Drugs 2024, October

Means "Otipaks" (ear drops). Instruction

Means "Otipaks" (ear drops). Instruction

Medication "Otipax" (ear drops) belongs to the category of complex means. The composition of the drug contains lidocaine hydrochloride, phenazone

Ear drops "Otipax" - analogues, instructions, cost

Ear drops "Otipax" - analogues, instructions, cost

Drug "Otipax" is a topical drug that is used for ear diseases of various origins, accompanied by severe pain, swelling and congestion. The composition of the drops includes two active ingredients: lidocaine, which, when applied topically, well anesthetizes inflamed foci, and phenazone, with its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect

How to take "Smecta" for an adult. Instructions for use

How to take "Smecta" for an adult. Instructions for use

It is common for a person to face a variety of diseases and pathological processes. Some of them pass on their own and do not pose any threat to he alth. Others require some adjustment

What is the purpose of taking vitamins "Solgar"? Vitamin Reviews

What is the purpose of taking vitamins "Solgar"? Vitamin Reviews

Solgar Vitamins are high quality preparations used by many people. Useful substances are produced in the form of separate components and in combinations. Vitamins of this company are considered to be in demand products in many countries of the world for more than 60 years

Effective cream for burns with boiling water

Effective cream for burns with boiling water

Burns are always pain, stress, shock. Most often they can be obtained by negligence. Boiling water, hot objects, steam - all this causes injury to the skin and its slow healing. Cream for burns with boiling water gradually restores the skin, relieves pain, itching, burning, redness and prevents the formation of scars and scars

The drug "Metipred" is prescribed for what? "Metipred": indications for use

The drug "Metipred" is prescribed for what? "Metipred": indications for use

"Metipred" refers to the main drugs used in inflammatory and systemic diseases. What is this medicine and what are the indications for its appointment?

"Salbutamol": analogues of the drug and reviews. The best substitute for "Salbutamol"

"Salbutamol": analogues of the drug and reviews. The best substitute for "Salbutamol"

Asthma usually occurs with the development of exacerbations and remissions. Quite a few drugs are being created to stop an attack. One of the most commonly used agents is "Salbutamol"

"Budesonide": instructions for use and analogues. "Budesonide" for inhalation: reviews, price

"Budesonide": instructions for use and analogues. "Budesonide" for inhalation: reviews, price

Bronchial asthma occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of disability of the population. For its treatment, new, more effective drugs are being created than existing ones. One such drug is Budesonide. What is this drug, and why is it so good?

"Nebivolol": analogues, instructions for use, reviews. "Nebivolol Sandoz"

"Nebivolol": analogues, instructions for use, reviews. "Nebivolol Sandoz"

For the treatment of arterial hypertension, quite a lot of drugs have been created. One of the most effective means is "Nebivolol"

"Alendronic acid": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Alendronic acid": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

What is Alendronic Acid for? You will learn the answer to this medical question from the materials of this article. In addition, we will tell you how to take this medicine, when it is not recommended to use it and if it has any side effects

"Chondroitin": instructions for use and reviews

"Chondroitin": instructions for use and reviews

When undergoing a treatment course with such drugs, the joint capsule and cartilage surface are slowly restored, the secretion of fluid inside the joint and the biological synthesis of connective tissue are accelerated, the development of arthrosis slows down, symptoms such as limited mobility, pain and joint clicks disappear

"Chondroitin complex": instruction (photo)

"Chondroitin complex": instruction (photo)

Diseases of the joints and spine can disturb not only the elderly, but also at a young age. Experts explain this by the fact that in the diet of modern people there are fewer and fewer nutrients that are essential to maintain and restore cartilage tissue

Hydroxycitric acid: properties. Where is hydroxycitric acid found

Hydroxycitric acid: properties. Where is hydroxycitric acid found

The problem of weight loss is relevant for a fairly large percentage of the world's population. For some, this is due to the need to increase self-esteem

Drug "Glucosamine + Chondroitin". Description. Application features

Drug "Glucosamine + Chondroitin". Description. Application features

Drugs with glucosamine and chondroitin help restore cartilage and strengthen connective tissue. Means increase the production of intra-articular fluid, reduce muscle fatigue

Calcium tablets: what to look for when choosing?

