Cold rhinitis (cold allergy): symptoms and treatment

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Cold rhinitis (cold allergy): symptoms and treatment
Cold rhinitis (cold allergy): symptoms and treatment

Video: Cold rhinitis (cold allergy): symptoms and treatment

Video: Cold rhinitis (cold allergy): symptoms and treatment
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Cold rhinitis is called by many doctors an abnormal disease, since it was not possible to fully explain the cause and nature of the disease. The only exact fact is that rhinitis occurs against the background of a weakened immune system, combined with a disturbed nasal mucosa.

Features and causes of the disease

Cold rhinitis is considered an allergic disease that occurs against the background of a decrease in temperature. It most often affects children and people aged 18–25 years. In addition, pathology is more typical for residents of large cities.

Allergy to cold
Allergy to cold

Rhinitis may be accompanied by skin rashes, headache, shortness of breath and shortness of breath, bronchospasm. Nasal congestion and runny nose occur after hypothermia, and it can be obtained not only on the street.

Swelling of the nasal mucosa, provoking discharge, occurs even after drinking cold water or keeping hands in a low temperature environment for a long time.

Rhinitis, arising from the difference of the latter, was experienced by everyone, entering a warm room after a cold street. But often it becomes permanenta phenomenon in human life and requires treatment, since an allergy to a change in temperature is not a harmless reaction of the body. During stimulation, the protein cryoglobulin is produced. It can provoke the development of chronic allergic rhinitis, which will haunt a person for life.

The consequence of this is a weakened immune system, unable to resist viral and colds. The body often experiences stress, tension, metabolism is disturbed, complications arise in the work of internal organs. First of all, the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract suffer.

reaction to cold
reaction to cold

In addition to the body's allergic reaction to the cold, rhinitis can appear as a result of certain diseases and their complicated period. Rubella, measles, mumps and diabetes also cause complications such as cold rhinitis.

Diseases of the nasal passages, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys can provoke rhinitis. After suffering infectious and viral pathologies, the body can also react with a similar allergic process. In addition, constant work in a cold place also causes the development of pathology.

How to identify risk

You can do a little test yourself to find out if the body is prone to rhinitis in cold temperatures. A small ice cube is applied to the skin in any area. If, after 10–15 minutes, skin irritation occurs, blisters and itching appear, there is definitely a predisposition of the body to this disease.

If the resulting slight redness goes away after the ice is removed from the surface of the skin, then you can not be afraid of allergic reactions of the body.


Symptoms of rhinitis are similar to those of SARS and acute respiratory infections. It is impossible to treat an allergic form with drugs for a cold.

cold allergy symptoms
cold allergy symptoms

The main symptoms are itchy skin and allergic reactions, especially on those parts of the body that have been exposed to cold. After there is a sharp and abundant discharge of mucus or clear liquid from the nasal passages. There may be tearing, irritation of the eyelids and lips.

The most extreme symptoms are nausea, dizziness or headaches, breathing is difficult, heart and vascular diseases may occur against the background of rhinitis.


To diagnose the disease will require a number of tests and procedures. With cold rhinitis, the symptoms and features of the disease are fully taken into account. Conducted laboratory tests, tests for allergens. After that, the clinical picture of the disease is revealed, helping to make the correct diagnosis.

cold rhinitis symptoms
cold rhinitis symptoms

If the treatment was carried out due to an incorrect diagnosis, the patient will not experience relief, the symptoms do not disappear, there is no positive dynamics. It is extremely important to establish the true cause of rhinitis in time, since complications from it are difficult to treat. In the future, bronchial asthma and disorders of the cardiovascular system occur.

Treatment of disease

When you are allergic to cold, symptoms and treatment are interrelated. The main direction of therapy is the elimination of a chronic disease that provokes an allergic reaction of the body. Treatment is carried out in a complex way.


The basic principles are to follow the diet. Foods containing a large amount of allergens should be excluded from the diet: chocolate products, smoked products, citrus fruits, whole milk, nut crops.

The menu should include a daily intake of vitamins to maintain immunity, normal blood circulation and metabolism.


In addition to diet, at the first symptoms of an allergy to cold, treatment involves stopping the production of a protein - kroglobulin. This can be done with the help of antihistamines, which are taken during the cold season.

And the final stage of treatment is the removal of the symptoms themselves. How to drip into the nose in the treatment of cold rhinitis? According to reviews, it all depends on the severity of the disease. For example, the doctor even prescribes eye drops if there is irritation, and nose sprays to remove mucus and relieve swelling.

For the treatment of cold rhinitis, in particular, such a symptom as a runny nose, you can not use vasoconstrictors and antimicrobials. They will cause even more harm, as a result, the nose will stop breathing even in a warm place, as the body will become addicted to the drug.

