Drugs 2024, October

The most effective fat burner products: list and features

The most effective fat burner products: list and features

In order to lose weight, people often take the most radical and not always safe measures for he alth. Rigid diets, hunger strikes, artificial drugs and exhausting workouts are some of the most popular ways to lose weight quickly

Instructions for use "Optimax" (disinfectant solution)

Instructions for use "Optimax" (disinfectant solution)

For the disinfection of premises and objects of use in medical institutions, kindergartens, beauty salons, various hygiene products are used

Plasma substituting solutions: classification, application, preparations

Plasma substituting solutions: classification, application, preparations

He althcare institutions around the world spend a lot of money on blood transfusions. Therefore, countries with advanced medicine are busy developing artificial blood substitutes. They do not perform the full function of blood, because they do not contain formed elements. Therefore, transfusion media used to normalize blood function are more correctly called plasma-substituting solutions

Painkillers for the head: the best drugs

Painkillers for the head: the best drugs

Headache can occur suddenly even in a completely he althy person and give him a lot of trouble. Discomfort interferes with work, thinking

Iron preparations for low hemoglobin in adults: review, instructions for use and reviews

Iron preparations for low hemoglobin in adults: review, instructions for use and reviews

Lack of iron in the human body can cause many problems. Modern drugs with low hemoglobin will help replenish the reserves of an important element

"Efkamon" ointment: instructions, analogues and reviews

"Efkamon" ointment: instructions, analogues and reviews

Efkamon is a very popular drug not only among sick people, but also among athletes, as well as people who love outdoor activities. This ointment has a local irritating effect, improves blood circulation in the tissues. Therefore, it effectively relieves pain and inflammation

Drug "Anaprilin": application, reviews, analogues

Drug "Anaprilin": application, reviews, analogues

Disorders of the nervous system often lead to angina, hypertension, tachycardia, anxiety, panic and trembling. In such a situation, the doctor may recommend Anaprilin. The use of the drug contributes to the normalization of the nervous system and general well-being

How to choose the best drug - "Dufaston" or "Utrozhestan"?

How to choose the best drug - "Dufaston" or "Utrozhestan"?

There are a number of cases in which progesterone preparations are indispensable. But to choose which drug - "Dufaston" or "Utrozhestan" - is suitable in each case, only a doctor should

The drug "Riboxin": for what, to whom it is indicated and contraindicated

The drug "Riboxin": for what, to whom it is indicated and contraindicated

The article contains instructions for the drug "Riboxin", intended for informational purposes only. Before use, a doctor's consultation is necessary

Lipoic acid: analogues, sources and beneficial properties of the substance

Lipoic acid: analogues, sources and beneficial properties of the substance

In order to always be he althy, feel less tired and enjoy life to the fullest, a person should not only eat right regularly and spend time outdoors every day. To keep our body in proper shape, we need vitamins and he althy supplements

Drug "Sustanon 250": instruction, reviews

Drug "Sustanon 250": instruction, reviews

What is Sustanon 250? Instructions for this medication will be presented a little further. From the materials of this article, you will also learn about what indications the said medicine has, whether it has contraindications and analogues, what will happen in case of an overdose, and so on

Drug "Sinupret" during pregnancy: indications and use

Drug "Sinupret" during pregnancy: indications and use

Many pregnant women are especially interested in the question of how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy. In these cases, you can not do without the drug "Sinupret"

"Vagizil" (cream): instructions for use

"Vagizil" (cream): instructions for use

Modern women often have to feel discomfort in the intimate area. It is associated with wearing tight underwear, using deodorized hygiene products, using soap, and so on. Will help in this situation "Vagizil" (cream)

The best analogue of "Sonapaks"

The best analogue of "Sonapaks"

How is Sonapax different from other therapeutic agents? Analogues, the description of this medicine requires careful study. Like other antipsychotics, Sonapax is able to suppress auditory hallucinations, the flow of uncontrolled thoughts. He copes with the signs of schizophrenia and other diseases that are associated with mental disorders. It should not be classified as a sleeping pill, because it enhances the effect of sedative medications and has a calming effect on the body

