Causes of cervical erosion and treatment methods

Causes of cervical erosion and treatment methods
Causes of cervical erosion and treatment methods

Cervical erosion is a very common disease among women, which is associated with a violation of the natural microflora of the cervix. Erosion is a benign formation, which only if left untreated can lead to cancer. It is very difficult to identify it, because there are various causes of cervical erosion. To protect your he alth and reduce the numerous costs of its restoration, you need to visit a gynecologist once a year.

causes of cervical erosion
causes of cervical erosion

Cervical erosion: causes of occurrence

This is a very insidious disease that may not manifest itself for years. Very often, it can be completely asymptomatic, and a woman will not know about it in any way, because she will think that there is no point in going to the gynecologist at all. But there are some causes of cervical erosion that you shouldknow and which, in which case, should encourage you to go to the women's doctor:

- immune changes in a woman's body (rapid weight gain or loss, pregnancy, childbirth);

- HPV;

- infection with one of the TORCH infections;

- breaks after childbirth;

- chronic inflammation (cystitis, inflammation of the ovaries);

- abortion;

- early or late sexual life;

- endocrine disorders in the body;

- frequent change of sexual partners.

Types of diseases

Like almost every disease, there are three types of cervical erosion, depending on the degree of tissue damage - mild, moderate and severe. In accordance with this, there are several varieties of it:

- Congenital erosion. It occurs in girls in adolescence, it can pass by itself in the same way as it appeared. The chance that this erosion will turn into cancer is very small.

- True erosion. It manifests itself as a detachment of epithelial cells. Women can recognize her by spotting.

- Pseudo-erosion. This type manifests itself as a displacement of the squamous epithelium, the possibility of developing into cancer is almost zero.

Subspecies of cervical erosion

In addition to the main types of diseases, the following are also distinguished:

- Uncomplicated erosion. Most often, this type of it will not be treated, since over time the uterus itself will be able to renew the affected cells. The only thing here is that no one can say exactly how long it will take.

- Complicated erosion. This is a very dangerous type of it leads to a modification of the cervix, and, accordingly, diseases of adjacent organs.

Sometimes tumors inside the vagina lead to cervical erosion. The reasons for their appearance are different, so a gynecologist's consultation is simply inevitable. But doctors may not take any active action, except in obvious cases, where medical and surgical intervention is mandatory.

Who can have this condition?

cervical erosion causes
cervical erosion causes

The disease can be found in every third woman in the world. The occurrence of cervical erosion provokes a number of factors, so this disease can be diagnosed even in girls who have not yet begun sexual activity. In such cases, we are usually talking about heredity or a sharp change in hormonal levels. Cervical erosion in nulliparous is very common, but in many cases it disappears with the onset of pregnancy and rarely requires treatment before it occurs.

In other cases, it may appear as a result of diseases such as colpitis, endocervicitis. Often, the causes of the disease include too active sexual intercourse, inaccurate insertion of tampons, a reaction to mechanical contraceptives.

Erosion during pregnancy

For all pregnant women who are registered in the antenatal clinic, there is a mandatory examination on the armchair - colposcopy. Here, cervical erosion can also be detected. But every woman in an interesting position should know what to treat before one owes her. An experienced doctor will postpone this until the postpartum period, if there are reasons for that. The appearance of cervical erosion is most likely associated with abrupt changes in the hormonal background of a woman. Hormones will recover after a couple of months, and the disease will go away on its own.

Of course, there are cases where erosion is dangerous. But this is only when it is accompanied by any other infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. But even in this case, the gynecologist will prescribe any suppositories that will reduce the symptoms of erosion. This way you can avoid ruptures during labor and then get on with the full treatment.

Manifestation of cervical erosion

According to experts, erosion may not manifest itself for years. You can find out about it only at a scheduled inspection. Only in very rare cases does it happen when cervical erosion hurts. These sensations can also be accompanied by purulent-bloody discharge, which will somehow resemble menstruation. Some women may not even pay attention to this, mistaking this symptom for unplanned periods. Only in the case when the patient is sure that she has any infectious diseases, she will take this as an alarm sign. Those girls who are pregnant or just going, bloody discharge is attributed to fetal detachment and also immediately turn to a specialist.

A woman should also be alerted by pain during intercourse, which will also be accompanied by sanious discharge.

Disease diagnosis

erosion of the cervix in nulliparous
erosion of the cervix in nulliparous

Every woman who is worried about her he alth will definitely think about what kind of diagnosis is needed to determine cervical erosion. Everything is very simple: a scheduled examination by a gynecologist, and you can easily avoid this disease or start treating it at an early stage.

Since this is a very insidious disease, cervical erosion in nulliparous can also appear suddenly. Therefore, every girl, starting from the age of 16, should be examined by a gynecologist once a year. It includes colposcopy, flora smear, cytology, HIV testing and TORCH.

