Drugs 2024, October

Painkillers for gout: a review of drugs, effectiveness, reviews

Painkillers for gout: a review of drugs, effectiveness, reviews

Gout is not a new disease, people suffered from it a thousand years ago. Excess uric acid in the patient's blood leads to intoxication. The organs of the urinary system can not cope with the withdrawal of its metabolites, which leads to the accumulation and deposition of s alts in the joints. The patient suffers from pain that literally makes his life unbearable. What are the most effective painkillers for gout? The list of the most effective ointments and preparations is presented below

Protamine sulfate: description and instructions

Protamine sulfate: description and instructions

What is a medicinal substance like protamine sulfate? Instructions for its use, as well as the form and indications of this tool will be indicated below

The best remedy for migraine: a list of drugs, reviews

The best remedy for migraine: a list of drugs, reviews

Most people have experienced bouts of severe headaches called migraines. Some use different pills, "lying around" in the home first aid kit, others are waiting for the pain syndrome to pass by itself. Both methods of pain relief are unacceptable

Vitamins "Vitrum prenatale forte"

Vitamins "Vitrum prenatale forte"

One of the happiest and at the same time difficult periods in the life of every woman is pregnancy. At this time, more than ever, the body needs outside help. In this case, the reception of the Vitrum Prenatale Forte complex will be an excellent way out

Drug "Pangrol": instructions for use, composition, indications, reviews

Drug "Pangrol": instructions for use, composition, indications, reviews

In what dosage is the drug "Pangrol" prescribed? Instructions for the use of this medication will be described in this article. It also provides information about the composition of the drug in question, whether it has contraindications and side effects

"Nurofen" tablets for children: instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Nurofen" tablets for children: instructions for use, analogues, reviews

The most commonly prescribed drugs for children are antipyretics. Most of them are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These funds can not only reduce the temperature. They have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Today's article will introduce you to the medicine "Nurofen"

Ointment "Zirtek": instructions for use, composition, analogues

Ointment "Zirtek": instructions for use, composition, analogues

Today, you cannot find Zirtek ointment in pharmacies: only drops and tablets are produced under this name. But there are a large number of ointments with other components that are also effective in case of an allergic reaction. Why is Zyrtec so popular and why do doctors prescribe it so often? Consider the features of this tool. Let's pay attention to ointments, which are often prescribed in case of an allergic reaction, if tablets and drops are ineffective or not applicable in a particular case

Candles "Loksidol": purpose, analogues, application features, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Candles "Loksidol": purpose, analogues, application features, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Candles "Loksidol" - anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal antirheumatic drug. Meloxicam, present in its composition, is a derivative of enolic acid and belongs to the category of anti-inflammatory non-steroidal substances, has a pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect

"Polysorb" for acne: methods of application, analogues, reviews

"Polysorb" for acne: methods of application, analogues, reviews

A well-groomed face is our calling card. Therefore, the skin of the face should always be in excellent condition. The issue is especially acute in the fight against acne. Do not despair with such a problem - try "Polysorb"

"Furamag": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

"Furamag": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

Furamag will come to the rescue in the fight against bacteria in the genitourinary system. It will help to forget even about chronic forms of the disease

With dermatitis - ointment "Kartalin": reviews, description, instructions

With dermatitis - ointment "Kartalin": reviews, description, instructions

Perhaps the most important advantage of Kartalin is the naturalness of its composition, which contains only vitamins, oils, herbal extracts and completely natural ingredients

"Canephron": instructions, dosage, analogues, reviews

"Canephron": instructions, dosage, analogues, reviews

When there are problems with the kidneys or the genitourinary system, you should not delay treatment. "Canephron" is one of the few drugs that can help in therapy. No wonder this drug is still in the top for several years

"Biseptol": reviews, indications, release form, instructions for use, analogues, composition

"Biseptol": reviews, indications, release form, instructions for use, analogues, composition

Biseptol has long been considered an effective antibacterial drug. Only before using an antibiotic, the main thing is to correctly determine the cause that provoked the disease. Otherwise, instead of effective therapy, you run the risk of "curing" other problems

"Cavinton": instructions for use and reviews

"Cavinton": instructions for use and reviews

Stroke is the main enemy of the human brain. It leads to disruption of brain activity, damage and death of nerve cells. Current statistics show that stroke is the second leading cause of death. But not everything is so scary! It is necessary to start the prevention and treatment of cerebral vessels in a timely manner, in which the unique nootropic drug "Cavinton" will help

