Lipoma (wen), otherwise lipoblastoma, or fatty tumor, is a benign neoplasm and forms wherever there is adipose tissue. The disease is more susceptible to women in adulthood. Why a fatty tumor forms, how to identify and treat it, we will consider in this article.
What is lipoblastoma?
These are benign neoplasms consisting of adipose tissue. Outwardly, they represent painless soft mobile nodes, often do not have clear boundaries, are located in one or multiple nodes, sometimes symmetrically. They are formed everywhere: in the dermis, subcutaneous, muscular, retroperitoneal, perirenal tissue, gastrointestinal tract, mammary glands, myocardium, lungs, brain membranes. The growth of lipoblastoma does not depend on the general condition of the body.

When exhausted, it, on the contrary, increases, accumulating fat. Sometimes the tumors reach large sizes, sagging on a stalk into which the base extends, which contributes to stagnation of blood, edema and necrosis. Lipoma (wen) is often found in women aged 30-50 years. It consists of a node having a lobedstructure surrounded by a capsule. Less common is the diffuse form of the tumor, which has diffuse growths of adipose tissue, the capsule is absent.
Causes of occurrence
So far, no reliable causes of the formation of fatty tumors have been identified. However, scientific studies indicate several factors that predispose to the formation of such tumors. The causes of the appearance of wen (lipomas) are considered to be:
- Genetic predisposition - the disease is transmitted from generation to generation, regardless of gender. Studies have confirmed that when tumors appear in one twin, they are almost 100% formed in the other.
- Violation of fat metabolism - associated with increased formation in the blood of special fats of lipoproteins with low density. They appear due to insufficient physical activity, excessive consumption of animal fats and genetic abnormalities.
- Failures in the mechanism of reverse regulation of fat metabolism - occurs when the autoregulation of useful fatty tissue in the human body is disturbed. The reason for this is strong stressful situations, radioactive radiation, injuries, frostbite, burns.
- Low level of personal hygiene - often a wen-lipoma (photo is in the article) is formed due to long-term non-healing boils or acne. If the rules of hygiene are not observed when opening inflamed formations, they turn into chronic processes. When the lumen of the glands is blocked, sebum accumulates.
- Demodicosis - a disease caused by ticks,living in the ducts of the sebaceous glands. During normal functioning of the immune system, parasites are suppressed. During weakening, mites actively multiply and close the gaps between the glands, contributing to the accumulation of sebum.
Often, adipose lipomas are formed against the background of dysfunctions of the endocrine system, alcoholism and during menopause.
Main symptoms
A fatty tumor develops slowly and without any symptoms, without causing pain and without changing the quality of life. The patient does not pay attention to the neoplasm that has arisen, if it does not spoil its appearance, being on open parts of the body. Lipoblastoma is a soft-touch, non-tissue tumor.

The appearance of the skin that covers it remains unchanged, elasticity and normal color are maintained. Sometimes the structure becomes dense, due to the fact that the connective tissue is attached to the adipose tissue. Lipomas (wen) are formed one by one or there are many of them. The size is usually from 1 to 5 cm, but very large formations can occur that can cause discomfort.
Diagnosis of fatty tumors
Such neoplasms can be noticed by any doctor when examining a patient.
During the conversation, the patient's complaints, the time of appearance and the rate of increase in education, the degree of discomfort are revealed. Then palpation is performed, after which the doctor immediately makes a diagnosis. Instrumental research in the diagnosis of such tumors in order to correctly determine how to get rid ofwen (lipoma), is carried out only when the clinical picture is similar to other more dangerous diseases or with internal neoplasms. To do this, use:
- Ultrasound - helps to determine the boundaries, dimensions, structure and depth.
- X-ray with contrast medium - used to identify soft tissue masses.
- Computed tomography - allows you to accurately determine the boundaries, evaluate the substance of which the tumor consists and its relationship with surrounding organs.

