Edema after surgery: causes, ways to relieve edema, medication and alternative methods of treatment, consultations and advice from a doctor

Edema after surgery: causes, ways to relieve edema, medication and alternative methods of treatment, consultations and advice from a doctor
Edema after surgery: causes, ways to relieve edema, medication and alternative methods of treatment, consultations and advice from a doctor

Swelling after surgery is a common occurrence after surgery on any part of the body. Puffiness is formed due to the accumulation of a large amount of lymph in damaged tissues. This process is a response of the immune system, which tries to ensure the normal functioning of the human body, even despite the recent surgery. Consider in the article in more detail the causes of puffiness, ways to relieve swelling and treatment methods.

Postoperative edema
Postoperative edema

Why does puffiness appear?

After damage to soft tissues, edema almost always appears, but it can have different severity. The following factors influence the degree of swelling after surgery:

  • patient lifestyle;
  • individual characteristics of the body;
  • he alth;
  • does the patient adhere to all doctor's recommendations;
  • the state of the patient's lymphatic and immune systems.

In most cases, the reduction of swelling on the face after surgery directly depends on what efforts the patient makes after surgery to restore he alth during the rehabilitation period. Compliance with all the prescriptions of the doctor will improve the state of he alth in the shortest possible time. It is not recommended to self-medicate in this situation, it can lead to a worsening of the condition.

Puffiness on the face
Puffiness on the face

Types of edema

Edema is conditionally divided into several types:

  • local or local, which are formed in certain areas of the body;
  • general circulation, which are formed in different places at the same time due to disturbances in the work of internal organs.

Why, after the operation, swelling appears near the affected area of the skin, only a qualified doctor will tell.

Swelling of the legs
Swelling of the legs


How long the arm or leg swells after surgery depends on the scale and complexity of the surgical intervention. In order to minimize the risk of an inflammatory reaction, patients in the postoperative period should be under constant medical supervision.

According to medical statistics, swelling after removing the bandage remains for another 14-21 days. After the operation, it is important to be constantly monitored until the wound heals, not only indoctor, but also a nephrologist.

What is dangerous swelling

Even after the smallest operation, swelling may form, but it does not pose any danger to the patient's he alth. According to medical statistics, a leg or arm can swell after surgery as early as 24-48 hours after surgery, and after the same period of time, the symptoms disappear without leaving any traces.

Don't panic if:

  • swelling is small;
  • only that part of the body where the operation was performed earlier flowed away;
  • that injured limb swelled, on which a large load was applied.

You need to sound the alarm if, simultaneously with the appearance of edema after surgery, there are malfunctions in the liver, kidneys and heart. In this situation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Edema complications
Edema complications


During the period of surgical intervention, the patient's body is under heavy stress, so swelling may be accompanied by thrombosis, stagnation of blood and interstitial fluid. Let's take a closer look at the types of complications.

Thrombosis after surgery occurs mainly in elderly patients. This pathology is dangerous because it has no visible symptoms, so it is rather difficult to diagnose it at the first stage of development. In severe cases, pulmonary embolism may occur. The only way to detect the disease is with an ultrasound scan.

Stagnation of blood and interstitial fluid indicatesswelling of the neck, limbs and the area around the eyes, which can appear both after surgery and as an independent pathology. If the patient had problems with the heart or kidneys, then after surgery, the existing diseases may worsen.

Basic principles of postoperative edema therapy

Effective elimination of puffiness directly depends on strict adherence to the principles of treatment. Symptomatic therapy includes the following activities:

  • reducing the amount of water consumed;
  • reduce s alty foods;
  • monitoring daily diuresis;
  • taking diuretics to remove excess fluid in the body;
  • monitoring the level of electrolytes in the blood, and especially potassium.
Doctors' recommendations
Doctors' recommendations

Doctors' recommendations

How to relieve swelling after surgery, qualified doctors will advise. Of course, you need to limit the intake of a warm bath or shower. Instead, it is allowed to take a contrast shower or rinse certain areas of the body with cool water. This will rid the tissues of fluid accumulation.

Rest and rest after the operation are mandatory. The head during sleep should be raised with pillows. During the rehabilitation period, you need to give up long TV viewing and reading books so as not to overstrain the body.

During the healing of edema after surgery, it is not recommended to consume alcoholic beverages, s alty and fried foods, spicy dishes. Coffee and carbonated drinks should be avoided, as they increase puffiness by retaining water in the body.

Reduce the pain that accompanies swelling

To reduce pain, which in most cases can accompany pathology, doctors recommend applying cold compresses or an ice pack. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, after which inflammation and swelling decrease. In some cases, you can use cool compresses based on herbal decoctions, such as St. John's wort or plantain. Such procedures will not only reduce swelling, but also significantly speed up the healing process of postoperative wounds. The use of the above methods in rehabilitation therapy is possible only after agreement with the attending physician. Otherwise, an allergic reaction may occur, which will only aggravate the patient's condition.

Medical therapy
Medical therapy

Drug therapy

It is quite possible to reduce puffiness with the help of various medications that are used only as directed by a doctor. An excellent option would be the use of ointments and gels, the main action of which is aimed at accelerating the outflow of lymph and minimizing hematoma. Anti-inflammatories, decongestants, and topical preparations with medicinal leech extract may be prescribed.

How to remove puffiness with folk remedies

After surgery, severe swelling can be removed not only with the help of drug therapy, but also thanks to traditional medicine. primary go althe use of self-prepared decoctions is the removal of excess fluid that accumulates in soft tissues. The following recipes can be considered effective methods:

  1. To remove swelling from the lower extremities, an infusion of chamomile or St. John's wort is used. Olive oil can be rubbed into soft tissues or vinegar-based compresses can be applied. Valerian infusion will also help relieve inflammation, which is rubbed on the affected areas of the skin.
  2. Swelling after facial surgery at home can be removed by rubbing the skin with ice cubes from chamomile infusion or tea. You can reduce postoperative swelling by applying raw potatoes and cucumber to inflamed areas.
  3. You can also use knotweed infusion. The dry mixture of grass is poured with boiling water. The decoction is infused for several hours, after which it is taken orally several times a day.
  4. Aloe juice is quite a popular remedy, which quickly and effectively relieves inflammation and pain. Cut aloe leaves are applied to the affected area and kept for 2-3 hours.
Treatment with traditional medicine
Treatment with traditional medicine

Remove puffiness after surgery from the face

To get rid of postoperative swelling that has arisen on the face, you should lightly massage the affected areas with ice cubes from chamomile tea. An excellent option would be the use of raw potato and cucumber masks. Wiping the face with a decoction of green tea leaves will not only remove puffiness, but also quickly tone the skin.

In fact, in most cases, swelling after surgery does not pose a danger to human he alth, but still it is worth getting rid of them faster. Before using traditional medicine, you should consult with your doctor. This will help prevent an allergic reaction or worsening your overall he alth.
