In our article we will talk about what is a caesarean section, when and to whom it is due. The possible consequences of this operation will also be considered. The article will be useful both for those who are expecting the birth of their first child, and for those who are preparing to become a mother for the second or third time.

Benefits of caesarean section
The main advantage of this operation is the successful birth of a child. Through this operation, this is possible even in situations where natural childbirth can cause the death of not only the baby, but also the mother. For this reason, when there are indications for a planned operation, then you can not talk about the pros and cons of a caesarean section, but agree to the operation. The he alth of mother and child always comes first.
Another plus of a caesarean section is that the genitals will remain intact. There will be no seams or tears. This makes it possible in the postpartum period to avoid certain kinds of problems related to sexual life. Above all, there will be no breakcervix, exacerbation of a disease such as hemorrhoids, or prolapse of the pelvic organs, including the bladder. In general, the genitourinary system will remain unchanged.
Another advantage of caesarean section is speed. The operation will take much less time than the entire process of childbirth. Often, women have to endure contractions for several hours and wait until the birth canal is completely open. With a caesarean section (the photo below shows how the operation is performed), this is not required. A simple scheduled operation will start on time. Most likely, it will be as close as possible to the expected date and the onset of labor in this case has no effect.
Cons of caesarean section
One of the very important disadvantages of the operation is the psychological state of the woman. As you know, after the natural process of childbirth, there is a risk of postpartum depression. But it will disappear with frequent contact with the child. But after a caesarean section, a large number of women will feel the wrongness or incompleteness of everything that happens. At the same time, initially some girls do not feel connected with their own child.
Restriction in physical activity is another disadvantage. Sometimes women who have undergone surgery find it extremely difficult. They have the need to look not only exclusively for the child, but also pay some attention to the treatment of the wound after the operation. Recovery after this process will be very difficult and long.

After the operation, it will not be possible to pick up the child in a standing position. Especially when the baby was born extremely large. For this reason, during the first month, mom will need systematic help.
Physical activities such as carrying heavy objects, sudden movements, and sexual relationships will have to be postponed a bit. After the operation, there may be pain in the abdomen for a long time, as well as a feeling of tension in the stitches, which interfere with normal life.
After the wound heals, a very large scar remains, which over time will be virtually invisible.
Birth after surgery
When the first birth was resolved by caesarean section, that is, the need to take into account certain features when planning another baby. During the operation, surgeons cut the abdominal cavity and uterus, after which a scar is formed on it, which can disperse at any time. For example, in the process of another pregnancy or childbirth.
How long does it take before a future pregnancy after a caesarean section? In the reviews, women write that 2-3 years. It is this period that gynecologists indicate to their patients. However, do not forget that even if pregnancy occurs after 5 years, there is a possibility of seam divergence, since the tissues during this period will be very rigid.
The way the second birth after a caesarean section will go depends on many factors. For example, when there are indisputable indications for the implementation of the specified operation, then sometimes there is simply no other way out. In the event of complications during childbirth, only with the help of an operation is it possible to save the life of both the mother and the baby.
However, a fairly large number of women believe that the main criterion for the operation is that past births were by caesarean section. This is far from true. Gynecologists say that it is better when the second birth after a caesarean section is natural. In such a situation, the uterus will not again be subjected to the intervention of doctors. Then the recovery of the body will be much faster and easier than after the second surgical intervention.
Why is there pain after surgery?
It is worth saying that absolutely all women in labor, without exception, suffer from pain in the postoperative period. No matter how high the doctor's qualifications, as a result of a caesarean section, a large amount of the woman's body tissues are affected.
Of course, it will take some time to restore them. A month is enough for one woman to fully recover and forget about an unpleasant operation, but for another, six months will be enough to fully recover.
The stitch hurts

In the first 7 days, or even longer, pain after a cesarean section in the area of the seam torments the woman constantly. During movement, injured tissue will always make itself felt. A tight and strong seam, with which the cut tissues were gathered together, presses on them, and hence pain arises. Until the effect of the pain medication after anesthesia wears off, the womanwill not feel it. However, as soon as the analgesics stop working, the pain will begin to appear. It should be noted that this phenomenon is not anomalous. The same applies to nausea and dizziness in the first days after surgery. You will have to endure pain after a cesarean section for a week. At this time, of course, it is possible to take painkillers. However, many simply refuse so that they can feed the baby.
Scar hurts. Why is this happening?
When the tissues damaged during the operation heal, the suture becomes a dense scar. It can also bring a woman some inconvenience. As a rule, a young mother feels some tingling in this place, as well as a dull pain. This condition is not dangerous to life or he alth.
Within 14 days after a caesarean section, women write in their reviews that it is worth monitoring not only their own feelings, but also systematically inspecting the seam. The wound must be completely clean. It is not allowed to release even the smallest amount of pus. A headache and a sharp increase in temperature indicate that there is a need for a visit to the doctor.
Intestinal pain. Why is this happening?
Surgical intervention in the process of childbirth in any case will affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and after the operation there will be increased gas formation. A large level of accumulation of gases in the intestines can bring severe pain to a woman. To get rid of the presented problem, it is necessary to initially bring it back to normalintestinal peristalsis. Only a doctor can prescribe the necessary drugs. There is no need to self-medicate.
Caesarean section: pros and cons for the baby
Many believe that it is the operation that will help relieve the child of the fear and pain that he experiences in the process of natural childbirth. Actually it is not. The main problem of the operation is that the child does not go through the process that was planned for him by mother nature.

