"Ibuprofen": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

"Ibuprofen": reviews, instructions for use, analogues
"Ibuprofen": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

Drugs that relieve pain and eliminate fever are used all over the world. These medicines can significantly improve a person's condition. They also avoid many serious complications. The most popular among such drugs is Ibuprofen. Reviews about it will be presented to you in this article. You will also learn the information contained in the instructions for use. It is worth mentioning the analogues of this drug.

ibuprofen review
ibuprofen review

Composition and type of medication

The main active ingredient of this drug is ibuprofen. It was he who gave the name to the drug itself. It is worth noting that Ibuprofen tablets are best known to patients. However, the manufacturer still offers a liquid form of the drug and an ointment.

Depending on the type of medicine, it may also contain additional ingredients. This must be considered before taking medication or giving it to your child.

How does it work?

The drug "Ibuprofen" reviews are good, regardless of its type. Consumers report its fast and long lasting action. Medicationacts in a depressing way on the synthesis of prostaglandins. The result is an antipyretic and analgesic effect.

"Ibuprofen" (syrup, as well as ointment and tablets) refers to non-steroidal drugs that relieve inflammation. That is why the drug is able to influence not only the symptom - fever and pain, but also the cause of these symptoms.

ibuprofen syrup
ibuprofen syrup

Indications for use

"Ibuprofen" - syrup and other forms of the drug - is often used in complex therapy. However, the drug can also be used as an independent remedy. Indications for use, which are prescribed in the instructions, are the following situations:

  • various diseases of the joints and bones (arthritis, arthrosis, articular gout, etc.);
  • neurological problems (as symptomatic therapy);
  • fever of various origins, also after vaccination;
  • colds, flu, viral and bacterial diseases (to relieve symptoms).

The drug is excellent for pain. This is what the reviews say about the drug "Ibuprofen". Therefore, it is often prescribed by physicians in the treatment of ENT organs (tonsillitis, otitis media, eustachitis, etc.) simultaneously with other drugs. Also, the medication can be used for gynecological problems and abdominal pain. However, this use is allowed only after consulting a doctor, since self-use can give a blurred clinical picture and lead to the inability to correctly putdiagnosis. This picture is fraught with complications.

ibuprofen tablets
ibuprofen tablets

Restrictions on taking the drug and complete contraindications

Medication "Ibuprofen" for pain and fever is not prescribed in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components. Also, the medicine is not recommended for use in certain diseases of the intestines and stomach, in particular ulcers and colitis. However, it is worth noting that this limitation applies only to the form of suspension and tablets. In addition, any form of medication is not used for certain eye diseases and visual impairment, during an exacerbation of renal and hepatic diseases. The drug is not prescribed to patients with impaired blood pressure and heart function. If non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs cause bronchospasm and provoke asthma, then this remedy is also prohibited.

With extreme caution, the composition is prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. In these situations, the period of development of the fetus is taken into account, as well as the age of the born baby. About the drug "Ibuprofen" reviews say that in such cases it is worth using the children's dosage. Medicine in tablets is not recommended for children under 12 years of age. The advantage should be given to the suspension. Also, many diseases of the digestive tract in history can become a reason for especially careful monitoring of the patient's he alth during treatment with Ibuprofen.

ibuprofen dosage
ibuprofen dosage

Method of using medicine for children and adult patients

What does the instructions for use say about this drug? annotationestablishes its norms, portions and schemes for taking the medication. However, if the doctor has recommended a different dosage for you, then you should listen to his advice. What is the dosage of the drug "Ibuprofen"?

For adults, the drug can be used in any dosage form, subject to the limitations described above. So, a single dose can be from 200 to 800 milligrams of ibuprofen. Remember that all forms contain different dosages. The multiplicity of such application is up to four times a day. However, many doctors do not recommend the use of medication without the need.

For children, as you already know, it is preferable to use the liquid form of the drug. However, after 12 years, the transition to capsules is allowed. For children who are prescribed the drug "Ibuprofen", the dosage is calculated taking into account body weight. For every kilogram of weight, there are 20 to 40 milligrams of ibuprofen. This dose should be divided into several doses. So, if your baby weighs 10 kilograms, then he can be given 200-400 mg of the active substance. The suspension is usually available in a dosage of 100 mg per 5 ml. Therefore, a child is en titled to 10 to 20 milliliters of suspension per day.

The duration of use for fever relief is 3 days. If with the help of the drug you get rid of pain, then you can drink it for 5 days. Topical application can last up to three weeks.

ibuprofen for pain
ibuprofen for pain

What can replace the medication?

The absolute analogue of the described drug is the medicine "Nurofen". ibuprofen in thisthe drug becomes the main active ingredient. It is worth noting that the dosage of these drugs is the same. Nurofen is available as tablets, liquid capsules, syrup, and rectal suppositories.

If we talk about analogues with a different active substance, but the same effect on humans, then we can distinguish drugs containing nimesulide. These are Nise tablets, Nimulid suspension and many others. These funds also belong to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Some patients believe that Paracetamol is an analogue of Ibuprofen. This is a slightly misinterpretation. "Paracetamol" in any form relieves pain and fever, but it does not affect the source of these symptoms - the inflammatory process.

Nurofen ibuprofen
Nurofen ibuprofen

Reviews about the drug "Ibuprofen"

Medication has only good reviews. Consumers say that the effect of the drug occurs within 10-20 minutes. In this case, the effect persists for 8 hours. It happens that there is no need to re-use the composition. According to parents, the kids tolerate the drug very well. The suspension has a sweet taste, so it is not difficult to use.

Patients report that the drug is able to eliminate pain of any kind. It is effective for otitis, headache and toothache. Also, in some cases, the remedy can even cope with migraines.

Doctors report that quite often the drug "Ibuprofen" is prescribed simultaneously with other drugs. Atthis sometimes requires a break between the use of certain means. Doctors also remind you of the need to first read the instructions for use.

There are also negative reviews about the drug. Sometimes medications cause allergic reactions. However, more often this happens when the drug is misused or overused.

ibuprofen instruction price
ibuprofen instruction price


You have learned about the information that the instruction provides about the Ibuprofen preparation. The price of the product also has positive reviews. After all, this drug is much cheaper than its absolute and relative counterparts.

Ibuprofen tablets at a dosage of 200 mg of active ingredient per capsule will cost you only 20 rubles. Whereas the drug "Nurofen" costs at least 100. The suspension can be bought for 50-70 rubles. "Nurofen" costs about 200. The medicine "Ibuprofen" in the form of an ointment is in the price category of 30-40 rubles.

Instead of a conclusion

You have learned about an effective anti-inflammatory drug with antipyretic and analgesic effect - Ibuprofen. It is not as often prescribed by doctors as its expensive counterparts. However, its effectiveness is no less. Ask your doctor if this remedy can be used in place of other, more expensive alternatives. Remember about contraindications and compliance with the indicated dosage. Get well soon!
