Today, there are a large number of medicines on the shelves of pharmacies that have specific activity against parasites, including protozoa. Giardiasis therapy is carried out through the use of such drugs. What drugs for Giardia are the most effective and widely used?
To understand this issue in more detail, you should first determine to which group of antiprotozoal and antiparasitic drugs this or that remedy belongs. Classification of drugs is carried out on the basis of differences in the spectrum of effects on harmful life forms and their overall effect on the human body. The difference is caused by the various active components that make up the preparations for Giardia, they, in fact, are classified.

Groups of antiprotozoal agents
There are two groups of antiprotozoal drugs for the treatment of Giardia in adults and children (antibiotics):
- Nitrofurans. There is high oral absorption and a short half-life from the body, all occurring within an hour. If there is kidney failure, then the elimination time of nitrofurans increases. There is a low concentration in human tissues and blood. It should be noted that in the intestinal lumen the concentration of this group of substances is much higher, which indicates a predominantly local effect.
- Nitroimidazoles. There is also a fairly high absorption when taken orally - over 80%, one has a much longer half-life from the body - 6-20 hours. There is a penetration of substances through the placental and blood-brain barriers, their subsequent distribution to various tissues.
The group of nitrofurans also includes synthetic drugs with antimicrobial and antiprotozoal effects. The mechanism of action of these drugs is as follows: the process of cellular respiration is disrupted, and subsequently the cellular synthesis of nucleic acids is inhibited. It is believed that nitrofurans do not have a depressing effect on the natural defenses of the human body. Against the background of taking medications belonging to this group, one can observe the stimulation of the immune system, and this is important in the treatment of any pathologies, including protozoal invasions, as this enhances the immune response of the human body. What drugs to treat Giardia, the doctor should decide.
The group of nitroimidazoles includes synthetic agents with antiprotozoal and antibacterial action. The therapeutic effects of this group of drugs are as follows: DNA replication and the process of cell protein synthesis are inhibited. In addition, these drugs suppress cellular respiration, which also leads to the death of protozoa. Nitroimidazoles negatively affect the microflora of the stomach and intestines and inhibit the natural defense system.

Group of antiparasitic drugs
Antiparasitic drugs for Giardia are commercially available in large quantities today, sometimes it can be difficult to choose. Therefore, you should not self-medicate. Any medication should only be prescribed by a doctor.
When there is a problem under study, doctors prefer to prescribe exclusively the benzimidazole group of medicines. Thus, we can conclude that in preparations for Giardia for adults with antiparasitic action, there is an active substance in the composition. It is a derivative of benzimidazole carbamate.
As shown by numerous studies, the greatest effectiveness is noted when using drugs for the treatment of Giardia in adults, members of the benzimidazole group. Based on albendazole. This substance has a destructive effect because it inhibits the utilization of glucose (as is known, these parasites feed mainly on carbohydrates). This significantly depletes glycogen stores, due to which the nutritional process is irreversibly disrupted, and the production of adenosine triphosphate, which is involved in the biochemical processes of anaerobes, is also inhibited. As a resultone can observe a significant difference in efficacy between antiprotozoal nitrofurans and nitroimidazoles and drugs against giardia in adults, with albendazole as an active ingredient.
Albendazole is poorly absorbed, it is distributed throughout the body in the form of albendazole sulfoxide. It has a half-life of 12 hours. It is worth noting that when taking fatty foods, absorption increases by almost five times.

About efficiency
Clinical studies have confirmed the superiority of the effectiveness of drugs based on albendazole. According to some data, albendazole has 30 or more times the efficacy of nitroimidazoles and nitrofurans.
Some sources also report that doctors may prescribe antiparasitic drugs as an active ingredient for the treatment of Giardia in children and adults, which contain levamisole or pyrantel s alts as an active ingredient. It is important to understand that pyrantel s alts do not have a negative effect on parasites, which is confirmed by the original instructions for the medication. Antiparasitic drugs based on levamisole stimulate the natural defense system, so they can be included in complex therapy, but only as an addition. The main treatment for Giardia is carried out using drugs that are extremely active against protozoan parasites.
"Akrikhin" ("Mepakrin")
Except for Giardia drugsbased on albendazole, can use "Akrikhin" ("Mepakrin"). However, it should be said that its use today is rather infrequent. Because there are more effective and less toxic medicines on the market. In addition, this drug has a depressing effect on the natural defense systems of the body, which is very undesirable in the treatment of giardiasis and many other pathologies. As an exception, it is worth highlighting autoimmune ailments, and anyway, in this situation, it is better to use drugs based on levamisole. This substance has a stimulating effect on weakened cells, while he althy ones are not affected, a depressing effect on the immune system is provided if necessary.
Not everyone is familiar with the names of drugs against Giardia for adults and children? Since we have already de alt with the issue of group membership, it is worth going directly to the names of the means that are widely used when there is a problem.
Names of drugs against Giardia
The nitroimidazole group includes drugs like:
- "Metronidazole" with the active substance of the same name metronidazole. If you have kidney and/or liver failure, this drug may be used, but should only be supervised by a qualified he althcare professional.
- "Trichopolum" with the active ingredient metronidazole. If hepatic or renal insufficiency is noted, the use of the drug should be cautious.
- "Tinidazole" with the active ingredient of the same name tinidazole. Additional contraindications include leukopenia, renal and/or liver failure.
- "Ornidazole". It is a frequently prescribed effective drug for Giardia for adults. The active ingredient is ornidazole. Careful intake under the supervision of a specialist is necessary in the presence of pathologies of the central nervous system such as multiple sclerosis and epilepsy, as well as disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

There is also a note. Currently, some strains of parasites have become resistant to Metronidazole, so other drugs are most often chosen fromnitroimidazole group, as it is believed that this agent is less effective. In addition, Metronidazole has a fairly long list of side effects.
The group of nitrofurans includes drugs like:
- Furazolidone. This drug has previously been widely used in the treatment of Giardia in adults. The active ingredient is furazolidone. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, glucose deficiency, chronic renal and / or liver failure, it is recommended to use the drug with extreme caution. Note. Long-term use of "Furazolidone" against the background of the treatment of giardiasis provokes the formation of a certain resistance to this drug of some strains of parasites. In addition, the drug "Furazolidone" has a rather large list of side effects and the likelihood of their occurrence is quite high (about 40%).
- "Macmirora" with the active ingredient nifuratel.

