Efkamon is a very popular drug not only among sick people, but also among athletes, as well as people who love outdoor activities. This ointment has a local irritating effect, improves blood circulation in the tissues. Therefore, it effectively relieves pain and inflammation. The plant components that make up the drug almost do not cause allergic reactions and allow many people to use the drug.
Characteristics of the drug
This is a combination product containing botanicals and chemicals. It is produced in the form of an ointment for external use. It has an irritating effect on the skin, relieves pain, fatigue and inflammation. This effect is explained by the special composition:
- hot pepper extract accelerates blood circulation and warms the skin, thereby reducing pain;
- mustard, clove and eucalyptus oils relieve inflammation;
- menthol relaxes muscles;
- camphor warms a little and reduces pain;
- methyl salicylate reduces swelling.

Drug action
Due to a special combination of plant and chemical components, after applying the ointment to the skin, the following effects are observed:
- improves blood circulation and nutrition in tissues;
- reduces swelling and redness;
- muscles relax;
- disappears inflammation;
- pain passes.
Indications for use
Often this drug is prescribed by doctors as part of the complex treatment of diseases of the spine and joints. "Efkamon" is an ointment that effectively helps with radiculitis, osteochondrosis and sciatica. It is used in the treatment of myalgia, neuralgia, myositis and arthritis. For episodic use, the drug is suitable for bruises, sprains, muscle strain. The ointment quickly relieves pain and helps to relax after prolonged physical activity.

"Efkamon" (ointment): instructions for use
The drug should be applied in a thin layer to the site of the projection of pain or inflammation. To make it work better, you need to gently rub the balm with massaging movements. You can use it up to three times a day. Pain during overexertion, sciatica or after injuries pass faster if a warming bandage is applied over the applied ointment.
The composition of the ointment includes several components that can cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, therefore, after applying the drug, wash your hands with soap and water and in no case touch your eyes.

Contraindicationsand side effects
Due to the fact that the ointment contains tincture of capsicum, mustard oil, camphor and menthol, it is not always possible to use "Efkamon" (ointment). The instruction does not recommend applying the drug in cases where the skin is damaged: it has scratches, abrasions or inflammatory skin diseases. It is also contraindicated to use this remedy for those people who have individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
Efkamon (ointment) is usually easily tolerated. Its use only in some cases can cause allergic reactions. In case of an overdose, itching and irritation of the skin at the site of application of the drug is also possible.

"Efkamon" ointment: analogues
There are several drugs with a similar effect. They may contain the same components or other irritating substances: alcohol, bee or snake venom. There are several of the most common analogues of "Efkamon".
- Ointment "Arpizartron" also has a distracting effect, but thanks to the bee venom included in its composition. The drug warms, improves blood circulation and metabolism in tissues.
- "Ben Gay" has an anti-inflammatory effect. It contains only methyl salicylate, levomenthol and menthol. But the ointment effectively relieves pain in muscles and joints.
- "Finalgon" has gained great popularity due to the rapid analgesic effect and the absence of side effects. This can be explained by a special composition. Combinationtwo components that enhance each other's action, improves blood circulation, relieves pain and inflammation. These are nonivamide and nicoboxyl.
- "Capsicam" relieves muscle and joint pain well. It contains analgesic and anti-inflammatory substances benzyl nicotinate, nonivamide and dimethyl sulfoxide. In addition, the ointment also contains components that irritate and warm the skin: turpentine and camphor.

You should never choose a drug for treatment yourself. All of them have their own characteristics and contraindications. Moreover, the choice of the drug depends on the cause of the pain.
Reviews on the use of the drug
There are very different opinions about the drug "Efkamon". This ointment helped many, literally put them on their feet. According to reviews, the drug effectively relieves pain in the spine and joints, relaxes muscles after hard physical labor and sports. The drug also helps well after injuries, hypothermia or sprains.
But there are also negative reviews about the drug "Efkamon". The ointment can cause severe skin irritation, rash, redness and itching. This means that the drug is not suitable for a person and its use must be canceled. In addition, it is necessary to know exactly the causes of pain. In some inflammatory diseases, it is impossible to warm the sore spot. Therefore, it is better to use the drug after consulting a doctor.
Warming ointments like Efkamon are often very effective. But manyafraid of their irritating effect and the possibility of allergies. You can check the reaction of the skin on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe forearm. If 15 minutes after application, itching and irritation do not appear, then the drug can be used.