The he alth of the female body largely depends on the normal functioning of the hormonal system. Violations or failures can lead to sad consequences, in the onset of which a woman most often blames far from hormones. It turns out that in vain. Because they are responsible for the state of reproductive he alth, skin, hair, mood, affect weight jumps. You can solve the problem by finding out the cause of the failure. As a rule, this is a lack of production of estradiol. Drugs that normalize its level can only be used after consulting a doctor.
What is estradiol?

In the female body, there may be a decrease or increase in estradiol. Preparations are selected depending on the obtained test results. First you need to determine what this type of hormone is. Estrogen is produced in the ovarian follicles and adrenal cortex. Him:
- Responsible for the work of the female reproductive system.
- Contributes to the normal functioning of the uterus, its appendages.
- Responsible for the growth of the endometrium, the levelcholesterol, metabolic processes in which nitrogen is involved.
Estradiol acts as a natural anabolic. It also affects the timbre of the voice, the smoothness of the skin, etc. Its deficiency in the body of a woman negatively affects the intimate side of life.
It is worth paying attention to the fact that an increased dosage of this hormone in the blood causes a decrease in the production of breast milk. Therefore, drugs containing estradiol are not prescribed to women during lactation.
Indications for appointment

Estradiol preparations are recommended for use both as hormone therapy and for prophylactic purposes (for example, preventing the development of osteoporosis during menopause). Reviews of doctors about the practice of prescribing this category of drugs find positive feedback in terms of auxiliary treatment of inflammatory processes in the vagina caused by infections.
Primary or secondary amenorrhea, disturbances in the development of genital organs or secondary sexual characteristics are also grounds for the use of drugs that increase estradiol.
Hormonal drugs should only be used as prescribed by a doctor, usually an endocrinologist. This is due to the presence of contraindications, which can aggravate the poor he alth of a woman. In the process of treatment, it is also important to know which preparations contain estradiol. History of endometriosis, uterine fibroids, endometrial or breast cancer, uterine bleedingunexplained reason serves as a signal to refuse to start taking this category of medicines.
Liver disease and severe cardiovascular disorders are an absolute contraindication for treatment with estradiol. As well as otosclerosis, thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis, neoplasm in the pituitary gland, jaundice, hepatitis (including during pregnancy), prolonged itching.
Women during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, these drugs are also contraindicated.
Natural or artificial

To understand why this or that form of a hormonal agent is prescribed, it is important to find out what is more useful: a natural or synthetic drug? The main point that manufacturers of estradiol preparations pay attention to is that artificial is equivalent to identical. The molecules of a synthetic drug are suitable in structure and form to natural hormones that are produced in the female body.
If you go into details of the origin of the word "synthetic", then it implies a process that occurs as a result of synthesis. However, in this case, we can safely say that all medicines are almost natural, as they contribute to the production of natural hormones in the body. Products containing estradiol include a natural form of ovarian hormones from soybeans and wild potatoes. In the laboratory, molecules are synthesized andfrom vegetable are converted into human: testosterone, progesterone and 17 beta-estradiol. The preparations of this direction are necessary for the female body, if he himself cannot provide them with the proper amount.
Only a specialist can determine the need for one form or another of estradiol. Since with some diseases of the reproductive system, a hormone of natural origin can harm and not give the proper result.
This type of estrogen is produced by the female body until menopause. If we talk about biological derivatives, then we can highlight a number of positive aspects from their use: the minimum number of side effects, a decrease in pain, are easier to tolerate by the body.
The hormone contained in 17 estradiol preparations is effective only when the true need for its use is identified. Why is it necessary to undergo a complete examination in a medical institution. Some overseas pharmaceutical companies offer medicines in the following forms:
- Gel or cream - Estrace (also available in tablet form).
- Pills - "Vagifem", "Ginodiol".
- Vaginal ring - "Estring".
- Patch - Alora, Vivel, Estraderm, Klimara.
In hormone therapy, estradiol preparations in the form of estriol are used less often and are less common than others. Some manufacturers explain this by the fact that it does not have such a significant effect on the work of the brain, bones, heart, as ifit was 17 beta estradiol.

However, if "Estriol" was prescribed by the attending physician, it is necessary to understand how it can help or harm. The main reason for the appointment is the lack of hormone production by the female body. The effectiveness of its use is felt in the process of long-term use. If you take the drug for only one month, you can not talk about the desired result.
This medicine comes in the form of vaginal suppositories. The course of treatment is regulated by the attending physician. According to the instructions - once at night for a month, then the dosage is reduced to two suppositories per week.
Estradiol Valerate
Insufficient production of endogenous estrogen leads to the fact that a woman is prescribed hormones that make up for this deficiency. A special place is occupied by patients who are in the premenopausal period, caused, among other things, by artificial or surgical means. As one of the medicines, the drug "Estradiol valerate" can be distinguished. Available in the form of tablets or dragees. Suitable as a contraceptive method.
Take this drug with caution in the presence of fibrocystic mastopathy, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, heart failure. It is also worth considering the presence of other contraindications that must be considered by the attending physician before prescribing this drug.
In the pharmacy network you can find several similar drugs that contain estradiol valerate,ex:

