To stimulate the immune system and fight viruses, a drug has been developed that is exceptionally effective, according to reviews. "Arbidol" (it is important to follow the instructions for use so as not to harm yourself by taking it) is intended to prevent the disease and relieve its symptoms. An important aspect is the possibility of application for the treatment of children.
As indicated in the instructions for use, Arbidol capsules and suspension (syrup) have a specific effect on certain pathological microorganisms. The drug is effective against influenza-provoking viruses A, B, as well as coronavirus. Active components prevent fusion, react with viral hemagglutinin, so that the fatty viral membrane cannot interact with the cell membrane.
Immunomodulatory effect is estimated as moderate. The compounds activate cellular immunity, humoral reactions. The phagocytic activity of macrophages is stimulated. Under the influence of "Arbidol" more activelyinterferon is formed, the body's natural resistance to aggressive infectious agents grows. As indicated in the instructions for use, "Arbidol" reduces the likelihood of complications due to infection with the virus. Its intake helps prevent the exacerbation of chronic diseases caused by pathological bacteria.
When infected with a virus under the influence of the active components of Arbidol, the symptoms of poisoning of the body are weakened, clinical manifestations partially disappear, which makes it possible to shorten the duration of the disease.
This is important
As indicated in the instructions for use, "Arbidol" for children and adults does not pose any danger if used in reasonable doses, preferably after prior consultation with a specialist. The drug belongs to the category of low toxicity, therefore it is approved for use for most patients (Arbidol has certain contraindications). Clinical trials allow us to confidently say that when used in the recommended dosage, Arbidol does not have a negative effect on the human body.

When taken orally, the active substance is quickly absorbed into the circulatory system, evenly distributed throughout all systems and organs. The highest level of concentration in the blood plasma with a single use of 50 mg is observed after 1.2 hours. At twice the dose, this duration increases to one and a half hours. Transformation processes take place in the liver.
The instructions for the use of "Arbidol" indicate that the half-life occurs in 17-21 hours. Slightly less than half of the volume of the active compound is excreted without processing. About 0.12% leave the body with urine, the rest - through the biliary tract. 90% of the drug that enters the body is excreted within 24 hours from the moment of use.
What's on sale?
On pharmacy shelves, the drug is presented in the form of tablets: white or creamy capsules, convex on both sides. If you cut the copy across, you can see two layers. The tablet contains the active compound in the amount of 0.05 g, as well as auxiliary components:
- starch;
- glucose;
- acids;
- cellulose;
- talc.
The package contains one or two blisters of "Arbidol" (50 mg) and instructions for use.
The second version of the tablet release is yellow or white-yellow capsules containing twice as much of the active ingredient. The composition also contains excipients. The cardboard box contains the accompanying documentation and 1-2 blisters with the drug. The specific number of tablets must be indicated on the outside of the package.
Also on sale is a powder intended for the preparation of a liquid - suspension "Arbidol". Instructions for use for children and adults are somewhat different - the dosage varies. Before use, you should read the manufacturer's recommendations, and even better - consult a doctor.

Proper use is the key to safety
As stated in the instructions for use, "Arbidol" does not affect the central nervous system. This allows it to be taken as a prophylactic. "Arbidol" is allowed to people of various professions, its use does not impose restrictions on the ability to drive vehicles or control high-precision machines.
As clinical studies have shown, the simultaneous use of "Arbidol" and other medicines does not become a source of negative effects on the body, if all drugs are taken according to the instructions. "Arbidol" is intended for oral use before meals.
The amount of drug used at one time depends on the age of the patient. According to the instructions for use, "Arbidol" for children aged 3-6 years should be used in the amount of one tablet containing 50 mg of the active substance. Until the age of twelve, the dose is doubled. For persons over 12 years of age, as well as for adults, the recommended dosage is 200 mg.
Features of use
The drug is prescribed as a non-specific prophylactic agent with an increased risk of viral infection. Optimal dosage for persons forced to contact with patients:
- aged 3-6 years - 50mg;
- ages 6-12 - 100mg;
- 12 years and older - 200 mg.
Instructions for the use of "Arbidol" recommends using the drug in this amount from ten days to two weeks.
If an influenza epidemic starts, mass morbidity risesother respiratory viral diseases, "Arbidol" is used according to the described scheme for at least three weeks. A similar approach requires the prevention of recurrence of herpes, exacerbation of bronchitis (chronicles). It should be noted: in the instructions for use of 100 mg of "Arbidol" - the dosage recommended for patients from the age of six to 12 years. For younger individuals, the amount of formulation used should be halved.
Prophylactic measures, if necessary, contact with a person suffering from a severe respiratory syndrome, involve the use of "Arbidol" according to the following scheme:
- 6 to 12 years old - 100 mg daily before meals;
- 12 years and older - 200 mg.
The drug is taken once a day. The duration of the course is from 12 days to two weeks.

