Vitamin B12: formula, application, effect on the body

Vitamin B12: formula, application, effect on the body
Vitamin B12: formula, application, effect on the body

Vitamin B12 belongs to the class of cobalamin substances. These are natural biocatalysts, in the absence of which all functions in the body collapse, as if by a domino effect. Plays an important role in metabolism, general well-being, immunity, cell growth. Vitamin B12 is a complex compound made up of several substances. Vitamin B12: what it is and what it is for, its formula and release form - you will learn all this from this article.

Chemical formula and history of the discovery of matter

Although the full structural formula of vitamin B12 was discovered only in the 1960s, research involving cyanocobalamin was singled out from the rest by two Nobel Prizes.

First, an honorary Nobel Prize in 1934 was awarded to the discovery that food (in particular, the liver, a source of cyanocobalamin, the formula of which has not yet been worked out by chemists) can be used to treat anemia. itthe discovery had a bombshell effect in the scientific world at the time. Some time later, almost forty chemists were awarded for discovering the chemical formula of vitamin B12. After that, in-depth studies of the properties of this substance were carried out for ten years.

Vit B12 formula: C63H88CoN14O 14P. Matter can exist in a variety of forms and states. The name of vitamin B12 is cyanocobalamin. That is what it is called in the instructions for use in preparations.

The structural formula b12 is shown in the photo:

vitamin b12 formula
vitamin b12 formula

Functions in the body

Physiological role of cyanocobalamin:

  • Affects the number of red blood cells produced, making it important for blood composition and quality.
  • The production of leukocytes, which are necessary for the neutralization of harmful viruses and infections. Thus, cyanocobalamin directly affects the body's ability to resist external threats.
  • Ensuring the he althy functioning of the central nervous system: prevents the development of neurotic conditions, anxiety. sleep problems, psychotic conditions.
  • In the body of men, cyanocobalamin directly affects the amount of sperm in seminal fluid.
  • At high dosages, it has a slight effect on blood pressure, lowering it. This fact allows the use of cyanocobalamin in the synthesis of drugs to increase blood pressure.
  • Affects the amount of melatonin produced by the body (socalled the sleep hormone).
  • Stimulating the activity of the oxidative enzyme succinate dehydrogenase and preventing fatty infiltration of the liver, heart, spleen, kidneys due to the lipotropic function of vitamin B12 (the formula of which is presented above).
  • It is a precursor of succinic acid, which has a healing effect on many body systems (in particular, the liver) and is a powerful antioxidant.
  • Promotes hair and nail growth when taken in high doses.
  • Together with folic acid and vitamin C, it participates in metabolic processes, contributing to normal fat and carbohydrate metabolism (due to this, it is effective in the treatment of endocrine disorders accompanied by obesity).
injectable cyanocobalamin
injectable cyanocobalamin

Signs of deficiency: what threatens the lack of cyanocobalamin?

Lack of vitamin threatens the development of the following pathologies:

  • megaloblastic anemia;
  • paralysis with possible dysfunction of internal organs;
  • erosions and tears in the mucosa;
  • vision decrease, cataract formation;
  • alopecia (baldness) and stunted hair growth;
  • problems with pulse, arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • seborrheic and other dermatitis, acne;
  • reduced number of red blood cells, platelets;
  • problems with liver function;
  • decrease in general and local immunity.

What lowers the concentration of cyanocobalamin in the blood?

The following eating habits and pathologies are known to lower the concentration of cyanocobalamin inblood twice or more times:

  • daily consumption of coffee and black tea;
  • frequent alcohol abuse;
  • taking certain antibiotic and hormonal medicines;
  • an abundance of garlic, onions, radishes in the diet;
  • shortage of sunlight;
  • eating only those foods that have undergone prolonged heat treatment (frying, boiling, stewing).
action of cyanocobalamin
action of cyanocobalamin

Dietary supplement or medicinal product: list of drugs with cyanocobalamin in the composition

Vitamin B12 - what is it? Medicine or just an optional dietary supplement? In fact, it is one of the few vitamins that, in a certain concentration, is a drug.