Cure disease

When the doctor has done all the necessary research, treatment is prescribed to get rid of cervical erosion. What tests you will need to pass, you will find out from your attending gynecologist. If this is a congenital case, then the course of the disease will simply be observed.

cervical erosion reviews
cervical erosion reviews

In other cases, specialists can turn to a surgical or conservative method. If the patient also has concomitant infections, treatment begins with them and a course of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and immune system modulators is prescribed. There are cases when this treatment does not lead to an improvement in he alth, then they turn to surgical methods:

- Diathermocoagulation. This procedure is prescribed for women who have already given birth or for those who do not plan to have a child in the next year. The procedure is very unpleasant, as it is carried out with the help of electric waves.

- Cryotherapy. The treatment is carried out with liquid nitrogen. But the downside here is that cervical erosion disease may return very soon.

If a woman was found to have erosion of small sizes, then the doctor will simply prescribe a course of suppositories and the necessary medicines. Sometimes one douche may be enough. But it is worth remembering that such treatment is designed to restore the natural microflora of the vagina, thereby helping the body to heal itself.

Direct surgical intervention is rarely used by doctors, only if all previous methods have not had the necessary effect on the body. Then the oncologist will already deal with the treatment of the patient. To avoid this, do not delay the treatment of the disease and timely trips to the gynecologist.

Modern methods of treating the disease

The causes of cervical erosion are very diverse, respectively, and the treatment will depend on them. First of all, before it starts, it is necessary to conduct a thorough study of the woman's he alth. To date, there are several types of them:

- extended colpocervicoscopy;

- biopsy (histology) of obtained uterine cells;

- analysis (cytomorphological).

After the research, treatment will be prescribed:

- radio wave treatment;

- application of electrosurgical technique;

- cryotherapy;

- treatment with carbon dioxide and diode laser.

The best and least safe option can only be selected by the attending gynecologist, based onthe patient's testimony. But it is worth remembering that all methods have both their advantages and disadvantages.

Traditional medicine

sore cervical erosion
sore cervical erosion

In addition to medical and surgical treatment, there is an even more gentle remedy for getting rid of erosion. This is folk medicine. If you have already been to the gynecologist and know exactly the causes of cervical erosion in you, and its cause is in the hormonal background, then this option will ideally help you.

Douching with decoctions of herbs will help restore the microflora of the vagina and relieve erosion. It is also worth carrying out such treatment under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise you can kill the entire natural environment and, in addition, get thrush. But douching is contraindicated for pregnant women, during menstruation and those girls who have recently given birth or had an abortion.

Recipe 1. Chamomile decoction.

2 tbsp. l. chopped chamomile herb is poured into 1 liter of water, then boiled in a steam bath for about 20 minutes. After that, the broth should stand for 15 minutes.

Recipe 2. Calendula.

Buy 2% calendula tincture at the pharmacy. In a glass of warm water, dilute 1 tbsp. l herbs. Such a course of treatment should not exceed 10 days.

Recipe 3. Celandine.

1 tbsp l. Herbs pour 1 tbsp. hot water and leave to infuse for an hour. After that, the grass must be squeezed and filtered. Douching is carried out 1 time in 3 days, no more than 2 weeks.

Consequences of the disease

Some treatments for erosion require repeated treatment. Pass theit is necessary, since an untreated disease threatens a woman with infertility, various inflammations, bruising, and even bleeding.

why cervical erosion
why cervical erosion

All methods of treatment are carried out by specialists as carefully as possible, and they almost always immediately give a positive result - erosion of the cervix passes. Allocations after treatment will be in any case, in the form of an ichor. Sexual life should be stopped during these discharges.

All women who have undergone treatment must visit a gynecologist every six months to be sure of their he alth.


Why cervical erosion occurs in almost every second woman - doctors cannot give an exact answer. Only its prevention will help to avoid this disease, namely:

- perform genital hygiene in a timely manner and make sure that your partner does the same;

- do not delay going to the doctor if you suddenly have pain in the lower abdomen, burning, unusual discharge;

- once a year, and preferably once every six months, go through an examination by a gynecologist;

- use condoms with new partner;

- if you do not have a permanent partner, and you often change them, you should know that such a change leads to a direct decrease in the microflora of the vagina, and therefore to erosion of the cervix.

erosion of the cervix
erosion of the cervix

Reviews of those who have been ill with erosion

Many women who underwent cervical erosion treatment were satisfied with the result. Only inin some cases, they had to revisit a doctor for treatment. But this is not due to the fact that the doctor could not cure, but to the fact that it was a complex erosion of the cervix.

Reviews of nulliparous people suggest that before childbirth, in any case, you should not be treated, especially if the causes of cervical erosion are associated with hormones. It is also worth abandoning surgical interventions and various cauterizations. You can try traditional medicine, but the main thing here is not to overdo it. Very often, in women who have already given birth, the doctor may not detect erosion. If she remains, then it is necessary to deal with her treatment. If you have not yet given birth, but the doctor has determined that you have cervical erosion, you can simply take a tumor marker once a year and live in peace until the birth itself.

If you decide to treat erosion before the birth of a child, then during childbirth there may be significant gaps, or the uterus may not open. Even doctors very often recommend not to engage in treatment until the age of 25, especially if the erosion is small in size, does not bother you at all and is the result of some infectious disease. In the case of the latter, the doctor may prescribe treatment for an infectious disease, and then observe cervical erosion.