What are the known pros and cons of a caesarean section for a child? It is worth saying that there are no unambiguous situations. The negative point is the fact that a child born in this way may simply experience shock, and as a result, his immunity will decrease, and susceptibility to infectious diseases will also appear.
The need for a bandage after surgery
Bandage is necessary to maintain good tone and tighten the abdominal muscles. After natural childbirth, it can become an assistant in returning the abdomen to its prenatal state. But wearing it is optional.
In a situation where a cesarean delivery has occurred, the use of a bandage makes the recovery process a little easier. With him, a woman will return to her previous way of life much faster, and it will be very easy to endure physical activity, which will be combined with caring for a child.
If a bandage is put on after a caesarean section, then in this case it will support the suture and injured muscles. Alsoit will help prevent displacement of organs inside, improve uterine contraction. A large number of obstetricians suggests that all women who have completed a caesarean section never refuse to wear a bandage.
However, be aware that there are exceptions. With a number of certain complications, the bandage cannot be used in principle, or it is important to consult a specialist before using it.
Indications for use
In addition to the desire to regain the shape of the body before pregnancy, there are some indications of a medical nature regarding the use of a bandage after surgery. It is shown under the following conditions:

- feelings of pain in the lower abdomen;
- muscles tense in the seam area;
- pathologies and diseases of the spine;
- insufficient uterine contraction.
However, a specialist will make a decision on the need to wear a bandage in certain situations. The doctor has the right to prohibit its use when:
- inflamed suture;
- there were changes in the work of the digestive tract;
- there was an allergy to the material from which the bandage was made;
- swelling due to kidney or heart disease;
- a skin disease appeared, in places of contact with the surface of the bandage.
Opinions on the admissibility of using a support belt with a vertical seam constantly diverge. Some experts claim that this will not be useful, while othersstrongly recommend that women in labor wear a bandage.
Belly after surgery

Belly after caesarean section remains the same as after childbirth. He will lead to a restless state of many women. After natural childbirth, in order to get rid of it faster and make the abdominal muscles stronger, it is allowed to pump the press and perform other physical exercises.
However, after a caesarean section, such exercises may be performed much later, since a surgical intervention was performed. Experienced doctors do not allow loading the stomach for 6 months. It is necessary to give time for the internal as well as external seams to heal. When a woman nevertheless begins to exercise, it is important to go to the doctor for a consultation.
The belly after a caesarean section can only be removed with a lot of effort and patience. Really. According to statistics, the body needs the same amount of time to restore its past forms as it takes to bear a child.
When there is a desire to get rid of the stomach after a caesarean section, you need to be patient and not try to exhaust yourself with diets. A woman needs to eat normally to cope with heavy loads. A baby needs milk that only a mother can give.
You should carefully monitor your own nutrition and not eat for two. Mothers need to limit themselves in the amount of food, in no case allow overeating. You should try to avoid high-calorie and completely useless foods. Otherwise womanruns the risk of not removing the stomach, but on the contrary - to grow it after childbirth.
Even when a woman wants to get rid of her stomach as soon as possible after surgery, you should not start exercising in an enhanced mode. Scars on the uterus need rest. It is worth going out for walks with the child more often, cleaning the house, carrying the baby in her arms, and also doing light, but at the same time active dancing. You need to carry out the most ordinary daily activities, but at the same time do not overload yourself. Don't forget to rest if you feel tired.

In order to get rid of the abdomen after a caesarean section, you should wear a special bandage designed for the postpartum period. It is best to buy a special bandage that will hold your back, the space under your stomach. The postpartum bandage covers the entire space, from the chest to the thigh bones.
The presented bandage will perfectly draw in the stomach, which visually creates the effect of harmony.
Now knowing what a caesarean section is (the photo has been rearranged in the article for clarity), you will not be so afraid to decide on this operation. We hope that this information was useful to you.