Is it possible to drink vodka in the presence of diseases: the opinion and advice of doctors

Is it possible to drink vodka in the presence of diseases: the opinion and advice of doctors
Is it possible to drink vodka in the presence of diseases: the opinion and advice of doctors

It's hard to imagine a Russian feast without vodka. Many consider it he althier than wine, cognac and rum. They even believe that it should be drunk regularly in small amounts to maintain he alth. But is it? Let's turn to the experts and find out if you can drink vodka.

Benefit or harm?

It should be noted that alcohol has an extremely adverse effect on the entire body. First of all, its effect extends to the brain, the processes in which begin to take place much more slowly. And we all know about the harmful effects of alcohol on the liver.

However, experts say that a small amount of wine is good for the body (the notorious "bottle a week"). Wine is a cocktail of beneficial polyphenols that protect us from many types of cancer, heart disease and even liver disease. Moreover, if you drink more than the permissible dose, the harmful effects of alcohol destroy the benefits of wine.

Additional ingredients found in cognac, rum and whiskey help soften the aggressive effect of alcohol. They even have a number of useful components. However, does it includevodka in the list of he althy alcoholic drinks? Doctors believe that a stack every few days is more useful than absolute sobriety. And certainly preferable to a couple of bottles on weekends. In this case, it is better to drink grape vodka. It is believed that it is safer for the body.

However, by and large, scientists still have not come to the conclusion whether it is possible to drink vodka or wine in order to improve the condition of the body. Research is highly inaccurate and contradictory. Therefore, doctors advise drinking the minimum doses of alcohol that will definitely not harm the body.

Scientists at the University of Cambridge conducted a study in which 600 people from 19 countries took part. It has been found that those who regularly consume 18 or more standard units of alcohol (the volume of "drinks" is 120-300 ml), life expectancy is reduced to 5 years. At the same time, about 14 "drinks" per week is an acceptable norm, which slightly shortens life.

Alas, almost every person has a bouquet of diseases that, presumably, do not go well with alcoholic beverages. Let's look at what the most common diagnoses are for drinking, and for which it is undesirable.

benefit or harm
benefit or harm

High pressure and vodka

Is it possible to drink with hypertension, many patients of polyclinics are interested. After all, almost all elderly people suffer from this disease today. However, alcohol increases the performance even more. In people who frequently use it, blood pressure is increased by 4 times. The situation is exacerbated by excess weight. Therefore, people with high and normal blood pressure should not consume alcohol regularly.

Moreover, hypertensive patients often take drugs that lower blood pressure. They are incompatible with alcohol.

Can I drink vodka with hypotension? Low blood pressure is also not very beneficial for the body, and many, knowing that alcohol increases it, seek to normalize the situation in this way. In fact, using 40 degrees for hypotension is also contraindicated.

drinking vodka
drinking vodka

Can I drink vodka with gastritis?

With regular use of this drink, even people with an absolutely he althy stomach soon begin to suffer from problems with the gastrointestinal tract. After all, alcohol burns the inner walls of the stomach. Even its single use is harmful, not to mention regular. If the stomach is empty, alcohol easily enters the bloodstream, disrupting the process of blood supply. The vessels that feed the body are destroyed. That is, you can not drink vodka with gastritis. But if you do do it occasionally, try to only drink quality liquor.

Many believe that alcohol is acceptable during remission. But just because you don't feel sick doesn't mean you're completely cured. Gastritis goes into "sleep mode" and when predisposing factors appear, it is able to "wake up" again.

Once in the body, alcohol stimulates the production of gastric juice, which irritates the body's mucosa. Ethanol, being absorbed through the walls of the organ, causesintoxication. But it is excreted from the body within a few days - and all this time it affects digestion extremely negatively. The situation is aggravated by the fact that a person, while drinking, snacks on alcohol with fatty and spicy dishes.

However, some believe that alcohol can treat gastritis. This is because ethanol dulls the pain that often accompanies inflammation. However, this does not mean that alcohol is good for gastritis.

Alcohol and YABZH

vodka and cucumbers
vodka and cucumbers

Can I drink vodka with an ulcer in the acute stage? In this case, 40-degree is very dangerous, as it can increase the area of damage to the stomach. As a result, everything can end with the development of a tumor. At the same time, doctors noticed that drinking alcohol tinctures in minimal dosages can accelerate the scarring of the ulcer. For example, a disease is treated with birch buds infused with alcohol. You can also make honey tincture (a glass of honey for 0.5 liters of vodka). You need to take it for prevention (when the medication course ends) 1 time per day, 1 tbsp. spoon an hour after eating for one and a half to two months.

Can I drink vodka with a stomach ulcer during remission? In small quantities, the use of 40-degree, cognac, whiskey is acceptable.

Diabetes and alcohol

is it possible or not
is it possible or not

Diabetes is a serious disease. With it, you must adhere to proper nutrition. Is it possible to drink vodka with diabetes? Alcohol consumption is acceptable with this diagnosis. The main thing is to observe moderation.

Alcohol, including vodka,contains sugar. Diabetics are at risk for hyperglycemia. To keep blood sugar from rising, it is recommended to combine alcohol with food intake (although it is better to refuse it altogether). Even if the amount you drink is small, it is recommended that you measure your blood sugar so that you can administer insulin if needed.

It is noteworthy that drinking alcohol can also cause hypoglycemia (which is also fraught with coma). This is due to the effect of alcohol on the liver, which does not allow blood sugar levels to fall below 4 units. When alcohol is consumed in large quantities, the liver cannot cope with its function, which leads to a sharp drop in sugar levels.