"Ascoril": instructions for use, indications, release form, analogues, reviews

"Ascoril": instructions for use, indications, release form, analogues, reviews

In this article we will consider all the features of the use of the drug "Ascoril". Instructions, as well as indications, contraindications, analogues, opinions of patients and doctors, composition and forms of release are of interest to many. In this article you can find information about the use of Ascoril (use before or after meals, how long to take, what dosage to follow)

Drug "Pirantel": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Drug "Pirantel": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Pirantel" is produced in the form of yellow tablets, convex on both sides. Used orally. The tablets are packaged in blisters (3 pieces each) and in cartons, with detailed instructions for use attached. "Pirantel" has some restrictions in use, may cause adverse reactions

"Lizobakt": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Lizobakt": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Among the most common diseases of the upper respiratory tract are: pharyngitis, colds, gingivitis, laryngitis and stomatitis. Until recently, therapists prescribed complex courses of therapy, since there were no drugs with a wide spectrum of action. In this regard, doctors studied novelties on the pharmaceutical market and promising medicines

Medicine for sputum removal: review of drugs, effectiveness, reviews

Medicine for sputum removal: review of drugs, effectiveness, reviews

Medicines to clear phlegm are often required when respiratory problems occur. Therefore, the prompt removal of sputum from the patient's body is of great importance. This article will provide an overview of effective drugs that will help solve this problem, as well as feedback from patients who have already used them

Sleeping pills on the plane: doctors' recommendations. "Motherwort Forte Evalar": instructions for use

Sleeping pills on the plane: doctors' recommendations. "Motherwort Forte Evalar": instructions for use

According to the results of scientific studies, approximately 25-40% of people are afraid to fly on airplanes, not at all considering that this type of transport is recognized as one of the safest. More than 15% of these people suffer from aerophobia. It is very important to understand that aerophobia is not a disease, but only a symptom. In some cases, it indicates the presence of other disorders and fears, for example, acrophobia (fear of heights), claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces), etc

"Fluimucil", an antibiotic for inhalation: instructions for use, reviews

"Fluimucil", an antibiotic for inhalation: instructions for use, reviews

When a severe cough occurs, experts prescribe antibiotics. Known drugs that help get rid of the symptoms of the disease and do not have a negative effect on the human body. These include "Fluimucil" - an antibiotic that acts on the lesion due to inhalation

Chlorphenamine maleate and its properties

Chlorphenamine maleate and its properties

Chlorphenamine maleate is widely used in pharmacology today. This substance is part of a variety of drugs that are intended for the treatment of colds and respiratory diseases, as well as diseases of the upper respiratory tract

Effective cough aerosols for children and adults: varieties, instructions and contraindications

Effective cough aerosols for children and adults: varieties, instructions and contraindications

Cough is considered a non-specific protective function of the body. Its task is to clean the respiratory organs from pathological secretions, as well as dust or a foreign object. In the presence of a cough in a person, the thought immediately arises of a disease of the respiratory system. In fact, this unpleasant symptom can also appear when other organs are affected

With what cough to take "Lazolvan": indications for use, analogues

With what cough to take "Lazolvan": indications for use, analogues

Cough is an unpleasant but necessary reflex. It helps clear the bronchi, lungs and larynx of accumulated microbes, mucus and irritants. The causative agent of a cough can be an infection (bacterial or viral), an allergen, or something else. Sometimes cough appears due to a hereditary or congenital disease. Often, doctors with this symptom recommend the medicine "Lazolvan". With what cough to take this medication for children and adults - find out from the article

Omnitus tablets and syrup: customer reviews of cough medicine

Omnitus tablets and syrup: customer reviews of cough medicine

With the flu or a cold, many are overcome by a cough, especially unpleasant if it is dry. You can cure this symptom and help your bronchi get rid of sputum if you use Omnitus cough syrup or tablets. Below we will give all the characteristics of the forms of this drug (tablets or syrup), talk about their advantages and disadvantages, and also see what the buyers themselves say about the Omnitus drug

What does Erespal help with? The drug "Erespal" in syrup: instructions for use, description, analogues, reviews

What does Erespal help with? The drug "Erespal" in syrup: instructions for use, description, analogues, reviews

Upper and lower respiratory tract problems can happen to anyone. Moreover, with incorrect or untimely treatment, they can lead to serious consequences

Zinc ointment: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Zinc ointment: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

For several decades, an inexpensive and effective remedy called zinc ointment has helped people get rid of many skin diseases. The instructions for this universal therapeutic drug speak of its ability to solve a large number of dermatological problems

Sodium pentothal, or What is "truth serum"

Sodium pentothal, or What is "truth serum"

Sodium pentothal is a drug that contains psychoactive substances that affect the mind. Under their influence, a person speaks the truth. Sodium pentothal - what is it and what does it consist of?