After the diagnosis is made, the doctor recommends treatment or simply observation of development and growth.
In the XXI century, the treatment of lipoma (wen) is carried out only by surgery. Surgery is not always required, many people live with their illness all their lives without experiencing any inconvenience. This species almost never turns into a malignant tumor, so if it does not cause inconvenience, then nothing needs to be done. A cosmetologist or dermatologist is engaged in the treatment of small formations, a surgeon is engaged in the treatment of large ones. Early referral of the patient to a specialist simplifies treatment.
Is there an effective drug therapy?
So far, no drug has been found that could get rid of lipoblastoma. Sometimes in the early stages of development, due to the impossibility of performing surgery, the glucocorticoid "Diprospan" is prescribed for injection into the body of the tumor, which promotes the breakdown of adipose tissue. The use of absorbable ointments is not very effective, although suchThere are recommendations on the internet. They use balms: "Karavaeva", "Asterisk", ointments: "Ichthyol", "Vishnevsky" and "Hydrogen Peroxide".
Folk remedies in the fight against fatty tumors
Official medicine is categorically against the use of traditional healers' recipes for the treatment of lipoblastoma. However, those who have tried it claim that the tumors are reduced. Consider one method of treating lipoma (wen) with soda. It consists of the following:
- Dissolve three tablespoons of baking soda in a liter of warm water.
- Wet the tissue and apply to the tumor. Cover with cellophane on top, bandage and hold for 10 minutes.
- During the day, repeat this compress three times.
Do the procedure until the neoplasm is completely resorbed. If you believe, try it. But do not get carried away for a long time, it is better to visit a doctor and consult about further actions.
When is surgery needed?
Removal of a lipoma (wen) is carried out according to:
- At the request of the patient - subcutaneous neoplasms that affect the aesthetic appearance.
- Relative indications - cause some violations of the functions of organs, do not threaten life, but bring inconvenience. These include: permanent injury, pain as a result of nerve compression, circulatory disorders, being under a tumor of an internal organ.
- Absolute indications - pose a threat to the life of the patient. This is a tumor: inside the skull, pressing on the brain; in the abdominal cavity, threatening to rupture; interfering with the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid; located in the heart andcausing heart failure.
As a result of removal, all tumor cells are eliminated and symptoms are eliminated.
Lipoblastoma removal methods
Fatty tumors are removed by the following methods:
- Traditional surgery - the operation is done under local or general anesthesia. Through the incision, the capsule is excised, cleaned and sutured, if necessary, drainage is established. This method gives the least recurrence, but secondary infection of the wound is possible, a scar appears.
- Liposuction - the contents are pulled out through a needle puncture with an electric aspirator. The operation is fast, there is no suture, but re-formations are possible when leaving fat cells.
- Laser is a bloodless and gentle method. Adipose tissues are completely destroyed, vascular coagulation occurs, a low percentage of relapses, a quick recovery. Disadvantages - high prices and is used only for small seals (up to 3 cm).
- Electrocoagulation - electrosurgical burning of altered tissues occurs with simultaneous cauterization of blood vessels. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, does not leave scars, is painful and is considered an outdated method.
- Radiowave - a modern, bloodless and safe way, does without stitching. Evaporation of water and tumor cells occurs under the influence of a radio wave beam. Suitable for removing tumors on the face, but can get rid of small tumors.

The removal method is selected by the attendingdoctor.
Lipoblastoma of the neck
Often, a fatty tumor, especially in women, appears in the neck. It is formed subcutaneously in a layer of loose connective tissue. Sometimes it affects the deeper - muscle and vascular layers. On palpation, there is no pain, the tumor is soft, not soldered to the skin, usually has a round or oval shape. Lipoma (wen) on the neck should be given special attention, because:
- The area contains the respiratory organs, glands, large blood vessels, nerves and constantly working muscles.
- Growing in size, it grows inside.
- The cosmetic defect is noticeable and uncomfortable.
- The surface of the neck is constantly exposed to external influences: scarves, ties, collars, jewelry.