- "Proginova" - available as a dragee, dosage 2 mg. The estrogen contained in this drug, once in the body, is transformed into 17β-estradiol. The drug does not suppress the natural process of ovulation. Helps to compensate for the lack of hormone production by the body during menopause. This drug allows you to cope with menopausal disorders, a depressive state that can accompany a woman during this period;
- "Klimen" is a complex preparation, the package contains pills of two colors, which differ in their composition: in whites, the main component is estradiol valerate, in pinks, cyproterone acetate is also added to it. Their number is not equivalent, there are more white tablets in the package. It is prescribed as hormone replacement therapy, also as a prevention of the development of osteoporosis and heart disease.
- "Divina" - also consist of tablets of two colors, differing in composition, color and shape. It belongs to the category of estradiol preparations, in which valerate is the main component. It must be taken in accordance with the calendar scale, which is printed on the package. The second active ingredient contained in blue pills is medroxyprogesterone acetate (a derivative of progesterone). Long-term use of this hormonal agent can achieve a decrease in increased night sweats, hot flashes, and prevent bone loss.
Phytoestrogens - naturalhormone

If a woman's natural estradiol preparation is contraindicated, then in some cases it is allowed to prescribe it as phytoestrogens. They have a less pronounced effect. Judging by the reviews of doctors and patients, they are prescribed as biologically active food supplements. The structure and properties of phytoestrogens allow the use of agents in two types of action: some act as antagonists, others as blockers. It is also noted that despite the beneficial effect of the psychological state of a woman, phytoestrogens cannot be prescribed as a prophylaxis of osteoporosis, which is typical for the onset of menopause.
If the question arises of which preparations contain estradiol in plant form, then it is worth highlighting here:
- "Inoklim" - is used as an auxiliary treatment, since the active ingredient is isoflavone. This is a natural analogue of the female sex hormone - estrogen, derived from soy. It is prescribed during menopause, the drug is available in the form of capsules. Unlike synthetic products, it has no side effects inherent in them. For this reason, it can be prescribed even in the presence of hormone-dependent tumors. Of the contraindications, it has only one item - allergies;
- "Estrovel" - in the form of capsules, contains cimicifuge extract, as well as natural isoflavonoids. Supplements the main components of the vitamin complex of groups E, B6, K1, folic acid (B9), wild yam. The last component allows you to feel the antispasmodic effect, resiststhe appearance of atherosclerosis;
- "Klimadinon" - has a general strengthening complex effect on the female body. Thanks to the herbal component of cimicifuga racemosus, it is possible to correct the psycho-emotional state, for example, attacks of tearfulness, insomnia, irritability. In the pharmacy chain, it is sold in two forms - drops and tablets. The scheme and course of treatment depend on the indications for use: ovarian dysfunction or menopause. Self-medication is not recommended, it is important to get an appointment from a specialist before buying.
This is not an exhaustive list, there are other drugs that are a plant derivative of estradiol. However, in any case, before purchasing this or that remedy, you should consult your doctor.
Drug in gel form
Women in menopause are prescribed more than just pills. One of the preparations in the form of a gel - "Estrogel" - also contributes to the replacement of the natural hormone: when it enters the body, it has an effect similar to the tablet form. 2.5 mg of gel contains 1 g of estradiol hemihydrate. The basis for the appointment is the menopause, including artificially induced. The drug has a list of contraindications similar to similar hormonal drugs. Therefore, you must first obtain permission from a doctor to use it.
To restore women's he alth not only during menopause

A lot has already been said above about drugs that help the female body inperiod of menopause. However, they are also suitable for the treatment of certain diseases of the reproductive system. For example, the drug "Ovestin", which is available in several forms - tablets, cream, vaginal suppositories. Its use allows you to normalize the microflora and acidic environment in the vagina, as well as have a positive effect on the epithelium of its mucous membrane, improve the quality and volume of cervical mucus produced.
Insufficient production of the hormone can lead to dryness, itching in the female genital area, lower urinary tract diseases, infertility, which is caused by the cervical factor. This drug with beta-estradiol allows you to choose the necessary scheme of application. The form of the drug is prescribed depending on the indications for use.
If we talk about tablets, then during the first month the maximum dosage can reach up to 4 pcs. per day, then it is reduced to 1-2. The introduction of the cream into the vagina is possible with the help of a special applicator - one application per day, up to a month. If "Ovestin" is prescribed for prophylactic purposes before surgery, then the dosage and frequency of use may be greater. Determined by physician.
Vaginal suppositories should also be used once a day, for a month. In the second month, the number is reduced to two pieces per week. Candles or cream are used at night. Pregnancy and the period when a woman is breastfeeding are an absolute contraindication for the use of this drug. Also, "Ovestin" has side effects with which it is necessaryreview before use. Without a preliminary comprehensive study of women's he alth, hormone therapy is not prescribed.