In this article, we will consider instructions and reviews for the Postinor tool.
This drug is classified as a hormonal contraceptive. It should be taken orally immediately after sexual contact. You can use "Postinor" for those women who do not suffer from menstrual irregularities. In our article, we will find out what analogues it has, find out why they are better, and also get acquainted with the opinions of women regarding the effectiveness of this remedy and its general effect on the body.

Composition of the drug
Instructions for "Postinor" indicates that the main component of the presented drug is levonorgestrel. One tablet contains 750 micrograms of the active substance. The excipients are silicon dioxide along with potato starch, magnesium stearate, talc and lactose monohydrate.
Indications for use
According toinstructions for use, "Postinor" for abortion is not often used.
Use the presented drug as part of emergency contraception immediately after unprotected intercourse, and also when the contraceptive method is unreliable.
Contraindications to the use of the drug
According to the instructions "Postinor" is not suitable for use in the following cases:
- Adolescence of a person up to sixteen years old.
- Presence of severe liver failure.
- Pregnancy.
- Having rare hereditary diseases such as lactose intolerance along with lactase deficiency and galactose malabsorption.
- Presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
With great caution should take the drug in the presence of diseases of the liver and biliary tract, and, in addition, against the background of jaundice and Crohn's disease. The medication is also not suitable during lactation.
Drug dosing
What else does the instruction to Postinor tell us? The presented drug is taken orally. Two tablets must be taken within the first seventy-two hours of unprotected intercourse. The second tablet is taken twelve hours later. But this is done no later than sixteen hours after taking the first pill.

In order to achieve the best effect, both tablets are taken as soon as possible after sexual intercourse has occurred. The main thing is to have time to do itlater than seventy-two hours later. In the event that vomiting occurs within a couple of hours after ingestion, it is necessary to use another tablet of this drug. It applies at any time during the cycle.
This is confirmed by the instructions for use for Postinor. Side effects of the remedy are of interest to many.
After using an emergency contraceptive, a local barrier method such as a condom or cervical cap should be used until the next period. The use of the drug against the background of repeated unprotected sexual contact during one menstrual cycle is undesirable due to the possibility of an increase in the frequency of spotting. Next, consider what are the side effects against the background of the use of "Postinor" according to the instructions.
Unwanted effects
This drug may cause allergies such as hives, rash or facial swelling. Additional side effects that occur with varying frequency and do not require medical treatment are vomiting along with diarrhea, dizziness, headache, and tenderness of the mammary glands. In addition, a delay in menstruation by no more than seven days is likely. This is indicated in the instructions for Postinor. Adverse reactions are different for everyone.

In the event that the menstruation is delayed for a longer period, it is required to exclude pregnancy. Quite often, patients experience adverse reactions in the form of nausea, painabdomen and spotting.
This is confirmed by the instructions for use and reviews of Postinor.
Drug overdose
In case of an overdose, the severity of side effects may increase. There is no specific antidote for this condition. Symptomatic therapy is carried out to facilitate well-being.
In addition to the instructions and reviews of doctors about Postinor, we will consider
Drug Interactions
In the case of simultaneous administration with inducers of liver enzymes, the process of metabolism of the active substance levonorgestrel may be accelerated. The following remedies may reduce its effectiveness:
- Taking Amprecavil, Lansoprazole and Nevirapine.
- Simultaneous treatment with Oxcarbazepine, Topiramate or Tacrolimus.
- Using barbiturates, including Primidon along with Fenit-in and Carbamazepine.
- Taking drugs that contain St. John's wort.
- Treatment with drugs in the form of Rifampicin, Ritonavir, Ampicillin, Tetracycline, Rifabutin and Griseofulvin.
Levonorgestrel may reduce the effectiveness of hypoglycemic drugs. In addition, it increases the plasma concentration of glucocorticosteroids. Women who take these drugs are advised to consult a doctor. Drugs that contain levonorgestrel can increase the toxicity of Cyclosporine due to the suppression of its metabolism.
Postinor and special instructions for use
"Postinor" can only be used incases of emergency contraception. Repeated use of this drug within the same cycle is not desirable.
Postinor does not replace the use of permanent methods of contraception. In most cases, it usually does not have any effect on the nature of menstruation. But bleeding may occur with a delay in menstruation for several days. In case of a delay of more than a week, and, in addition, with a change in the nature of menstruation, it is necessary first of all to exclude the onset of pregnancy. The occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen along with fainting may indicate the development of an ectopic pregnancy.
Adolescents under the age of sixteen in exceptional cases (for example, in case of rape) require a consultation with a gynecologist. Immediately after emergency contraception, women are also advised to consult a gynecologist as part of the selection of the most appropriate method of regular contraception. It is important to note that the use of emergency contraception will not protect against diseases that are transmitted through sexual intercourse. In the presence of violations of the function of the digestive system (for example, with Crohn's disease), it is likely that the effectiveness of this remedy will decrease.

