Alkalosis - what is it? Alkalosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

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Alkalosis - what is it? Alkalosis: causes, symptoms and treatment
Alkalosis - what is it? Alkalosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Video: Alkalosis - what is it? Alkalosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Video: Alkalosis - what is it? Alkalosis: causes, symptoms and treatment
Video: 20 years after egg donation, woman meets biological children 2025, January

Alkalosis is characterized by a change in the acid-base balance in the body, in which the amount of alkaline substances increases. This disease is quite rare and provokes serious changes in the work of all body systems. It can develop with indigestion, trauma, in the postoperative period and with mechanical ventilation.

Alkalosis - what is it?

Alkalosis is an imbalance in the body's buffer system. In this case, alkalis begin to prevail over acids in the blood, and the pH increases. If, on the contrary, acids prevail over bases, then this indicates the development of acidosis - acidification of the body, which is much more dangerous than alkalosis and has a stronger effect on the functioning of all systems.

what is alkalosis
what is alkalosis

Distinguish between compensated and uncompensated alkalosis. In the first case, the change in the acid-base balance does not go beyond the parameters acceptable for the normal functioning of the body (7, 35-7, 45), andquickly normalized with the introduction of chlorides and the normalization of lifestyle and nutrition.

When the pH exceeds 7.45, uncompensated alkalosis occurs. What it is? In humans, with such an indicator of acid-base balance, there is a violation of the normal functioning of all body systems. In particular, there are problems with the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and nervous systems.

Why does acid-base imbalance occur in the body

The human body is full of mechanisms that throughout life regulate the normal state of the buffer system, triggering certain processes to normalize the acid-base balance. Foods that are eaten daily have a direct effect on pH.

If the acid-base balance is disturbed, two states of the internal environment of the body are possible - alkalosis or acidosis.

Alkalosis - alkalization of the body. In this case, alkaline compounds will prevail in the liquid system, and the pH will exceed 7.45.

Acidosis - acidification of the body. It is a more dangerous condition, since the body is more resistant to alkalis than to acids. That is why, with any changes, first of all, doctors prescribe a diet that allows you to normalize the pH.

metabolic alkalosis
metabolic alkalosis

The mechanism of changes in the body with an increase in pH

To properly respond to changes in your well-being, you need to know how dangerous alkalosis is. It causes hemodynamic disturbances: decreaseblood pressure, heart rate, cerebral and coronary blood flow. On the part of the digestive system, there is a decrease in intestinal motility, which causes constipation.

Dizziness appears, efficiency drops, fainting occurs, the work of the respiratory center is inhibited. Nervous excitability increases, muscle hypertonicity appears, which can reach convulsions and tetany.

Types of alkalosis

Depending on the origin of the disease, there are three groups of alkalosis:

  • Gas - occurs with hyperventilation of the lungs. The increased concentration of oxygen during inhalation contributes to the excessive removal of carbon dioxide during exhalation. This pathology is called respiratory alkalosis. It can occur with blood loss, head injuries, effects on the body of various drugs (corazol, caffeine, microbial toxins).
  • Non-gas - has several forms, each of which develops under certain conditions and causes special changes in the body.
  • Mixed - occurs with head injuries that cause shortness of breath, vomiting, hypocapnia.

It is very important to diagnose alkalosis in a timely manner. What it is? Regardless of origin, the disease causes permanent changes in the functioning of vital body systems.

respiratory alkalosis
respiratory alkalosis

Forms of non-gas alkalosis

Non-gas alkalosis is subdivided into excretory, exogenous and metabolic.

Excretory - occurs with prolonged use of diuretics, diseases of the kidneys, gastricfistulas, intractable vomiting (in which a large amount of gastric juice is lost), endocrine diseases (causing sodium retention in the body).

Exogenous alkalosis develops with poor nutrition, when all food is oversaturated with alkalis when sodium bicarbonate is introduced into the human body to reduce stomach acidity.

Metabolic - a rare phenomenon, develops in violation of metabolic processes in which electrolytes are involved. This condition can be congenital (dysregulation of electrolyte metabolism), develop after major surgery, or be diagnosed in children with rickets.

With alkalosis, a person's heart rate decreases and pressure drops, the general condition worsens, working capacity decreases and weakness constantly haunts. In the presence of these manifestations, it is necessary first of all to exclude alkalosis. Symptoms only indirectly indicate a violation of the pH and require confirmation by examination of the body.

Causes of alkalosis

Alkalosis develops under the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors. The cause of gas alkalosis is hyperventilation of the lungs. In this case, there is an increased supply of oxygen to the body and, as a result, an excessive excretion of carbon dioxide.

Alkalosis is often observed in the postoperative period. This is due to the weakening of the body during surgery and under the influence of anesthesia. Gas alkalosis can cause hypertension, hemolysis, rickets in children, and stomach ulcers.

The reason for developmentnon-gas alkalosis - lack or excess of gastric juice. Any changes lead to a violation of the acid-base balance.

Metabolic alkalosis is caused by drugs that increase the amount of alkali in the body. Contribute to the development of pathology and the use of foods with a high content of bases or prolonged vomiting, causing a rapid loss of chlorine.