The benzimidazole group (with the active ingredient albendazole) includes drugs for the treatment of Giardia type:
- Albendazole;
- Zentela;
- Nemozola.
It is worth noting that there is no significant difference in the action of these funds. But there are differences regarding the cost.
Drugs most commonly used in children:
- "Zentel", which stops the process of reproduction, vital activity of lamblia and is prescribed to children aged 3 years and over;
- "Nemozol", which is an effective broad-spectrum anthelmintic drug;
- "Enterofuril", prescribed for the destruction of lamblia in the body of a child from infancy;
- "Vermox", which is an excellent anthelmintic agent, the action of which is aimed at effectively combating a wide range of parasitic protozoa and is prescribed for children from 2 years of age;
- "Decaris", characterized by rapid anthelmintic action and approved for use by children from the age of three.
The best drugs for the treatment of Giardia in adults and children, we reviewed.

It is impossible to choose the right drug without a detailed description of these issues. All of the above medications aredifferences in contraindications and possible adverse events, the development of which is possible while taking a medication.
You need to think about contraindications before taking the medicine, and it is better together with a specialist. It is likely that an examination will be required, this is necessary in order to identify chronic he alth problems and body characteristics. Here's how a drug or group of drugs can't be used.
So, nitroimidazoles are not prescribed for: blood pathologies, leukopenia, renal and / or liver failure (there are exceptions), impaired hematopoiesis, individual intolerance to the active components of the drug or substances of the nitrofuran group, pregnancy and breastfeeding, diseases of the central nervous organic type systems.
Nitrofurans are not prescribed for: severe hepatic pathology, pregnancy or breastfeeding, deficiency of glucose and its derivatives, individual intolerance to both drug components and derivatives of the nitrofuran group. For drugs based on nifuratel, most of the list is excluded and supplemented with the following phenomena: glucose malabsorption, individual glucose intolerance, sucrose / glucose deficiency.
Medicines based on albendazole are not prescribed for: pregnancy or breastfeeding, individual intolerance to the components of the drug or other benzimidazole derivatives, pathologies of the retina.
Side effects
With major side effectsthe above medicines should be reviewed in advance.
Undesirable effects of the nitroimidazole group are manifested by the following symptoms:
- On the part of the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, diarrhea.
- From the side of the central nervous system - dizziness, impaired consciousness and coordination of movements, headache, convulsions. In rare cases, epileptic seizures.
- Allergic reactions from the skin - rashes, itching.
- On the part of hematopoietic systems - neutropenia, leukopenia.
Undesirable effects of the nitrofuran group appear:
- Gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, nausea, heartburn, bitter taste in the mouth, vomiting, loss of appetite.
- Allergic reactions from the skin - rashes, swelling, itching.
- From the side of the central nervous system (from Furazolidone) - neuritis.
Undesirable symptoms of the benzimidazole group of drugs from Giardia and worms manifest themselves:
- On the part of the digestive system - liver dysfunction, hepatitis, loss of appetite, pain in the right side, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and others.
- From the side of the central nervous system - increased pressure (intracranial), headache, meningeal symptoms, dizziness.
- On the part of the hematopoietic organs - leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,granulocytopenia, neutropenia, pancytopenia and the like.
- On the part of the renal system - kidney failure.
- From the side of the cardiovascular system - increased pressure (arterial).
- Allergic reactions from the skin - rashes, itching, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, erythema.
- Other symptoms - alopecia, hyperthermia.
Rating of medicines
Everyone wants to find the best drug for Giardia. After the identification of the main key points has been carried out, you can begin to rank. Topping our list will be the most effective and safe medicines, according to customer reviews.

Giardia drug rating:
- "Macmirror" (analogue is "Nifuratel") - is considered the safest and most effective medicine that is currently commercially available.
- "Ornidazole" (analogue is "Tiberal").
- Nemozol and its analogues.
- "Tinidazole" (analogue is "Tiniba").
- Furazolidone.
- Metronidazole, Trichopol.
- "Akrikhin".
Special Instructions
Preparations for Giardia in adults and children based on albendazole are usually prescribed for massive parasitic invasion. If this condition is not noted, then it is better to use more gentle medicines.
In any case, the use of any drug should be carried out with great care, the instructions should be strictlybe respected. Prescription of medications should be carried out by a qualified specialist.
It is important to understand that absolutely all drugs against Giardia noted in this informational article have certain side effects, so they cannot be called absolutely safe, they have a rather high degree of toxicity. Therefore, it is extremely important before using any medication to make sure that there are no contraindications. It is also worth saying that many funds are purchased in pharmacies only by prescription from a doctor. What drugs to choose from Giardia, it is important to find out in advance.
In conclusion
The treatment of severe giardiasis in adults and children is closely associated with the use of a number of drugs that are not specific antiparasitic or antiprotozoal drugs, as it takes place in three stages. Each of these stages has a different target focus.
Acute giardiasis or carriage, as a rule, does not involve the use of various drugs. One or two doses of highly effective antiprotozoal drugs may be sufficient.