"Dimexide": reviews, indications, instructions, release form, methods of application, composition

"Dimexide": reviews, indications, instructions, release form, methods of application, composition

The drug is a synthetic drug for external use, which has analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. This medication is widely used in dermatological medical practice, and is also prescribed for muscle and joint pain

"V altrex": instructions for use, analogues, composition and reviews

"V altrex": instructions for use, analogues, composition and reviews

According to the instructions, the drug "V altrex" belongs to the category of antiviral. It is sold in tablets. The main active ingredient is valaciclovir. Quite often, doctors recommend using V altrex for herpes, although the drug can also be used for other viral diseases. Before use, you should consult a doctor - an allergic reaction is possible. There is a small risk of side effects

"Polyoxidonium", 12 mg: release form, indications for use, instructions, composition, storage conditions

"Polyoxidonium", 12 mg: release form, indications for use, instructions, composition, storage conditions

"Polyoxidonium" (12 mg) is a drug belonging to the pharmacotherapeutic group of immunomodulating agents. Such medicines are used in cases where it is necessary to help the body in the fight against pathogens. Treatment with the drug is carried out according to certain schemes. Consider them, as well as indications, contraindications and some other nuances associated with "Polyoxidonium" (12 mg)

"Grippol" (vaccine): reviews. What is the best flu vaccine

"Grippol" (vaccine): reviews. What is the best flu vaccine

The issue of vaccination today worries many people, especially when it comes to children. In connection with the annual flu epidemics, there is a nationwide free vaccination program for people. Vaccinations are carried out with "Grippol" and "Grippol plus" preparations. About them, in particular, and will be discussed in the article

Ultrix vaccine: reviews, instructions for use

Ultrix vaccine: reviews, instructions for use

In the season of colds, the issue of flu prevention becomes quite relevant. The Ultrix vaccine has positive reviews, so you can safely entrust it with protecting your body from the virus

"Nalgezin": what helps, instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Nalgezin": what helps, instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) currently rank first in popularity among consumers. Such compounds are used for various pains, malaise, colds and flu, fever. They help women with monthly malaise. One of these drugs is the drug "Nalgezin". What helps the drug - you will learn from the article

"Longidase": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

"Longidase": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

In this article, we will consider the instructions for use for candles "Longidaza". Solution for injection is another form of drug release. It is an enzyme preparation with a proteolytic effect, that is, it promotes protein breakdown

"Dapoxetine": reviews, analogues, instructions for use and composition

"Dapoxetine": reviews, analogues, instructions for use and composition

Tablets "Dapoxetine" - a new drug that helps to prolong the duration of sexual intercourse. This kind of result is achieved due to a decrease in the production of serotonin, which, in turn, makes it possible to delay the time of ejaculation

"Protein plus": instructions for use and reviews

"Protein plus": instructions for use and reviews

What man doesn't want to impress a woman with his athletic figure and beautiful physique. You can swing on simulators, work out with sports equipment, but you can’t refuse food in the form of protein supplements. Among them, a worthy place is occupied by a protein complex - "Protein Plus"

“Ussuri Balsam”: composition and application

“Ussuri Balsam”: composition and application

The effectiveness of the use of herbal preparations and tinctures has never been in doubt. For this reason, "Ussuri Balsam" with a majestic tiger on the label is well known far beyond the Primorsky Territory. Read the history of the plant, detailed composition and indications for use in our review

"Ampicillin": instructions for use, reviews. Analogues of "Ampicillin"

"Ampicillin": instructions for use, reviews. Analogues of "Ampicillin"

Antibiotics should not be taken alone, because the consequences of therapy can be very different. Today's article will tell you about the Ampicillin remedy. Instructions for use, reviews, analogues and the correct way to use will be presented to your attention

Amoxicillin overdose: symptoms, first aid and treatment

Amoxicillin overdose: symptoms, first aid and treatment

In the article, we will consider how to recognize the symptoms of an overdose of "Amoxicillin", what actions can be taken before the ambulance arrives to alleviate the patient's condition. What improvised means are used to cleanse the body of an excess of a medicinal substance. The knowledge gained will help save a loved one from more severe side effects

Laxative "Duphalac": reviews of adults

Laxative "Duphalac": reviews of adults

What is Duphalac needed for? Reviews of adults who have ever taken this drug, as well as indications for its use, will be presented in this article