With an anterior location of the tumor, compression of nerves and organs is possible. Sometimes there is difficulty in swallowing, hoarseness of the voice appears, hiccups are possible. Massive neoplasms cause dizziness and headaches due to impaired blood flow. Tumors on the back of the neck are more likely to resolve without symptoms.
Neck surgery
Surgical intervention is chosen for treatment, it is performed only for the following indications:
- rapid growth in diameter;
- formation size greater than 5 cm;
- tumor on the leg;
- compression of organs or tissues occurred;
- pain.
If superficial fatty tumors are removed under local anesthesia in the clinic, then in the caseneoplasms on the neck require hospitalization of the patient. Treatment of lipoma (wen) is carried out in three ways:
- Excision of the neoplasm together with the capsule. Larger areas require drainage. After the operation, a scar remains, but there will be no reappearance in this place.
- Liposuction - rarely used, recurrence possible.
- Laser - very popular, leaves no scars.
Complications are rare.
Lipoblastoma on the head
It is noted that subcutaneous lipoma (wen) on the head often appears in the hair growth zone, chin, cheekbones, cheeks. Rarely reaches large sizes. It looks like a rounded elastic and mobile tubercle. According to statistics, fatty tumors on the head appear more often in females. Sizes usually do not reach more than three centimeters. Pain occurs only when the nerve fibers are pinched.

Sometimes the functions of organs can be disturbed. For example, when the optic nerve is compressed, a certain field of vision falls out. You should consult a doctor if the tumor begins to progress rapidly, redness of the skin and pain appear. Self-treatment is not recommended.
Surgery for lipoblastoma
How to treat a lipoma or wen on the head? The surest way to get rid of a neoplasm is to have an operation. There are several ways to do this:
- Laser - done with a small size of the tumor. Impactproduced only on the formation tissue, no scars remain.
- Radio waves - used when removing tumors on the forehead, temple or back of the head. An electric current is applied to the neoplasm. The method is completely bloodless, does not leave scars and does not give relapses, does not require long-term preparation.
- Cryodestruction - small neoplasms on the forehead, temple or nape are frozen with liquid nitrogen. There is a death of pathological tissues and their subsequent replacement with he althy ones.

If the doctor determines that these methods are not suitable, then a classic operation will be performed.
What is the danger of lipoblastoma on the back?
Neoplasms are most often small and represent mobile dense balls under the skin, but they can also reach an impressive size requiring surgical intervention. A wen (lipoma) on the back does not tend to degenerate into a malignant tumor. But despite this, it is advisable to see a doctor. The danger is that the tumor may become inflamed. This occurs due to a back injury in this area, rubbing with clothes, trying to get rid of it on your own. In this case, there is swelling, redness of the skin, a feeling of pain, the formation of a purulent process. Due to the fact that the upper layer of the dermis on the back is very dense, a mature abscess breaks through the walls of the capsule and all the contents penetrate into the tissues and nearby organs, which can cause the development of sepsis.
Self-treatment of an inflamed fatty tumor is also not worth it. Very difficultqualitatively remove the dense lobed structure, so subsequently it will again become inflamed. The best option in this case is to go to a medical facility where the right treatment will be carried out.
Methods of treatment of tumors on the back
Surgery is mainly used for treatment. It is shown in the following cases:
- soreness;
- injury;
- inflammatory process;
- rapid growth;
- changing the color of the skin.
To remove a lipoma (wen) located on the surface of the back, most often used:
- Classic option - under local or general anesthesia. Depending on the condition of the tumor, an incision is made through which the contents are removed along with the capsule. In an inflamed condition, drainage is done to drain purulent secretions. Recovery period up to ten days.
- Laser is the most popular method of removing lipoblastoma on the back. Its advantages are the absence of blood, pain and scarring, and minimal risk of infection. The laser exfoliates the tumor from the surrounding tissues and immediately cauterizes the capillaries.
- Liposuction - the evacuation of the contents of the tumor is carried out by electric suction through a puncture made with a thick needle. This method is used to remove small superficial neoplasms. Possible relapse.
When swelling appears on the back, do not delay visiting a doctor. Timely treatment will save you from complications.
If anyone has a question,what is the difference between a wen and a lipoma, then you can answer that nothing - these are the names of one disease. A benign fatty tumor can appear anywhere and any size. To prevent this from happening, the body should be kept clean, eat right, engage in feasible sports, try not to get injured and avoid hypothermia. If neoplasms are found, you should consult a doctor and strictly follow his recommendations.