Wisdom tooth hurts: possible causes and ways to relieve pain

Wisdom tooth hurts: possible causes and ways to relieve pain
Wisdom tooth hurts: possible causes and ways to relieve pain

Any pain gives a person a lot of inconvenience. It interferes with his eating, sleeping, working and other daily activities. However, the most terrible is toothache, because painkillers do not help from it, but only temporarily improve the patient's well-being. But what if a similar problem appeared on the weekend, when hospitals are closed and there is simply nowhere to look for help? In this case, you just have to endure.

Even worse, if the wisdom tooth hurts, because this process can be accompanied by fever and various other negative consequences. Moreover, the older the person, the more difficult it is for him to endure this condition. Therefore, everyone is interested in the question of why a wisdom tooth hurts and how to relieve pain. Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

Haven't got out yet, but already it hurts

wisdom teeth
wisdom teeth

How to deal with it? Before we talk about the main methods to help relieve pain, you need to find out what causes a wisdom tooth to hurt. The very peak falls on the ripening stage, when it begins to erupt. AtFor most people, this occurs between the ages of 17 and 25, however, in medical practice, there are cases when third molars made themselves felt at a later age.

Severe aching pain arises from the fact that the tooth cuts through not only soft, but also bone tissue, which by the age of twenty is already fully formed, which complicates the whole process. At the same time, due to the lack of space in the oral cavity, the figure eights most often grow incorrectly, as a result of which the entire dentition can be displaced. Correcting this defect will be quite difficult and expensive.

It is worth noting that when a wisdom tooth grows, the entire jaw hurts. Even the slightest pressure on the gums is accompanied by unbearable agony.

In addition, the soft tissues of the oral cavity may swell, and inflammatory processes are very often observed, accompanied by the following clinical manifestations:

  • sharp or aching pain;
  • swelling of the soft tissues of the oral cavity;
  • fever.

If you do not know how to alleviate the condition, if the wisdom tooth hurts, then it will be simply impossible to endure this. Therefore, if you experience the symptoms listed above, it is recommended to consult a dentist as soon as possible.

Neurological pain

what to do if wisdom tooth hurts
what to do if wisdom tooth hurts

If absolutely no measures are taken, the inflammation can move from the gums and cheeks to the nerve endings. In this case, a person may experience severe migraines that reverberate in the ears and throat. Majoritypeople cannot understand what is the reason for feeling unwell, and they begin to treat tonsillitis and other diseases, as a result of which the inflammatory process, localized in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eight, continues to progress, which as a result can result in very serious complications.

The wisdom tooth came out, but it hurts. What's the problem?

How to deal with it? For many people, after the third molars erupted, their he alth does not improve, and they cannot understand why the wisdom tooth hurts.

There are quite a few reasons, the main ones being:

  • pericoronitis;
  • caries;
  • inflammation of the internal tissues of the tooth;
  • apical periodontitis;
  • cyst.

All these diseases are very serious, so they must be treated immediately. Do not delay this, because any delay can be fraught with very serious consequences.

What to do with pericoronitis

suffering from toothache
suffering from toothache

If a wisdom tooth hurts after it has already come out, then very often the reason is the presence of any diseases of the oral cavity. The most common of these is pericoronitis. You can determine it by the presence of a fold on the gum. Food remains clogged in it, which eventually begin to rot, creating ideal conditions for the habitat and reproduction of harmful microorganisms.

In this case, the pain is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe soft tissue swelling;
  • bad breath.

On laterstages, there may be discharge resembling pus in its consistency and color. Therefore, if you have similar clinical manifestations, then most likely scorpicoronitis is the reason why the wisdom tooth hurts. What to do at home to improve your well-being? Herbal decoctions, such as sage, chamomile or oak bark, which should be rinsed in the mouth, can help. In addition, special medicines are sold in pharmacies, which are also very effective. One of the best is the Holisal gel, which relieves inflammation well and kills microbes. If the pain is accompanied by purulent discharge, then here you can not do without the help of a dentist. Mouthwashing may provide little relief, but a root canal cleaning and a course of antibiotics are needed.


wisdom tooth hurts
wisdom tooth hurts

What do you need to know about this? If the wisdom tooth hurts, then it can also be due to caries, which occurs in almost every person. According to dentists, teeth located along the edges of the row are more susceptible to this disease. This is due to their location. The thing is that removing plaque from eights and food debris is much more difficult.

The following signs may indicate the presence of caries:

  • sharp aching pain, from which analgesics practically do not help;
  • Increased tooth sensitivity to cold or hot, as well as to acidic foods.

If treatment is not started on time, then there is a high probability of a complete loss of thirdmolars. When you come to the dentist, the doctor will perform an examination and decide whether to prescribe treatment or remove the tooth. In most cases, surgery is used if the figure eight has grown crooked and cannot be reached with a drill.

What to do with pulpitis?

What is the first thing to pay attention to? What should be done if the wisdom tooth hurts with pulpitis? An exact answer to this question can only be given by a specialized specialist, since everything here depends on the form in which the disease proceeds. It can be acute or chronic. In both cases, attacks of pain are involuntary and can occur both on their own and after exposure to external stimuli. The most difficult for patients is at night, when the pain becomes simply unbearable. After about 10-15 minutes, the pain subsides on its own, but this does not mean that there is no problem at all.

