Bloating: Causes and Treatment of Folk Remedies in Infants and Adults

Bloating: Causes and Treatment of Folk Remedies in Infants and Adults
Bloating: Causes and Treatment of Folk Remedies in Infants and Adults

Bloating (causes and treatment of folk remedies will be described in this article), called flatulence, can occur with excessive gas formation in the digestive tract. Depending on the degree of manifestation, it can be a variant of the norm or a serious pathology. It causes severe discomfort to a person, especially when gas separation occurs involuntarily and has a characteristic specific smell.

bloating causes and treatment of folk remedies
bloating causes and treatment of folk remedies

Physiology of flatulence

Gas formation occurs when food is digested. An important role in this process is played by bacteria that inhabit the intestines. Normally, about 1 liter of gases is formed in the digestive tract per day, some of them are absorbed in the vessels of the large intestine, and some (100-500 ml) are excreted naturally.

Bloating in adults can develop due to malnutrition or diseases of the digestive tract.

Gases help intestinal peristalsis to move feces to the rectum and promote their removal from the body. The largest amount of gases formed is localized in the loops of the large intestine, in the stomach and small intestine they are in the minimum amount.

Bloating: causes and treatment with folk remedies

Flatulence does not always indicate a pathology in the digestive tract, in particular in the intestines. Increased gas production may be transient and occur:

  • when consuming carbonated drinks in large quantities;
  • snacking on the run - at this time a person swallows a lot of air and bloating occurs;
  • overeating;
  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking soda for heartburn - it interacts with gastric juice and releases a large amount of carbon dioxide into the intestines;
  • work at high altitude - in this case, due to pressure changes, increased gas formation is also possible;
  • taking pharmacological drugs (laxatives, preparations for endoscopy, etc.).
bloating folk
bloating folk

Pathological causes of flatulence include:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • enzymatic deficiency;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • infections;
  • helminths;
  • diseases of the digestive tract (colitis, pancreatitis).

In addition, psychogenic factors such assevere stress or neurosis.

Treatment with folk remedies can only be carried out after consultation with a specialist. Most often, to eliminate this symptom, decoctions of medicinal plants are used - mint, chamomile, fennel. Effective use of carrot and dill seeds, as well as fresh ginger.

Foods that cause bloating

Eating certain foods can also cause bloating and bloating. In this case, it is worth minimizing the use:

  • dairy products;
  • kvass and beer;
  • legumes;
  • potatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • black bread;
  • onions;
  • tomatoes;
  • citrus;
  • sweets.
bloating and gas treatment
bloating and gas treatment

To prevent flatulence, it is enough to normalize your diet and reduce the use of harmful foods.

Symptoms of bloating

Bloating of the abdomen and intestines is not a disease, but a symptom of more serious disorders in the digestive tract. Flatulence is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • heaviness and discomfort in the abdomen;
  • increased flatulence and gas separation;
  • borrowing in the stomach, indicating the process of fermentation in the stomach and intestines;
  • abdominal pain;
  • loss of appetite;
  • hiccups or burps;
  • heartburn;
  • constipation;
  • heaving.

It is necessary to be attentive to the manifestations of the symptoms that appear with such a phenomenon,like bloating. The causes and treatment of folk remedies for increased gas formation should be interconnected.

flatulence and bloating
flatulence and bloating

Bloating can be an indication of intestinal problems, in which the absorption of broken down food elements is disrupted, which leads to problems with metabolic processes in the body, poor he alth, insomnia and a decrease in the body's immune defense.

Diet for bloating

The easiest and most effective way to prevent flatulence and bloating is to change your diet. Removing gas-producing foods from your daily diet allows you to quickly and effectively eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of flatulence and intestinal pain.

Diet for flatulence involves the exclusion from your diet of the products listed above. Note! Since each organism is individual, it is necessary to monitor your condition. Fatty foods (such as meat) can cause flatulence in some people, while pastries and certain sweets can cause bloating in others.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are also the cause of increased gas formation and distention of the intestines. Therefore, it is better to use stewed or steamed vegetables, and use fruits and berries for making compotes and fruit purees.

If the listed methods of adjusting the diet do not help, it is necessary to exclude dairy products for a couple of weeks. They can cause flatulence in enzymatic deficiency (intolerancelactose).

Bloating: folk remedies for increased gas formation

From flatulence, a decoction of chamomile is excellent. The beneficial properties of a medicinal plant include not only calming the nervous system and increasing immunity, but also eliminating excessive gas formation in the intestines. To prepare a decoction, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water. You need to insist the decoction for about 15-20 minutes and take half a glass every 5 hours.

bloating causes and treatment of folk remedies in an infant
bloating causes and treatment of folk remedies in an infant

Reception of carrot seeds helps to eliminate bloating. It is necessary to grind a handful of seeds in a coffee grinder and take a teaspoon three times a day.

When cooking foods that cause increased gas formation, it is necessary to add cumin. This will prevent discomfort after eating and bloating. Treating digestive disorders requires caution, so it is best not to take any medication without medical advice.

In the morning, before eating, you can drink a glass of freshly squeezed potato juice. After taking it, you need to lie down for 20-30 minutes. An hour after the reception, you can start breakfast. The course of treatment in this way is 10 days. Then you need to take a 10-day break and again undergo a 10-day course of treatment with potato juice.

Bloating in babies

Newborns often have problems with the digestive system, as its organs are not yet sufficiently formed and not adapted to a fulldigestion of food. In the first months of life, bloating and gas may appear regularly. Treatment of this unpleasant symptom can be carried out with the help of pharmacological or folk remedies.

foods that cause bloating
foods that cause bloating

Bloating in a baby can be a consequence of not only the imperfection of the development of the body, but an improper diet and overfeeding. At the same time, pulling pains, rumbling and discomfort occur in the abdominal cavity. Since it is difficult for babies to pass gases, intestinal and gastric colic appear, which bring severe pain to the child. That is why flatulence and colic in the first months of life are considered normal, but they bring a lot of inconvenience to both the baby and parents.

All these symptoms characterize bloating. The causes and treatment of folk remedies in an infant are known to every pediatrician. Therapy should be prescribed only by the attending physician. The use of folk remedies without prior medical advice may lead to an aggravation of the problem and the development of chronic diseases.

Treatment of flatulence in newborns

There are a large number of pharmacological preparations that eliminate bloating and gases. The child is treated with the following drugs:

  • reducing the amount of gases in the intestines ("Espumizan");
  • removing gases from the intestines (activated charcoal);
  • restoring intestinal microflora ("Bifiform").

The doctor can prescribe drugs from all three groups,to effectively influence the problem and quickly restore the children's body. Without a doctor's prescription, you should not give your child any medication, as this can only harm. Before taking any drugs, it is necessary to determine the cause of swelling and neutralize it.

Folk remedies for babies

The most famous folk remedy for flatulence in babies is dill water. To prepare it, you need a tablespoon of dried dill and half a liter of boiling water. It is necessary to insist 3-4 hours and take a teaspoon after meals, several times a day. Dill can be used both bought in a pharmacy and prepared by yourself.

The next most popular decoction is fennel - its properties can reduce gas formation in the intestines and neutralize the feeling of bloating and colic. Doctors recommend that breastfeeding mothers drink fennel teas so that the child can more easily endure adaptation to a new type of food.

bloating in adults
bloating in adults

Excellent copes with flatulence and ginger. It is enough to give the child a piece of ginger to dissolve after eating. This will relieve the baby of the feeling of overeating and reduce bloating. Treatment with folk remedies for increased gas formation in the intestines is carried out only with the permission of the local doctor, otherwise you can only harm the child and aggravate the problem.
