Headache can occur suddenly even in a completely he althy person and give him a lot of trouble. Unpleasant sensations interfere with work, thinking and rest, and sometimes they can completely destroy all plans. Constant and severe pain is usually a symptom of a serious illness. So don't take this issue too lightly.

Pain in the head can appear for various reasons. Doctors divide them into primary and secondary headaches. Primary signs can be triggered by the presence of a problem mainly in the head itself, and secondary ones are considered a manifestation of other abnormalities of the body.
- episodic, which is caused by external pathogens;
- voltage;
- post-traumatic pain;
- secondary pain occurs with hypertension, intoxication, infections;
- facial neuropathies;
- migraine.
Important to remember!
Any kind of headache requires a certain approach to its elimination. Incorrectly selected medicines can harm the he alth of the patient. Therefore, this issue must be approached with allseverity.
Migraine is a severe pain, lasting from several hours to several days. As a rule, they spread in the temples or in the frontal lobe. The disease can be aggravated by loud noise or other external stimulus. In most cases, this ailment is caused by the tone of the blood vessels of the head.
Painful sensations of overexertion are manifested during strong physical or emotional stress. This may be an uncomfortable posture, prolonged stress or prolonged psychological stress.
Vascular pain syndrome occurs with high or low blood pressure.
Cephalgia occurs under the influence of changes in intracranial pressure in the brain. The pain is quite strong, it seems to a person that his head is about to explode. This is a very dangerous sign, it can be a symptom of serious lesions:
- Tumors (a pathological process represented by a newly formed tissue in which changes in the genetic apparatus of cells lead to dysregulation of their growth and differentiation).
- Meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord).
- Impaired pressure inside the skull.
When they appear, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

Pharmacological drugs
A huge number of different remedies for the elimination of pain syndrome are presented in pharmacies. Every day, from TV screens and on street banners, companies persistently offer their goods,as the best, most effective and safest. But you need to understand that only a medical specialist can choose an effective method of treatment.
Classification of pain pills from the head:
- simple non-narcotic analgesic drugs;
- combinations of anti-inflammatory ingredients;
- drugs to eliminate migraine;
- drugs for the treatment of the underlying ailment.
How to properly treat episodic headache
To eliminate episodic pain and tension pain, it is best to use simple non-narcotic strong painkillers from the head or complex anti-inflammatory drugs.
The following drugs are simple analgesics:
- Aspeter.
- Asprovit.
- Panadol.
- "Aspirin".
- "Rafidol".
- Efferalgan.
- Upsarin Upsa.
- Metamizol.
Combined anti-inflammatory drugs can have caffeine, antispasmodic, sedatives in addition to painkillers.
Strong painkillers from the head, together with anti-allergic trace elements, well eliminate headaches with colds and hangovers.
Caffeine helps eliminate involuntary convulsive contraction of the muscles of the vessels of the head, increases pressure when it decreases, and also tones the entire body as a whole.
Complex painkillers for headaches, together with caffeine, do a great job with tension pains andheadaches, which are associated with a decrease in pressure with vegetovascular dystonia.
"Phenobarbital" refers to anticonvulsants. The drug has a slight sedative effect and increases the effect of analgesic medications.
Complex strong painkillers from the head, containing phenobarbital, quickly eliminate discomfort.
Complex analgesics:
- Copacil.
- Citramon.
- Farmadol.
- Fervex.
- Gripex.
- Amicitron.
- Gripgo.
- Tetralgin.
- "Sedal".
- Pentalgin.
All of the above pills are good and instantly eliminate the headache. In pharmacies, they are presented in regular or effervescent tablets, capsules and soluble powders.
Effervescent tablets and powders have a faster effect. The capsule shell helps protect the stomach from the harmful effects of the active trace element.
Painkillers for head injury in the form of capsules are recommended for people who suffer from gastritis, as well as increased acidity of the stomach and ulcers. Plain tablets are more convenient to take in all conditions.

Therapy for secondary headaches
This syndrome manifests itself as a result of the development of the underlying disease and is considered only its symptom. In such situations, it will not be possible to eliminate unpleasant symptoms with conventional painkillers. Eliminate secondary symptoms is possible only through treatmentdiseases.
Very often, severe pain in the back of the head bothers a person with an increase in arterial blood pressure. The standard values are those not exceeding 139/89.
Systematic increase in pressure indicates the presence of hypertension in the patient. Hypertension headaches can be relieved by taking blood pressure pills.
Diseases of the teeth and gums can cause pain in the head. Such sensations can disturb a person until the tooth is completely cured. Painkillers can be used to relieve pain for a short time.
In most cases, headaches can occur as a result of alcohol poisoning. With a severe hangover, you can take a drug containing acetylsalicylic acid - Aspirin C, Alka-Seltzer, Alka-Prim.
Unpleasant sensations in the temporo-frontal part of the head can be a sign of diseases of the sinuses, namely: sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and sinusitis. An ENT specialist deals with the elimination of these ailments. The main problem will be solved as soon as it is possible to eliminate the inflammatory process in the sinuses.