Diabetics also need to know that ethanol stimulates weight gain, which is especially dangerous with such a diagnosis. In general, alcohol has an extremely negative effect on the work of the pancreas and can even cause the development of secondary diabetes. Therefore, even in the presence of such a diagnosis, it is highly recommended not to drink alcohol often or in large doses. We hope you have received an answer to the question of whether it is possible to drink vodka with diabetes. Let's move on to the next question. Which is also often asked by patients.

Using 40 degrees for flu and SARS

vodka and cold
vodka and cold

Can I drink vodka with a cold? Scientists have tried to answer this question. Recently, an experiment was conducted in which people infected with standard viruses were "treated" with beer or wine. As a result, it was found that for those who are already ill, treatment with alcohol is nothas no effect, but increases the body's resistance to disease in he althy people.

Studies conducted in Spain have confirmed that a few glasses of wine a week reduce the risk of being in bed with a fever and other symptoms of SARS by 60%.

But what about vodka? Its main advantage is the disinfecting effect that alcohol can have on the throat - the "gateway" of infection. However, a solution of ordinary table s alt can also have a similar preventive effect. Although this method is not suitable for those who like to combine business with pleasure.

However, in the presence of severe sore throat, ethanol should not be taken orally. Alcohol increases the swelling of the mucosa, further aggravating the situation. But it is useful to make compresses from vodka, which very quickly eliminate pain. After 5-6 hours, angina disappears. But only when using 40-degree outdoor!

That is, to the question of whether it is possible to drink vodka with angina, the answer is unequivocal - no.

At high temperatures, the internal organs already suffer from the toxic waste products of the virus. Alcohol will only make things worse. Therefore, in this case, it should not be accepted. Although some parents continue to treat their children with a tablespoon of vodka during a cold. Interestingly, this method does sometimes help, although doctors are categorically against such treatment.

Alcohol after surgery

expensive vodka
expensive vodka

Can I drink vodka after surgery? This is a fairly common questionwhich worries many patients who have had it.

Let's look at the mechanism of action of alcohol on the body after surgery:

  1. After surgery, drinking alcohol is highly discouraged. During this period, you should follow a certain diet and not burden the body, which has already endured a stressful situation. Alcohol is the very undesirable load that should be avoided. Once in the body, ethanol is absorbed into the bloodstream, slowing down the regeneration processes. In addition, surgery weakens the liver, which is hit by alcohol. Blood clotting is also impaired, which can cause internal bleeding.
  2. In addition, a course of antibiotics is often prescribed after surgery to avoid complications. Alas, no alcohol, even the weakest, is incompatible with these drugs.
  3. The anesthesia used during the operation adversely affects the work of the patient's central nervous system, drinking alcohol after the operation will aggravate the state of the central nervous system and can lead to dangerous consequences.
  4. Immunity after surgery (even after plastic surgery) is lowered. Alcohol exposure can trigger the inflammation of chronic ailments that lie dormant inside your body.

From all of the above, we can conclude that drinking alcohol is very dangerous after surgery, and patients should not risk their own he alth.

When will alcohol be allowed? It all depends on the specifics of the operation and the condition of the body.patient. So, after abdominal operations on the abdominal cavity, drinking alcohol is allowed only a month after the intervention.

At the same time, if the patient's gallbladder was removed, then he will not be able to drink throughout his life. But after endoscopy of appendicitis, it is recommended to give up alcohol for 3-4 weeks.

In any case, before drinking alcohol, it is advisable to consult your doctor in order to avoid the development of possible complications.

Alcohol after visiting the dentist

vodka and teeth
vodka and teeth

Can I drink vodka after a tooth extraction? Surely, each of us once asked this question. After tooth extraction, dentists recommend not drinking anything for 2-3 hours, and then drinking only cool or lukewarm drinks for 12 hours. But keep in mind that this rule applies only to soft drinks. Alcohol, regardless of its strength, doctors are allowed to drink no earlier than a few days, or even weeks after the operation. It all depends on the degree of its complexity.

Why shouldn't you drink alcohol after visiting the dentist? Everything is very simple. Once in the body, it thins the blood, so it can cause bleeding from the resulting wound. It's hard enough to stop him. In addition, vodka and other alcoholic drinks are eaten with s alty or spicy foods. It, getting into the cavity formed after the extraction of the tooth, at best will cause suppuration, at worst - inflammation of the blood.

In addition, alcohol neutralizes the effects of painkillers thatused for local anesthesia. As a result, pain after a tooth extraction can make it difficult to sleep. Dentists often prescribe antibiotics after an intervention. They are also incompatible with alcohol.

Interesting facts about alcohol

We will not tell you about the dangers of alcoholic beverages and their harmful effects on the body. Instead, this paragraph contains interesting facts about alcohol that you probably did not know about.

  1. Most vegetables and nearly all fruits contain small amounts of alcohol.
  2. Astrophysicists have found it even in space. Molecules of sugar and alcohol were found in the composition of the cometary substance. One of the comets during peak activity ejects the equivalent of 500 bottles of wine every second.
  3. Approximately 5,000 underage people die each year in the US. And these incidents are connected with alcohol intoxication - domestic murders, accidents, poisonings.
  4. A cork flying out of a bottle of champagne flies at a speed of 95 km/h. This is because the pressure in the bottle is higher than in a car tire. If a person gets in the way of this traffic jam, everything can end up in quite a serious injury.
  5. A very colorful drink is popular in Cambodia, which contains liquor and a recently killed tarantula.
  6. Vodka is the most popular drink in the world. Every year, earthlings drink about 5 billion liters of vodka.


In this publication, we have studied whether it is possible to drink vodkavodka for certain diseases. As you can see, it is not recommended to do this for one simple reason - it does not bring any benefit to the body, but it can significantly worsen the condition.
