"Zirtek": instructions for children, dosage, indications and reviews

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"Zirtek": instructions for children, dosage, indications and reviews
"Zirtek": instructions for children, dosage, indications and reviews

Video: "Zirtek": instructions for children, dosage, indications and reviews

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In the article, we will consider instructions for use for children and reviews for the Zyrtec preparation.

Among the antihistamines actively used in pediatric practice, this medication is also included. But no drug can be universal, and therefore it is very important to understand the features of the correct use of Zyrtec drops for young patients.


The drug is a representative of a new generation of antihistamines, in the pharmacological industry has been produced for a long time - more than thirty years.

The drug has long proven its effectiveness, as well as pills. As the instructions indicate, "Zirtek" for children successfully copes independently with various kinds of allergic effects, but a particularly noticeable result can be achieved only in complex treatment, in combination with other groups of medicines. To a greater extent, this statement is true in the problem of treating bronchial asthma.

zyrtec syrupinstructions for use for children
zyrtec syrupinstructions for use for children

Several studies have shown that when Zirtek is included in the treatment course for this disease, the symptoms of the latter are greatly facilitated. In addition, the drug is used for viral infections (for example, with chickenpox or the Epstein-Barr virus) and for the symptomatic treatment of skin inflammation of various origins and itching. However, despite the extensive list of useful characteristics of the drug, it should not be given to children on their own, without medical prescription. Although no study describes a negative effect on a small organism, the drug can be used only according to indications and only after examination.

Pharmacological action

According to the instructions, "Zyrtec" for children is an antihistamine that blocks histamine H1 receptors. As a result, this biologically active substance is not able to act on organs and tissues; accordingly, allergic symptoms do not develop. The drug contributes to the accelerated restoration of the walls of blood vessels, which reduces their permeability, eliminates itching and swelling, and also positively affects the antioxidant system of the human body. There is no bronchoconstrictor effect, it does not affect lung volume, which makes it possible to use it for children with bronchial asthma.

Both drops and tablets are highly bioavailable, which means they are absorbed almost completely from the gastrointestinal tract. The highest concentration of the drug of any form in the blood is reached after an hour ± 30minutes, but, judging by the reviews of doctors and allergy sufferers, its action begins in twenty minutes. The drug is excreted by the kidneys. The elimination half-life in children is: three hours - from six months to two years; five hours - from two to six years; six hours - from six to twelve years.

Forms and composition

On the Russian pharmacological market there are such forms of the drug as tablets and drops. In both cases, the active ingredient is cetirizine. The only difference is in the auxiliary components.

zirtek syrup for children instructions
zirtek syrup for children instructions

Such a form as syrup "Zyrtec" for children with instructions for use is not on sale.

When applicable?

The instructions for Zyrtec for children indicate the conditions under which this medicine is prescribed.

Effective in seasonal rhinitis, hay fever, conjunctivitis and other allergic conditions caused by house dust, plant pollen, animal hair, accompanied by severe nasal discharge, sneezing, severe itching and watery eyes. A distinctive feature of this drug is effective penetration into the thickness of the skin, eliminating redness and itching in a short time period.

What are the indications for Zirtek for children?

The medicine helps with allergic reactions that occur due to insect bites. It is suitable for treating food allergies.

According to the instructions, Zyrtec tablets for children are effective for allergic dermatosis, Quincke's edema and urticaria.

Drug includedin a therapeutic course for children who suffer from obstructive bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

Zirtek is prescribed as an anti-inflammatory agent for sinusitis, bronchitis, colds, tonsillitis, viral infections and other diseases.

Instructions for "Zirtek" for children

A very delicate issue is children's dosage, and it doesn't matter what kind of drug it is. It is very important not to cause intoxication, addiction or allergies, not to harm the child's body. A significant advantage of the drug is that it does not increase tolerance and does not cause addiction in the patient. In other words, Zirtek works for as long as it is given to children. For a smooth treatment without an overdose, side effects and other troubles, you need to follow the instructions exactly and know the dosage for the child well.

Zyrtec tablets instructions for use for children
Zyrtec tablets instructions for use for children


Zyrtec drops, according to the instructions, should not be given to children from birth.

First of all, it should be said that drops can be given to a baby from six months, and in the form of tablets - from six years. Do not give the drug to a newborn or a month old baby. How is Zirtek taken, how many drops does a child need to achieve the desired effect? Dosage is affected by patient age:

  • 2.5 milligrams (5 drops) once a day - 6-12 months.
  • 2.5 milligrams twice a day - when children are 1 year old. Instructions for use for "Zirtek" confirms this. This dosage is maintained until the age of 6 years.baby.
  • Five milligrams twice a day - 6-12 years.
  • Ten milligrams once a day - over the age of twelve.


Patients after six years of age are allowed to drink tablets, in which case the following dosing regimen:

  • five milligrams (half a tablet) twice a day - 6-12 years;
  • ten milligrams (whole tablet) once a day - after twelve years.

