The constancy of the internal environment of the human body can be controlled by indicators of blood pressure (BP). It consists of two types: systolic blood pressure with indicators of 110-130 and diastolic - 65-95 mm Hg. Art. Deviation in one direction or another changes the person's well-being.

BP is the pressure of blood on the walls of blood vessels during contraction and relaxation of the ventricles. Damage to the retina, kidney disease, the risk of stroke provokes an increase in pressure. But a decrease in the norm of blood pressure worsens the peripheral outflow, and hence the delivery of oxygen in the body. Kidneys, heart and brain suffer. High blood pressure is common, and low blood pressure is considered almost the norm. However, it is impossible to talk about the norm here, it is both possible and necessary to fight low blood pressure. Let's talk like.
Low blood pressure. Symptom of weakness
When the pressure is low, the tissues suffer due to lack of air, so the symptoms will be appropriate. Malaise, dizziness, darkening of the eyes. It is not rare thataccompanied by low blood pressure is a symptom of such weakness that leads to fainting. The person just loses consciousness. This can happen with a sudden change in body position. For example, he sat and abruptly stood up, abruptly turned his head. However, these are only apparent reasons.
With a he althy heart and blood vessels, low blood pressure is not so dangerous. The body compensates for the symptom of fatigue and malaise without problems, but the presence of diseases can drastically worsen the situation.
Hypotension disease, which reduces coronary blood flow, causes tightness in the chest, pain in the heart, and this can lead to a heart attack.

Reduced blood pressure negatively affects kidney filtration. This means that harmful metabolites are not excreted by the kidneys from the body, as nature intended, which worsens the condition of other organs. Low blood pressure is a symptom of impaired kidney function outwardly expressed in a small amount of urine excreted from the body, in changes in its color, density or smell.
Why is the pressure low?
All causes of low pressure are conditionally divided into three groups.
- Dehydration, severe inflammation or bleeding. The body loses a lot of fluid when the body temperature is high, with severe diarrhea or vomiting. If the patient does not drink water, then shock can occur, which can lead to coma or death.
- Bleeding reduces blood volume and leads to a lack of blood supply to the brain. Severe bleeding leads to shock or death. Inflammation leads to the accumulation of blood around the focus, and also reduces blood volume cholecystitis and pancreatitis.
- Taking certain medications can cause low blood pressure, you should definitely know and take this into account.
What to drink with low blood pressure?

If the pressure drops due to some disease, then, of course, the first treatment will be aimed at eliminating this disease. With dehydration - drink more water, with blood loss - special blood-restoring drugs. The doctor will help you choose them.
If low blood pressure is rare and not the norm, then coffee, black tea (but you should not abuse it) or herbs can control it: infusions of eleutherococcus, fumes, golden root, zamaniha, ginseng root … But the best recipes for you the doctor will tell you.