contraindications for use

What else does the instructions for use for Amoxicillin tablets say? The use of the drug is not recommended if the patient has a number of the following pathological conditions:

  • The appearance of hypersensitivity to at least one of the components that make up the drug.
  • Presence of nasal polyps.
  • Development of lymphoblastic leukemia, which is characterized by an acute form of the course.
  • The appearance of hay fever.
  • The occurrence of infections with viral genesis.
  • Appearance of allergic diathesis.
  • Asthma.
  • Infectious mononucleosis.
  • Chronic diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Liver failure.
  • Lactation period.
  • Children under three years of age. If it is necessary to use this drug, its prescription should be carried out only by the attending physician.

Drug use and possible side effects

According to the instructions for use for "Amoxicillin" 500 mg or 250, the list of side effects on the constituent components, in fact, can be continued indefinitely. It should be noted that this drug has no equal in terms of the number of adverse reactions. In the event that, after using the medicine, pink erythematous rashes appear on the skin, then most likely the person has developed urticaria during treatment with this remedy. It must be said that thisthe most possible complication that occurs while taking Amoxicillin (500 mg). The instructions for use also contain such information.

Patients who experience hypersensitivity to cephalosporins, and in addition to carbapenems, should be aware of the possibility of cross-allergy, since the use of a powerful antibiotic of this type in this case cannot be justified even in the presence of acute respiratory infections.

In addition, the organs of the digestive system can also react to "Amoxicillin", which is likely to manifest itself in the form of vomiting with dysbacteriosis, as well as pain in the epigastric region. It is not excluded the appearance of dyspeptic disorders along with diarrhea with bloody impurities, glossitis, and pseudomembranous colitis. As part of the use of the drug in humans, there is a violation of taste, allergic reactions inevitably appear that cause indigestion.

Image "Amoxicillin" instructions for use analogues
Image "Amoxicillin" instructions for use analogues

Instructions for use for "Amoxicillin" 500 mg indicates that the nervous system suffers from this drug. Against the background of taking a person, insomnia, depression and fatigue can begin to torment. The person may also become more irritable, withdrawn, insecure, suspicious, and completely detached. It is not excluded the appearance of reactions in the form of drowsiness, unpleasant dizziness, and, in addition, hallucinations, convulsions and impaired tactile sensitivity. Rare, but cases have been reportedolfactory and visual deviation. Among other side effects that occur due to the use of Amoxicillin, the following stand out:

  • Leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenic purpura and anemia.
  • Appearance of anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema and Lyell's syndrome.
  • The occurrence of spasms in the bronchi along with allergic reactions in the lungs.
  • Inhibition of musculoskeletal activity, which is usually expressed in general weakness in muscles and bones.

In the event that side effects occur as a result of uncontrolled use of tablets in unmeasured quantities, then you should urgently resort to gastric lavage. As part of first aid, you can drink several tablets of activated charcoal or saline laxative.

This is what the instructions for use for Amoxicillin tablets tell us. It must be studied.

The cost of the drug and its analogues

Today, you can easily buy this drug at any pharmacy. It is available, its cost starts from a hundred rubles. This drug has a lot of analogues, among them it is worth noting the following medical products that can be purchased at affordable prices: Amosin, Amoxisar, Ecobol, and Ranoxyl.

"Amosin" is produced by the Russian company JSC "Sintez", is available both in the form of granules, suspensions, powders, and solutions for intramuscular and intravenous administration. It has indications for use identical to Amoxicillin.

"Amoxisar". Produced by the pharmaceutical company JSC "Biochemist". Produced in vials containing 1 g of the active substance. The powder is used to prepare a solution for injection. Indicated for the treatment of infections of the skin, soft tissues, infections of the respiratory tract.

"Ecobol" is produced by the company "AVVA-RUS", in tablets with a dosage of 250 and 500 mg. As additional ingredients contains povidone, lactulose, starch. It is prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of infections caused by staphylococci, streptococci and other microorganisms: diseases of the respiratory system, genitourinary, digestive, ENT organs.

Reviews on the drug "Amoxicillin"

There are a lot of reviews about this drug on the Internet. Basically, we are talking about the fact that this medication is very effective, but consumers have repeatedly had to observe various side effects that occur during its use. Nevertheless, many consider these pills an indispensable remedy for a whole list of various ailments, for example, such as otitis media or sinusitis. Consumers write that they also use it in the treatment of colds. Although the instructions for use for Amoxicillin 500 mg tablets do not give such indications.

It is great for helping people cope with fever, sore throats, swollen lymph nodes and so on. Buyers write that thanks to the effective action of this drug, they are always sure that they will certainly get better quickly.

Grateful people and the ability of "Amoxicillin" to cope withotitis. In particular, it is noted that otolaryngologists often prescribe it to their patients when such diseases appear. People report that under the influence of "Amoxicillin" otitis media took place in them literally six days later. Considering how satisfied patients are with the action of these pills, it is not surprising that there are a lot of reviews in which they praise Amoxicillin and recommend it for use by other people in case of developing serious conditions.

Satisfied with the effect of these pills and parents whose children often get sick and are forced to skip school because of this. For example, it is noted that it takes about seven days to restore and heal a child's body with fever and cough, subject to treatment with this drug.

Instructions for use
Instructions for use


Be that as it may, despite the many positive reviews, it is worth emphasizing that "Amoxicillin" is a fairly strong drug that can be taken only after medical prescription. Since only a doctor is able to determine exactly whether this drug is suitable for this or that person or not. In addition, while taking it, people often experience various side effects, which also requires a careful approach in choosing it.