You need to focus on the presence of a child with renal pathology (the dosage in this case should be adjusted depending on the patient's body weight and the condition of the kidneys), prematurity and cases of allergy to the drug.

Very often in pharmacies they ask for Zyrtec syrup for children. The instruction indicates that there is no such release form.

zirtek instructions pills for children
zirtek instructions pills for children

Subtleties of the use of the drug in pediatrics

There are a number of common questions to consider regarding how the drug is to be used. The duration of the treatment course is determined only by the allergist. Therapy can be short-term (even used once) and long-term - up to several months.

Zirtek can be diluted with water or added to the mixture, but these recommendations are not mandatory.

If the patient takes the medicine well, then you can give it "in its pure form." But the drug has a specific feature: a bitter taste and a sharp aroma of vinegar. That is why babies may refuse to take the drug (it can become especially difficultpersuasions of the child during the crisis of three years). In this case, you can add the drug to drink and food. It does not matter taking the medicine in relation to food: it is allowed to drink it, including during meals. The presence of food does not affect the amount of absorption of the drug, only the speed. If you need to get a quick effect, it is better to give the drug on an empty stomach. If speed does not matter (for example, during treatment with a course), then there is no dependence on eating food.

So it says in the instructions. Drops "Zirtek" for children from birth should not be used, only when they reach 6 months this can be done.

Is it allowed to give medicine before bed at night? Does Zyrtec make babies feel sleepy? You can also give it at night if after using it the child develops drowsiness (this side symptom appears in about ten percent of cases when the child sleeps from the drug). In this case, it is more than justified. Before vaccination, the drug is given according to the age norm, in the morning on the same day, no later than an hour and a half before it.

Side effects

In accordance with the instructions for use for "Zirtek" for children in tablets and drops, the drug is safe. But this does not exclude the occurrence of such side effects as drowsiness, convulsions, fatigue, increased appetite, loose stools, dry mouth, rhinitis, increased heart rate, itchy rash, loss of vision clarity, anaphylaxis, urticaria. In a child, vomiting after using Zirtek is not fixed, and ifappears, it serves as a reason for additional examination of the digestive system or a symptom of individual sensitivity to the remedy.

It is very important to follow the dosage and instructions for "Zirtek" for children in drops and tablets.

zirtek drops instructions for children from birth
zirtek drops instructions for children from birth


The development of an overdose is possible with a single use of 50 milligrams of the drug, and is manifested by: agitation, anxiety or drowsiness, confusion, diarrhea; stupor; urinary retention, itching, headache and diarrhea. It is urgent to call an ambulance, wash the stomach and drink enterosorbent. The drug can be stored for no more than five years at temperatures up to 25 ° C in places where access to animals and small patients is limited.

Which drug is better: Zodak or Zyrtec?

Often, mothers whose children suffer from allergic reactions ask which of the analogues is better - Zyrtec or Zodak?

Zyrtec is produced by a pharmaceutical company from Switzerland, it is manufactured there, as well as in Italy, Belgium.

Zodak is a medicine from the Czech Republic. When creating these drugs, various technologies are used.

Both Zyrtec and Zodak are drugs that are part of the antihistamines. Their main effect is aimed at suppressing receptors that are sensitive to histamine, which is released in large quantities under the influence of a foreign component.

"Zodak" or "Zirtek" - which is better? In both medicines, the activethe substance is cyterizin - an antihistamine drug. Indications for its use are allergic diseases. Both drugs are produced in the form of tablets and drops. Same dosage method.

Although the drugs have the same active ingredients, they have differences in their composition. This must be taken into account, since the child's body may react differently to different substances.

The significant difference between "Zodak" and "Zirtek" is the cost, with a difference of several times. However, you still need to remember that Zodak is inherently an analogue, that is, a drug that can replace Zyrtec.

instructions for use zyrtec for children 1 year old
instructions for use zyrtec for children 1 year old


In their reviews, many mothers say that Zyrtec is a fairly reliable and effective antiallergic drug that quickly eliminates pathological signs in young patients. Pediatricians advise using the drug before vaccinations, as the reviews indicate that the frequency of allergic reactions caused by vaccination is much less.

This drug perfectly helps with infectious and inflammatory diseases - with SARS, colds, bronchitis and tonsillitis. "Zirtek", having an anti-inflammatory effect, quickly eliminates the main manifestations, congestion, and reduces pain. It is noted that the inclusion of the drug in the therapeutic course increases the overall effectiveness of the treatment. Negative manifestations are noted in rare cases. When the dosage is reduced or the use is stopped, they usually disappear.yourself.

zirtek instructions for use for children reviews
zirtek instructions for use for children reviews

There are also situations in which the drug is ineffective. Why does Zyrtec not help young patients? It is worth thinking first of all about whether the diagnosis is correct and what the treatment is for. It is imperative to consult with your doctor (especially when self-medicating), since the disease could initially be determined incorrectly. In addition, the development of complications could occur, the course of the disease is aggravated, perhaps an infection will join it. Zirtek, therefore, is a drug that combines proven safety for many years and true effectiveness.
