"Azopt" (eye drops): instructions for use, analogues, composition and reviews

"Azopt" (eye drops): instructions for use, analogues, composition and reviews
"Azopt" (eye drops): instructions for use, analogues, composition and reviews

Vision is one of the basic senses that help us perceive the world around us. Glaucoma is a very serious eye disease that can cause blindness and, consequently, disability. It appears most often after 40 years, although it can begin earlier. Naturally, it is necessary to deal with such a pathology at the earliest stages. A drug such as Azopt (eye drops) can help you with this. The instructions that come with this medicine will help you understand the features of the drug, its side effects and possible substitutes. This information is very important, since the presented drug is not just drops from the common cold.

General description of the drug

Azopt eye drops instructions
Azopt eye drops instructions

So, the presented drug has been successfully and has long been used in ophthalmology. It is an antiglaucoma agent that can significantly reduce intraocular pressure.

The main document that you should study before you buy "Azopt" (eye drops) is an instruction. It should be notedthat this drug is only available with a doctor's prescription.

It must also be said that the presented medicine is imported. It is produced in the UK. Accordingly, its cost cannot be low. However, there are substitutes that contain the same active ingredient. They cost less and can be just as effective.

Means components and release form

Azopt eye drops price instruction
Azopt eye drops price instruction

If you were prescribed "Azopt" (eye drops), the instruction tells about only one form of release - an opaque suspension that has a white color. There is such a liquid in a plastic bottle with a dropper. The volume of the bottle is 5 ml.

The drug itself consists of the following components:

1. Sodium chloride. It is also called regular table s alt.

2. Disodium edetat.

3. Carboner tyloxapol.

4. Hydrochloric (hydrochloric) acid (concentrate).

5. Plain water.

The most important active ingredient of the drug is brinzolamide.

Pharmacological action

So, if you have been prescribed "Azopt" (eye drops), the instruction tells about the effectiveness of their use. The mechanism of action of the substance is quite simple. Due to the fact that brinzolamide is able to significantly slow down the transport of fluid and sodium inside the eye, accordingly, the pressure inside it becomes weaker.

It should be noted that the excretion of the drug is carried out mainly through the kidneys. That is, the active ingredientit is excreted in the urine, and in a completely unchanged form. The fact is that its half-life is very long and is 111 days.

You need to take Azopt (eye drops) with caution. The instruction (the price of the drug ranges from 680 rubles per package) says that they are perfectly absorbed into the bloodstream and accumulate in red blood cells, despite the local use of the drug.

How does Azopt interact with other medicines?

Azopt eye drops instructions for use
Azopt eye drops instructions for use

This drug should not be taken with other oral drugs that slow down the synthesis of carbonic anhydrase. Otherwise, systemic adverse reactions may increase and lead to unexpected consequences. You also need to be especially careful when taking drops in combination with salicylates, which can accumulate in the cells of the body.

If there is such a need, "Azopt" eye drops (instructions, price, reviews - the main criteria to help make the choice of funds) can be combined with other ophthalmic drugs. However, a 15-minute break should be taken between each application.

Indications for use

Azopt eye drops instruction reviews
Azopt eye drops instruction reviews

If you have glaucoma, instead of surgery or before it, the ophthalmologist has the right to prescribe "Azopt" (eye drops). Instructions for use indicate such indications for the use of the drug:

1. Significant reduction in internal pressureeye, which can cause nerve damage and severe visual impairment.

2. Open-angle glaucoma.

Known Contraindications

Azopt eye drops instruction price reviews
Azopt eye drops instruction price reviews

Azopt eye drops, instructions for use, price and some features of the drug are already partially known to you, they also have some restrictions and prohibitions on use. For example, you can not prescribe a medicine to people who have a significant disorder of the liver and kidneys. If the drug gets worse, then it should be stopped immediately.

You should not use the substance for those patients who have individual immunity to some components of this product. It should be noted that if the doctor prescribes "Azopt", eye drops, the instruction (analogues of this product work no worse) says that this remedy should not be used in patients with angle-closure glaucoma. The fact is that studies on the effectiveness of the treatment of this disease have not been conducted at all.

