History of the condom - features of occurrence and interesting facts

History of the condom - features of occurrence and interesting facts
History of the condom - features of occurrence and interesting facts

There is no exact information about how and when the first condoms appeared. However, it is known for certain that the history of its origin goes back to ancient times. The history of the contraceptive will be told later.

The Legend of King Minos

So, when was the condom invented? The first information about it has been available since Antiquity. So, for example, there is a story about King Minos, who ruled Ancient Crete. Legend has it that King Minos was very fond of women and had a large number of mistresses and favorites. But his wife Pasiphae could not endure his love of love and found a way out in witchcraft. She put a curse on the king. Since then, it was believed that the sperm of Minos contains poisonous creatures that are capable of destroying his mistresses during sexual intercourse. This news quickly spread throughout the island, and the number of those wishing to share a bed with the king dropped sharply. The court physician was given the task to urgently find a remedy for this problem.

But a solution was found by one of the girls, who, by placing a sheep's bladder in her vagina, prevented the king's seed from entering her body. And thanks to this remainedalive. In the future, this method repeatedly saved King Minos and his mistresses. This is how the first female condom was created.

condom history
condom history

The history of the invention of the condom in ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, they also thought about contraception. The fact is that the presence of a large number of offspring among the pharaohs was not welcomed. In the future, this could lead to bloody wars for power. But it was believed that the responsibility for protection should be borne by a woman who saw a way out in anal sex or coitus interruptus.

However, historical evidence also points to the existence of the condom in ancient Egypt. So, on the surviving wall images from the time of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, the penis of men is placed in pouches, which are tied with laces at the base. These products, although similar to the first condoms, were used for ritual purposes. So men protected their masculinity and fertility from the evil eye and dark forces. The bags were made from soft fabrics. And for the pharaoh and representatives of the upper classes, the outside of the bag was decorated with precious stones.

Also, some historians believe that the Egyptians of the lower classes used their attire as a contraception. Men wore short loincloths that barely covered the genitals. And during sexual intercourse, they wrapped a bandage around the head of the penis and prevented the seed from entering the woman's body.

condom story
condom story

Information about the first condoms in Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome is famous for a completely different history of the condom. The state has always been famous for its achievements in science. It was in this country that scientists first started talking about sexually transmitted diseases. The best minds were sent to find means to prevent the disease. As a solution to the problem, the first condoms were proposed, which were made from the intestines of cattle. To begin with, the intestines were thoroughly dried and then soaked in a special solution to soften the texture.

Special training for sexual diseases was carried out in the ranks of the legionnaires. During the military campaign, the responsibility for the safe sex life of the soldiers was personally carried by the generals, who monitored and replenished condoms. If during the campaign the number of prophylactic agents decreased, then the internal organs of the enemies were used to make condoms.

the history of the condom
the history of the condom

Rejection of condoms during the formation of Christianity

The story of condoms says that there is no record of their use after the fall of Rome until the 15th century. Historians attribute this to the spread of Christianity and the influence of the church on public opinion.

The use of contraception was considered a great sin, and believers, fearing God's wrath and punishment from above, refused to use them. All this led to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, which claimed tens of thousands of lives every year.

But in the records of the Muslim and Jewish peoples of this time there isinformation that they used onion juice as contraception, in which men dipped their genitals.

Revenge of the natives

The history of the appearance of the condom tells that the first information about them in the Middle Ages is associated with the name of the traveler Christopher Columbus. Returning to their native lands after the discovery of America, the members of the Columbus expedition brought with them a terrible venereal disease - syphilis. This disease quickly spread not only throughout Europe, but also reached the islands of Japan. And among the people, the disease was marked by "revenge of the natives".

It was then that the question arose of finding a remedy that could save from syphilis, as well as prevent its further spread.

condom invention history
condom invention history

The condom in the Renaissance

By the end of the 15th century, the whole world was mired in syphilis. The disease claimed hundreds of lives a day in Europe and Asia. The best scientists were looking for a way out of this situation.

At this time, the Italian doctor Gabriel Fallopius suggests the use of special bags as a way out. In his writings of 1564, he describes the device he created, which men need to put on the head of the penis and tie it with laces. This will help men protect their dignity from sexually transmitted diseases.

Whether the pouches of Gabriel Fallopius helped in the fight against syphilis, history is silent. However, the very idea of placing the penis in a special "storage" became the basis for the creation of a condom.

The role of the countCondoms in the production of condoms

The widespread use of the condom as a remedy for unwanted pregnancy is associated with the name of the English doctor Condom. It is known that in the 17th century the ruler of England, King Charles XVII, was dissatisfied with the large number of his heirs to the throne. He was looking for ways to continue an active sex life without consequences. And then his personal doctor, Count Condom, came to his aid, who, having studied the information already available, created caps for male members from sheep's intestines. Caps have taken root in the aristocratic environment so much that Dr. Condom has let them into mass production.

How and when were the first condoms invented?
How and when were the first condoms invented?

The notoriety of condoms

Despite the fact that the condom was intended to solve important problems, the reputation of the preventive agent was not good. This is connected with the events of 1712, when diplomats and many beautiful women were at the court during a conference in Utrechtevo. Since the conference itself is a rather boring event, the guests and court nobles were looking for ways to have fun in every possible way. The way out was found in sexual consolations and orgies. And in order to avoid undesirable consequences, they resorted to the use of "French letters", which at that time were widely used by prostitutes and courtesans from elite brothels.

The use of a condom was considered a sign of debauchery and sinful fall of a person, and also testified to the lack of moral and family values. ATVenice, for example, the distribution of condoms was strictly prohibited. It was believed that in this way men would persuade innocent girls to have sex without obligations and consequences.

The first rubber condoms appeared only in the middle of the 19th century. They cost a lot of money and were reusable. And each time after use, the condom had to be thoroughly washed and dipped in a special solution.

And only after we learned how to get rubber, the condom became a more affordable and reliable means of protection.

list of interesting facts about condoms
list of interesting facts about condoms

List of Interesting Condom Facts

  • The condom is also called a condom. Some believe that it came from the name of the physician Count Condom, who introduced it into widespread use. However, according to other researchers, the word "condom" is translated as "storage", which served as the second name.
  • The oldest condom in history was found during excavations in one of the castles in London. It is now in the London Museum. The British themselves claim that the French are the creators of the condom, and the word "condom" comes from the name of the French city, from where this remedy originates.
  • In different countries, the condom has its affectionate nickname. So, in Italy it is called "glove", in South Africa - "French letter", in France - "English hood", in England - "Parisian".
  • Condoms are widely used in their work by fashion designers. So,for example, Adriana Bertini, a famous Brazilian designer, uses condoms to create dresses for her collections.
  • Condoms saved one woman's life. During a cruise in the Caribbean, the lady went too far with alcohol and fell overboard the ship. However, a raft built from contraceptives that she had in her pocket allowed her to stay afloat for several days. Found a would-be traveler only after 3 days.
  • On World AIDS Day, not a single action takes place without this prophylactic. This year, a special condom was created, the length of which was 67 meters. It was put on the highest tower, the symbol of the city of Buenos Aires.
history of contraceptives
history of contraceptives
  • The condom has also been used by drug dealers who stuff it with illicit drugs and then swallow it and transport it across the border.
  • Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was thrown during an action by disgruntled fathers with condoms that were filled with ink and flour. During the flight, many of the funds broke and painted the prime minister blue. It is noteworthy that after this incident, society started talking about poor-quality condom production.
  • During military exercises in the desert, US soldiers use condoms to protect themselves from the sand of machine guns by pulling them on the muzzle of their weapons.
