One of the most popular and inexpensive medicines is "Citramon". From what helps and how to use it, everyone knows. But in the use of this drug has its own nuances. As a rule, few people know what is included in the structure of the painkiller, and it is complex. In addition, many people are interested in whether "Citramon" helps adults with a temperature or not?
So, it may have certain restrictions on taking it for some diseases. In most situations, "Citramon" is taken from a headache. But it also effectively eliminates other types of pain.

"Citramon" is considered a combined remedy. The drug has antipyretic and analgesic effects and is used to reduce the severity of these symptoms in various diseases.
"Citramon" is producedin tablet form for oral use. They are round in shape and light brown in color. The structure of the drug includes several main active substances:
- Paracetamol.
- Aspirin.
- Caffeine.
In addition, the drug contains additional components:
- citric acid;
- calcium s alt and stearic acid;
- starch;
- talc;
- oxyethylated sorbitans.
Pills are in blister packs of 10.
Pharmacological effects
"Citramon" helps with temperature or not? According to the annotation, the drug has several medicinal properties, which are due to the active ingredients:
- Paracetamol has an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effect.
- Acetylsalicylic acid has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects.
- Caffeine increases the activation of the brain and spinal cord, dilates the capillaries.
After taking the active substances are instantly absorbed into the blood. They are distributed throughout the tissues, penetrate the blood-brain barrier into the nervous system.

"Citramon" brings down the temperature? The main medical indication for the use of tablets is the symptomatic treatment of fever and pain of inflammatory etiology in various pathologies:
- Toothache.
- Migraine.
- Hightemperature.
- Algodysmenorrhea (pain during menstruation due to incorrect position of the uterus, inflammatory processes in the genitals, endometriosis and other diseases).
- Myalgia (disease of muscle tissue, which is accompanied by acute or dull pain both in tension and in a calm state).
- Arthralgia (pain in the joints, volatile in nature, in the absence of objective symptoms of joint damage).
- Neuralgia (a pathology that progresses as a result of damage to certain parts of the peripheral nerves).

In addition, the drug is used to reduce the severity of discomfort during painful periods in women.
Restrictions on application
With several pathological conditions of the body, the use of the drug is contraindicated for people, these include:
- Gastric and intestinal bleeding.
- Ulcer diseases.
- Hemorrhagic diathesis (a group of diseases characterized by an increased predisposition of the body to hemorrhages that can appear on their own, without any apparent reason, or after minor injuries).
- Pregnancy in the I and III trimester.
- Hypoprothrombinemia (a disease that manifests itself in a violation of blood clotting. Caused by a deficiency of the clotting factor prothrombin in the blood).
- Lactation.
- Hypertension (a condition in which blood pressure is equal to or greater than 140 mm Hg).
- Ageunder 15.
- Vitamin K deficiency in the body.
- Increased excitability of the central nervous system.
- Loss of sleep.
Before starting therapy with the drug, you must make sure that there are no restrictions. The drug is allowed to be taken from the age of 15, in connection with which "Citramon" helps children from this age from temperature.
With caution, the medication should be taken with such problems:
- Diseases of the liver and kidneys.
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (a progressive disease characterized by an inflammatory component, impaired bronchial patency at the level of the distal bronchi and structural changes in the lung tissue and blood vessels).
- Ischemia of the heart (myocardial damage, which is provoked by a deficiency or cessation of microcirculation of the heart muscle).
- Cerebrovascular disease (a disease of the brain, which is caused by a gradual progressive damage to brain tissue in chronic disorders of blood microcirculation in the brain).
- Peripheral arterial disease.
- Chronic heart disease.
- Epilepsy (a chronic neurological disease that manifests itself in the body's predisposition to the sudden onset of seizures).
- Alcoholism.
- Tobacco smoking.
- Retirement age.

Given that the drug contains acetylsalicylic acid, which is not recommendedtake on an empty stomach, "Citramon" is used only 20 minutes after eating. It is necessary to drink the medicine with water. No other liquid can be used. The action of "Citramon" will begin 30-40 minutes after administration. The next tablet can be taken only after 8 hours.
Does "Citramon" reduce the temperature, we have already found out. Tablets are intended for oral administration, preferably after a meal. The average pharmacological concentration of the active ingredient for adult patients and children from fifteen years of age varies from 1 to 3 tablets three times a day, depending on the severity of pain or fever.
The maximum daily dosage should not exceed 6 tablets. The drug is not intended for long-term therapy, the maximum duration of treatment should not exceed five days.