Symptoms of the disease

The first signs of gas alkalosis are increased anxiety and overexcitation. The patient feels dizzy, attention and memory worsen, paresthesias of the face and limbs appear, rapid fatigue from any communication is observed. In addition, there is drowsiness, dehydration, pallor of the skin (the so-called "gray cyanosis" may develop).

how dangerous is alkalosis
how dangerous is alkalosis

Metabolic alkalosis is characterized by frequent headaches, drowsiness, swelling and cramps of the extremities, lethargy, apathy towards the outside world, decreased appetite, and digestive disorders. The skin may develop rashes and become dry and pale.

Alkalosis: diagnosis of the disease

Based on external signs and basic symptoms, no diagnosis can be made. To detect a violation of the acid-base balance in the body, you need to conduct a complete examination (pass urine, blood, make an electrocardiogram).

In addition to the standard, a blood test is shown on the "micro-Astrup" apparatus or a pH meter, a microgasometric test. If alkalosis is detected, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment,aimed at eliminating the root cause and neutralizing subsequent symptoms.

alkalosis diagnosis
alkalosis diagnosis

Alkalosis treatment

The treatment of gas alkalosis is to eliminate hyperventilation of the lungs. The patient is prescribed procedures for inhaling mixtures of carbon dioxide (for example, carbogen) to restore normal acid-base balance.

Getting rid of the cause of the imbalance is the first thing to do to eliminate alkalosis. Symptoms and treatment should be interconnected, then it will be possible to quickly neutralize the violation of the functioning of the body's buffer system.

To eliminate non-gas alkalosis, solutions of ammonium chloride, potassium, calcium, and insulin are used. You can also administer drugs that inhibit the action of carbonic anhydrase and promote the excretion of sodium and bicarbonate ions through the urinary system.

People who develop alkalosis against the background of severe pathologies are immediately hospitalized. With metabolic alkalosis, solutions of calcium chloride or sodium are administered intravenously. In case of hypokalemia, solutions of potassium chloride, potassium-sparing drugs and panangin are introduced into the body.

If alkalosis is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea or hemolysis, then treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating these reactions, and only after that therapy is carried out to normalize the acid-base balance.

alkalosis symptoms and treatment
alkalosis symptoms and treatment

Prevention of alkalosis

To prevent pH disorders, you must carefully monitor your lifestyle. It is important to follow the right dietand sleep, give up bad habits and get enough sleep. A normal diet with a sufficient amount of fresh fruits and vegetables can quickly normalize the acid-base balance and prevent alkalosis, the causes of which lie in malnutrition.

You need to know which foods increase the amount of acids, and which lower (this will improve your condition faster):

  • mineral water, dairy products and green tea increase alkali concentration;
  • potato helps to reduce the amount of bases in the body;
  • tea, coffee, baked goods, sweets, fish and meat increase acid levels, so these foods should be consumed in moderation;
  • to normalize the pH, it is recommended to take alkaline baths and visit the sauna.
  • alkalosis is characterized
    alkalosis is characterized

Alkaline baths cleanse the body of toxins and reduce acid levels. Saunas also have a cleansing effect, they act on blood circulation and quickly restore the acid-base balance.

Alkalosis in children

In childhood, against the background of many pathological conditions, the disease develops much more often, this is due to the lability of the body's buffer system. Metabolic alkalosis can develop from any digestive disorder that is accompanied by vomiting (contributes to the loss of stomach acid) or diarrhea.

The most common causes of metabolic alkalosis are birth trauma, pyloric stenosis, and intestinal obstruction. Taking diureticsdrugs also affect the acid-base balance of the buffer system and can cause hypoglycemic alkalosis.

Another common cause of alkali-acid imbalances is incorrect correction of acidosis in a child. Metabolic alkalosis can be hereditary, with impaired transport of chloride ions in the intestine.

You can diagnose a pathology using feces analysis, it will contain chloride ions, this element will not be detected in urine analysis.

Causes of gas alkalosis in children

Gas alkalosis in children can develop with hyperventilation of the lungs, which can provoke a toxic syndrome that occurs with acute viral respiratory diseases, meningitis, pneumonia, encephalitis, traumatic brain injury, brain tumors and psychogenic reactions.

With mechanical ventilation, compensated respiratory alkalosis often develops. The lack of calcium, which was caused by an imbalance in the buffer system, can provoke convulsions, malaise, hand tremors and increased sweating in the patient. In older children, there is numbness of the limbs, ringing and noise in the ears. Acute hypercapnia can cause severe neuropsychiatric disorders in a child and even lead to a coma.

alkalosis in infants symptoms
alkalosis in infants symptoms

Symptoms of alkalosis in children

It is very important to detect and eliminate alkalosis in infants in time. Symptoms of pH disturbance in a child will manifest in the same way as in an adult: anxiety, increasedexcitability, drowsiness, fatigue, loss of appetite, digestive disorders.

Symptoms of acid-base imbalance may vary slightly, depending on the causes that triggered the change in pH. The degree of manifestation of symptoms also varies - from a slight malaise to a severe disorder in the work of the vital systems of the body.

Having de alt with the concept of alkalosis (what it is and what are the causes of pH disturbances), you can timely detect the symptoms of pathology in yourself and quickly eliminate it.