Calcium tablets: what to look for when choosing?

Calcium is one of the most important and essential mineral elements for the body of any person. It ensures he althy teeth and strong bones, and also has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and metabolic processes. In addition, it is calcium that contributes to the metabolism of iron and the transmission of nerve impulses. Deficiency of its content in the body of an adult can provoke the development of diseases such as osteoporosis, rickets and osteomalacia

Vitamins after childbirth: what are needed, review, features and reviews

Vitamins after childbirth: what are needed, review, features and reviews

How to restore the body? Is it possible to replenish the supply of nutrients only with food? What vitamins to take after childbirth, we will consider in the article

Lugol's drug for children: instructions, how old you can use it, reviews

Lugol's drug for children: instructions, how old you can use it, reviews

Several decades ago, a sore throat was consistently treated with Lugol. The price of this tool was affordable for many. Now there are a lot of drugs to combat such diseases. The consumer can choose the most pleasant and affordable means. However, if a sore throat sets in, Lugol is irreplaceable. Most often, this drug is prescribed for children. It is about such treatment that will be discussed further

Sea buckthorn candles for a child: indications, instructions for use, reviews

Sea buckthorn candles for a child: indications, instructions for use, reviews

Sea buckthorn candles are an effective remedy for a long absence of stool. They provide gentle action and are safe for babies when used correctly. Sea buckthorn suppositories for a child must be administered in accordance with the instructions

Cough treatment with homeopathy: review of drugs, effectiveness, instructions for use

Cough treatment with homeopathy: review of drugs, effectiveness, instructions for use

Recently, homeopathy for coughs has been used very often. Its popularity is due to the lack of stress on the human body. The action of homeopathic medicines resembles in its functions an inoculation. But in this case, patients take drugs that activate the forces of the body, forcing them to overcome the disease on their own

Drugs for low blood pressure and causes of low blood pressure

Drugs for low blood pressure and causes of low blood pressure

Hypotonic patients are not at risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack or stroke. Nevertheless, poor he alth and low performance do not decorate life. Sometimes hypotension is dangerous to he alth. To avoid complications, it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations for hypotension

"Pantogam" (syrup): instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Pantogam" (syrup): instructions for use, analogues and reviews

In the article, we will consider the instructions for use and reviews for tablets and Pantogam syrup. It is a drug that is part of the group of nootropics. Against the background of its use, blood circulation in the brain and cognitive functions improve. As a result, mental performance increases, attention and memory improve. The drug allows you to deal with psycho-emotional overload and stress

"Eutiroks": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Eutiroks": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

This drug is a synthetic hormonal agent similar to the hormone produced by the thyroid gland, that is, thyroxin. The active ingredient of the drug is levothyroxine sodium. In the human body, Euthyrox affects the metabolic process, and, in addition, growth with the development of tissues. The drug is used to compensate for the deficiency of thyroid hormones. Next, consider in detail the instructions for "Eutiroks"

"Hydrocortisone-Richter": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Hydrocortisone-Richter": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

What is the reason for the incredible popularity of the drug "Hydrocortisone-Richter"? What is the peculiarity of this tool? We will discuss in more detail in this article

Broncholytics: a list of drugs, their action and use. Classification of bronchodilators

Broncholytics: a list of drugs, their action and use. Classification of bronchodilators

A large number of people suffer from bronchial asthma - for them, inhaled bronchodilators are an ambulance to relieve an attack. These funds should always be at hand for such patients

Hemorrhoids: drugs for treatment. Medicines for hemorrhoids: reviews and prices

Hemorrhoids: drugs for treatment. Medicines for hemorrhoids: reviews and prices

There are many different drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Any remedy should be selected in accordance with the form of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the organism. A good drug can be advised by a doctor

Candles with belladonna: indications, instructions for use, composition

Candles with belladonna: indications, instructions for use, composition

Now there are many drugs based on extracts of medicinal plants. Sometimes they are even more effective than synthetic drugs. Especially often such herbal preparations are used externally. One of them is belladonna candles. This plant is considered poisonous, but with the right dosage, its properties turn out to be medicinal. Therefore, such suppositories are very effective for hemorrhoids and some other similar pathologies

"Aspirin" - what is it? Acetylsalicylic acid preparation (aspirin): action and indications