With extreme caution, you need to write a prescription for pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers. This should be done in cases where the risk of lesions provoked by the disease is higher than the risk of adverse reactions in the unborn baby. If the drug is prescribed during lactation, then feeding should be stopped immediately.

Ophthalmologists do not recommend the use of a remedy for the treatment of diseases in children. Relevant studies have also not been conducted. Dangerthe impact of drops on the children's body is not known.

Dose of the drug and storage features

Azopt eye drops instruction price Russian analogue
Azopt eye drops instruction price Russian analogue

As already mentioned, "Azopt", eye drops (instructions, reviews and advice from doctors will help you decide whether you need such treatment) are taken topically. That is, you will need to drip one drop into the conjunctival sac twice a day. Some patients feel the effect after three times the use of the drug. The duration of therapy is determined by the patient's condition, the effectiveness of treatment, as well as the appearance of adverse reactions.

Please note that the bottle of liquid must be shaken well before use. If the drops are prescribed to replace other drugs, then they should be used from the next day.

After instillation of the eyes, the eyelids should be tightly closed. This will help reduce the degree of absorption of components into the blood. This, in turn, reduces the risk of side effects.

The product is stored for no more than 2 years, after which it should be thrown away. Keep the vial tightly closed in a dark place. The storage temperature is 4-30 degrees. Please note that after you open the bottle, the shelf life of the substance is only 1 month.

Possible adverse reactions

Azopt eye drops instructions for use price
Azopt eye drops instructions for use price

Naturally, each patient is interested in the question of what kind of negative consequences this medicine can cause. Therefore, now you will learn about all the possibleside reactions that Azopt can provoke:

1. Blurred or blurred vision.

2. A significant change in taste sensation due to the appearance of bitterness in the mouth.

3. Blepharitis (inflammation of the edges of the eyelids, which is quite difficult to get rid of).

4. Discharge from the eyes, as well as their dryness.

5. Skin rashes, allergic rhinitis, hives, pharyngitis (upper respiratory infection).

6. Headache and circling, redness of the conjunctiva, an unpleasant sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the eye.

7. Increased lacrimation, keratopathy (dystrophic pathology of the cornea of the eye).

8. Shortness of breath, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, chest pain.

9. Hypertension.

10. Alopecia (partial or complete hair loss), dyspepsia (difficulty digestion).

In addition, deaths have been noted by medicine after using the presented medicine. That is why it is strictly forbidden to use it on your own.

Analogues of the drug

It must be said that the presented drug is quite expensive. Therefore, many patients are trying to find domestic substitutes. Among the analogues are the following drugs:

  • "Brinzolamide" (UK).
  • "Diuremid" (Ukraine).
  • Betoptik (Belgium).
  • "Cosopt" (France).
  • Dorzopt (Romania).
  • Fotil (Finland)
  • "Diakarb" (Poland).

These drugs have the same active ingredient and are much cheaper, except for the first one on the list. Therefore, do not be afraid to ask the doctor about analogues. He must name them to you.

Special instructions and feedback

In general, "Azopt" has quite good reviews. However, there are complaints of patients and adverse reactions. For example, blurred vision, nausea, and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth are often manifested. In addition, patients complain about the short shelf life of the drug after opening it. Naturally, the cost of this medicine is also considered high. However, these drops are really good at helping to get rid of eye diseases.

There are also some special instructions regarding the use of the drug. For example, you should not use it if you are going to drive or engage in any activity that requires attention.

Experiments have shown that drug components can accumulate in contact lenses. This can adversely affect vision. To prevent this from happening, wear lenses only a quarter of an hour after instillation.

Please note that after use, the bottle must be closed very tightly. In order to prevent infection of the eye, it is imperative to keep the dispenser spout in a cap for protection. Do not touch it with your hands.

In principle, these are all the features of the use of the drug. Now you have reliable information on the topic: "Azopt" eye drops: instructions, price. "The Russian analogue is not yet produced. Remember thatuse the drug only with the permission of the doctor. You simply cannot buy it at the pharmacy on your own. Stay he althy and don't self-medicate.
