Sulfur ointment: instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

Sulfur ointment: instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews
Sulfur ointment: instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

In the article, we will consider the instructions for a simple sulfuric ointment.

She proved to be an effective remedy in the fight against various skin diseases many centuries ago. In modern medicine, this drug continues to be used, since the main substance in the composition provides antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, heals the skin and affects the cause of the pathology.

sulfuric ointment instruction
sulfuric ointment instruction

Substances in the preparation and their action

According to the instructions, sulfuric ointment has a viscous structure and a yellowish tint. When applied, small grains are felt, a rather specific aroma is felt. It contains two substances: sulfur and an emulsion consisting of petroleum jelly and water. One package of the drug contains 40, 30 or 25 grams. The active substance is present in the amount of 33, 20 and 10%.

When the components present in the composition interact with the skin, sulfides and acids are formed. They influenceon pathogenic microorganisms, stopping their vital activity. At the same time, sulfur does not penetrate into the systemic circulation, which ensures a minimal risk of unwanted manifestations.

What does the remedy help with?

As the instructions indicate, sulfuric ointment has a variety of indications for use. For example, it is used in complex treatment to eliminate skin pathologies of parasitic and infectious origin:

  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • lichen;
  • scabies;
  • fungal infections of nails and skin;
  • burns;
  • acne.
sulfur salicylic ointment instructions for use
sulfur salicylic ointment instructions for use

Despite the popularity of sulfuric ointment, you need to know that it is best to use it for treatment after a medical consultation, at which an individual regimen for the use of the medicine will be drawn up for the patient. In addition, to eliminate many diseases, the drug helps only in complex therapy.

Contraindications and unwanted effects

What else does the instruction tell us? Sulfuric ointment has few contraindications. These include individual sensitivity to sulfur, as well as the age of the patient up to three years.

During drug treatment, side effects in the form of an allergic reaction, that is, itching and rash, are quite rare. Swelling of the throat or face, migraine and dizziness may occur. If this happens, you need to contact a dermatologist for advice, where the issue of drug withdrawal will be resolved.

During pregnancy, sulfuric ointment is allowed for use,because it is applied topically, without affecting the fetus. However, nursing and expectant mothers should consult a doctor before using sulfuric ointment. Instructions for use must be strictly followed.

Proper use

Apply the drug to cleansed and dried skin. The number of times and the dosage of the remedy used is determined by the type of disease and its severity.

Next, the use of the drug in specific pathologies will be considered.

Instructions for use for sulfur-salicylic ointment and the price will be presented below.

Fungal infections

Fungal infections are very unpleasant and contagious diseases that need long-term treatment.

From the fungus, sulfuric ointment has established itself as a highly effective remedy, but it is possible to achieve a positive result with its help only at the very beginning of the disease or in its mild forms. In more complex situations, treatment should include both local preparations and drugs that fight the pathology from the inside, that is, be of a complex nature.

From foot fungus, sulfuric ointment is used quite often. But several of its shortcomings should be highlighted in the fight against such a disease:

  • is a strong allergen;
  • has an unpleasant odor;
  • active only to certain types of pathogenic fungi.
sulfur salicylic ointment instruction
sulfur salicylic ointment instruction

In view of these factors, it is necessary to take tests before starting the use of the medicine in order todetermine the type of fungus that caused the disease. In addition, you need to do a test for a hypothetical allergic manifestation. It is done as follows: a little preparation is smeared on the skin of the inner region of the forearm. If after a few hours no visible changes appear on the skin, you can safely use the product. Also, sulfur ointment is widely used for nail fungus.

But to achieve a noticeable result, you need to follow a number of recommendations for therapy:

  • before applying the drug to the nail plate, you need to steam it in a bath of warm water, after adding soda to it;
  • baths may contain other ingredients;
  • feet are thoroughly dried with a towel;
  • the medicine is applied to the affected nails in a small layer, gently and thoroughly rubbed;
  • the drug is applied as a preventive measure to he althy skin areas located near the infected nail;
  • the nail is processed from all sides, and, if possible, the agent is placed under the nail plate.

In order to keep the drug on the nails as long as possible, after the procedure, wear socks made of natural fabric. If the fungus affects the nails on the hands, you need to bandage your finger.

sulfur tar ointment instructions
sulfur tar ointment instructions

The product is used in the morning and evening. Treatment should not be interrupted, despite its duration. All instruments used to apply sulfuric ointment must be disinfected after each use.

In treatmentnail fungus, remember that personal hygiene is the key to success in getting rid of pathological microorganisms.

To a greater extent, sulfur ointment is suitable for use in the treatment of skin fungus, and not nail fungus. In addition, it should be remembered that when prescribing a drug to children from three to twelve years old, it is necessary that the condition be strictly controlled by a doctor. For the treatment of a small patient, a drug with a lower sulfur content in its composition is used.

