"Phenazepam" with a hangover: is it possible to take, dosage, doctors' opinion

"Phenazepam" with a hangover: is it possible to take, dosage, doctors' opinion
"Phenazepam" with a hangover: is it possible to take, dosage, doctors' opinion

The drug "Phenazepam" refers to tranquilizers. The drug is produced in tablet form for oral administration at a dosage of 500 mcg, 1 and 2.5 mg.

Total in a pack of 10 and 25 pieces. The structure of the drug includes an active ingredient - romdihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine. The drug is also produced in the form of a solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections. Can I drink Phenazepam with a hangover?

When the drug is prescribed

According to the instructions, "Phenazepam" is recommended to people to eliminate the following conditions and diseases:

  1. Psychopathy and prolonged depression.
  2. Irritability.
  3. Fear.
  4. Alarms.
  5. Emotional lability.
  6. Psychosis.
  7. Hypochondria.
  8. Autonomic disorders with panic attacks.
  9. Sleep disorders.
  10. Psycho-emotional tension.
  11. Muscle stiffness.
  12. Nervousteak.
  13. Epilepsy.
  14. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

What restrictions does the drug have

Before therapy with "Phenazepam" it is necessary to consult with a neurologist or a psychiatrist. In addition, you must carefully read the instructions before treatment, tablets are not recommended for use in the presence of one or more conditions in a person:

  1. Severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  2. Angle-closure glaucoma.
  3. Shock conditions.
  4. Coma.
  5. Myasthenia gravis.
  6. Acute respiratory failure.
  7. Pregnancy and lactation.
  8. Under 18 years of age.
  9. Individual hypersensitivity or intolerance to the drug.

Additional bans

Relative contraindications for use are:

  1. Liver failure.
  2. Kidney disease.
  3. The age of patients is over 65.
  4. Use of other psychotropic drugs.
  5. Depressive disorders.
  6. Organic brain diseases.

Can I take Phenazepam with a hangover?

can you drink phenazepam with a hangover
can you drink phenazepam with a hangover

Method of reception

Tablets are for oral use. The daily dosage of the drug, as a rule, is from 0.0015 to 0.005 grams. It is recommended to divide it into two or three uses.

In the morning and evening hours, the abstract recommends using 0.0005 or0.001 gram, overnight dosing is allowed to be increased to 0.0025 g. The maximum allowable daily concentration of the drug is 0.01 g.

How to take "Phenazepam" for various diseases:

  1. In case of sleep disturbance, it is prescribed to use the drug in a concentration equal to 0.00025 or 0.0005 grams approximately thirty minutes before going to bed.
  2. With neuroses, as well as pseudo-neurotic conditions, psychopathy, a daily dosage of 0.0015 to 0.003 g is recommended for treatment. It is recommended to divide it into two or three doses. After a few days, the concentration of the drug is allowed to be increased to 0.004-0.006 grams per day.
  3. For motor restlessness, as well as vegetative paroxysms, fears, increased anxiety, therapy is prescribed with a daily concentration of 3 milligrams, after which the dosage is quickly increased until the desired clinical effect is obtained.
  4. In case of epilepsy, the daily concentration of the drug is prescribed, which ranges from 0.002 to 0.01 grams.

Can I drink Phenazepam with a hangover? With alcohol withdrawal syndrome, it is recommended to take from 0.0025 to 0.005 grams.

For diseases that are accompanied by an increase in muscle tone, the daily concentration of the drug is from 0.002 to 0.006 grams.

To exclude the possibility of addiction and the appearance of drug dependence, "Phenazepam" is prescribed in courses, the duration of which does not exceed 14 days. In rare situations, treatment can be extended up to two months. Termination of therapycarried out by gradually reducing the dosage. You can buy medicine only with a prescription. Is it possible to "Phenazepam" with a hangover at night?


The drug is intended for injection into a muscle or vein by jet or drip. A single dosage of the drug varies from 0.0005 to 0.001 grams. The daily concentration of the drug is from 0.0015 to 0.005 g. The maximum dosage is 0.01 g.

Method of drug administration for various diseases:

  1. When eliminating panic attacks, psychotic conditions, fears, as well as increased anxiety, the average daily dosage is prescribed at the initial stages of therapy, which varies from 0.003 to 0005 grams, which corresponds to 3-5 milliliters of a 0.1% solution. In particularly severe situations, the daily concentration can be increased to 0.007-0.009 milligrams.
  2. In epileptic seizures, the concentration of "Phenazepam" is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. The starting dosage is 0.0005 grams.

Is it possible with a hangover "Phenazepam"? With alcohol withdrawal syndrome, the drug is recommended intravenously or intramuscularly at a concentration of 0.0025 to 0.005 grams.

In neurological diseases that are accompanied by muscle hypertonicity, it is recommended to take 0.0005 g per muscle. The frequency of use is one or two injections throughout the day.

In the preliminary pharmacological preparation of patients for surgery and anesthesia, the drug is prescribed slowly into the vein at a dosage that is from 0.003 to 0.004gram.

After achieving a positive pharmacological effect after using "Phenazepam" intravenously or intramuscularly, the patient is recommended to be transferred from drug therapy in the form of a 0.1% solution to tablets.

The duration of therapy with Phenazepam injections should not exceed 14 days. In rare situations, according to the doctor's indications, treatment is extended up to 3-4 weeks. When discontinuing the drug, the dosage should be reduced gradually.

can you drink phenazepam with a hangover
can you drink phenazepam with a hangover

Do they use "Phenazepam" during pregnancy

In the first three months of the "interesting situation", the use of the drug is strictly contraindicated, since the active component of the tablets has a toxic effect on the fetus and can cause congenital deformities.