"Aspirin" - what is it? Acetylsalicylic acid preparation (aspirin): action and indications

Aspirin tablets will help to remove headache, toothache or menstrual pain. Take the drug strictly according to the instructions. It is advisable to consult a doctor in advance

"Finalgon": instructions, reviews. "Finalgon": application from cellulite

"Finalgon": instructions, reviews. "Finalgon": application from cellulite

"Finalgon" is a combined drug used exclusively externally. The ointment has a locally irritating, analgesic and warming effect. The drug can relieve pain in a short time

Medicine "Metromicon-Neo": instruction, application, composition, reviews, description

Medicine "Metromicon-Neo": instruction, application, composition, reviews, description

"Metromicon-Neo" is a drug that has antiprotozoal, antibacterial and antifungal effects. Used to treat various gynecological diseases

"Triductan": instructions for use. "Triductan MV": price, description, reviews

"Triductan": instructions for use. "Triductan MV": price, description, reviews

The drug "Triductan" instructions for use defines it as an anti-ischemic and antihypoxic drug. It is used for cardiological, ophthalmological, as well as otolaryngological diseases

"Nimesulide" - what is it? "Nimesulide": instructions for use, composition, analogues, reviews

"Nimesulide" - what is it? "Nimesulide": instructions for use, composition, analogues, reviews

The drug "Nimesulide" is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet and antipyretic agent

"Driptan": reviews. "Driptan": instructions for use, price

"Driptan": reviews. "Driptan": instructions for use, price

"Driptan" is a drug that helps to reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of the bladder and urinary tract. The tool helps to relax the detrusor and increase the capacity of the bladder. In addition, thanks to this drug, the frequency of contractions of the detrusor decreases and the urge to urinate is suppressed

"Alfagan" (eye drops): instructions for use and reviews

"Alfagan" (eye drops): instructions for use and reviews

"Alphagan" refers to alpha-adrenomimetic agents and is an antiglaucoma drug. The main indication for the use of this drug is increased pressure of the eye fluid

Ointment "Finalgon": description, reviews. Analogue of "Finalgon"

Ointment "Finalgon": description, reviews. Analogue of "Finalgon"

"Finalgon" is used in the symptomatic treatment of injuries, injuries and pathologies that are accompanied by severe pain

"Metindol retard": description, instructions, indications

"Metindol retard": description, instructions, indications

This drug is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Indomethacin is the active substance of this drug. "Metindol" has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect

Ointment "Bepanten": instructions for use, composition and reviews

Ointment "Bepanten": instructions for use, composition and reviews

According to the instructions, Bepanthen ointment is based on dexpanthenol. It is also called vitamin B5. This substance is non-toxic, does not possess aggressive chemicals that accumulate in tissues, does not belong to hormonal drugs, regenerates tissues, actively participates in the formation of coenzyme A, a strong antioxidant. The active ingredient is perfectly absorbed by the skin and almost immediately after application shows its healing properties

Effective ointment for arthrosis: review, classification and reviews

Effective ointment for arthrosis: review, classification and reviews

For arthritis and arthrosis, various ointments are widely used to help eliminate pain and inflammation. In addition, some drugs help restore affected joints, but only if they are used in the initial stages

Antibiotic ointment for acne treatment

Antibiotic ointment for acne treatment

At present, antibiotics are a very popular remedy for acne among young people. This is due to their high efficacy in the treatment

"Aflocrem": reviews, instructions for use, composition

"Aflocrem": reviews, instructions for use, composition

Judging by the packaging, the drug "Aflocrem" (emollient) is characterized as an anti-inflammatory and antipruritic agent. Very often you can find the opinion of those who used this drug. "Aflocrem" reviews characterize as an excellent tool. But still it is worth figuring out what kind of drug it is, and for what problems it should be used

"Tsitovir 3": reviews and instructions

"Tsitovir 3": reviews and instructions

The drug has a positive effect on the reactions of cellular, humoral immunity, has a beneficial effect on the nonspecific resistance of the human body. In addition, "Citovir 3" is able to have an interferonogenic effect. The medicine is considered one of the most popular and effective among its counterparts, as it can alleviate the course of the disease, speed up the healing process, and allows for effective prevention