Atopic dermatitis is often diagnosed in newborns, older toddlers, and even adults. But most often the disease occurs in children under one year old. However, signs of atopic dermatitis are also often recorded in preschool children.
Unpleasant pathology often occurs in people who are genetically prone to atopy. Experts apply this name to the general manifestation of all allergic reactions on the skin. This also includes hay fever, eczema and urticaria. In any case, the disease is characterized by increased sensitivity to various allergens, which is characterized by skin rashes. Often the pathology worsens in winter and autumn. In summer, there is a stage of remission.
To alleviate the situation, an integrated approach is required. To stop the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to act on them both internally and externally. A competent specialist will prescribe antihistamine drugs, without which it is impossible to do. But no less important in the treatment is a cream for atopic children. The drug moisturizes irritated skin, thereby reducing itching and soothes the baby. Among the wide variety of such drugs, it is easy for the average consumer to get confused. Of course, only a doctor should deal with the appointment, but it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the best remedies for this disease at the moment.

Atopic dermatitis creams for children: rating
When faced with atopic dermatitis in a child, one should not self-medicate. For an accurate diagnosis and optimal therapy, you need to contact a specialist. This is due to the fact that sometimes parents take the symptoms of a serious pathology for manifestations of an allergic reaction. In addition, self-treatment can lead to a significant deterioration in the he alth of the child and cause numerous side effects.
If an unpleasant diagnosis is confirmed, Atopic cream for children with atopic dermatitis or another specialized remedy will help relieve unpleasant skin symptoms. The following are the best remedies to date that eliminate itching and help improve the condition of the skin:
- "Eplan";
- "Emolium";
- "Betaderm";
- "Belobaza";
- Elidel;
- Sensitive;
- "Akriderm";
- "Afloderm";
- Elokom;
- La Cree.
- Lipikar.
Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Eplan: leader of the rating
Cream for atopic dermatitis in children "Eplan" not without reason takes a leading position in the list. The drug is a universal medicine used to eliminate the symptoms of skin rash and itching. After analyzing the instructions, we can conclude that the drug is also suitable for the treatment of minor skin injuries. Due to its composition, it accelerates tissue regeneration, which contributes to the rapid healing of wounds. Suitable for treating burns and protecting the skin from mechanical stress.
Specialists often prescribe cream for:
- dermatitis;
- eczema;
- ulcers;
- psoriasis.
Drug Benefits
Dignity means consumers consider the absence of antibiotics in the composition. In addition, the ointment is not hormonal, so parents are not afraid to use it to treat newborns.
This cream for atopic dermatitis in children is often prescribed because it has no age restrictions. The medication is also available in the form of a solution and wet wipes, which adds to the convenience of use in field conditions.
Experts advise young parents to keep "Eplan" in their home first aid kit. The cream is universal, perfectly soothes the skin, relieves itching and inflammation in dermatitis. Add attractiveness affordable price and ease of use. For the treatment of atopic dermatitis, it is enough to apply the cream in a thin layer on the child's skin as needed.

"Emolium": therapeutic and prophylactic agent
"Emolium" - cream for childrenwith atopic dermatitis - also often prescribed. It is usually included in complex therapy, which is aimed at eliminating all the main symptoms of the disease. In addition to the cream itself, the doctor may recommend an emulsion and bathing gel for children. The substances included in the product are hypoallergenic, so the drug can be used to treat newborns.
Judging by the reviews of parents, the drug "Emolium" eliminates burning on the skin and relieves unbearable itching. Experts say that thanks to the action of the cream, the protective lipid film characteristic of a he althy epidermis is restored. However, like any remedy, in the presence of atopic dermatitis, Emolium cream can only be used as directed by a doctor.