Migraine drugs
A characteristic feature of this ailment are constant bouts of pain in one part of the head. Painful sensations can torment a person with regularity once a month or a week, and are also sometimes provoked by external phenomena. Not always these signs can be eliminated with a simple analgesic.
Patients withmigraine patients buy more and more powerful drugs, and they can also take several different pills at once, but, unfortunately, the pain syndrome cannot go anywhere. In addition, the systematic use of a huge amount of potent analgesic drugs adversely affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
List of headache painkillers (for migraine treatment):
- "Nomigren".
- "Stop migraine".
- Rapimig.
- Zolmigren.
- Rizamigren.
- Neurontin.
- Neuralgin.
- "Lyric".
- Algerica.
- Gabana.
Medications to eliminate migraine are also used to treat a chronic disease, which is manifested by bouts of intense, shooting, burning pain in the areas of innervation of the trigeminal nerve.
Medications for the treatment of migraine are considered potent and are dispensed from pharmacies strictly by prescription. For the correct selection of medication, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Best headache painkillers
On the modern pharmacological market, you can find a large number of different pills that can help cope with an unpleasant ailment. The most effective drugs, except for those made on the basis of ibuprofen, are analgesics. Their structure contains codeine, which is a narcotic substance, and with prolonged use it can cause addiction.
That's why these drugs are sold strictlyby doctor's prescription. They are great for a single dose with strong and impossible pain. They work instantly and efficiently.
And also in this case, combined painkillers for a bruised head are well suited. They contain the following components:
- Ibuprofen.
- Ibuklin.
- Brustan.
- Litofen.
- Codeine.
Their use helps to eliminate headache instantly.

Strong analgesics include:
- Analgin.
- Acetylsalicylic acid.
- Voltaren.
Their use with sedatives is effective, but only suitable in emergency situations.
Prolonged use of these pills can provoke a negative effect on the digestive system. It is important to consider that such drugs are endowed with an extensive list of adverse reactions.
Most often, the drug "No-shpa" is prescribed to women as an anesthetic during pregnancy for headaches. The drug reliably eliminates the tone of a tense uterus. Accordingly, when using "No-shpu" against soreness of the head, one must remember that the medication can relax the uterus and provoke its premature opening, which for the expectant mother can result in early childbirth or other negative consequences.
Doctors do not recommend the use of acetylsalicylic acid for pain in the head and a decrease in temperature duringcolds. In such situations, it is best to take medicines containing paracetamol or ibuprofen at the same time as ascorbic acid.
Acetylsalicylic acid is strictly contraindicated in children under fourteen years of age. Aspirin can cause serious liver and kidney problems in children.
Acetylsalicylic acid is not recommended for people who have a bleeding disorder as it can cause bleeding.
"Paracetamol" in standard dosages is considered a safe remedy and is approved for use even by children. But when taking Paracetamol, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol. Acetaminophen and ethanol are processed by the liver enzyme system. The simultaneous use of these components will increase intoxication to hepatic transaminases.
As a result, we can conclude that you can not take acetaminophen to eliminate a hangover headache. In such situations, it is better to take "Acetylsalicylic acid".
Analgin ban
In most countries of the world, "Analgin" is prohibited for admission due to the likelihood of problems in the hematopoietic system. You should not get carried away with this medicine, but it is better to replace it with a safer analgesic.
Almost all analgesics have a negative effect on the mucous cavities of the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to limit the use of painkillers for people suffering from peptic ulcer and hyperacidity of the stomach.

Instructions for use
Use the listed most common medicines as follows:
- "Aspirin" is taken orally, one gram per day. The maximum dosage should not exceed three tablets per day. It is recommended to divide the daily dosage into three doses. The duration of therapy with painkillers for pain in the head should be no more than fourteen days. The drug in effervescent form is dissolved in 200 milliliters of boiled water, and then taken three times a day after meals. During therapy, it is recommended to stop drinking alcohol.
- "Analgin" is recommended to use two to three times a day, 0.25-0.5 grams after meals. The maximum daily dosage is three grams, single dosage - one gram. Children need to take five to ten milligrams per kilogram of body weight three to four times a day.
- "Paracetamol" should be taken at 0.35-0.5 grams four times a day after meals with water. The maximum single dosage is one and a half grams, daily - from three to four grams. For children aged nine to twelve years, the maximum daily dose is two grams. For children three to six years of age, the maximum daily dosage is one to two grams in several visits at the rate of sixty milligrams per kilogram of body weight.
Methods of taking headache pills
"Citramon" is recommended to use one tablet three times a day. One dose is enough to eliminate a headache. Do not use the drug before surgery, because the active substance weakens blood clotting.
"Pentalgin" should be taken one to three times a day, one tablet. The maximum dosage is four capsules. As an analgesic, it is used no longer than five days, as an antipyretic - no more than three days. For a longer time, you can use the drug only with the permission of the attending doctor. During therapy, you must give up alcoholic beverages.
"Solpadein" is a strong pain reliever. For headaches, adolescents over sixteen years of age and adult patients can take one tablet three times a day. The interval between doses should be at least four hours. The maximum daily dosage is eight tablets, a single dose is two capsules. Teenagers are recommended to take one tablet three times a day. The highest dosage, compared with adults, is halved: the daily amount is equal to four tablets. It is important to take the drug after meals.
The symptom of a headache is not difficult to remove. As a rule, it is enough to take one tablet of analgesic medicine. Constant pain indicates a serious problem inside the body. When they are identified, it is important to consult a doctor to diagnose the disease and select the optimal therapy.