It is very unpleasant when you are attacked by a terrible headache. I want to get rid of it as soon as possible, but often there is no desire to use medicines. What to do? Is it possible to quickly get rid of a headache without taking pills?

In fact, it is not at all necessary to use drugs from your first aid kit for a headache. Try to get rid of pain with simple methods:
1. Rub your temples with the pads of your index fingers. Don't press too hard, just make light circular motions. This should help.
2. How to get rid of a headache without a pill? Take a large leaf of fresh cabbage, put it on your forehead, at the same time covering your temples. This is the method used by people in the old days to get rid of headaches. Cabbage is great for relieving headaches. Keep the sheet for at least thirty minutes. For convenience, you can tie a scarf around your forehead so that the cabbage leaf does not fall off.
3. How to get rid of a headache without a pill while at work? To do this, lightly rub the earlobes. Do not presstoo much. Slowly, without much effort, rub your earlobes - this will help calm the pain. You can also ask colleagues to massage your back. This is great for headaches by improving blood circulation and increasing blood flow from the head.

4. What can you drink for a headache? For this, a cup of strong coffee is recommended. But this is only if you have low blood pressure. If it jumped, drink herbal tea with mint or lemon balm. These herbs are effective in lowering blood pressure and soothing.
5. How to get rid of a headache without a pill? You can dip your feet in a basin of hot water for five to ten minutes.
6. A strange and very non-standard way for a headache used by our grandmothers is to eat a herring. It is not known what the healing power is, but they say the pain does go away. You can also chew thyme seeds. The essential oil contained in them helps relieve spasms and get rid of discomfort.
7. If you have an unbearable headache, father-in-law is another effective way to get rid of it. Lie on a hard surface without a pillow, relax and lie still for an hour. A prerequisite for this method is that the legs and arms should be at a small distance from the body. It quickly relaxes, and the pain in the head subsides.
8. How to get rid of a headache without a pill? You need to tie a tight bandage on your forehead. To do this, you can take an ordinary scarf or a thin scarf and howcan be tied more tightly around the forehead. Walk with such a bandage for at least half an hour. Headache should let go.

9. One of the most effective ways is complete relaxation. To do this, sit in the lotus position, try to achieve complete relaxation. Think about pleasant things - about rest, about the sea, about the future. Relaxation will help get rid of a headache, and good and kind thoughts will help you tune in a positive way and improve your mood.