"Sinupret": reviews and instructions for use

"Sinupret": reviews and instructions for use
"Sinupret": reviews and instructions for use

In the article, we will consider the instructions and reviews for Sinupret. The medicinal product is a combined herbal medicine that has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effects.

Form of release and composition of the medicine

Sinupret is produced in several pharmaceutical forms. Drops for oral use are poured into 100 ml tinted glass bottles and packaged in cardboard boxes, which contain instructions with a detailed description of the drug and the rules for its use. A special dropper dispenser is built into the top of the bottle, which allows you to accurately measure the required dosage of the drug.

sinupret instructions for children reviews
sinupret instructions for children reviews

Reviews about Sinupret drops are mostly positive.

The contents of each vial is a transparent water-alcohol solution of yellow or brownish color with a characteristic aroma of medicinal herbs. The composition of the medicinal product includes the following plant elements:

  • gentian root;
  • primrose flowers;
  • sorrel;
  • elder flowers;
  • vervain grass.

Ethanol and purified water are included as additional components in the medicine. A slight sediment is allowed at the bottom of the vial.

The tablets of this medicine are dragees - round, biconvex, coated with a greenish color. The composition of this drug form contains the same basic substances as in the drops. As additional components, the dragee contains colloidal silicon dioxide, sorbitol, potato starch, water, gelatin, lactose monohydrate, stearic acid. According to reviews, Sinupret tablets are well tolerated by patients.

Sinupret children's syrup has cherry flavor. Contains similar active ingredients plus liquid m altitol, cherry flavor and purified water.

"Sinupret" shows the following actions:

  1. Immunostimulating - the drug works as an immunomodulator, reducing the number of relapses and complications of the disease.
  2. Antiviral - inhibits the reproduction of viruses that cause respiratory diseases.
  3. Antibacterial - the drug exhibits antibacterial activity against a variety of pathogens of colds.
  4. Secretolytic - reduces the amount of secretion secreted and the number of inflammatory mediators.
  5. Anti-inflammatory - reduces swelling and inflammation, facilitates nasal breathing.

According to reviews, "Sinupret" is very effective for sinusitis.

Medicin althe plants in this medication inhibit the growth of viruses, including parainfluenza and influenza A. The result of the application is also the restoration of drainage functions and ventilation of the maxillary sinuses, which significantly speeds up recovery. In addition, the drug relieves discomfort during respiratory pathologies, eliminates nasal congestion, and increases the protective qualities of the respiratory tract epithelium. Significantly increases the effectiveness of therapy the simultaneous use of antibacterial drugs.

Reviews of Sinupret confirm this.

sinupret reviews for sinusitis
sinupret reviews for sinusitis

Indications for use

The medicine is prescribed for adults and children over 2 years of age as part of combination therapy to combat sinusitis of various origins, which are characterized by the formation of a thick and viscous secretion.

According to reviews, Sinupret drops for children are better than tablets, but it is even better to use a special children's form - syrup.

The main purpose of the drug "Sinupret" is to treat a variety of diseases of the nasopharynx, which have an infectious etiology. The drug is effective in pathologies of the respiratory organs, which are accompanied by the formation of a viscous secret in the nasal passages. According to the instructions, the medical product can be used to treat the following diseases:

  • laryngitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • flu;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis chronic and acuteflow;
  • pharyngitis;
  • rhinitis of allergic origin;
  • bronchitis (to thin and remove sputum);
  • fronts.

In the treatment of inflammatory processes in the area of the maxillary sinuses, this medical product contributes to significant relief during the first days of use, according to reviews of Sinupret.


This medication has a number of some limitations and contraindications, which indicates the need to carefully read the instructions before starting therapy.

Contraindications to the use of drops and syrup "Sinupret" are:

  • under 2 years of age;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • cirrhosis, severe changes in liver function;
  • severe epilepsy complicated by frequent epileptic seizures and high status epilepticus;
  • cranial injury and brain pathology (including history).

Pills should not be used for the following diseases and conditions:

  • lactase or isom altase deficiency;
  • galactose or fructose intolerance;
  • under 6 years old.

According to reviews, "Sinupret" is ideal for children.

Dosing and administration regimen

Medical product intended for oral administration. A single dosage is recommended to be diluted in a small amount of water (in a tablespoon or at the bottom of a glass). Depending on the severity of the pathological process, the age of the patient and his individual characteristics,the specialist selects an effective and correct dosage. According to the instructions, it is:

  • children aged 2-6 years are prescribed 15 drops 2 times a day;
  • children 6-12 years old - 25 drops 3 times a day;
  • after 12 years and adults the recommended dose is 50 drops 3 times a day. Reviews about "Sinupret" for children are of interest to many.

Pills for children 6-12 years old are prescribed 1 pc. 3 times a day, from 12 years old and adults - 2 pcs. 3 times a day.

Syrup prescribed mainly for children:

  • from 2 to 5 years - 2, 1 ml 3 times a day;
  • from 6 to 11 years - 3.5 ml 3 times a day.

The duration of the therapeutic course is also determined on an individual basis, and in most cases it is 7-10 days. If during this period the patient's condition has not improved or there is a deterioration in the dynamics of the development of pathology, it is imperative to see the doctor again.

Reviews about Sinupret (it is often prescribed for children) will be considered at the end of the article.

Sinupret drops
Sinupret drops

Use during pregnancy and lactation

"Sinupret" during pregnancy can be used only after a doctor's appointment. It is recommended to use tablets, as the composition of the drops contains ethanol, which penetrates the placenta and provokes developmental abnormalities in the fetus and a delay in its development.

During lactation, "Sinupret" is not prescribed. If therapy with this drug is necessary, a woman is recommended to temporarily stop the lactation process.