When Pregnant
The use of the drug in the first three months of pregnancy leads to a splitting of the upper palate in the baby, and in the third to inhibition of labor. Citramon also passes into breast milk. Its use while breastfeeding can cause platelet dysfunction in the baby.
From low blood pressure
People are often interested in whether the medication lowers or raises blood pressure? The influence on the level of blood pressure is carried out by caffeine, which is part of the drug - it increases the tone, excites the nervous system and increases the performance of the tonometer.
Even with a small amount of itsubstances can achieve this effect, but you need to be careful - it is not recommended that strong tea or coffee be used with the medicine.
For low blood pressure, the use of the drug activates the nervous system and improves mental performance, while reducing or completely eliminating pain. That is why the drug is one of the most popular among the drugs that are used by hypotensive patients.

Heat temperature
As an antipyretic and analgesic, when a high temperature is detected in a patient, the drug is used for a maximum of three days. A small dose supports the patient, improves tone with a general decrease in temperature.
The composition of the drug includes acetylsalicylic acid (antipyretic), so "Citramon" can be drunk at a temperature. However, it is important to follow the dosage. So, if "Citramon" helps adults with temperature, how many tablets should I take per day?
A maximum of 6 tablets per day is allowed. Acetylsalicylic acid is widely known as one of the representatives of the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
It perfectly helps to fight high temperature, instantly returning it to normal values. So, the use of the drug at a temperature is more than justified. This has been scientifically proven. In addition, there is "Citramon P". Does it help with fever as effectively as a regular medication? Yes they have the sameaction in fever.
Menstrual pains
Severe pain during critical days is called algomenorrhea. "Citramon" can eliminate unpleasant symptoms. One tablet is enough.
If the pain is more severe, you can take another pill. By eliminating the pain syndrome, the drug is able to improve mood, as well as performance.
Nausea, headache, and a whole list of negative symptoms are combined into one name - "hangover". Medicine may help:
- feeling worse;
- increased toxic effects.
The most well-known variants of this drug contain 2 painkillers, which are not recommended for use in high concentrations with a pronounced hangover:
- Paracetamol is harmful to the liver.
- Acetylsalicylic acid increases the risk of bleeding.
When "Citramon" is combined with alcoholic beverages, a "mixture" is obtained, which can seriously harm the body.
Side effects
When using the drug, the appearance of negative pathological reactions is likely, which include:
- Pain in the stomach.
- Nausea.
- Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (acute disease, the main characteristic of which are rashes on the skin and mucous membranes).
- Heartburn (a feeling of discomfort or burning behind the sternum,extending upwards from the epigastric (pituitary) region, sometimes extending to the neck).
- Anaphylactic shock (an acute and extremely severe allergic reaction that develops as a result of repeated exposure to the allergen).
- The formation of ulcers on the gastric mucosa, which can be complicated by bleeding.
- Reye's syndrome in children (a pathological condition manifested by encephalopathy and fatty degeneration of the liver).
In addition, "Citramon" can cause minor bleeding of various etiologies in the body, as well as allergies in the form of nettle rash. The occurrence of symptoms of the development of negative side effects is considered the basis for discontinuation of the drug.
Before treatment, you must read the annotation to the drug, as well as pay attention to certain nuances:
- Prolonged use of this medication requires regular laboratory monitoring of the functional state of the liver, kidneys.
- Patients should stop taking medication before undergoing surgery because it reduces blood clotting.
- People with allergies may use with extreme caution.
- Prolonged use of "Citramon" can cause a decrease in the excretion of uric acid from the body.
- The active substances of the drug may interact with the means of other pharmacological groups, so it is important to warn a specialist about their possible use.
- "Citramon" does not providedirect impact on the functional state of the central nervous system.
In pharmacies, the drug can be bought without a doctor's prescription. Consult a specialist before use.
Generic "Citramon"

The following medicines have similar analgesic effects:
- "Excedrine".
- "Ibuprofen".
- "Askofen".
- "Nise".
- "Paracetamol".
- "Kofitsin".
- "Copacil".
Before replacing "Citramon" with another drug, a consultation is needed.
According to the instructions, the shelf life of the drug is 4 years. "Citramon" should be kept in a dark, dry place at a temperature not exceeding +25 degrees.
Many patients, despite the fact that "Citramon" is considered unsafe, leave positive feedback, calling it their savior from migraine.
Although there are some that mention the negative aspects of the effects on the liver and gastrointestinal tract, as well as the fact that with prolonged use they provoke addiction.
Based on the responses, we can conclude that pills should be used taking into account the existing restrictions, as well as after comparing the expected benefits from them and the likely risks. According to the reviews, it is known that the drug is used not only to eliminate pain, but also"Citramon" helps with a temperature of 39 degrees and higher.
A couple of pills taken to relieve pain are not capable of harming the patient's body, but uncontrolled intake, of course, threatens with serious problems.