"Menovazine" is an external agent with analgesic, local irritant and distracting effect.
The medicine is produced in the form of an alcohol solution, which is intended for topical use. What properties and composition does Menovazin have? Available in dark-colored bottles of 25, 40 and 50 milliliters.
The drug contains several basic substances - menthol, benzocaine and procaine. Ethyl alcohol acts as an additional component.

What are the medicinal properties of the medicine
According to reviews and instructions for use, the Menovazin solution has a pronounced irritating and analgesic effect on the skin. Therapeutic actions are due to the active substances that make up the drug.
Menthol, when applied, irritates the nerve endings of the skin, and also promotes the expansion of blood vessels and a strong blood flow. When applying menthol to the epidermis, a person feels cool, due to which the pain decreases,eliminates itching and discomfort.
The ointment includes novocaine - an anesthetic with a moderate analgesic effect. When these components come into contact with the skin, sodium channels are blocked, which prevents further transmission of impulses along the nerve fibers. Benzocaine has the same effect as novocaine.

What indications does Menovazin have
The ointment and solution are recommended for use by people for external application under certain conditions:
- Myalgia (a pathological condition characterized by muscle pain).
- Arthralgia (periodic occurrence of pain in the joints in the absence of characteristic signs and symptoms of their damage).
- Neuralgia (a pathological condition that progresses due to damage to certain parts of the peripheral nerves).
- Sciatica (is not a separate disease, but a whole complex of unpleasant symptoms and sensations arising from pressure on one or more components of the sciatic nerve).
- Sciatica (a disease of the peripheral nervous system that occurs as a result of compression of the roots of the spinal cord or nerve trunks at any level).
- Hemorrhoids (a disease associated with thrombosis, inflammation, pathological expansion and tortuosity of the hemorrhoidal veins).
- Itching of the skin with dermatitis or an insect bite.
- Sprains.
- Bruises.
- Dislocations.
What is it used for"Menovazin" (ointment and solution), you now know. Next, find out who should not use the drug.

Before using Menovazin, you need to consult a doctor and read the annotation well. The solution has certain restrictions for use:
- Open wounds on the skin.
- Scratches.
- Bleeding cuts.
- Inflammation of the skin.
- Purulent eruptions at the site of the intended application of the solution.
- Increased sensitivity or intolerance to components.
Side effects
As a rule, the medication is well tolerated by patients, subject to the doctor's prescriptions. In people with increased sensitivity or dry skin, when applying Menovazin, local negative reactions are likely to occur, which are expressed by certain unpleasant symptoms:
- Development of allergic dermatitis.
- Eruptions on the skin.
- Urticaria.
- Itching.
- Swelling of the epidermis at the site of application.
- Burning.
- Feeling of tightness at the site of application of the medicine.
All of the above side effects are not dangerous, go away on their own without medical intervention and in most situations do not require discontinuation of therapy.

How to use Menovazin
The solution is for external use only. Before use, it is important to make surethat the person is tolerating the medicine. To do this, apply the drug to the area of \u200b\u200bthe inner elbow bend and wait 15 minutes. If during this time there was no rash and itching, then therapy can be carried out on large areas of the skin.
"Menovazin" in a small amount is applied to the cleansed skin at the site of violation of the epidermis and gently massaged. The drug is used three times a day, depending on the severity of the pain. After "Menovazin" has been absorbed, a dry bandage can be applied to the application site, which will help enhance the healing effect.
The duration of treatment with "Menovazin" is determined by a medical specialist, but it should not exceed 3 weeks. If the pharmacological effect is absent or mild, then the patient needs to repeat the therapy and consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.
In what situations is the drug still used
As practice shows, "Menovazin" is excellent for rhinitis and cough. You can get rid of unpleasant sensations in 2-3 sessions with the help of the warming effect of menthol, stimulation of blood microcirculation and cough receptors. For therapy, a small amount of the solution is applied to the back, chest, and rubbed and covered with a warm blanket.

If there is pain in the hearing organs, compresses are made to reduce inflammation, as well as warm up and eliminate discomfort. To do this, gauze is folded in several layers, forming a rectangle, an incision is made according to the size of the ear. Textilefirst impregnated with an anesthetic, then heated over steam, put on the ear and pressed well. The procedure is carried out before going to bed.
Novocaine is part of "Menovazin", the properties of which help with sinusitis. Gauze is moistened with 5 milliliters of anesthetic and placed on the affected area for a maximum of 10 minutes. The procedure is carried out every day, the duration of treatment is fourteen days.
To increase the effectiveness, immediately after therapy, the nasal cavity is washed with any composition that includes sea water. Treatment can be supplemented with traditional rubbing.
A positive result in the form of a decrease in the amount of pus, as well as pain relief is assessed within seven days. If positive changes do not occur during this time, further use of the solution is not advisable.
According to reviews, the use of Menovazin is justified in the fight against herpes on the lips. To cauterize the rashes, a cotton pad soaked in the medicine is placed on the affected area, repeating the procedure up to 5-6 times a day. If the disease is in the initial phase, then improvement occurs within a day.