In the subsequent trimesters of pregnancy, the use of Phenazepam is likely only if indicated, in a situation where the benefit to the mother is higher than the possible risks to the fetus. The drug is used in the minimum dosage under the supervision of a doctor. With prolonged use of tablets during pregnancy, the fetus and baby may experience disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system.

The use of the drug during lactation is prohibited, since "Phenazepam" is excreted in milk and can provoke suppression of the respiratory center in the newborn, weakening of the sucking reflex, as well as hypotension, hypothermia, and drowsiness. If necessary, drug therapy for a nursing mother is necessaryresolve the issue of abolishing lactation breastfeeding and transferring the child to artificial nutrition.

phenazepam for hangover
phenazepam for hangover

Side effects

During the use of Phenazepam, people with hypersensitivity are likely to experience certain adverse reactions:

  1. Permanent feeling of tiredness.
  2. Drowsy.
  3. Sluggishness.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. Decrease in concentration.
  6. Ataxia.
  7. Depression of consciousness.
  8. Disorientation in space.
  9. Confusion.
  10. Headaches.
  11. Tremor of limbs.
  12. Violation of memory.
  13. Disturbance of coordination of movements.
  14. Myasthenia gravis.
  15. Bouts of aggression.
  16. Suicidal thoughts.
  17. Unfounded fear.
  18. Anxiety.
  19. Dry mouth.
  20. Pain in the stomach.
  21. Heartburn.
  22. Nausea.
  23. Vomiting.
  24. Lack of appetite.
  25. Liver disease.
  26. Inflammation of the pancreas.
  27. Increased activity of liver transaminases.
  28. Itchy skin.
  29. Rash.
  30. Urticaria.
  31. Decrease in white blood cells.
  32. Decreased sex drive.
  33. Tachycardia.
  34. Shortness of breath.
  35. Decrease or rapid increase in blood pressure.
  36. Panic attacks.

If one or more side effects develop, the patient should consult a doctor for advice, it may be necessary to stop treatment with the drug or reduce the dose.

"Phenazepam" with a hangover

This condition is detrimental to he alth and can unsettle for several days. To quickly get back to normal, people resort to a lot of methods and use a huge amount of drugs. Among them you can notice "Phenazepam".

The responses of patients on this issue were divided: some people believe that only this drug quickly and effectively helps to cope with a hangover, while others point to the narcotic composition of "Phenazepam" and advise limiting its use. Can I take the drug for a hangover and how does it deal with the effects of alcohol?

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with a hangover I drink phenazepam

Influence of "Phenazepam"

The use of the drug is permissible only with withdrawal symptoms, but not with a simple hangover. Withdrawal syndrome (“withdrawal”) is typical for dependent patients who have refused or instantly reduced the dosage of the psychoactive drug used. Withdrawal symptoms and hangover symptoms are very similar, but the damage done to the body is very different.

Recovery of the body after a hangover occurs in a day or several days. This syndrome is peculiar only to alcoholics, more severe symptoms join this condition, which suppress the body for a long time. "Phenazepam" with a hangover is not suitable for eliminating unpleasant symptoms.

Moreover, when reacting with ethyl alcohol, this medicine can lead to intoxication and respiratory problems.

Doctors' opinion

How much can you drink "Phenazepam" with a hangover? Doctors say that taking the drug in this condition can be detrimental to he alth and even addictive after the first pill.

If alcohol still remains in the blood after the celebration, then mixing it with this drug can result in intoxication, as well as a deterioration in the functioning of the respiratory system. Two psychoactive substances suppress the work of the brain, turn a person into a weak-willed creature.

There is a special category of patients with altered reactivity. It includes people of retirement age, athletes, adolescents, patients who use psychoactive substances, and people with hereditary metabolic characteristics. Some people still drink Phenazepam with a hangover.

If the drug in this syndrome enters the bloodstream of this group of patients, then uncontrolled attacks of rage are possible, as well as aggression, inappropriate behavior, increased arousal, anxiety.

These people have hallucinations and nightmares. Can I drink Phenazepam with a hangover?

is it possible with a hangover phenazepam
is it possible with a hangover phenazepam

Why you can't combine drug and alcohol

Ethyl alcohol, which is part of alcoholic beverages, and Phenazepam are psychoactive substances. They inhibit mental processes and adversely affect he alth. The use of two potent ingredients at once increases harm and can lead to death.

According to reviews, "Phenazepam" is not prescribed for a hangover. If the patient is undergoing therapy with tranquilizers, then the use of "strong" drinks must be completely abandoned in order to save life. Do not self-medicate and deviate from the intended treatment, as only a medical specialist can help bring the body back to normal.

If a person has consumed "Phenazepam" and alcohol, then a state of "Phenazepam sleep" appears. A person is covered with drowsiness, and the respiratory function begins to give disturbances in work. If help is not provided in time, then the result of taking "Phenazepam" with a hangover can be very deplorable.

Pharmacology offers a huge number of special drugs to eliminate the studied syndrome, which do not have a negative effect on the human body, and they can be used quite often. You can not experiment with he alth, therefore, before therapy with any drug, you must consult a medical specialist.

Phenazepam pill substitutes

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phenazepam hangover overnight

Generic drugs are:

  1. "Fezipam".
  2. "Amitriptyline".
  3. "Fezaneth".
  4. "Phenorelaxan".
phenazepam hangover reviews
phenazepam hangover reviews

In addition, "Phenazepam" tablets are dispensed from pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription. Keep the medication away from children, at room temperature. Termshelf life of the medicinal product forty-eight months. The cost of the drug varies from 150 to 240 rubles.