Safe analogues
So, the drug "Postinor" has many side effects, and, in addition, contraindications. For example, the use of this medication is strictly prohibited for those women who have liver disease. In this case, you should contact the safeanalogues, which today there are quite a lot, besides, they are much cheaper. The most famous analogues are such drugs as "Escapel" along with "Zhenale", "Ginepriston", "Microlut" and "Eskinor-F".
All of the above drugs have the same properties as Postinor, but they differ significantly in cost and the presence of adverse reactions. Thus, these analogs are more safe for the body. Given that Postinor is a rather old drug, it is inferior in safety to more modern contraceptives.
Postinor or Escapel: what to choose?
Analogue "Escapel" is a more modern method of emergency contraception. According to the instructions for use "Postinor" for abortion and this analogue have similar contraindications. It should be borne in mind that the safety of both drugs is not so high. Each of them has its own contraindications and side effects that adversely affect a woman's he alth.
Safety with the effectiveness of the use of these contraceptives also depends on whether the woman fully followed the proposed instructions. In the event of any side effect, you should immediately consult a doctor. Thus, we can conclude that "Postinor" with "Escapel" have similar indications, and therefore it is best to decide which remedy to take together with your doctor immediately after examining and passing all the required tests.

Analogues of "Postinor": "Ginepriston" and "Zhenale"
Many girls often wonder what is better - "Zhenale" or "Postinor" for abortion? The manual will not answer this question. The choice in this case is individual. "Zhenale" is also not complete without certain contraindications and adverse reactions. Therefore, it is better to discuss its use with your doctor. Regular use of this remedy is prohibited, as it can cause great complications. You should also take into account the fact that if pregnancy still occurs after taking Zhenale, the risk of having a child with certain pathologies is quite high.
Regarding Ginepristone, we can say that it also has a number of contraindications, including pregnancy along with lactation, chronic adrenal diseases and heart pathologies. In addition, there are many side effects that can appear even against the background of full compliance with the instructions for use. We are talking about the appearance of allergic reactions, pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding from the vagina, delayed menstruation, headaches, dizziness and nausea.
This is confirmed by the instructions and reviews. "Postinor" is often confused with a means for medical abortion. Let's figure it out.
Which is worse: taking Postinor or having a medical abortion
Postinor is an emergency contraceptive drug used to prevent pregnancy immediately after unprotectedintimacy. Medical abortion, in turn, is a non-surgical termination of pregnancy.
Take "Postinor" for termination of pregnancy according to the instructions for use, as already noted, should be within seventy-two hours after the completion of sexual intercourse, and medical abortion is used against the background of an established pregnancy. By the way, there is a myth that emergency contraception can cause abortion if women take such pills while already pregnant.
It must be emphasized that medical abortion should be performed only under medical supervision, and emergency contraception is available to every woman without exception. Thus, it is impossible to answer the question of what is worse: medical abortion or Postinor, because each of them is used in different situations. In addition, each technique has its own indications and side effects.

Cost of the drug in pharmacies
Prices for the presented drug directly depend on the region where the pharmacy is located. It often happens that in one pharmacy a drug is more expensive than in another. Regarding the cost of the drug itself, we can say that the price of Postinor is from four hundred to five hundred rubles per package, which contains two tablets. Release this drug without a doctor's prescription.
It's worth remembering that no emergency contraception can protect against sexually transmitted diseases. BesidesIt should be borne in mind that the regular use of emergency contraceptives can lead to serious complications. In this regard, it would be best to reduce or completely limit their use.
We reviewed the instructions for use for the Postinor tool.
Reviews about the drug
Reviews about this drug on the Internet are very different. Some women call it effective, while others, on the contrary, are dissatisfied with the result.
First of all, I must say that very often in women's comments it is reported that this remedy almost immediately after use causes unpleasant, and at the same time painful sensations. In addition, there is an extremely negative effect on the female body. For example, women talk about menstrual irregularities and spotting. Complaints about the appearance of nausea and headaches and allergic reactions are also not uncommon in reviews of Postinor. The instructions describe the side effects in detail.
Some express dissatisfaction with the high content of hormones in the preparation, which is also harmful. Thus, according to the comments, every second woman has a hormonal imbalance. Customers are not satisfied with the price of the drug, which fluctuates around five hundred rubles for two tablets.

Reviews of doctors
According to the instructions for use and reviews of doctors, Postinor actually helps to avoid unwanted pregnancy as part of emergency contraception. Women are oftenwhen they see a doctor, they give examples of the appearance of certain adverse reactions in them due to the use of Postinor. Concerning directly efficiency there are different opinions. Some experts believe that protection is not one hundred percent.
In any case, even negative comments most often acknowledge the effectiveness of the remedy. But absolutely all doctors consider it very harmful. Thus, making a conclusion about Postinor based on women's reviews on the Internet and doctors' reviews, we can say this: "Harmful, but effective."