You can instill cold rhinitis drops into the nose, which have anti-allergic properties. Distinguish between common cold andallergic will help its disappearance in a warm room and the recurrence of symptoms at lower temperatures. With improper therapy, complications arise - sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis.

In allergic cold rhinitis, treatment with drugs also involves a throat spray that relieves inflammation and alleviates unpleasant symptoms. If the patient has dermatitis, it is recommended to use a moisturizer, as well as the anti-inflammatory agent Bepanthen and the healing La Cree.

Cream Bepanthen
Cream Bepanthen

Antihistamines prescribed for allergic rhinitis to cold include drugs that block the corresponding processes in the body. The most popular and effective medicines: Zitrek, Claritin, Cetrin, Suprastin, Allergodil, Tavegil.

A new way of therapy

Treatment can be done in a new way, which was introduced recently, but has already shown the effectiveness of getting rid of cold rhinitis. The point is to treat the patient with lymphocytes, which are taken from his own body and processed by a special method. As a result, the treated cells are introduced into the patient's body, helping to reduce sensitivity to allergens. This procedure corrects the malfunctioning of the human immune system.

On average, 90% of patients treated with this therapy were cured of their rhinitis or experienced relief as symptoms became less noticeable.

Preparation Claritin
Preparation Claritin

The course of treatment lasts 4 weeks, every 7 days patients are given 2 injections. No side effectsrevealed that therapy is allowed for children under 5 years of age. A contraindication is the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding. At the end of the course, the patient develops resistance to body cells to external allergens, including existing allergens, and blood is cleansed. Therefore, inflammation is reduced and their foci are eliminated, leading to noticeable relief.

The effect appears quickly, the procedure is easily tolerated by the body. In addition to its anti-allergic effect, it boosts immunity and reduces the risk of viral infections.

Folk ways

Treatment with folk remedies for cold rhinitis as an independent therapy can only alleviate the symptoms. And in combination with drug treatment, it contributes to a speedy recovery. Folk methods include taking decoctions, infusions that reduce the body's allergic reactions and strengthen its general condition:

  • Decoctions and infusions of chamomile, sage, fennel, wild rose, horsetail, yarrow have proven themselves well. Take herbal remedies 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
  • In the first three days of treatment, they drink a decoction of fennel, after - a decoction of St. John's wort. After 6 days, you need to drink a course of rosehip broth for 10 days.
  • Yarrow has an effective anti-allergic effect. In order to get a decoction, you need to insist 1 tablespoon of the dried plant for one hour, pouring it with 200 ml of water. To obtain a therapeutic result, the decoction is taken in a quarter cup, 3 times a day.
  • Samethe infusion of horsetail also has an effect. The course is 1 month, every day before breakfast you need to drink 1 glass of infusion.
  • In the nasal passage, you can instill a remedy based on aloe juice, celery and carrots. Eucalyptus and sage inhalations will help ease breathing and relieve irritation from the nasal mucosa.
  • Compotes from currants, cranberries, rose hips will help increase immunity and saturate the body with vitamin C. To strengthen immunity, you can drink a decoction of raspberry roots. You need to start taking it a couple of months before the onset of cold weather, and with constant use, you can recover from the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.
  • A bath with coniferous decoction also has a firming effect. Branches need to be soaked and boiled. After the broth is filtered and poured into water.

Prevention of cold rhinitis

If a person has a predisposition to allergies, then rhinitis is unlikely to be avoided. But you can follow preventive measures that will reduce the risk of this disease many times over.

Allergic reaction to cold
Allergic reaction to cold

It is recommended to be as little as possible in the cold air, and when forced to stay or walk, you need to wear warm, natural clothes. Particular attention should be paid to the throat, tying it with a scarf, wearing a warm hat and mittens, thermal underwear will be the salvation. You can apply a cream that protects against low temperatures on your face, cover your nose with a scarf.

In addition to ways of warming, you need to harden and strengthen the body. Hardening is recommended to start with a short contrast shower,gradually increasing the time spent under cool water.

Sports will benefit: swimming, running, yoga. It is necessary to adhere to a complete, proper diet, which will be rich in vitamins and minerals. In everyday life, it is worth giving up cold drinks and unheated food. From the menu you need to exclude chocolate, strawberries, coffee, eat less spices and seasonings.

All these measures will help strengthen the body, and it will become less painful to react to allergens, learn to resist irritants.


When the first symptoms appear, you should contact an allergist who will select an individual method of treatment depending on the severity of the disease.

Self-treatment may not bring positive results, but on the contrary, cause complications from many body systems. This is because cold rhinitis is an atypical reaction to low temperatures.

In addition, many drugs have contraindications and side effects, and are prescribed depending on the severity of the disease. And this can only be done by a specialist after a comprehensive examination.