According to the instructions and reviews for Sinupret, in general, this medication is well tolerated by patients, but in some cases, people with high individual sensitivity may experience the following negative effects:

  1. Digestive organs: stomach pain, vomiting, nausea, upset stool, burning mouth, excessive salivation, taste disturbance.
  2. Allergic skin reactions: pruritus, minor urticaria.
  3. Cardiovascular system: shortness of breath, dizziness, palpitations.

According to reviews, Sinupret drops and syrup cause fewer side effects than tablets.

In more severe situations, reactions such as angioedema or anaphylactic shock may occur.

Overdose symptoms

Cases of overdose with this pharmacological agent are extremely rare, however, in order to avoid the occurrence of the above side effects, it is not recommended to exceed the recommended dosages. In the case of oral administration of a large amount of the drug, the patient may vomit, experience drowsiness, lethargy and confusion. In such situations, it is recommended to provoke vomiting and give activated charcoal or any other enterosorbent, and then seek medical help. If necessary, specialists will provide the patient with symptomatic treatment.

Sinupret drops reviews
Sinupret drops reviews

With reviews of "Sinupret" in tablets, drops and syrup shouldread in advance.

Drug Interactions

The drug is prescribed in most cases in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and local antiseptics for the treatment of nasal passages. Such a therapeutic combination can provide the maximum therapeutic effect and speedy recovery of the patient.

In the case of the use of this drug simultaneously with preparations based on ethyl alcohol, some caution should be exercised, since there is a high risk of developing complicated consequences and side effects from the digestive system and liver.

This is confirmed by the instructions for "Sinupret". According to reviews, the drug is completely safe for children.

Special Recommendations

The drug is prescribed with caution to patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, and regular monitoring of blood glucose levels is necessary. Since the composition of the pharmacological preparation in the form of drops contains alcohol, this must also be taken into account when prescribing to people with a history of liver and kidney pathologies, as well as chronic alcohol dependence.

During clinical studies, it was found that this pharmacological agent can cause a decrease in concentration and slight dizziness in patients during the treatment period. With this in mind, the drug "Sinupret" should be taken with caution by patients whose professional activities are related to driving a car and operating complex equipment.

synupretapplication feedback
synupretapplication feedback


The cost of a medical product in the form of drops is approximately 350 rubles. In tablet form, the drug costs about 320 rubles.

According to reviews, analogues of Sinupret are no less effective.


On the pharmacological market today there are many drugs that have a similar effect to Sinupret. These include:

  1. "Flyuditek" is a drug with mucolytic and mucoregulatory effects, which is also an immunostimulant. The active substance - carbocysteine regulates the secretory functions of goblet cells located in the bronchial mucosa. This substance reduces the activity of these cells and reduces the secretion of mucus, facilitating its removal from the respiratory tract and stimulating the drainage activity of the bronchi. In addition, this drug regulates the work of the sialyltransferase enzyme, leading to the normalization of the ratio of acidic and neutral mucins, which helps to thin the sputum and reduce its viscosity and density. The drug normalizes mucociliary transport, restores the structure of the epithelial tissue of the respiratory organs.
  2. "Cinnabsin" is an anti-inflammatory drug used to treat inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis). This medicine is homeopathic, helps to reduce swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity and sinuses, and normalizes nasal breathing.
  3. "Asinis" - a combined homeopathic medicine, has decongestant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory andsecretomotor activity, helps to reduce the severity of exudative phenomena, swelling and normalize the functions of the vessels of the nasal mucosa, eliminating hyperemia and itching. In addition, the drug normalizes the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the secret, stimulates the outflow of mucus and restores mucociliary clearance. "Asinis" normalizes the regeneration process, reduces the intensity of inflammation and stimulates the cleansing of the mucosa from pus and crusts.
  4. "Adrianol" - a combined medical product for the treatment of infectious pathologies of the nasal passages. The product contains trimazolin and phenylephrine, which are vasoconstrictor substances that have a decongestant effect on the nasal mucosa when used topically. Reducing swelling helps to normalize breathing and reduce pressure in the middle ear and maxillary sinuses. The viscous consistency of the drug significantly increases the duration of its effect.
  5. "Ribomunil" is an immunomodulating drug, which is a proteoglycan-ribosomal complex. It has the ability to activate cellular and humoral immunity. The ribosomes that are present in this product contain specific antigens that are identical to the surface bacterial antigens. They stimulate the production of antibodies to these microbes (the effect of an oral vaccine).
  6. synupret reviews analogues
    synupret reviews analogues

Reviews about "Sinupret"

There are a lot of reviews about this drug, and most of them are positive. They contain information aboutthe high effectiveness of this medication in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of an infectious nature that affect the respiratory organs, in particular the nasopharynx.

There are reviews of "Sinupret" for sinusitis.

Patient during treatment with the drug observed that the pathological symptoms disappear much faster than usual, the disease is milder, and the pleasant taste and aroma of this drug makes it easier to take it, which is very important for parents whose children refuse from taking medication. Many patients claim that this remedy is very effective in bronchopulmonary pathologies of an inflammatory nature, facilitates the removal of sputum when coughing and has some calming effect.

sinupret instruction reviews
sinupret instruction reviews

According to reviews, "Sinupret" is very well tolerated, almost never causes dyspeptic disorders, cephalalgia and all kinds of allergic reactions. Experts also characterize this drug as harmless and very effective. But despite this, and also the fact that only natural components are present in the composition of this pharmacological preparation, doctors do not recommend using it on their own, it is desirable that the patient receive the recommendations of a specialist before therapy.

We reviewed the instructions for use and reviews for Sinupret.