"Cortexin": contraindications, side effects, instructions for use

"Cortexin": contraindications, side effects, instructions for use

"Cortexin" - the drug belongs to the group of nootropics. Intramuscular injections of drugs are prescribed for the treatment of disorders of the microcirculation of the brain of various origins. The drug is produced in the form of a lyophysiate for the preparation of a solution for injections into the muscle

"Cortexin": instructions, reviews, composition, indications for use, analogues

"Cortexin": instructions, reviews, composition, indications for use, analogues

In case of neurological diseases, doctors prescribe the nootropic drug "Cortexin". Instructions for use and reviews of the drug indicate that this remedy improves cerebral circulation and brain function

Lytic mixtures - emergency help with temperature

Lytic mixtures - emergency help with temperature

A child's illness is always a test for parents. I want to relieve the suffering of the baby instantly. It is for this purpose that lytic mixtures can be used. The effect of their application will be noticeable after 15 minutes

Painkillers for osteochondrosis

Painkillers for osteochondrosis

Many people who are faced with a disease such as osteochondrosis are interested in what painkillers for osteochondrosis are effective in combating the problem? No matter what stage the inflammatory process is at, what cause caused the pathological reactions in the body, you need to remember that self-medication is unacceptable

Diclofenac-based ointments: instructions for use, indications and reviews

Diclofenac-based ointments: instructions for use, indications and reviews

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are among the commonly prescribed drugs. They are used in the treatment of various diseases accompanied by pain or inflammation. Ointments based on diclofenac are one of the representatives of NSAIDs. They eliminate pain and inflammation locally, with little or no systemic absorption, which reduces the likelihood of side effects

Estradiol preparations: description of the substance, instructions and reviews

Estradiol preparations: description of the substance, instructions and reviews

The he althy state of the female body largely depends on the normal functioning of the hormonal system. Violations or failures can lead to sad consequences, in the onset of which a woman most often blames far from hormones. It turns out that in vain

Anesthesia ointment: instructions and analogues

Anesthesia ointment: instructions and analogues

You can cope with severe pain syndrome not only with the help of pills. Local anesthetics in the form of a gel and ointment are also highly effective. Such drugs are especially relevant for athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. Anesthesin ointment has a wide range of applications. In addition to the analgesic effect, the remedy is also able to eliminate the inflammatory process and stop the manifestation of allergic reactions

Preparations "Normoflorina" L and B: description, indications, recommendations

Preparations "Normoflorina" L and B: description, indications, recommendations

"Normoflorins" L and B are means for normalizing the intestinal microflora, improving the absorption of minerals and vitamins. They are biologically active additives. They are used as a preventive and therapeutic agent. The preparations contain bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, amino acids, vitamins, organic acids, antimicrobial substances

Vitamins for the heart in tablets - a list of drugs

Vitamins for the heart in tablets - a list of drugs

In recent years, complaints of heart failure in very young people have become much more frequent. Let's figure out what vitamins for the heart exist (in tablets). These drugs help keep the "motor" going by strengthening the heart muscle. They also have a positive effect on heart rate. Eliminate interruptions by calming the nervous system

Drug "Levamisole": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

Drug "Levamisole": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

Levamisole is one of the most unique medicines. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it can have a positive effect on the human body in two cases: with chemotherapy, and also with infection with helminths that poison a person from the inside. For what diseases is this drug prescribed, and how does this medication work in each situation? This is what we'll talk about today

Pain in the kidney area: causes and treatment

Pain in the kidney area: causes and treatment

Pain in the lumbar region signals to a person that inflammatory processes are occurring in the body. But pain in the lower back does not always mean kidney disease. Sometimes the cause of discomfort can be chondrosis, intervertebral hernia, muscle strain. How to determine what the problem is? You can read more about pain in the kidney area, their localization and methods of treatment in this article

Compeed - patch: description, instructions, reviews

Compeed - patch: description, instructions, reviews

Compeed - a patch that instantly eliminates pain, protects the wound and speeds up the healing process. In addition, it is almost invisible on the skin, and the special design prevents the edges from peeling off when in contact with water

Ointment "Panavir": instructions for use, analogues

Ointment "Panavir": instructions for use, analogues

The herpes virus is familiar to almost everyone. More than 90% of the population is infected with the infection. For the treatment of manifestations of herpes types 1 and 2 and papillomas, experts recommend using the domestic Panavir ointment. The unique composition of the drug has no analogues in the pharmaceutical market