Painkillers help make you feel better. If for some reason you cannot go to the dentist, then try not to eat foods that are too cold or hot. But in any case, you need to go to the doctor, because the eights with pulpitis are not treated, but removed.

Treatment of periodontitis

unbearable toothache
unbearable toothache

How to get rid of the disease? If a wisdom tooth grows and the gum hurts, and at the same time the soft tissues in the oral cavity are inflamed, then most likely you have periodontitis. It is worth noting that swelling can spread to the cheeks and throat, and in rare cases, there arepurulent discharge. By itself, this disease is not dangerous if you turn to the dentist in time and start treatment. However, in a neglected form, it is accompanied by very serious consequences. Inflammation over time can move from the gums to the bone weave, causing the teeth to begin to fall out.

The therapy program includes not only the removal of the third molars, but also the use of anti-inflammatory and other drugs. Which medications you need to take depends on the degree and stage of periodontitis, so first of all you need to go to the dentist for a checkup.

Cyst - dangerous or not?

New growth is another reason why a wisdom tooth hurts. Treat or remove the eight in this case? Despite the terrible name (many people just shudder at the word cyst), there is no threat to he alth or life. These days, this is fairly quick and easy to treat, so you can keep your teeth safe and sound.

A cyst is formed due to the fact that when bacteria enter the tooth root through the pulp, bone tissue forms on the jaw. This is a defensive reaction of the body, so there is nothing to worry about. The neoplasm eventually becomes overgrown with a membrane that develops into a cyst. It acts as an irritant to the dental roots and nerves, causing bouts of pain. If you start timely treatment, you can get by with just taking medication, without surgery.

When are eights removed?

Most people don't go to the dentistoffices when a wisdom tooth hurts (how to relieve pain with the help of folk remedies was described earlier), because they are afraid of removing the figure eight. However, their fears turn out to be in vain, and the current level of development of medicine makes it possible to cure almost any ailment. But this is only possible if the patient seeks help from the hospital in time.

how to treat a wisdom tooth
how to treat a wisdom tooth

As practice shows, most people run their teeth too much, and when they come to the dentist, it turns out that the only way out is to remove them. But first, the doctor takes an x-ray to determine the fate of the third molars. If it is useful and it can still be saved, then the optimal therapy program is selected.

The main prerequisites for surgery are:

  1. Incorrect bite. If the figure eight does not have enough space, then it begins to grow at an angle. As a result of this, the upper and lower rows do not close tightly, and a lot of pressure is created on the tooth and it starts to hurt. In this case, the third molar is only removed, since it is impossible to correct the bite.
  2. Pathology of the dentition. Incorrect growth of the figure eight can lead to the displacement of one or all of the teeth. To prevent this, the dentist prescribes surgery.
  3. Lack of room to grow. What to do if the wisdom tooth is cut with severe pain? Most likely, this is a sign that the figure eight simply has nowhere to go, so it must be removed without fail so that it does not harm other teeth. If this is not done, then there is a high probability of various complications.
  4. Pericoronitis. If the inflammatory process of the pulp has begun, then in some cases its excision helps. But at an advanced stage of the disease, this measure is useless, and dentists pull out the eight.
  5. Caries. If this disease affected not only the enamel and the dental crown, but also reached the canals and roots, then the only way out in this situation is surgical intervention. If it is not produced in time, then the processes of decay and destruction of bone tissue may begin.

Despite the fact that many people are afraid of tooth extraction for various reasons, nevertheless, in the cases listed above, it is simply necessary, and in the shortest possible time. If too run, then a more serious operation may be required.

How to make yourself feel better?

We have already talked about what to do if your wisdom tooth hurts. How to treat it, only a qualified doctor can tell, but not everyone has time to go to the hospital when the first symptoms appear. Therefore, everyone should know how to quickly relieve pain and improve their well-being.

Any painkillers can help, for example, Nurofen, Nise, Nimesil, Ibuprofen or their analogues. They are available in any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Ketanov is more potent, but it is forbidden to take it for more than three days in a row without a break. In addition, to avoid undesirable consequences, carefully read the instructions for use. Butat the same time, do not forget that analgesics allow you to get rid of pain only for a while. They do not provide any treatment, so it is recommended not to postpone the visit to the dental clinic.

If not only the wisdom tooth hurts, but also the edematous process has begun, then any drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect will help you. The most effective are Metrogil Denta, Cholisal and Kalgel.

Traditional medicine

toothache relief
toothache relief

An alternative to medications are proven products that our ancestors used for many centuries. It can also help relieve pain and make you feel better if a wisdom tooth has begun to cut. It can be various healing decoctions, lotions and applications. But, as is the case with painkillers, herbal infusions only temporarily eliminate the symptoms, and do not cure. Therefore, you still cannot do without medical help.

Decoctions of sage, oak bark and chamomile do well with toothache. In addition, you can rinse your mouth with s alt or soda solutions. They not only relieve pain, but also relieve inflammation, and therefore, they can be combined with drugs.

Prevention measures

So, in this article we have considered what to do if a wisdom tooth grows. But any disease can be prevented if certain tips and recommendations are followed. The best way out is to remove the figure eight as soon as possible. Especially if the tooth is just beginning to erupt. This will avoid many negativeconsequences. To avoid decay, great attention should be paid to oral hygiene. In addition to brushing your teeth twice a day, you should also rinse your mouth with warm water after each meal to get rid of food debris. Stick to these preventive measures and you will never have absolutely no dental problems.