Betaderm based on antibiotic
Atopic cream for children with atopic dermatitis can be prescribed based on antibiotics. These conditions are met by the drug "Betaderm". It contains gentamicin and betamethasone. The antibiotic, which is part of the ointment, enhances the action of other components, promotes the speedy healing of the skin and speeds up the healing process.
Specialists often prescribe a remedy for dermatoses in children, allergic dermatitis, as well as psoriasis and eczema in adults. Parents note that the drug is well tolerated by children and rarely provokes negative reactions, while effectively relieving itching and burning on the skin.
However, it is worth considering that "Betaderm" has certain contraindications. It's usually notprescribed for children under two years old, pregnant women and people who are hypersensitive to any of the components included in the product.
According to reviews, the drug is quite effective and sometimes outperforms other, more expensive drugs. Consumers are also satisfied with the low price and universal action in many skin conditions.
"Belobaza" as a moisturizer
Moisturizing cream for children with atopic dermatitis is necessary to eliminate dryness and irritation of the skin. Often, with these symptoms, doctors prescribe the drug "Belobaza". It, according to patients, is instantly absorbed and creates a feeling of comfort. According to experts, the drug helps to restore water balance.
However, the effect of the drug is cumulative, so do not expect immediate results from the application. It is important to regularly treat the skin with the prescribed remedy. With atopic dermatitis in children, complex treatment is recommended, together with injections and antihistamines. "Belobaza" effectively fights irritation and rashes on the skin, has a regenerating, softening and regenerating effect on the skin.
To alleviate the condition, you must strictly follow the instructions. Moisturizing cream for children with atopic dermatitis should be applied twice a day. However, the doctor may advise you to increase the dosage of the drug. The cream is absorbed quickly and does not leave an unpleasant film on the skin. Safe composition allows it to be used for treatmentnewborns, pregnant and lactating women.

"Elidel" with moisturizing effect
Cream for the treatment of atopic dermatitis in children "Elidel" is also among the moisturizers. However, in order not to harm the he alth of the child, it is necessary to use it according to the instructions.
The tool is freely available in pharmacies, but it is worth remembering that it is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women to use it. The cream is quite strong and effective, it is used for atopic dermatitis, but the situation may worsen if the patient has hypersensitivity to the components included in the drug.
Doctors do not usually prescribe a remedy for the treatment of newborns. But according to the reviews of parents, if you follow all the instructions of specialists, then the therapy goes without consequences. Symptoms of atopic dermatitis resolve quickly.
Sensitive Skin
Emollients for children with atopic dermatitis are in great demand. These are drugs that include:
- silicone;
- wax;
- paraffin;
- various fatty alcohols.
Active substances of "Sensitiveial" are:
- wax;
- glycerin;
- vitamin E.
The first two components are necessary to restore skin tone and hydration. Against the background of taking, blood circulation improves, the impact of negative factors on damaged skin areas decreases, and cellular respiration increases. The drug is non-hormonal, thereforeparents are not afraid to use it to treat newborn babies.
"Sensitive" is produced by a French pharmaceutical company and is designed to protect damaged skin and to moisturize. Often, when prescribing a cream for atopic dermatitis in children, doctors stop at this option. According to experts and parents, the drug effectively affects irritated skin and relieves itching well. In addition to dermatitis itself, the remedy is used to relieve burning and tightness in psoriasis. The cream promotes the regeneration of damaged skin, which requires careful care and careful treatment.
"Akriderm Genta" with anti-inflammatory effect
Which cream will help a child with atopic dermatitis, only a specialist can determine in each specific situation. However, Akriderm Genta is widely used in pediatrics.
White drug with anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. The antibiotic included in the composition avoids the inflammatory process on the baby's skin, but also requires competent appointment. For the treatment of newborns, the remedy is used, but only under the supervision of a specialist.
The instructions contain a list of indications, which include almost all known skin diseases, including atopic dermatitis in children. Parents note the great effectiveness of the cream, its safety and the absence of pronounced side effects.
However, Akriderm Genta has an extensive list of contraindications, so it can only be used with the permission of a specialist. Applycream should be applied two to three times a day with a thin layer on the affected skin. Overdose leads to side effects in the form of deterioration of the skin.