This confirms the instructions for sulfuric ointment.


Given that sulfur is a good antiseptic, it is used in the treatment of lichen. The disease is very contagious, it manifests itself in the form of constantly flaky and itchy spots. With lichen, sulfur ointment is a good remedy, but to achieve maximum effectiveness in treatment, it must be combined with other drugs. Treatment is carried out for ten days. Infected skin areas are smeared with a thin layer of sulfuric or sulfuric-salicylic ointment. The instructions for the drugs are similar.


A contagious disease is scabies, which is caused by parasitic microorganisms. The disease is treated with sulfur-based drugs in the following ways, each of which requires prior medical consultation.

The remedy can be rubbed for ten minutes on areas affected by scabies, a week before bedtime. Another way of therapy is a specific scheme. For example, on the first day of application, the affected areas are treated with sulfuric ointment, andthe next two days it is not used. On the fourth day, the patient applies the ointment again, after washing the whole body with soap.

sulfuric ointment price instruction
sulfuric ointment price instruction


Sulfur ointment has proven itself in the treatment of seborrhea of the scalp. In addition, it helps with seborrhea on the face and body.

The beneficial effect of hair ointment is based on protection against hair loss. Thanks to the drug, you can save a person from dandruff, as well as stimulate the accelerated growth of normal hair.

This information is also contained in the instructions for use for sulfuric ointment.


The drug can relieve pathological symptoms at the very beginning of its occurrence. In more advanced forms, this chronic disease needs complex therapy.


This is a dangerous disease caused by a mite that parasitizes in the skin layers. It appears due to various reasons, it is characterized by a change in the skin and severe itching. For the treatment of demodicosis, a sulfur-based remedy is often used. Its effectiveness has been proven, but long-term treatment is required, while the ointment is used three times a day.

Pimples and blackheads

Ointment is an indispensable assistant in the treatment of problematic facial skin. For a more effective action, you must first prepare the skin for a therapeutic procedure:

  • wash your face with soap and water;
  • blot the skin with a towel, but do not rub;
  • then the drug is applied in a thin layer to problem areas;
  • procedure done every night before bed for a week.

In the instructions for sulfuric ointment, the price is not indicated.

sulfuric ointment instructions for use price reviews
sulfuric ointment instructions for use price reviews

Similar drugs and price

An ointment with an identical composition has no analogues, the exception is only such means as "precipitated sulfur" and "sulfur".

The cost of sulfuric ointment is low - about fifty rubles.

Combined preparations based on sulfur are also widely used: sulfur-tar and sulfur-salicylic ointments. Instructions for use are provided.

Sulfur-salicylic ointment is one of the most effective combination drugs. It is used to combat skin ailments. The unique prescription of the drug includes sulfur, which has an antimicrobial and antiparasitic effect. The effect is enhanced by salicylic acid. After treatment of the affected area of the skin, pantothenic acid, sulfide compounds are formed on its surface.

The instructions for use for sulfur-salicylic ointment are simple and clear.

The pharmaceutical industry produces 2% and 5% formulations with corresponding concentrations of active ingredients.

In accordance with the instructions for use, sulfur-salicylic ointment is recommended to be applied in a thin layer on the affected skin. The frequency of processing - 2 times a day. Cost - 20-40 rubles per tube.

Sulfur-tar ointment (according to the instructions) is a representative of the clinical and pharmacological group of disinfectants and antiseptics (including in combinations). It has strong antifungal and antimicrobial properties. It is used to treat skin diseases, as well as in the complex therapy of bacteriological and parasitic infections, concomitant pathologies.

Pharmacological agent releases in the form of an ointment. It is a gray-brown homogeneous and thick mass with a pronounced smell of tar. Supplied in sealed glass jars of 25 and 20 g. Sulfur-tar ointment is used only externally, with a uniform coating of the skin affected by the disease. The dosage for each patient is determined individually, taking into account the severity and characteristics of the course of the disease. The cost of the drug in the pharmacy is 169 rubles.

In addition, the following drugs have a similar effect: Spregal, Benzyl Benzoate, Medifox, etc.

sulfur ointment simple instruction
sulfur ointment simple instruction


If skin diseases are mild, reviews of a simple sulfuric ointment when used only according to indications are most often positive. Patients talk about a fairly quick effect with acne on the face, seborrhea, various kinds of lichen, psoriasis and scabies, but often it is short-lived. This is most likely caused by the disease getting into the deep layers of the skin, and sulfur ointment in this case does not help in all cases. For treatment, it is necessary to connect other medicines for an integrated approach.

We reviewed instructions for use, price and reviews for sulfuric ointment.