Healing "Menovazin"
To quickly eliminate bruises, bruises and sprains, cotton soaked in liquid is pressed to the problem area for two minutes.
To eliminate sciatica, a cotton swab with medicine is applied to the affected area. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.
Is it possible "Menovazin"use for migraines? To quickly eliminate headaches, rub the area between the ears and the back of the head with a solution. According to the responses, relief comes in thirty minutes.
You can cope with poor sleep by rubbing your neck with a moistened swab. The beneficial effect is due to the inhibition of the conduction of nerve impulses, as well as blocking their subsequent development, calming.
To eliminate puffiness, as well as soreness and a feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities, "Menovazin" is applied to clean skin, making a light massage.
The use of the drug during depilation is justified due to the freezing effect. The bikini area is treated with particular care - in order to avoid burning, contact with the mucous cavities is excluded. The duration of treatment with Menovazin is set by the doctor.
"Menovazin" can be used for injections for the purpose of disinfection. If there is no ethyl alcohol or special wipes, the injection site is treated with a solution before and after using the drug.
Is Menovazin used during pregnancy and lactation
With special care, this medication can be used during pregnancy, lactation, as well as children under 18 years of age. These prohibitions are due to the lack of clinical studies. It is important to consult a he althcare professional before starting treatment.
Design Features
The pharmacological properties and composition of Menovazin are of great value. Do not apply the drug to people under 18 years of age, because safetythe impact of active and additional substances of the drug on the body of a baby or teenager has not been confirmed.
If the prescribed dosage is observed, Menovazin does not affect the functioning of the central nervous system and does not suppress the rate of psychomotor reactions.
The drug can be used simultaneously with warming and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as oral analgesic tablets.

Does "Menovazin" substitutes
In pharmacies you can see drugs that are similar in their pharmacological properties and composition to Menovazin. These include:
- "Ketocin".
- Voltaren.
- "Lidocaine".
- "Zhivokosta".
- "Gold Star".
- "Fastum gel".

Before replacing "Menovazin" with another medicine, you need to consult a doctor, since the above drugs are not considered structural substitutes, have a different structure, contraindications.
How to store medication
According to the instructions for use, it is known that the solution can be purchased at pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. It is necessary to keep "Menovazin" away from children, in a dark place.
You need to make sure that the sun's rays do not fall on the bottle. The maximum shelf life of the drug is 2 years. PriceMenovazina ranges from 20 to 80 rubles.
What reviews does the drug have
Reviews about "Menovazin" characterize the drug as an inexpensive and effective medicine for neuralgia and myalgia, as well as itchy dermatosis, which has a hypoallergenic composition and rarely provokes adverse reactions.
The drug "Menovazin" in most situations is used for hemorrhoids, but this disease is not in the list of indications for use. Thanks to the action of the drug, it is possible to neutralize pain for a short time, but not to eliminate the disease. In any situation, this practice is not welcomed by proctologists, and people who use it are not immune from side effects.
Persons who use "Menovazin" as a remedy for acne, expose themselves to a huge risk of causing irreversible changes in already sensitive facial skin. Despite the large number of recommendations for the use of the drug for acne, it should not be applied in this pathological process. Therefore, the best option would be to seek help from a dermatologist.
Due to the effectiveness, availability and low cost, the drug is popular, so there are a lot of reviews about Menovazin. Doctors describe it as an ambulance for affected joints, as well as the spine and injured limbs, note its instant effect, as well as good tolerance.
For the greatest effectiveness, it is recommended to use "Menovazin" with physiotherapeutic procedures at the same time. Medical specialists warn about the inadmissibility of non-compliance with the annotation, exceeding the recommended duration of use, or using the medicine for other purposes.
Among patients, the most responses from people of retirement age are the category of patients with chronic diseases who need regular pain relief. An inexpensive effective medicine for them is just a godsend that allows you to significantly improve the quality of life at low cost.
Among the responses, there are also negative opinions: an unpleasant smell, no positive effect, inconvenient to use bottles with a solution.