Inflammation of the hair follicles: causes, symptoms, treatment. Prevention of inflammation of the hair follicles

Inflammation of the hair follicles: causes, symptoms, treatment. Prevention of inflammation of the hair follicles
Inflammation of the hair follicles: causes, symptoms, treatment. Prevention of inflammation of the hair follicles

A person often encounters various diseases and pathological processes. Some of them pass on their own, while others require competent treatment. In this article we will talk about what is inflammation of the hair follicles. Almost everyone can face this pathology. It is worth knowing what a hair follicle is and how the symptoms of its inflammation appear. We will also find out ways to treat pathology.

inflammation of the hair follicles
inflammation of the hair follicles

Inflammation of hair follicles

This disease is called folliculitis. It can develop in anyone. Humans have many hairs on their bodies. And in the bulb of each of them, folliculitis can develop.

The hair follicle becomes inflamed for several reasons. However, in all cases, the reproduction of bacteria begins in it. Most often it is staphylococci.

Types of folliculitis

Inflammation of the hair follicles can take several different forms. They are divided depending on what caused the pathology. So, doctors distinguish the following types of illness:

  • parasitic form;
  • pseudomonal appearance;
  • gram-negative form and some others (less common).

Causes of disease

Inflammation of the hair follicles occurs due to the ingress of bacteria into them. This can be caused by a minor injury or cut. Most often this happens while shaving or epilating.

hair follicle
hair follicle

The reason for the development of pathology may be the wearing of tight clothes and underwear. This is especially true for women of the weaker sex. This starts inflammation of the hair follicles in the groin.

inflammation of the hair follicles in the groin
inflammation of the hair follicles in the groin

Basic lack of hygiene, use of public saunas and swimming pools can lead to such a pathology. In this case, the microbe can penetrate both through damaged skin and into a he althy follicle.

Symptoms of pathology

Inflammation of the hair follicles on the head or in any other places can be superficial or deep. In the first case, there is a slight reddening in the area of the hair and a small abscess, which does not exceed 5 millimeters in size.

With deep inflammation, an extensive lesion of the upper layers of the skin occurs. The abscess in this case has a size of one to ten centimeters.

The defeat can be either single or multiple. In severe cases, pain and itching occur.

hair follicle inflammation treatment
hair follicle inflammation treatment

Inflammation of the hair follicle: treatment

Treat pathology or not, the specialist must decide. See a dermatologist and get a qualified appointment. In most cases, treatment is performed surgically. This usually does not require the use of anesthesia. Only in especially severe cases, representative anesthesia of the affected area is necessary.

Treatment of inflammation of the hair follicle is done with a scalpel or a thin curette. The doctor treats the adjacent area and opens the abscess. After that, you need to thoroughly clean the wound from pus and disinfect it. In most cases, the hair growing from this follicle is completely removed with tweezers.

inflammation of the hair follicles on the head
inflammation of the hair follicles on the head

After such treatment, you need to treat the affected area with special solutions several times a day. What exactly suits you, the specialist will decide. Most often, Zelenka, furatsilin, chlorhexidine or alcohol are prescribed. In especially severe cases, with deep inflammation, it is recommended to use compresses with ichthyol. You need to apply such lotions several times a day until complete recovery.

An alternative treatment: using medications

Depending on the cause of the inflammation, additional measures may be recommended. If folliculitis is caused by long-term use of hormonal drugs, then they are simply canceled. Of course, this takes into account the benefits and possible risks for the patient.

In addition, doctors prescribe antibacterial agents that affect the microorganism. However, before that, it is worth passing an analysis to identify sensitivity to certain drugs. Often doctors use the following medications: Metronidazole, Naxogen, Cefotaxime, and so on. Remember that without a preliminary analysis, treatment may not be effective.

Ways to prevent disease

Is there any method to avoid inflammation of the hair follicle? Certainly yes. For starters, you should reconsider your own lifestyle and observe basic hygiene. Regularly cleanse your body with gels and special scrubs. Shower at least once a day.

Try not to use other people's towels, scarves and clothes. Avoid questionable reservoirs, saunas and pools. If you are swimming, then the water in an enclosed space should be chlorinated. At the same time, its pH must be at least 8.

Stop wearing tight underwear. Avoid strong friction of clothing in the area of skin folds, for example, in the groin area. When depilating and shaving, always use emollients. After the procedure, apply alcohol softening lotions to the skin. They will help disinfect the covers and prevent bacteria from entering the wound.

Summing up

So, we have found out what inflammation of the hair follicle is. You also became aware of the symptoms and causes of the pathology. Do not open abscesses yourself. Seek help from a specialist who will provide you with the right assistance and prescribe subsequent treatment. He alth to you!