Prevention of complications after surgery:
- dosage same as above;
- the drug is allowed from the age of three;
- take first dose two days before scheduled event;
- re-admission falls on the second and fifth days after the operation.
It is important to observe the correct dosage of Arbidol tablets for adults: the instructions for use contain an indication of the possible inefficiency of the composition if the manufacturer's recommendations are neglected. It is even more important to give the correct dose to children.
Arbidol: therapy
In case of a viral disease that occurs without complications, "Arbidol" is used according to the following scheme:
- from three years to six - in the amount of 50 mg;
- from the age of six to 12 - twice as much;
- 12 years and older - 200 mg.
The drug is taken four times daily for five consecutive days. Take a six-hour break between doses.
Instructions for the use of Arbidol tablets recommends using the composition for a viral disease accompanied by complications, in the same dosage - the first five days of illness, after which they continue therapy for another month, taking a single dose once every seven days.
If a severe respiratory syndrome is established, Arbidol is used for patients 12 years of age and older. Take 200 mg of the drug twice a day. The duration of the course is 8-10 days.
Instructions for the use of tablets "Arbidol" contains recommendations for the use of the drug in the fight against bronchitis in a chronic form, the herpes virus. The drug is recommended as an element of complex treatment, not used as monotherapy. With a dosage similar to that described above, the course is formed according to the following rules:
- tablets taken four times daily;
- take six-hour breaks between doses;
- main course lasts from five days to a full week;
- support program lasts another month, used twice a week in single doses.

Rotavirus, which provoked an acute intestinal disease, is treated with Arbidol in children of three years of age and older. Dosage is the same as above.tablets are used four times a day, taking breaks of six hours between doses. The duration of the program is five days.
Do's and Don'ts
The basic contraindication mentioned in the instructions for use of "Arbidol" is children's age. The tool is not used for the treatment and prevention of diseases in children under three years of age. In addition, you should not take the drug if hypersensitivity to any component used in its manufacture is established.
The indications mentioned in the instructions for the use of "Arbidol" are children's flu, SARS, colds, SARS, as well as similar diseases in adults. You can use the drug both in the case of an independent disease, and in the presence of complications. "Arbidol" is shown at:
- secondary immune deficiency states;
- operations to prevent infectious complications;
- the need to normalize the functioning of the immune system, the status of immunity during surgical interventions;
- acute intestinal infectious inflammation provoked by rotavirus;
- chronic bronchitis, recurrent herpes, pneumonia.
In the last two cases, Arbidol is used as an element of an integrated approach.
Nuances of application
The instructions for the use of "Arbidol" for adults and children indicate that the drug can cause an allergic response of the body. This is the only officially known side effect of the drug.
When used correctly, "Arbidol" helps to strengthen the immune system and makethe body is more resistant to infectious agents, viruses. From pharmacies, the product is dispensed by prescription.
Most often, Arbidol is taken in the form of tablets, but this is not always convenient. In particular, Arbidol syrup is more suitable for the treatment of young children (two years of age and a little older). The instructions for using this form are similar to those described above, the distinguishing feature is the dosage. Included with the medicine is a spoon, thanks to which you can accurately dose the powder. The substance is diluted in water and given to the patient to drink. This format has been approved for use since two years. The dosage of the active ingredient for children from two to six years of age is 50 mg (10 ml of solution).

Preparing a suspension of "Arbidol" according to the instructions for use is a fairly simple task. There is a special mark on the bottle indicating how much water should be poured into the container. In the accompanying documentation, the manufacturer notes that before the next use, the drug is shaken so that the liquid becomes homogeneous. Ready "Arbidol" has a pleasant taste and aroma of fruits, so it does not cause rejection among the kids, the kids are not capricious. According to the manufacturer, "Arbidol" in the form of a suspension has become perhaps the most applicable composition in the pediatric practice of our country for the treatment of influenza, SARS in children of different ages.
Interesting position
During the period of bearing a child, "Arbidol" in any form of release is contraindicated. There is no official information on the ability of the active ingredient to influencefruit.
If it became necessary to undergo a course of treatment with Arbidol, you should stop breastfeeding. There is no exact information about whether the components of the composition penetrate into mother's milk, it is impossible to predict whether the medication has an effect on the child. To prevent negative consequences, the baby is temporarily transferred to artificial feeding.
According to reviews, the instructions for using Arbidol are simple and understandable, and the drug itself is effective, it is quite affordable (from 200 rubles per pack). And yet, sometimes it becomes necessary to replace it with an alternative remedy. They resort to the use of the following drugs:
- Ferrovir.
- Engystol.
- Proteflazid.
The medicines "Detoxopirol", "Kagocel", "Armenicum" have proven themselves well. Before comparing the instructions for use of "Arbidol" and analogues, choosing a replacement on your own, you should consult a doctor. This will allow you to replace the composition with the most effective one in a particular case.
Analogues: Engystol
This analogue of "Arbidol" is somewhat more expensive: in pharmacies, on average, they ask for 380 rubles for it. The drug is intended for the treatment of sluggish diseases in a chronic form. The manufacturer recommends using it when:
- rhinitis;
- weaknesses;
- febrile state;
- various chronic pathologies;
- viruses;
- blood poisoning.
"Engystol" helps if you have a headache, a cold or flu-like tormentcondition. The drug belongs to the category of homeopathic, is available in the form of tablets intended for resorption under the tongue.
Sometimes you can't
"Engystol" is not suitable for the following groups of people:
- children under the age of three;
- those suffering from hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
- from birth lactase deficient.
The drug is not taken if malabsorption syndrome or galactosemia is established.