Lorinden cream-ointment
With atopic dermatitis, ointments for children are widely used. Such drugs are quickly absorbed into the skin, and beneficial substances are able to penetrate deep into the dermis layer. The composition of the drug includes petroleum jelly and wax, which, in addition to the moisturizing effect, have the property of sealing moisture and active ingredients inside damaged skin.
Specialists recommend applying a sterile dressing over the preparation applied with a thin layer. Thus, the therapeutic effect can be significantly enhanced. However, as the reviews show, this product should not be applied to the face of a child. The drug produces a rather powerful anti-inflammatory effect and can provoke discomfort in a child.
Also contraindicated cream-ointment for viral diseases such as herpes. But the main disadvantage of the drug is the impossibility of its use in the treatment of children under 10 years of age. With extensive damage, the ointment is also not suitable.
Requires sometimes difficult and complex treatment of atopic dermatitis in children. Ointments and creams used in therapy may contain hormones. "Afloderm" is suitable for application to sensitive areas of the face, neck, and genitals of a child. But it is allowed to use the product only from the age of six.
Judging by the reviews of parents, the ointment has a powerfulanti-inflammatory effect and quickly relieves itching on the skin, characteristic of dermatitis. According to the responses of patients, the medicine also helps well with:
- insect bites;
- sunburn;
- allergic reactions caused by insect bites.
However, hypersensitivity to the constituent substances is sometimes recorded. But in general, parents quickly notice a positive trend with the use of the ointment.
Anti-inflammatory "Elocom"
It is difficult to name the best cream for atopic dermatitis in children. In each case, the effectiveness of the drug depends on the individual characteristics of the baby's condition. But with this disease, doctors often choose milder remedies that eliminate inflammation and itching.
"Elokom" has a quick effect, but it does not cause side effects. Parents are also satisfied with its low price and the ability to treat affected areas in the genital area, neck and face. For successful treatment, the medication is prescribed to be used once a day, which is very convenient for young children. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor. It is possible to reduce the dosage or completely stop using the drug only with a significant decrease in foci of irritation.
Treatment of newborns should take place under the strict supervision of a specialist. The concentration of active ingredients is designed for adult patients, so only a pediatric dermatologist or pediatrician can calculate the required dosage for a child.
La Cree: All-Purpose Cream
The drug iscosmetic product with moisturizing properties. Of course, it cannot become a panacea for the disease, but, according to parents, it helps to restore the normal condition of the child's skin.
Its main advantage is its versatility. The drug can be used to treat newborns and adults. According to reviews, the cream reduces redness on the skin, relieves irritation, and is also able to quickly stop foci of dermatitis.
The composition is safe and full of useful elements. At the core are:
- plant extracts;
- natural oils.
The cream is freely available at the pharmacy. It can be used both to prevent minor irritation and for long-term treatment. During therapy, the drug saturates the skin with he althy fats and much-needed moisture in atopic dermatitis.

Lipikar: moisturizing and softening
Lipikar cream for children with atopic dermatitis is a commonly prescribed drug. Judging by the reviews, the product soothes the skin and instantly eliminates dryness. After application, irritation and itching on the skin are reduced. In addition, parents highlight the following advantages of the drug:
- moisturizes for a long time;
- intensively nourishes;
- can be used to treat even newborns;
- does not cause allergic reactions or other side effects.
The components that make up the cream affectregulation of the natural microflora of the skin and contribute to the strengthening of its barrier functions. Shea butter, combined with niacinamide, strengthens the lipid barrier and restores the skin.
Apply to eliminate the symptoms of atopic dermatitis in a child, the cream should be applied only once a day. To enhance the effect, it is not recommended to use soap when bathing. Lipikar cream-gel should be used so as not to destroy the natural protective film on the skin.