Injection drug "Cyanocobalamin", intended for intramuscular injection, is a medicine and helps prevent the development of many serious diseases. These are pathologies of the liver, cardiovascular system, problems with the psyche and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

cyanocobalamin injections
cyanocobalamin injections

As a prophylaxis, doctors recommend the following combined preparations, the content of which will not cause an overdose of cyanocobalamin and will saturate the body with this substance:

  • "Supradin" in the form of dragees or effervescent tablets contains not only the daily rate of cyanocobalamin, but also the required amount of all other vitamins and minerals.
  • Pentovit will help those whosuffers from skin imperfections (dermatitis, acne, acne, urticaria, furunculosis), as it contains the entire set of B vitamins.
  • Perfectil is a vitamin and mineral complex that contains cyanocobalamin in the recommended daily dose. Effectively increases vitality, gives vigor. Positive effect on appearance: accelerates hair growth, improves skin condition.
  • "Neuromultivit" is a complex, one tablet of which contains the entire complex of B vitamins in a high therapeutic dosage. The drug is administered orally or intramuscularly to improve neural connections and prevent the development of nervous diseases.

Cyanocobalamin and appearance: effects on skin and hair

Reviews on the Internet eloquently confirm the fact that regular intake of cyanocobalamin affects hair growth. This applies not only to the scalp, but also to eyelashes and eyebrows. Only vitamin B12 can have such an effect.

The formula that is most effectively absorbed by the body is used in the drug, packaged in ampoules for intramuscular injection. girls buy this form of the drug, and add the drug from ampoules to masks and hair shampoos. This method of application provides a thick and luxurious look of hair.

ampoules with cyanocobalamin
ampoules with cyanocobalamin

The effect of vitamin on overall well-being

If a patient complains of apathy, chronic fatigue, constant irritation, unmotivated aggression, every second neurologist will write him a prescription for vitamin preparationsgroup B. In some cases, these will be combined drugs, sometimes vitamins separately.

This list will definitely contain cyanocobalamin, thiamine, riboflavin and thiamine. This is the "golden four" of vitamins. Their action, in some cases, changes the patient before our eyes: he becomes vigorous, active, his sleep improves and a taste for life appears.

Cyanocobalamin and the central nervous system

We should also mention the need for neurons in vitamin B12. The formula, which is most effectively absorbed by the body, is used in a preparation packaged in ampoules for intramuscular administration. When taken orally, only 70-50% of cyanocobalamin is absorbed. The exact percentage of assimilation depends on the individual characteristics of each person.

With the constant replenishment of the lack of cyanocobalamin from the outside, when the possibility of at least a partial lack of it is completely excluded, the patient changes before our eyes. People lose their blues, bad mood. This effect is due to the fact that vitamin B12 is a natural antidepressant, which, without intoxication and harm to other body systems, strengthens neural connections and helps restore recently dead neurons.

ampoule of cyanocobalamin
ampoule of cyanocobalamin

Vitamin B12 and its role in metabolism and the functioning of the endocrine system

Cyanocobalamin intramuscularly is often prescribed to patients with endocrine pathologies that have led to overweight problems and abdominal obesity.

As part of complex therapycyanocobalamin affects the rate of carbohydrate and fat metabolism, promotes faster and easier weight loss. Of course, one action of the vitamin will not be enough for a radical change in weight and appearance. It is just one of dozens of building blocks for the he althy functioning of the human endocrine system.

Combination with other vitamins and drugs

Cyanocobalamin satisfactorily combines with almost all vitamins and minerals.

When taking vitamins B12 and B1 together, allergic reactions are possible. These are hives, itching, rash, swelling, nasal congestion, sore throat.

Neurologists usually prescribe injecting cyanocobalamin in conjunction with pyridoxine - these vitamins are perfectly combined and facilitate the assimilation of each other. Perfectly complements cyanocobalamin and folic acid.

combination of cyanocobalamin and pyridoxine
combination of cyanocobalamin and pyridoxine

The intake of certain antibiotic and hormonal medicines can also inhibit the absorption of vitamin B12. Therefore, a competent doctor should prescribe a prescription and dosage for complex therapy. With an independent choice of medicines, the patient simply does not have enough professional knowledge to choose medicines, and instead of benefiting, he can harm himself. For self-administration, you can choose any ready-made vitamin and mineral complex, where a set of substances has already been selected taking into account their compatibility.

A competent combination of cyanocobalamin with other vitamins and drugs is important for a fullabsorption and benefit from the drug in full.