Usage rules
"Engystol" is placed under the tongue. Single dosage - one tablet, frequency - three times a day. The maximum effectiveness is observed when the drug is taken one hour before a meal. The duration of the program is two to three weeks. If necessary, the course can be repeated, but the doctor's approval is required.
In case of exacerbation of the disease, Engystol is taken for two hours on a tablet every 15 minutes.
Proper use of the product helps to stimulate the immune system. Active ingredients stop viral activity.
Some of the side effects that should be mentioned are an allergic reaction.
Diagnosis and Therapy
The possibility of using "Engystol" by patients with diabetes mellitus is limited, since each dose of the drug contains 0.025 XE.
At the beginning of the use of the composition, there is a possibility of exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease. When such an effect is observed, stop using and seek help from your doctor.
According to clinical trials, Engystol does not interact with other drugs. The use of a homeopathic composition does not impose restrictions on the possibility of therapy with other medicines.
Analogues: "Kagocel"
"Kagocel" stimulates the immune system and fights viruses. The drug is named after the name of the active substance - Kagocel. One capsule contains 12 mg of this compound. Kagocel is produced by a Russian pharmaceutical company and is in the form of tablets for oral administration. Each capsule is cream colored. The package contains a blister with a dozen tablets and instructions for use.
"Kagocel" belongs to the category of antiviral immunostimulants. Under the influence of active components is activated:
- Activity of the body's defenses against viruses;
- production of interferon.
Clinical studies have shown that "Kagocel" has no toxic qualities. Active substances do not accumulate in the tissues of the body, even with long-term use, no toxic effect is observed. The course started when the first symptoms of the disease appeared will show the greatest effectiveness.
Use: all as instructed
Kagocel is recommended for:
- acute viral diseases;
- flu;
- cold;
- herpes;
- chlamydia infection.

As an element of complex therapy "Kagocel" is used for bronchitis, runny nose. Meansnot only treats the disease, but also prevents complications.
"Kagocel" is ineffective if the problem is not caused by infection, but by other reasons. To clarify the condition, it is recommended to consult a doctor, and only after that start using the medicine.
"Kagocel" is not used:
- during pregnancy;
- during breastfeeding;
- for the treatment of babies up to three years of age;
- if hypersensitivity to the components of the drug is detected.
Don't use Kagocel if you have malabsorption syndrome, lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance.
Reception Features
"Kagocel" is intended for oral administration shortly before a meal. The tablet is washed down with clean water (a quarter cup). Swallow the medicine without violating the integrity of the shell. Optimal rate:
- three times a day, a couple of tablets for two days;
- three times a day on a tablet for two more days.
The total duration of the program is four days.
Kagocel is used as a prophylactic according to the program:
- twice a day on a tablet for two days;
- five-day break;
- cycle repeat.
The number of repetitions should be determined at the doctor's appointment. Sometimes one week is enough, sometimes a month or more.
For herpes, Kagocel is taken five days in a row: three times a day, two tablets each time. With chlamydia, the drug is used in a similar way.
Program for treating children beforeAge 6:
- twice a day tablet two days in a row;
- one tablet a day for two more days.
From the age of six, the first two days the patient is given a tablet three times a day, the next two days - a tablet twice a day.
Prophylactic regimen for children over the age of six: two days on a tablet, followed by a five-day break and a repeat of the cycle. The number of repetitions should be checked with the doctor.
Side effects and overdose
Excess "Kagocel" in the body can manifest itself:
- vomit;
- nauseous.
May have stomach ache.
First aid - initiating vomiting, drinking plenty of fluids.
As shown by clinical trials, "Kagocel" is safe, and the only established adverse reaction of use is allergy. When such a response of the body is observed, the drug is immediately stopped.
To reduce the risk of side effects, you should carefully study the instructions before use, in particular contraindications. Most often, allergic reactions are observed against the background of lactose intolerance.