Sulfur ointment: instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

Sulfur ointment: instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

In the article, consider the instructions for a simple sulfuric ointment. It proved to be an effective remedy in the fight against various kinds of skin diseases many centuries ago. In modern medicine, this drug continues to be used, since the main substance in the composition provides antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, heals the skin and affects the cause of the pathology

How simple sulfuric ointment is used

How simple sulfuric ointment is used

The appearance of acne always causes a storm of negative feelings and emotions. The first impulse for many will be an urgent trip to a beautician or dermatologist. However, any serious procedures can only harm or be ineffective. It is much easier and faster to use a proven remedy, such as simple sulfuric ointment

Foot cream for cracked heels "Healer", "Dardia Lipo Balm", Foolex: description, instructions, reviews

Foot cream for cracked heels "Healer", "Dardia Lipo Balm", Foolex: description, instructions, reviews

Few can boast of perfect skin of the feet and, in particular, the heels. It is they who have the greatest load, so it is not surprising that such troubles as calluses and cracks appear. Let's talk about drugs that will quickly and effectively help get rid of such problems

Eye drops: instructions, application, reviews

Eye drops: instructions, application, reviews

Eye drops are solutions of various medicinal substances intended for injection into the eyes. For their production, aqueous and oily solutions are used, which are stable, sterile, and chemically isotonic. Depending on the active substance, drops are used in the treatment of various diseases and the elimination of their symptoms

Eye drops for a child: drug names, instructions

Eye drops for a child: drug names, instructions

The he alth of the baby is the most important thing for every parent. However, sooner or later the child is still faced with various diseases. Ophthalmic problems are quite common in babies. Eye drops will help to cope with them. For a child, such drugs should be selected by a specialist, taking into account the etiology of the disease. Pharmacological industry offers a wide range of drops for the treatment of eye diseases in children

"N-Acetylcysteine": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"N-Acetylcysteine": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Inflammatory pathologies can be triggered by any factor if a person's immunity is weakened. Naturally, they must be treated. "N-Acetylcysteine" is a drug with anti-inflammatory, expectorant and strong detoxifying effect

Ointment for joint pain. What should be considered when choosing it?

Ointment for joint pain. What should be considered when choosing it?

Ointment for joint pain is used in complex treatment, as well as an independent remedy. But in order for it to have the proper therapeutic effect, you need to know its capabilities and methods of application

Vitamin B12: formula, application, effect on the body

Vitamin B12: formula, application, effect on the body

Vitamin B12 belongs to the class of cobalamin substances. These are natural biocatalysts, in the absence of which all functions in the body collapse, as if by a domino effect. Plays an important role in metabolism, general well-being, immunity, cell growth. Vitamin B12 is a complex compound made up of several substances. Vitamin B12: what it is and what it is for, its formula and release form - you will learn all this from this article

Medication "Parity" - an effective remedy for men

Medication "Parity" - an effective remedy for men

The medicine "Paritet" is a natural remedy of plant origin, part of the group of dietary supplements. This drug is intended specifically for men who want to restore or increase potency, as well as generally improve the quality of their own sexual life

Enema "Microlax": instructions for use, reviews

Enema "Microlax": instructions for use, reviews

The human body is designed in such a way that sooner or later people have to take medicine. Some medications are designed to reduce fever and relieve pain. Other drugs are provided to relieve allergic symptoms or correct hormonal levels. There are also tools that help a person cope with natural needs. Enema "Mikrolaks" is just such a medicine

Eye drops "Taflotan": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Eye drops "Taflotan": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Taflotan eye drops have a good reputation, reviews of the effectiveness of which are mostly positive. Will they help with diagnosed glaucoma?

"Azopt" (eye drops): instructions for use, analogues, composition and reviews

"Azopt" (eye drops): instructions for use, analogues, composition and reviews

In order to cure glaucoma, you can use the medicine "Azopt". Instructions for use - this is the document that tells about all the nuances of taking this drug

History of the condom - features of occurrence and interesting facts

History of the condom - features of occurrence and interesting facts

There is no exact information about how and when the first condoms appeared. However, it is known for certain that the history of its origin goes back to ancient times. The history of the contraceptive will be told next